InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fates Intertwined ❯ To Have and To Hold ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This was written for the current challenge at mirsan_fics. The prompt was “Hold” and the requirement was that it be a oneshot (250+ words)
Title: To Have and to Hold
Rating: G
Type: Canon: takes place during final manga chapter
Summary: Miroku is presented with his twin daughters
Note: Immediately follows Unexpected
To Have and to Hold
“I…” Miroku was still standing frozen just inside the doorway to the home he shared with Sango. “I… two? Two girls?”
He would have sworn that Kaede chuckled as he finally forced his legs to move forward, to where he could kneel next to his wife. Sango looked exhausted. Though she had been somewhat cleaned up, her hair was drenched with sweat and her face was rapidly losing color. She looked so pale and fragile as one of the babes nursed at her breast. “Sango, are you all right?”
“I'm sorry, Houshi,” she said weakly.
The brand new father furrowed his brow. “For what, my dear Sango? What's wrong?”
Sango sighed as the other child began to cry and Kaede moved to help her switch. Once the second child was settled to the other breast, Sango responded, “I know how much you wanted a son.”
They were again interrupted as Kaede presented the child she was holding to Miroku. “Houshi-sama, you must learn to help take care of your children. Your wife will need a lot of help since there are two.”
Sango and Miroku each fell silent as Kaede showed Miroku how to properly hold his child and then how to burp it. He fell into the role easily, prompting Kaede to say, “You've done this before.”
Miroku quickly caught the look that crossed his wife's face as he held the child and gently patted the back and spoke to sooth any suspicions or fears on her part. “Only in my role as a humble Buddhist monk. I have had to bless a few infants. It is easier if they are not frightened and screaming their heads off.”
Sango relaxed somewhat, and Miroku continued, “Sango, I am not disappointed. You have given me two beautiful children. I'm more surprised by the fact there were twins than the fact they are girls. Naraku was defeated and the curse of the kazaana is gone. Perhaps this is the kami's way of telling me that I do not immediately need a male heir. Maybe this is their way of letting me know that I am destined to live a long and fruitful life with you.” Miroku fell silent.
Sango couldn't help but to grin and add, “Or maybe this was the kami's way of saying that you were an insufferable leach, and they're giving you two girls to protect from the likes of you.”
“Sango, you wound me,” Miroku stated dramatically as he set the infant on the bedding next to her before placing his loosely closed fist over his heart. Then he stood abruptly. “Forgive me, my dear Sango, but I must go now.”
“What?” Sango, Kaede and even Rin all said together.
“While we were waiting a messenger brought word of a youkai extermination needed in the next village. I have an extra two hungry mouths to feed and clothe now, which means we will have even more expenses than expected. I must earn what I can when the opportunity presents itself. I shall enlist InuYasha's aide and be on my way. Thank you, Sango. You have given me the family I've always wanted. But now I must make certain that none of you go hungry. Kaede and Rin, I trust that you will help my wife while I am away.” Grinning from ear to ear, Miroku vanished through the door.
Sango lay back and wrinkled her nose.
“It is amazing how he managed to disappear when both girls need to be changed,” Kaede observed.
“Somehow, I suspect I had better get used to that,” Sango commented. “But he did not seem upset about the girls, did he?”
The old miko chortled as she shook her head. “Only at the prospect of changing a dirty diaper. It appears he would rather face youkai than that.”
The new mother grimaced. “I can't say that I blame him.”
Once everyone was clean and settled in for a nap, Kaede motioned to Rin it was time to go, at least for now. As they walked along the path approaching the miko's hut she observed, “A warrior and a lecherous monk with two little girls. Life around here will never be dull.”
When Rin found a new kimono left inside the hut for her, Kaede couldn't help but to reiterate, “No, it certainly never will.”