InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Falling Stars ❯ The Qustion ( Chapter 2 )

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Ch. 2 The Qustions

Inuyasha reached camp first and started a yelling at his companians and asking things such as How long has kagome and sesshomaru been lovers?

*sweatdrop* "We have no clue we didn't know until you just told us!" They all said at the same time. This when Kagome entered the seen.

"what is going on here, Inuyasha what's wrong?" she asked in a slightly rased voice.

"Don't act like you don't know, I saw you with Sesshomaru!" Inuyasha yelled.

"Oh, you saw that, I am sorry but if you had just appriceated my feelings towards you and you stopped going to see that walking corpes every time you catch a wiff of bones and graveyard soil this would have never happened," Kagome said in a voice that had a hint of sorrow in it.

Inuyasha lisined with a dumbstruck look on his face. "Kagome, Kikyo died thinking I betrade her and so I have to stick with her," He said.