InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ First Quarter Moon ❯ First Quarter Moon ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the supporting characters.

This is the first continuation installment of the 'Friends With Benefits' series!

I was originally only going to write 'Friends With Benefits' as only a One Shot, but I have been struck with a bit of inspiration! This will be the first of quite a few that will go with the series!

So, for those of you who want to see what our favorite couple has been up to from the point of Moroha's birth to the moment they reacquainted themselves with Kagome's family 500 years in the future, then please enjoy! This is for you.

Don't forget to read 'Friends With Benefits' before continuing. Although if you would like to, this one shot could be read all on its own.

Description: Something seems to be bothering the little pup, Moroha. What could it be? Will Inuyasha and Kagome be able to calm the shihanyou down and get her to sleep?


First Quarter Moon



Inuyasha is nuzzling Kagome's neck, trying to wake her up as nicely as possible, knowing how she is not a morning person.


Kagome yawned and stretched, accidentally hitting Inuyasha in the nose.

"Ow!" Inuyasha put his hands to his wounded nose.

The instant sound of a pup crying, made both parents groan, but become wide awake.

Kagome shot up in the cot and looked apologetically at Inuyasha who was glaring at her while holding his nose.

"Sorry!" She quickly moved his hands out of the way and kissed his nose before getting up and walking over to Moroha's wooden crib.

"Hey there, Moroha. It's okay." She softly lifts up her one month old daughter and brings her back to the bed with her husband.

"Damn, Kagome. You need to quit this habit of yours."

She glared at him. "What habit?"

"Keh. The one where you brake my nose while you're sleeping!"

The sound of Moroha's increased cries had Kagome ignoring her mate to try and calm down her wailing infant. She lowered the top of her Kimono and immediately the shihanyou latched on for breakfast. She looked over at Inuyasha with a scowl on her face.

"You know I didn't mean to. And what happened to, 'I'm a demon, you can't hurt me.'?" She did her best to imitate the annoying hanyou.

Inuyasha growled. "Keh." He crossed his arms and looked away with his ears drooping.

Kagome rolled her eyes and reached over with her free hand to scratch the base of one of his ears, causing him to let out a small rumble and both of his ears to perk back up happily. Kagome giggled and shook her head.

"What were you waking me up for?" Kagome looked back down at the pup and swiped a stray dark hair out of her little chubby face as she smiled down at her.

Inuyasha smiled at the scene before him, but then growled lightly at the reason for their early wake. "The monk and I have to go to the next village for an exorcism."

Kagome pouted but nodded her head in understanding. "Okay. I'll bring Moroha and Shippo over to Sango's for the day."

Inuyasha kissed Kagome on the cheek before getting out of bed and putting his clothes on. Kagome detatched the greedy pup from her breast and put her into her tiny cot. Then she got dressed in her Miko robes since she will be walking throughout the village today.

The sound of crying had the couple rushing back over to the crib. Inuyasha got there first and lifted his pup up to examine her. Kagome noticed the hanyou sniffing Moroha and she began to get worried.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. She smells off."

Kagome began to panick. "Off? What do you mean? Why is she crying? She never cries this much!"

Inuyasha cradled Moroha close to his chest and spoke to the baby in Inu. After a few short growls and yips later, the only word Moroha could speak using her native tongue made him nervous.

The look on Inuyasha's face, made Kagome worry even more. She quickly grabbed Moroha from his arms and tried to speak calming words to her but it wasn't working.

"Inuyasha. Is she okay?"

Inuyasha put a thumb to Kagome's cheek to wipe a stray tear away before giving her a comforting kiss.

"She doesn't know much in Inu yet, but..."

"But what!?" Kagome continued to bounce her pup lightly and pat her on the back.

"The only thing she said was, 'scary'."

That did nothing to alleviate Kagome's worries. She immediately had a few more tears fall as she held Moroha closer to her chest.

Inuyasha pulled Kagome and Moroha into a tight hug. After a moment, there was a knock at the makeshift door Inuyasha had built for their hut. Inuyasha pulled back, gave Kagome and Moroha both a kiss on the forehead and then answered the door. Kagome followed behind after wiping her own tears away. Moroha continued to scream her little head off.

Miroku walked in with his four month pregnant wife. His trademark smirk immediately turned upside down at the frantic looking couple and their crying infant.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothin'. Let's just hurry up with this exorcism and be back as soon as possible." Inuyasha responded. As he was about to leave, a frantic Kagome grabbed his arm.

"Wait! You're just going to leave? What about Moroha?"

Inuyasha moved a hair from Kagome's face to behind her ear. "It'll only be a couple of hours. She doesn't smell sick and her skin isn't hot. She'll be okay."



Kagome turned to see Shippo walking out of his room tiredly. "Yes, Shippo?"

Shippo jumped up onto Kagome's shoulder and peered down at the crying shihanyou. "I'll be here to help. We don't need bakayasha!" He puffed up his chest with pride, making Kagome smile and Inuyasha growl.

Kagome kissed Shippo on the cheek and nodded. She turned to Sango, "I was going to stop by later anyway. Would you want to stay here for the day? I'm not so sure we'll be such great company though." She frowned slightly.

Sango smiled. "No problem, Kagome. I would love to help out." She put her hands to her slightly swollen belly. "I could use the practice."

Miroku spoke up, "well then. We should really get going, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha nodded and turned to Kagome once more. "I promise, she's not sick."

Kagome smiled, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She leaned up and kissed him softly, causing him to blush since his friends were their audience.

"I love you."

"Love ya too." Inuyasha mumbled before he and Miroku finally left for their current mission.

Kagome walked back to the main area and slid her back down the wall onto her butt and cradled her crying pup closer to her chest. Sango sat next to her with Kirara in her lap, while Shippo stayed on Kagome's shoulder.

"What's wrong with her?" Shippo asked innocently.

Kagome sniffled before responding. "I don't know. She ate and she doesn't need to be changed. Inuyasha said that she's scared. She said, 'scary' in Inu." Kagome let a few more tears fall as she wiped her little babies face clean from her little baby tears with the tips of her fingers.

"I'm sure everything will be okay, Kagome." Sango spoke up.

Kagome nodded her head but never looked up from her sad and scared baby girl.


Six hours later, multiple feedings and changings and Moroha barely stopped crying for even thirty minutes. Shippo had used all of his energy trying to cheer her up with his fox magic, Kagome tried rocking and calmly speaking to her, Sango tried to read to her, but nothing seemed to work.

Finally, Inuyasha came barreling into the hut and grabbed his pup from Kagome's hands. Before anyone could say anything, he shushed them with a stern look and then examed the infant further. After a minute of sniffing her, he let out a sigh of relief.

"Well?" Kagome asked even more worried then before.

"Her youki is almost gone." Noticing the panicked expression on Kagome's face, he clarified. "Tonight is her human night."

Kagome wiped the tears from her own face and looked to her sad child. "Her human night is on the First Quarter Moon?"

Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders. "I guess. She'll be fine. She's just confused and scared because she's losing her senses."

"Would you like us to stay, Kagome?" Sango asked.

Kagome hugged her friend and then pulled back to speak. "That's okay, Sango. You need your rest and Miroku needs to be there will you. We will probably be up all night with Moroha. Would you be able to take Shippo for the night?"

Before Sango could agree, Shippo jumped onto Inuyasha's shoulder. "No! I wanna stay and help!"

Kagome held out her arms for Shippo to jump into them and then kissed his head. "We are going to be up all night, Shippo. Don't you want to sleep?"

Shippo looked at Kagome defiantly, "No. I am a full fledged demon! I don't need to sleep like weak humans!"

Miroku snickered while Kagome's eye twitched at Inuyasha. "Do you see how he is speaking like you?"

"Hey runt. You can stay, but shut up about weak humans." No one missed the hanyou's smirk.


An hour later, their friends were finally convinced to go home and relax. Now, Kagome, Inuyasha and Shippo are cuddled up on the large cot in the main bedroom with a crying shihanyou between the two parents.

They spent the next few hours just speaking to her, trying to let her know that everything is okay. Kagome spoke to her softly, Inuyasha spoke to her in Inu and Shippo was trying to make her laugh with different funny faces.

Finally, as the sun started to set, they all could feel a small pulse come from Moroha. They listened as her cries became wails of agony. They watched as her tiny claws retreated into human nails, and her brown with gold speckled eyes became grey like when her father is in human form. Her fangs have not yet come in, and her hair is already Kagome's shade, so nothing else has changed.

Kagome hugged Moroha tighter, trying to calm her down. "It's okay, Moroha. You're okay. Shhh."

Inuyasha put his arm around his wife and pup, and Shippo curled up between them with worried eyes.

"She'll be okay." Inuyasha tried to convince them.

Kagome looked up into Inuyasha's golden gaze and nodded. "Does it hurt?"

Inuyasha shook his head. "No. It's just scaring her because she is losing all of her demon senses."

"What does that feel like?" Shippo asked.

Inuyasha sighed. "It's like not being able to see or hear anything. Everything is fuzzy compared to normal. Her instinct it to hide and be cautious of everything around her. That's why she is scared."

Kagome hugged her daughter tighter and gave her a kiss on the head. She cuddled even closer into Inuyasha's chest and Shippo cuddled closer between them both.

Running out of ideas, and knowing how Moroha usually likes Kagome's singing, she started to rock her softly and sing the first thing that came to mind.

"Hush little baby, don't say a word, Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird.

"And if that mickingbird don't sing, Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.

"And if that diamond ring turns to brass, Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.

"And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.

"And if that billy goat gets cross, Mama's gonna buy you a rocking horse.

"And if that rocking horse turns over, Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

"And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart.

"And if that horse and cart fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town."

Kagome rocks a sniffling pup in her arms and kisses her on the forehead. "You're okay, Moroha. Mama's here."

Inuyasha wanted so badly to correct the word baby to pup, but didn't dare aggravate his mate. Then hearing about buying his quarter dog demon pup a dog of her own made him growl.. But then he looked at the infant in her arms, sniffling and no longer crying. His mate is smiling and wiping away her previous tears. Shippo is grinning and cuddling harder into Kagome's stomach. Everything negative left his mind at the sight of his family. He kissed Kagome on the head and looked down at the currently human infant, back to his mate.

"You're amazing."

Kagome looked up into Inuyasha's sincere eyes and smiled. She closed her own eyes when his lips met hers, but a small cry broke them apart.

Shippo spoke up, "do you know any other future songs, Kagome?"

Kagome smiled and started another before her daughter could start wailing like she had before.

"Stars shinin' bright above you. Night breezes seem to whisper, 'I love you.' Birds singin' in the Sycamore Tree. Dream a little dream of me.

"Say 'Nighty-Night' and kiss me. Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me. While I'm alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.

"Stars fadin' but I linger on, dear. Still cravin' your kiss. I'm longin' to linger 'til dawn, dear. Just sayin' this..

"Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be.. Dream a little dream of me.

"Stars fadin' but I linger on, dear. Still cravin' your kiss. I'm longing to linger 'til dawn, dear. Just sayin' this..

"Sweet dreams 'till sunbeams find you. Sweet dreams that leave all worries far behind you. But in your dreams, whatever they be.. Dream a little dream of me."

Kagome wiped a stray tear from Moroha's face and smiled down at the sleeping infant. Inuyasha turned his head in order to hide his misty eyes and Shippo kissed Kagome on the cheek.

"Kagome?" Shippo whispered.

Kagome looked away from Moroha to give Shippo her full attention. "Yes, Shippo?"

Shippo looked nervous as he blushed and looked down at the baby. "Moroha is my sister, right?"

Kagome smiled and nodded. "Yes."

His blush deepened. "So.. doesn't that make you and Inuyasha, like.. my parents?'

Inuyasha turned his head to look wide eyed at the kitsune and then looked at Kagome for her answer.

Kagome used her free arm to hug Shippo. "Well, we will never replace your birth parents. You'll always have them in your heart Shippo. But we adopted you and we are going to raise you to the best of our ability."

Shippo smiled, "so.. can I call you mother?"

Kagome's smile widened and she squeezed Shippo as tight as she dared. "You can call me anything you want."

Shippo held on to Kagome as if his life depended on it, and then looked to Inuyasha. "Can I call you father?"

Inuyasha blushed and looked away, "Keh.."

Kagome and Shippo snickered at the hanyou's embarrassed response.


The next morning the sun came up, waking Moroha and making her look at her parents in confusion but her scent showed happiness.

Inuyasha looked at his waking pup, sleeping wife and adopted son and shook his head. He was the only one to stay up the entire night.

"Hey, 'Gome."

Kagome's eyes snapped open, along with Shippo's just in time for them all to witness Moroha's first transformation from human to shihanyou. Moroha gurgled and shoved her thumb into her mouth, showing her parents that she is fine once again.

Kagome laughed, feeling relieved as she hugged her child tight. Then she grabbed Inuyasha and kissed him quickly before wrapping her free arm back around Shippo in a tight embrace.

"I love you guys, so much."

They all looked back into the beautiful brown and gold speckled eyes of Moroha and smiled. Their first time through the First Quarter Moon has finally passed.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! This is just the first of many more to be added to the 'Friends With Benefits' Series!