InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fancy Meeting You Here ❯ So it Begins... ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome watched as the people around her talked and laughed at each other; she really did not want to be here.
Three weeks ago her mother got a phone call informing her that their grandfather who lived in Tokyo at one of the local shrines had had a small accident and could not afford a caretaker. Being the wonderful woman that she is, her mother had insisted that they move in with him in order to take care of him and the family shrine.
Kagome was not a happy camper.
It wasn't that she did not love her grandfather; it was just the thought of leaving behind her friend that had her hating the move. She was comfortable there; she loved her friends, tolerated her teachers, and was all in all content with her life…mostly.
Kagome sighed aloud and returned herself to the task at hand; and that was finding the school office to get her class schedule.
She pushed her way through the crowd and was the jostled by someone shoving past her. With an `oomph!' Kagome steadied herself as the person turned back to apologies.
“I am so sorry, I didn't mean to push you,” the girl said to Kagome.
“Oh, it's okay, I was doing the same thing to other people,” Kagome replied with a tiny smile. “Um, could you tell me where the office is; I'm new here so I don't really know my way around.”
The girl smiled at her and nodded. “Sure thing. I'm Sango by the way!”
“I'm Kagome,” she replied as she shook Sango's hand.
She followed closely behind Sango as she made her way through the crowd of people. They passed through the courtyard of the school which housed a few tables, some trees, and a patch of grass. There was nothing special about the school and she felt her ire grow when she continued to notice so many unfamiliar faces.
A few more pushes and shoves later, Sango and Kagome made it to the attendance office. They walked through the door and immediately it was quite; away from all the noise of the busy hallways.
Kagome felt immensely better when she could no longer hear the other students chatting and laughing. She walked over to the desk and patiently waited for the old woman behind the desk to notice her. A tap on the shoulder made her turn around.
“Hey, are you going to be okay now? I have to get to my locker before the bell rings,” said Sango.
“Oh yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you so much for helping me; you don't know how much I appreciate it.”
“It was no problem. Hey, why don't you try and find me at lunch, I'll wait here by the office door for you and I can give you a tour around,” Sango suggested.
Kagome gave her first genuine smile that she'd had since she moved here. “I would like that, thanks again.”
Sango nodded and then left the office in a hurry to beat the crowd to the lockers. Kagome turned back around and started a bit when she saw that the old woman was looking straight at her.
“What can I help you with?” the old woman asked.
“Um, I'm a new student and I needed to get my schedule,” Kagome told her.
The old woman turned around in her chair to dig in a filing cabinet behind her. “Name?”
“Higurashi, Kagome.”
The old woman nodded and continued digging through the files. Kagome absently tapped her fingers on the desk while she waited and looked around the office uninterestedly. The old woman turned back around after a couple minutes and dropped a folder on the desk in front of her.
“I'll need you to fill out some paperwork and then I'll need you to take a picture for your student identification card,” the woman said as she handed Kagome a clipboard and a pen.
Kagome took said offerings and sat down in a chair against the wall. She began to fill out the mundane paperwork when the door opened to the office. A guy with long black hair that was up in a ponytail walked in. He went straight for the desk with the old woman, and did not bother keeping his voice low in the otherwise quiet office.
“Kaede I have a problem!” the guy shouted.
The old woman sighed audibly and shook her head, all the while with a small smile on her face.
“What is it this year Kouga? Not enough electives and too many academics?” Kaede asked.
The guy named Kouga crossed his arms over his chest and huffed before he answered.
“No, it's not that. Miroku took my lunch and threw it in the trashcan. He said it smelled as if I left it there over winter break and that it wasn't edible even for me. Kaede, you know I can eat just about anything!”
Kaede laughed at Kouga, and Kagome could not help the small giggle that escaped her. Kouga, who had obviously just noticed that there was someone else in the office, turned around quickly upon hearing her giggle to see where it came from. He looked surprised at first but then his face took on a playful gleam.
“And who might you be?” he asked while plopping down in a chair besides Kagome. “You must be new, cause I would have noticed you around here before.”
Kagome resisted the urge to roll her eyes and instead smiled politely. “Yes I'm new here. I'm Kagome Higurashi,” she said as she stuck out her hand to shake his.
He took her hand gently and shook back. He then flashed her with a wide, cocky grin, baring all of his sharp looking teeth.
`Demon,' Kagome thought absently. She had been meeting quite a few of them since she moved here.
“Kagome, if you're not doing anything later, why don't you come have lunch with me and my friends. It must be hard being the new kid, so we could show you the ropes.”
Kagome gave him a polite smile. “Thank you for the offer Kouga, but I'm already having lunch with someone today. Perhaps some other time?”
“Sure thing. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to find me,” Kouga said as he stood. “Until then, I'll be seeing you around.”
Kagome watched him leave, completely forgetting the reason he was even in the office in the first place. She shook her head at him; she could only hope that not every man in this school was as forward as he was. She finished filling out her forms and handed them to the woman behind the desk she now knew as Kaede.
“Alright child, here's your schedule now all you need if your picture,” Kaede said to her.
Kagome nodded and headed in the direction Kaede had pointed her in. A couple minutes, and some fake model posing, later she had her identification card. Kaede gave her a map of the school and told her to be on her way.
Kagome reluctantly left the quiet confines of the attendance office in order to search out her locker and her first class. She studied her schedule as she walked; nothing new and exciting on the agenda. She almost cursed when she bumped into someone from behind, but refrained. When she looked up to apologize she was met with a pair of amber eyes and she froze.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you,” she said still staring.
“Yeah well next time watch where you're goin',” the boy said.
Kagome looked the guy over; he looked so much like Sesshoumaru except for a couple of differences, for one those ears on the top of his head-how cute. Another thing was that he was lacking markings on his face like Sesshoumaru's; maybe she was just grasping for straws when she thought he looked like him.
“Oi, what are you staring at?” he asked her.
Kagome shook her head breaking her trance. “Nothing, I'm sorry, um well…sorry,” she said as she continued on her way.
“Hey Inuyasha!” someone called out.
“Yeah, what do you want Kouga?” said the boy Kagome ran in to.
“Ah nothin', just thinking that this year is going to be great!” Kouga shouted.
“Oh? And why's that?” Inuyasha asked him.
“Cause there are some great looking women here this year and I plan on getting my hands on one of them,” Kouga said arrogantly.
“Kouga the only thing you're gonna get your hands on this year is a restraining order. Just keep your paws off Kikyo. This year I know she'll agree to go out with me,” Inuyasha said with his head held high.
Kouga looked at him disbelievingly. Kikyo had turned him down too many times to count but he still went after her. He must really be a glutton for punishment.
“Pff, I'm not the one you should be telling this to, you know how Miroku is at the beginning of the year, he always thinks he works on a clean slate,” Kouga informed him. “Whoever the unlucky girl is that gets stuck with him is gonna have her hands full.”
“That's what she said,” came another voice from close by.
“Miroku you pervert, that's not what I meant!” Kouga defended himself as he turned to face his friend.
“Why gentlemen, I did not know I was such an interesting topic of conversation,” Miroku teased them.
“What's with the handprint?” Inuyasha asked Miroku.
“Oh this? Well, I ran into Sango on the way here. She's still as feisty as ever; man I love that woman,” said Miroku with a dreamy look in his eyes.
Kouga and Inuyasha looked at each other with matching expressions of confusion mixed with a small mount of disgust. Their friend definitely had some issues.
“Ahem,” someone cleared their throat from behind.
The three boys turned to face who made the noise and came face to face with a not-so-happy Kaede.
“Shouldn't you boys be in class? The bell rang no less than five minutes ago,” Kaede told them with a look in her eyes that meant trouble.
“Yes Kaede,” came their collective reply; yet no one made a move to leave.
“Well? Would you boys like detention on your first day on class?” Kaede asked.
“No Kaede,” they all said again. Still no one left.
Kaede narrowed her eyes at them; so they wanted to be that way, did they? “Move it!” she said in a raised voice.
They boys scattered like cockroaches and it took all of her effort for Kaede not to laugh at them. She shook her head and returned to the attendance office for morning announcements. She sat down at her desk and switched on the microphone and began to read from her notes.
“Welcome back students to another year here at Tokyo High, and welcome to the new students, we hope you enjoy your time here as well. The first announcement I have is that this Saturday the Jiujutsu club will be holding a barbeque in order to raise funds for new uniforms. There will be dancing and food, so come out and support their cause.
For a very exciting announcement: this year, our school has been chosen to host the high school decathlon; it is indeed an honor and privilege to be asked to do so and since it is a news covered event, it will give the city a chance to see what wonderful students we have here at Tokyo High. I, as well as all of the administration here, expect all of you to be on your best behavior. Take care and enjoy your day!”
Four hours later, and after three awful classes full going over syllabi and rules, Kagome made her way back to her locker to put her stuff away so that she could meet Sango for lunch. Like promised, Sango was waiting for her near the attendance office and Kagome could not have been happier to see a friendly face.
“Hi Sango!” Kagome called out to her.
Sango looked up from studying her schedule and smiled. “Hey, how's your first day going?”
“As good as to be expected; I don't understand why they make you stand up in front of everyone and tell them who you are. It's like giving everyone another excuse to stare at you and receive even more unwanted attention.”
“It's harmless; they do that in hopes of someone taking pity on you for being the new kid so they will try and make friends,” Sango placated. “Are you ready for the tour or would you like to eat first?”
“The tour would be nice; I'm not feeling all that hungry at the moment. Nerves I guess,” Kagome told her.
Sango nodded and they began their tour of the school. It was a typical, everyday high school that seemed to have way too many students per teacher. She was shown where the library was, the gym, where the rest of her classes were, and the cafeteria.
“Those are the main places you'll need to know; otherwise you could probably just ask someone and they'll point you in the right direction,” Sango explained. “Have you thought about doing any extracurricular activities? They have a really good archery program here; the volleyball team is pretty good too.”
“I'll think about it; I guess it would be a good way to meet some people,” Kagome said as they continued walking.
“I want you to meet some friends of mine. They usually hang out at the tables near the trees in the courtyard. Would you like to meet them?” Sango asked.
“Sure, I could use some more friendly faces,” Kagome agreed and the two of them walked to the courtyard.
“Hey Ayame, when did you get back?” asked a girl with striking red eyes and black hair.
The girl Ayame, who had fiery red hair and green eyes looked up from her lunch to answer her friend.
“Hey Kagura, I just got back three days ago. Grandpa hasn't been feeling well, so I stayed with him most of the winter break. Did you have a nice break?”
Kagura shrugged. “It was nothing special, I just wish I didn't have to come back to this place.”
“Well, it's only for one more year. Besides, at least we have some nice-looking guys to keep us entertained,” Ayame smirked. She gave her friend a sly smile and then added, “Did you get a look at Sesshoumaru; he's looking as good as ever.”
“Yeah well I can keep looking, it's not going to happen and you know it,” Kagura said dejectedly. “Taisho is not the type of guy who would consider dating anyone; he's too cold, as hot as he may look.”
“Well there's a first time for everything,” Ayame attempted to make Kagura feel better.
“Hi girls!” Sango called out.
“Hey Sango,” Ayame spoke, “how've you been?”
“Doing great as always,” Sango answered. “I want you to meet a new friend of mine; this is Kagome, she just moved here from Okinawa.”
“Hello, it's nice to meet you Kagome,” Kagura greeted half-heartedly. She looked the girl over once. She seemed nice enough, maybe a bit too shy for her likings, but if Sango liked her then she'd give her a shot.
“Hi Kagome, it's so great to meet new students!” Ayame said cheerfully. “Are you going to the barbeque this weekend? It should be fun!”
Kagome looked at the girls sitting before her and shrugged. “I'm not sure, I guess I could go.”
“You should come Kagome,” Sango said to her. “It'll be a chance to show you more of what Tokyo High is like. We can all go to my house afterwards and hang out.”
Kagome smiled at her new friend; maybe it would not be so bad here having Sango around.
“Alright I'll go,” Kagome relented. It earned her a couple smiles and a very happy Sango.
“Hello girls, who's the new one?”
The occupants of the table turned to look at the girl standing behind Kagome. At first they're eyes all shifted back and forth between the two; they looked so much alike! Finally it was Kagura who answered.
“Kikyo, this is Kagome. She's new in town.”
“It's nice to meet you Kagome,” Kikyo said sweetly.
“It's nice to meet you too.” Kagome watched as Kikyo sat next to her. She seemed very nice and calm; it was quite a change from the rest of the people that she had met.
Kikyo turned to Kagome and offered her a small smile. “I know how it is to be the new student. Why don't you come to volleyball tryouts with Sango and I?”
Kagome turned to Sango and Sango shrugged. “Why not Kagome; you might like it.”
“Okay, that's sounds great,” Kagome agreed.
While Kikyo and Kagome talked about the tryouts, Sango leaned over to whisper to Kagura and Ayame.
“So what do you guys think of her? She's nice, ne?” Sango asked.
“I like her!” Ayame said quickly. “I think she'll get along great here!”
Sango looked at Kagura who shrugged. “She seems okay.”
“Would either of you mind if she hung out with us?” questioned Sango.
Ayame jumped in quickly with an `I don't mind' and Kagura once again gave a non-committed shrug.
“I'll take that as a yes Kagura,” Sango said as she leaned back to join in the conversation Kagome and Kikyo were having.
Kagura looked at the girl with emotionless eyes. This girl, Kagome, just seemed so…pure. Odd.