InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feudal Fairytale Ficlets ❯ Flirt ( Chapter 38 )

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A/N: I'm currently in the throes of writing a Sess/Rin fic, throwing snippets to Botan as I go. She requested a Jakken and Rin scene, because the interactions they have in the series are hilarious. I agree. I will forever adore the moment where Rin sings, “Jakken-sama! Jakken-sama! Why are you so green?” And when she drags Jakken around Mt. Hakurei because she's bored, and he's getting zapped with the pure aura of the place, and she tells him to quit whining. And the episode where Jakken is sick, and Rin has to save him. Countless priceless moments between a girl and her frog. Really, I don't know how Sesshomaru can stay so straight-faced with those two always around.
Witty Disclaimer: We don't own Inuyasha; however we are capable of stealing hairs and making Shikigami counterparts, complete with fun-noodle swords.
Look at that! How can she pretend she doesn't like him? She's touching him. What can she possibly see in him?”
“She's not—“
“She's mine! How can she think I'll tolerate such behavior? And look at him! He's not even trying to stop her! It's like I don't even exist!”
“I don't think—“
“I'm the one who protects her! And I've protected him too! And this is how they repay me? She's going to run off with a little—“
“Will you shut up Sesshoumaru? For the last time—there's no way Rin has a thing for Jaken!”