InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Failure ❯ When My Vision is Failing Me ( Chapter 4 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: I didn't get many reviews! But I must say, to the one that did review (Thoughts), I must say you left me feeling most shocked and elated! I think I blushed, too, all girly like :p. I wanted to say thank you so very much! It was so nice to hear something so very wonderful. It most certainly made my day. :D
Disclaimer: Inuyasha and co. in all their wonderful glory… do not belong to me.
Chapter IV: When My Vision is Failing Me
Sango and Miroku watched solemnly from a distance with knowing eyes, as Kagome drifted from Kaede's hut towards the fields that were in the eastern part of the village. Her presence seemed somewhat empty since Inuyasha's recent disappearance. Shippo idly bounced around her feet, asking for candy and rambling about nonsense things.
Kagome smiled down at Shippo only the slightest bit, a tiny hint of contentment shining through her vacant state at his constant antics. He was being ridiculous in the ways he best could be… Tossing mushrooms at daydreaming villagers, whom immediately began to look around in confusion…. Popping flowers to Kagome from one tiny weed off the ground… Tugging on the napping Kirara's tail, causing her to freak out and hiss at nothing in particular… And most frequently, of course, bashing Inuyasha in all his `stupidness' at every given chance.
Anything to get his surrogate mother to smile more sincerely…
But Kagome seem to space off at Inuyasha's name, her inner brooding becoming a little deeper.
Sango and Miroku looked at each other and sighed in unison. Neither one of them quite understood how Inuyasha and Kagome's usual bantering had taken such a toll on Kagome, but they had their theories… Concocted through a bit of time and a large amount of massive headaches. (Not to mention massive bruises…)
Theory One: Kagome finally submitted to feeling like she was nothing because of Inuyasha's put downs. (Which was the most reasonable one by far… But they couldn't understand why this would cause her depression to sink so low.)
Theory Two: She and Inuyasha had an argument they weren't aware of, which was quite plausible as well. (Sango growled audibly at this one.)
Theory Three: Kagome now not only loved Inuyasha, but was IN love. (At this idea, Sango and Miroku blushed at each other, and Sango became eerily quiet.)
Theory Four: Kagome was already IN love, and she just degraded herself to the point of no return in hopes to push herself to be “more like Kikyo”. And Inuyasha's harsh words just pushed her further along... (They both heaved a bit, knowing this was likely as well…)
Theory Five: All of the above. (Which they both agreed was it.)
Miroku moved around a bit, shuffling his feet and banging his staff upon the ground out of habit, the jingling causing a sort of concentrated air for him. It was a good sound to hear when one was conspiring.
“So my dear Sango, how shall we intervene this time?” He whispered to her. Sango looked at him as if he were a bit outlandish at the moment, and her eyebrow twitched in some annoyance at his current groping. After smacking him to a good measure (though she wanted to use Hirakotsu, she felt the need to keep him conscious enough to have this conversation), she whispered back to him, “I don't know if we should `intervene' this time. I think damn Inuyasha should fix this mess he's created!” She waved her hand to Kagome for emphasis, and her voice somewhat wavered in anger. Her better instincts all but told her to beat Inuyasha into the seventh level of abyss, Kami knows, but her heart told her the two needed to handle this themselves this time-with no outside help whatsoever if they were ever going to get together like they SHOULD be.
Miroku's face actually held one of true concern, instead of his usual feigned appearance, “Sango-sama, despite my utmost respect for your judgment and your curves…” Sango coughed in displeasure, signaling him to keep his mind on the right track if he intended to keep both his heads intact, “… I believe that we cannot leave Inuyasha to deal with Kagome in such a fragile state…”
He sighed deeply, as if carefully plotting out his next words in what seemed to be an attempt not to put his hanyou friend down, “…His methods of… consoling, let's say… aren't what some would consider the most… orthodox of methods…”
Sango all but chuckled unpleasantly, her face scrunching up with ironic amusement, “Consoling? Using that word for the lack of a better one?” Miroku nodded exasperatedly, “Inuyasha is pretty thick… Despite him being my friend, he's a downright idiot sometimes.” Sango slapped him on the back in agreement, causing Miroku to choke on a breath for half a second, “For once Houshi-sama, we have come to something we both can fully and completely agree on.”
They both looked at each other again, and sighed again. Miroku's eyebrow slightly twitched.
It was aggravating to try to reason with either Inuyasha or Kagome… they were both stubborn-headed, and downright obnoxious to argue with. Neither of them could be wrong. That was precisely the reason why they both got so heated when it came to the matter of the other one. They were a pair in the same, and it was their very same stubbornness that kept them from being together.
But you have to admit…,Miroku considered to himself, both their actions of `fight first, talk later' have been weaning quite a bit lately…
This was the same exact reason why he and Sango were so confused. Hadn't the arguing been lessening over time? Hadn't they been more efficient when it came to communication? So why was this happening now? Now when everything wasn't like stepping on eggshells, to keep the others happy… Now when everyone was more comfortable and personal, and didn't worry about saying to the others what they were thinking. It was supposed to be personal. So why was it so hard on Kagome?
He rubbed his forehead, his prayer beads clinking together a bit. An impending headache was imminent. He groaned slightly as he mumbled under his breath, “I could use some sake…” Sango smirked a bit in amusement, “Quite the holy man, aren't we Houshi?” Miroku waved his hands in artificial innocence, “Why, my dear Sango! I resent that! I only meant for the sake to be for… for…”
He stopped dead on his tracks, and Sango smiled. For once his quick wit had gotten the better of his tongue.
Miroku only shook his head and pointed, never keeping his eyes off of what he was staring at. This caused Sango to wonder what he was up to…
So Sango followed his line of path rather curiously, only to lay her eyes upon that of a… collapsed Kagome…
“Kagome-chan!” She instantly took off to go to the side of her fallen friend.
Miroku followed hastily behind her, a worn look etched into his face… this situation was becoming more and more out of hand as time went along…
Shippo looked up at both the adults in confusion and nervousness, unsure of what to do. He was jittery, and speaking in high decibels that were rather a nuisance on the ear. “Sango! Miroku! Kagome just fell down! She just fell down and I-I don't know why!”
Sango pushed her best friend onto her back, staring into her face… her breathing was labored and her face was pale and sweaty… To the touch, it burned up. “She's got a horrible fever, Miroku! Help me get her to Kaede!” She spoke rapidly, throwing one of Kagome's arms over her shoulder, while Miroku copied her on the other side of Kagome.
“And Houshi, if you dare touch her when she's like this, you're a dead man!”
“Oh, sweet Sango, it hurts that you would think I would do such a thing to Kagome when she was in such a state! Besides, the only one for me is you!”
Sango blushed and then glared daggers the moment she felt him run his hand over her hind. “HOUSHI!” How the hell could he act like this in times like these?!
She ignored the fact for now because they had to get Kagome to Kaede, quickly.
As they reached the hut, Shippo began to call Kaede's name frantically.
“Yes, yes Shippo! I hear ye!” She said agitatedly as she came outside. They had interrupted her from her daily sorting of herbs, which were essential to the health of many in the village.
She was about to ask him what he wanted, until she saw Kagome. “What happened to Kagome?” She became instantaneously upset, motioning Sango and Miroku to bring the motionless girl inside the hut. Laying her carefully down on a tatami mat, Sango punched Miroku once again into oblivion as the opportunity presented itself. Kaede ignored the action, rummaging through her things as she brought a bowl of water and what looked like a potion of some sort to Kagome's body.
She pulled Kagome up as best as a woman of elderly years could manage and poured the water slowly into the girl's mouth, massaging Kagome's throat to will her to swallow. Kagome's eyes fluttered open slightly, as her mouth worked to gain saliva to wet her desert-dry throat. The water was like the sweetest heaven right at that moment… And she felt so hot, what was wrong with her? So hot…
…yet so cold! She kept shivering and couldn't stop…
“Hear dear, drink this…” The voice seemed so far away, but she weakly reached out and took the liquid. Anything to moisten her parched throat…
She downed the potion hungrily as the group watched her closely. It went down like molasses, thick and coated. It did nothing for her thirst, but she gladly accepted the cool feeling.
Sango looked over to Kaede and spoke softly, “What does that do, Kaede?”
Kaede looked at Sango and nodded slightly, “That potion helps bring down her fever, child.” Sango nodded back in acknowledgement, as they saw Kagome begin to drift in and out of sleep again.
Kagome's chest felt so… tight… And it hurt to breathe… She felt her lashes flutter against her cheeks, as she tried to make out her surroundings… But everything was so blurry… And all she could clearly see was those golden eyes liquefy over in concern…
Was the last word that came through her hoarse throat….
Why do you hate me?
…And then…
…everything went black….
A/n: I hope you like it! I swear, every chapter has a purpose. It does, it does! I guess the story might be going kind of slow, but it will speed up!
I'm unsure if I'm going to add too much action, I wanted to mainly focus on Kags and Inu, but we'll see what happens as time goes on ^_^.
You know the drill! Read and review. Let me know what you think, even if it is along the lines of how much I suck. Loving dovies bunches!
***I updated this once I got off from work, and I'm kind of disappointed. I've gotten over a hundred hits, but one review? Come on guys, you gotta help me out a bit if you want this story to continue. Flames are welcome. Criticism is most welcome as well. Just to keep the motivation alive, yah?