InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Family Instincts ❯ Family Instincts - The Hunt Is On! ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Family Instincts - The Hunt Is On!
By Majicman55
Okay, okay. I do not own any part of InuYasha. I just like to play with the characters.
Onaraku regarded his daughter with feigned concern and then opened his arms to invite her into his embrace.
Nyoko recovered from her initial shock and raced to her father, wrapping her own arms around him. “Wh-What? How? I thought you were dead!”
“It was necessary, my child.” Onaraku sat down and pulled Nyoko into his lap. “And it involves those who live in that house your uncles rescued you from.”
“It…It does? They seemed like such nice people…especially Akamaru's mother,” answered Nyoko.
“The girl is stupid!” said Siejika.
“You will take care how you address my daughter!” shouted Onaraku. “She may be naïve, but she is not stupid!”
“No offense, brother,” mumbled Siejika.
“Father? Are my uncles involved in this, too?”
“Of course we are,” said Bengoshi. “This is all about family. Your great-great-great…well, never mind how many `greats'…grandfather, Naraku, opposed these people back in the Sengoku Jidai.”
Nyoko looked confused. “But I thought Naraku was the evil one.”
Bengoshi calmed a snarling Siejika as Onaraku spoke with Nyoko. “One thing you will learn in your hopefully long life, my daughter, is that winners write the historybooks.” Onaraku gave the still-seething Siejika a sideways glance. “Naraku struggled to keep Japan free from the influence of youkai like Sesshomaru and hanyou like his half brother, InuYasha. Then, of course, there was InuYasha's mate…”
“Kagome? She's nice.”
“She is not nice!” spat Siejika.
Nyoko almost jumped out of her shoes. “But…”
Onaraku calmed himself. “I'm sorry, my child. It's just that the only thing worse than an evil person is one who has so much potential for good and yet turns to evil.”
Bengoshi approached Nyoko and Onaraku. “Naraku was joined with a miko named Kikyo. All three of us here are the product of that union. Your father, Siejika and I. We carry on the struggle.”
“But you'd have to be five hundred years old!”
“That is correct, child,” said Bengoshi.
“Then what they told me is true.” Nyoko glanced down at herself. “All that I am is the end result of your breeding program!”
“Not the end result,” said Siejika, smirking, as he rested one clawed hand on Nyoko's belly.
InuYasha looked at his first three children and then at his mate. “What are they doing?”
Akamaru, Midoriko and Aoimaru sat cross-legged in a circle. A white glow that was the combination of their three auras surrounded them as they looked deep in concentration.
Despite Kagome's worry over Nyoko and their grandchild, she managed a smile for her mate. “Midoriko tells me that they can communicate mind-to-mind over short distances…and that they can even pass on sensations and impressions. My understanding is that Akamaru is passing on his impression of Nyoko so that the others can detect her.”
All of a sudden, Aoimaru shuddered. “Not that impression, moron.”
InuYasha looked at the group quizzically.
Midoriko shuddered. “Cut it out! That is the first and last time I want to feel attracted to another woman.”
“Sorry,” mumbled Akamaru. “You guys got it?”
“We've got it.”
“That reminds me,” started Kagome. All eyes turned to the miko as she turned to her mate. “InuYasha, do me a favor and touch your mark.”
“Feh. Here? Now?” The hanyou was beginning to blush.
“Yes, here and now.”
InuYasha reached up and gently stroked his mating mark. Everyone, but especially Kagome and InuYasha, gasped as a wave of sexual energy passed through all of them.
“Again, InuYasha,” said a slightly panting Kagome.
“O-Oi. Are you sure?”
“Yeah, with feeling.”
InuYasha hesitated for a moment, but did what his mate asked.
Kagome had to sit down before she collapsed. Midoriko and Aoimaru were both starting to flush. Aoimaru had to adjust his pants.
Akamaru felt the effect, too, but was surprised that it wasn't as strong an impression as he had felt before mating with Nyoko. “Mother? I'm not sure what's wrong. I can't feel it as much as I used to.”
Kagome, still highly aroused, managed to speak. “That's okay. It's as it should be since you've mated.” She smiled. “Now, think of Nyoko and stroke your own mating mark.”
Akamaru did what his mother asked.
Akamaru's eyes sprang open, as did Midoriko's and Aoimaru's.
“You baka!” shouted Midoriko. “I told you that was the last time I wanted to feel attracted to another woman. You put your whole impression of Nyoko in us!”
Aoimaru was facing into the corner, busily readjusting things.
“Did it feel stronger in any one direction?” asked Kagome.
Akamaru's eyes widened. “Actually, yes.”
Kagome smiled dreamily. “That is how you'll find her, then. You and your brother and sister.”
“Oi. Your mother and I will help.”
Akamaru stroked his mating mark again. Another strong series of pulses passed through them all. Akamaru smiled. “Let's all get going, then.”
“You three get going. Your father and I will follow.”
All three children turned to their mother. “Huh?”
“O-Oi. You heard your mother. G-Get going.”
All three children turned to their father…who was partially slumped against the wall, partially slumped over, obviously hiding something.
Akamaru was the first to realize what was going on. “Not again.”
Midoriko and Aoimaru turned to their brother.
“Don't you get it? Mom's horny again.”
They both turned back to their mother, but Kagome was already gone, having been carried off bridal style by their father.
“They'll be along later,” grumbled Akamaru. “The best thing we can do is start looking now. We'll separate and keep in touch with our cells. I'll send out…pulses…to get a response from Nyoko…and we'll use our senses to triangulate.”
“Right,” answered Midoriko, grumpily.
“Right,” said Aoimaru. “Right after I stop at home for a bit. I should look in on my mate.”
Midoriko glowered at Aoimaru. “Have a little self-control.”
“Yeah?” said Akamaru. “And you aren't aroused? I bet you want to visit your mate, too.”
“That's different.”
“I just want to make sure I'm still attracted to men.”
There was a snort from the doorway. “Hn. This Sesshomaru believes there should be less talk and more action.”
All three siblings left immediately and headed for their respective starting positions around Tokyo. They had conducted many searches before. This was just another one.
Akamaru stroked his mating mark.
Well, maybe not “just.”
Nyoko's eyes flew open again as she stiffened and then relaxed, with the overpowering scent of her arousal filling the room. Gradually, a dreamy look came into her eyes and she began sighing.
“What is wrong with that girl?” said a grimacing Siejika.
“Wait,” said Bengoshi as he proceeded to examine the girl. “Hmmm.”
Onaraku looked up. “What is it, brother?”
“The fool not only impregnated her…he mated her as well.”
“Look.” Bengoshi pulled the girls hair back gently. There it was: a mating mark…perfect Kanji symbols.
“Not that it matters,” sneered Siejika, “but what does it say?”
Bengoshi looked closely. “Love-bonded soul.”
Onaraku chuckled. “So they think they are connected…and by love, no less. What a useless emotion!”
Nyoko moaned again and another wave of her arousal permeated the room.
“Can't you do something to stop that?” complained Siejika. “The girl is making me nauseous.”
Bengoshi walked over to the girl and shook her shoulder. “Nyoko. Nyoko. Wake up.”
“You were having some kind of dream. It seemed quite powerful. Would you like to tell us about it?”
“Oh. I was just dreaming that Akamaru and I were…” Nyoko paused and blushed deeply. “None of your business!”
Bengoshi drew back. “Indeed. Yet you've never talked to us like that before. We're your family.”
Nyoko looked at the three surrounding her. Yes, they were her family, but somehow they looked…different…now. Since when did they have claws like that? Like…Like Sesshomaru's, and Kagura's, and Akamaru's…
Nyoko thought about Akamaru's claws running slowly up and down her body and another wave of desire hit her.
“Phew! Would you cut that out, daughter?” Onaraku was tired of the smell. It reminded him of Nyoko's mother shortly after they were married and before she had discovered what a monster he was. Ningen arousal. It had sickened him then and it sickened him now.
“Cut out what, father?”
“You know of what he speaks!” snarled Siejika. “That infernal smell of ningen women when they feel like mating.”
Nyoko blushed again and hung her head. “I cannot help it.”
Bengoshi was rubbing his chin. “They are connected.”
Siejika and Onaraku turned as one. “What?”
Bengoshi turned to Nyoko. “Tell your uncle the truth, dear. Did you mark Akamaru in return?”
“Yes, Uncle Bengoshi.”
“You shared blood?”
“Yes, Uncle Bengoshi.”
“Akamaru is tracking her using their marks.”
Nyoko's eyes got very wide. “He is?”
Siejika sneered at the girl. “When are you going to understand? Akamaru and his whole family are our enemies…and yours!”
“I do not believe it!”
All three brothers drew back in surprise.
“I do not want to be here!”
A pink glow suffused the room and then faded. Nyoko was surprised to find she was still there.
“This place is warded, my dear. Your powers will not work here.”
Nyoko looked around the small room her father and uncles had placed her in. One bed, one dresser, one table, one chair, one lamp. No TV, no radio. One other door. Oh, good. A bathroom with a sink and toilet. There was one book on the table, evidently placed there in the hopes she would get bored and read it.
She glanced at the title: “A History of the Three Stooges: Was Moe Truly Evil?”
“Who reads this stuff,” she thought, putting down the book. She tried the door. Locked. Somehow she had thought it would be. “Oh well. Might as well get some sleep.”
Nyoko cleaned up as best she could with only a sink, a bar of soap, a couple of ratty washcloths and a towel…then undressed and got into bed. “At least there aren't any bugs.”
After all the stress of the day, she fell asleep almost immediately…
…and began to dream…
…of Akamaru.
Nyoko began touching herself in her sleep. One hand traveled to its usual haunts, down below. The other…began stroking a certain mark where her neck and shoulder came together.
“More wet towels,” hissed Siejika. “I need more wet towels…and duct tape.” Siejika was attempting to block every crack that could let the stench (as he put it) of Nyoko's arousal permeate the room.
“Why don'th you justh holdth your noth?”
Sekjika paused. “What?”
Bengoshi took his hand away. “I said, why don't you just hold your nose? Like I am? Or was? Or…” Bengoshi dissolved into a fit of hacking and coughing, finally recovering almost a minute later. “By the kamis, I've never experienced a smell so powerful!”
“Onaraku looked up from his magazine (“Stooges Quarterly”) and harrumpfed. “Her mother's scent was strong, too. Relax, it can't get much worse than this.”
But it did…until, finally, Nyoko could be heard calling out, “Akamaru!”
Akamaru was lying flat on a rooftop that really wasn't all that far away from his mate.
Problem was…he couldn't move.
All he knew was that over a period of several minutes, he had developed the most incredible hard-on of his life. He had just finished calling Aoimaru to report he had felt stimulation from his mate when he had the uncontrollable urge to shout Nyoko's name to the world.
Well, at least that solved one problem…although he would have to do this laundry himself so as not to have to explain things to his mother.
Why was he hearing laughter from his right? He turned his head to find the still-connected cell phone lying on the roof beside him. He picked it up. “So you heard that?”
“Yeah. I felt her, too, but not quite like you did, I think.”
“Just don't tell Midoriko about this.”
“Too late, brother,” came Midoriko's laughter-filled voice. “Aoimaru three-wayed us when he heard it…or you…coming.”
Aoimaru could be hear guffawing on his end.
“I'll get you two for this.” Akamaru frowned. “Midoriko? Did you get a direction?”
Akamaru pulled a map of Tokyo out of his pocket and unfolded it on the roof. “Tell me your locations and directions from where you are.”
Nyoko was startled to hear her door being unlocked and opened. “What is it?” she asked as she sat up, holding a sheet to cover her nakedness.
Bengoshi entered first and pasted a thin strip of paper with several symbols painted on it on her forehead. Siejika and Onaraku entered just behind him. Siejika had a damp towel tied over his nose.
Nyoko tried to speak. Nothing came out. She couldn't move, either.
Onaraku pulled the sheet away. “At least she looks better than her mother.”
“Quiet, you fools,” muttered Bengoshi low enough that only Onaraku and Siejika could hear him. “The ward paralyzes her. It doesn't stop her from seeing or hearing. Now, put her clothes back on her. We can't take her anywhere that way.”
Bengoshi bent over and looked into Nyoko's eyes. “Relax, dear. We are moving you for your own protection. You wouldn't want that nasty Akamaru to find you, would you?”
Siejika paused from putting her shirt back on her and patted her belly. “Yes, we have to protect you…and our new little Naraku, too.”
Onaraku frowned at her. “Akamaru would kill your baby…and probably you, too.”
It was true that Nyoko could not move; however, a single tear formed in the corner of her left eye till finally it became heavy enough to break free and run down her cheek.
Akamaru paused in his pursuit of Nyoko and whoever had taken her. “Tears?” he thought. He felt tremendous distress. “I think I smell Nyoko's tears…and I can't stand it!”
A/N: Will Akamaru find Nyoko in time? Will Nyoko's arousal continue to drive the bad guys crazy? And what of the beast trapped under Mount Fuji? (You know, I might have use for it after all.)
Remember, this is a rewrite.
As always, please read and review. Thanks!