InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Flipped: A Different Inuyasha Story - Part One ❯ Episode 11: A Slayer's Tragedy ( Chapter 11 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N:Thanks madosie, silverwolf halfbeast, and werxa! I appreciate the reviews!
Disclaimer: No! I don't own the ORIGINAL Inugang! I feel that I DO own this Inugang (sort of) and I OWN this story so shut up about it!
Japanese Volcabulary:
Nii-san: another way of saying older brother
Hai: Yes
kami: god
imoto: little sister
Chapter 11
The next morning, Sango stood at the village edge, where two roads split off, with Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kirara.
"Are you sure you won't join us, Sango?" asked Inuyasha.
She turned to him and nodded. "Yes. I'd just be a bother. You don't need to worry about me and my curse."
"You wouldn't be a bother," said Inuyasha," You couldn't be any worse than Kagome."
"Hey!" said Kagome.
"Well, maybe if you were nicer, it wouldn't be true," Kirara retorted.
"Shut up!" she replied.
"Make me," said Kirara.
"Gladly," Kagome growled, flexing her claws.
Inuyasha sighed. "See what I mean? You couldn't be any worse."
Sango shook her head and said," No. It's okay. Besides, i've been traveling on my own for years. I've been fine so far."
Inuyasha frowned. "If you're sure. . . "
"I'm sure," she replied.
Inuyasha sighed and said," Well, the offer still stands, if you decide that you want to join us."
Sango nodded as she walked down one path. "I'll keep that in mind. Who knows, maybe we'll meet up again."
Inuyasha smiled as Sango walked away.
Kagome noticed it and narrowed her eyes after Sango.
Inuyasha turned his head and saw her glaring after Sango. "What's up with you?"
"Do you like her?" Kagome growled.
Inuyasha blinked, not sure what she meant. "Sure, I guess."
Kagome's eyes turned to slits as she turned away, muttering, as she walked down the other path. "I can't believe it. What could he see in her? He actually likes her. What does she have that I don't got?"
Inuyasha stared after her confused, not hearing her muttered words. 'Was it something I said?'
The sun shone brightly on a bustling village. Villagers talked and worked as they went on with their daily lives. This village worked more than most villages because they were the village of. . .
. . . the demon slayers.
Right now, mostly women, elderly, and young children were working in the village when there was a commotion from the village gate signaling the return of the slayers, carrying with them, the dead demon to be used for their tools and weapons.
There was one certain slayer who walked ahead. He was no more than 18, maybe 19, with black hair pulled into a tiny ponytail at the base of his neck and violet eyes. He wore the usual black demon slayer outfit with a slight tint of purple. He wore purple armor on his shoulders and elbows, bound with cloth of a lighter purple. Around his waist was a sort of apron that was purple bordered around a light purple on his front and back, held on with a purple sash tied on his right hip. Also, in the sash, was a simple sword, tucked away. At his knees, were purple bands, holding on shin guards of the same color, the tips tucked into black boots, violet at the heel.
He pulled down the mask that had recently been covering his nose and mouth as his violet eyes scanned the crowd, searching. . .
A young girl emerged from somewhere in the crowded village, and the slayer soon found her clinging too him. The girl was around the age of 7, with straight ebony hair, and square cut bangs. Her ears were hidden behind the straight locks of hair framing her face and a broad grin was on her face as she clung tightly to him. She wore a dark kimono, almost black, that reached mid-shin, with a black tie around her waist, feet bare.
"You're back!" she cried again, happily.
The slayer smiled down at the dark head of his little sister and he placed a hand on her head. "It's good to see you too, Kanna."
Kanna looked up at him, revealing the cloudy white orbs she'd had since birth, as she smiled. "I'm really glad you're back, Miroku nii-san."
Miroku smiled again, but a little sadder, as he looked down into her unseeing orbs, knowing that all her life all she had seen was darkness, never once being able to enjoy the colors and sights, not even knowing what her own brother looked like.
Miroku looked down at the girl who was looking up at him, confused by his sudden silence. "I'm glad to be back too, Kanna."
"So, did you get the demon?" Kanna asked, anxiously," What's it look like? What happened?"
He smiled down at her warmly as he replied," I'll tell you back in the hut, okay?"
"Hai!" she nodded.
He turned towards the hut, as Kanna followed having learned how to find the distinct vibrations his feet made apart from others. Also since she couldn't see, her other senses had heightened so she could walk much like a normal person, not usually bumping into anything or anyone.
Miroku would glance back every once in a while, being sure she was still behind him, being the protective big brother he was, knowing how she always insisted that she could walk on her own.
They reached the hut and stepped inside, heading towards the main room, so Miroku could recall the demon slaying experience.
"Okay, we're here so what happened?" asked Kanna.
"I'll tell you in a moment," Miroku chuckled," I just need to pull on my robes over my uniform."
Kanna crossed her arms, her bottem lip sticking out but set herself down on the floor to wait.
After, he had donned a simple violet robe, he recounted how they had come across a village with a demon terrorizing them. It had been suprisingly powerful but they had eventually taken down. Afterwards, they had returned to the village.
"But not before I found something in the body of the demon," Miroku said.
"What was it?" asked Kanna.
"This," he replied, holding up the a night blue shard.
"What is it?" she asked, unseeing.
Miroku immediately felt bad. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was blind.
"It's a blue shard. It looks like it might be part of some kind of jewel," he replied.
"Can I hold it?" Kanna asked.
Miroku dropped it into her open hands as she ran her fingers over its smooth surface.
Kanna smiled. "Is it pretty?"
Miroku stared at the shard in her fingers. "I don't really know but. . . I guess you could call it pretty in an eerie kind of way."
Kanna stared intently at her hands where she knew the shard was. She stayed like this for a moment.
"Nii-san?" Kanna asked.
"Hai?" he replied.
"Can I. . ." she started," Can I have it?"
Miroku furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't know. . ." he said, uncertaintly," Something tells me its. . . dangerous."
'It also seems kind of familiar. . . '
"Please?" Kanna pleaded," How could a little shard be dangerous?"
"Mm," Miroku wavered.
Kanna looked up with pleading cloudy orbs. "Pleeeease?"
He finally gave in and Kanna smiled happily at him. "Thank you, nii-san! I'll keep it with me always!"
Miroku nodded, unsure as he eyed the small shard.
'I've got a bad feeling about this but. . . one little shard can't do all that much harm. . . right?'
He didn't know how wrong he was.
Inuyasha, Kagome, and Kirara were still walking down the road, Kagome grumbling in the front, not speaking to Inuyasha, who walked puzzled and confused.
'What is up with Kagome?' thought Inuyasha,' She's acting like she's mad at me but. . . I didn't do anything wrong! I don't get it,' he sighed,' Women are sooooo confusing.'
Suddenly, Inuyasha bumped into Kagome who had stopped. Kagome fell forewards but caught herself.
She whirled herself around, glaring. "Hey! Watch it!"
"Well, it's not my fault that you just suddenly stopped in the middle of the road!" Inuyasha retorted.
"Well," Kagome said," You should of been paying attention!"
Inuyasha was about to reply when Kirara said," Why did you stop anyways, Kagome?"
Kagome gave one last 'hmph' before replying. "For your information, I thought I smelled something strange. . . "
Kagome looked thoughtful. "...Yet, it seemed kind of familiar."
"What was it?" asked Inuyasha.
"I don't know!" Kagome said," I can't smell it anymore!"
"Well, you don't have to yell at me!" he said.
"Then, don't ask such obvious questions!" she growled," Don't you think I would have told you if I had known?"
Kirara just rolled her eyes as they continued to argue. 'They argue too much. It's kind of annoying. Though it IS kind of entertaining.'
With that, she continued to watch her new source of entertainment.
Sango, meanwhile, was exploring a town she came across. She was examining some earrings that had caught her eye when a sharp pain went through her arm. She gave a small cry, pulling it to her chest.
"Are you okay, miss?" the man selling the jewelry asked.
"Y-yeah," Sango replied, letting her arm return to her side," I'm fine."
The man nodded, uncertaintly, as Sango lifted her hand into her vision staring at it.
'What was that all about?' she thought.
She stared at the limb, waiting to see if anything else would happen. When nothing did, she lowered her arm, turning to walk away from the stand.
"Nii -san!"
Miroku blinked as Kanna came into view. "Hm?"
"What kind of flowers are these?" she asked, showing some blossoms she had picked.
He looked at the cluster of light blue flowers she held in her hands.
"Mm. . ." he thought, brow furrowed," I think that's called forget-me-not."
"Oh!" she said, smiling brightly," I know that flower! Okaa-san told me what it meant a long time ago. I think it stands for do not forget and memories."
"Hm," Miroku said, remininscing.
"Nii-san?" Kanna said, breaking the silence.
"If something ever happens to me, do you promise never to forget me?"
Miroku lifted his eyebrows in suprise as he looked up at the young girl, staring silently at the flowers she held.
"Why do you ask such a question?" he asked," Nothing's going to happen to you."
Kanna cocked her head to the side. "You don't know that."
"What brought this on?" he asked," I'll be here to protect you. If someone wants to harm you, they'll have to get through me first."
Kanna looked up at him, smiling softly. "Will you still promise me?"
Miroku stared at her for a moment but nodded. "Hai, I will but. . . you don't have to worry about something like that."
She nodded. "Thanks, nii-san."
"Hm," he nodded.
The demon slayer turned his head from where he was looking out at the just fully risen sun, to see another man standing behind him.
The man was older than Miroku, but not enough for his black hair to fade to gray except for a strand here or there. His right eye had a scar running over it, leaving the orb slightly lighter than the other while his left was a dark blue. Suprisingly, he was dressed in his demon slayer uniform of black and blue, his hair tied up in a short ponytail.
"Yes, father?" Miroku asked, eyeing the choice of clothing," Does another village need a demon to be slain?"
"Hai," his father replied," A villager came sometime ago. We will be heading out soon."
"Should I change?" he asked.
"Yes. It seems that this demon is large and powerful."
He didn't know how it happened. It just did.
Dead. They were dead. The demon had killed them. He was the only one standing. He was the only one that survived.
Miroku stood in the middle of his fallen comrades, scythes still in his hands, the demon's blood convering them.
It had happened so fast. They had left the village that morning and come to the village where the demon needed to be slain. They had started to fight it and it had indeed been larger and stronger than normal. Things had seemed to be going so well. They had fought long and hard and just as it seemed they were going to kill it. . . .
. . . they were dead. All of them were dead. The demon had killed them. How? He didn't know but next thing he knew the demon was dead and he was standing with demon blood on his blades.
He let his eyes wander around the site as he felt sorrow run through him. His comrades were dead and so was his father. Now, both of his parents were gone. But the thing was, not only did he feel sorrow, he felt. . . . acceptance. It was strange but living the life of a slayer was a difficult one and comrades were lost. He had been faced with one or two deaths so he knew what it was like but he still felt sorrow at the deaths.
He picked himself up, replacing his weapons on his back and turned to his comrades. Burying them would be the honorable thing so he set to work.
Kanna sat on the porch of the hut, staring at the gate. She sighed.
This morning she had awaken to find that her Nii-san and father had left to slay yet ANOTHER demon while she was left at home. She frowned slightly.
Sometimes, it just wasn't fair. She wanted to be a demon slayer but there were two issues in her way. One, she was a girl and girls don't become demon slayers. Two, though, was the main problem. She was blind. They didn't think that a blind girl could become a demon slayer and maybe they were right.
She stared hard at the gate, as if willing her brother and the other slayers to walk through. It didn't come as any suprise when they didn't.
She was about to let out another sigh when there was a cry in the village.
"Hm?" She perked up as she heard the start of a commotion in the village.
Crys and shouts were starting to be emerge from the village growing louder.
She stood up and walked to where the crys and shouts were growing. She suddenly stopped. She smelled smoke. She ran towards the crys and shouts now filling the whole village. She caught some of the crys.
"Look out!"
"A demon!"
Kanna stopped. This wasn't good. A demon plus the slayers' absence equalled. . . . VERY BAD.
She ran feeling the vibrations of people running, as the scent of smoke got stronger, when she caught another scent that made her pale.
Miroku walked through the forest in the direction of the village. Grateful to be able to return to the village, where he could see the villagers and have his mind taken off the deaths of his comrades.
He smiled as he thought about his little sister waiting for him to return. Probably sitting on the porch, pouting that little pout of her but smiling when he was back.
He was suddenly jolted back to reality but the sounds of shouts and occasional screams. He felt himself grow cold.
'Oh no. Please no,' he thought as he ran around the bend of the road to the village and stopped.
'Oh kami. . .'
There were flames licking the sky, rising from the village and the scent of blood was heavy in the air. He could clearly hear a scream every now and then and a few crys. Smoke darkened the sky.
Another scream pierced the air and he regained the ability to move his legs. He ran through the gates, and saw fallen villagers, their bodies bloodied and torn.
He quickly looked around, hoping to spy a villager that was moving or someone that was alive but he didn't see anyone. . .
She suddenly, ran through his mind as he ran into the village, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. He no longer noticed that the crys and screams had died down.
"Kanna!" he cried out," Kanna!"
He heard movement behind him and quickly bocked a clawed hand with his scythe.
He caught a glimpse of black hair and green clothing before the demon dissapeared again.
He stood as he just managed to block another attack, this time catching a glimpse of dog ears when he suddenly heard a cry.
Miroku turned his head, giving the demon a chance to wound him. His eyes widened as he felt the demon claw him across the chest but he luckily leapt back quick enough for it not to be fatal. He suddenly realized the demon had dissapeared again.
He turned his head again to see Kanna running towards him when suddenly, a shadow appeared behind her.
'No.' His eyes widened. "Kanna, look ou-"
He was cut off as the demon suddenly slashed her across the back.
Kanna's eyes widened, as she faltered.
Things seemed to go in slow motion in Miroku's eyes. He saw her slowly falling as she looked shocked, her wounds spilling blood. She fell to the ground, laying there, her widened white orbs, staring.
Miroku's heart stopped as he stared at her.
"Kanna..." he said, softly, eyes wide.
Suddenly, he cried," KANNA!!!!!!!!!"
"Nii-san..." she said, weakly, tears pooling in her cloudy orbs.
"Kanna!" he cried again, lifting himself up as he ran to her, collapsing before her, scooping her into his arms, careful of her wound.
"Oh, Kanna", he said," I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Nii-san?" Kanna said.
"Hai?" he replied.
"Am I dying?" she asked.
Miroku was silent, finding himself unable to answer.
"Nii-san," she said," Do you remember yesterday?"
He swallowed. "Hai."
"Do you remember what I asked?"
He swallowed harder.
"Will you keep your promise?" she asked," Do you promise to not forget me?"
He closed his eyes, holding her tighter but not enough to harm her more.
"Hai," he said, no more than a whisper," You are my little sister, my imoto. I could never forget you. Ever."
She smiled softly. "Thank you."
Her eyes started to get droopy. "Nii-san... I'm so tired."
Miroku was silent.
". . .Hai?"
"Is it okay?"
Miroku was silent, trying to understand what she was asking when he suddenly understood.
Trembling slightly, he said, softly," Yes, Kanna. You can close your eyes."
With that, Kanna smiled and closed her eyes, for an everlasting sleep.
A/N: I have nothing to say at the moment. I'm trying to get over the fact that I was able to write something so sad. Before I forget, please review.
Disclaimer: No! I don't own the ORIGINAL Inugang! I feel that I DO own this Inugang (sort of) and I OWN this story so shut up about it!
Japanese Volcabulary:
Nii-san: another way of saying older brother
Hai: Yes
kami: god
imoto: little sister
Chapter 11
The next morning, Sango stood at the village edge, where two roads split off, with Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kirara.
"Are you sure you won't join us, Sango?" asked Inuyasha.
She turned to him and nodded. "Yes. I'd just be a bother. You don't need to worry about me and my curse."
"You wouldn't be a bother," said Inuyasha," You couldn't be any worse than Kagome."
"Hey!" said Kagome.
"Well, maybe if you were nicer, it wouldn't be true," Kirara retorted.
"Shut up!" she replied.
"Make me," said Kirara.
"Gladly," Kagome growled, flexing her claws.
Inuyasha sighed. "See what I mean? You couldn't be any worse."
Sango shook her head and said," No. It's okay. Besides, i've been traveling on my own for years. I've been fine so far."
Inuyasha frowned. "If you're sure. . . "
"I'm sure," she replied.
Inuyasha sighed and said," Well, the offer still stands, if you decide that you want to join us."
Sango nodded as she walked down one path. "I'll keep that in mind. Who knows, maybe we'll meet up again."
Inuyasha smiled as Sango walked away.
Kagome noticed it and narrowed her eyes after Sango.
Inuyasha turned his head and saw her glaring after Sango. "What's up with you?"
"Do you like her?" Kagome growled.
Inuyasha blinked, not sure what she meant. "Sure, I guess."
Kagome's eyes turned to slits as she turned away, muttering, as she walked down the other path. "I can't believe it. What could he see in her? He actually likes her. What does she have that I don't got?"
Inuyasha stared after her confused, not hearing her muttered words. 'Was it something I said?'
The sun shone brightly on a bustling village. Villagers talked and worked as they went on with their daily lives. This village worked more than most villages because they were the village of. . .
. . . the demon slayers.
Right now, mostly women, elderly, and young children were working in the village when there was a commotion from the village gate signaling the return of the slayers, carrying with them, the dead demon to be used for their tools and weapons.
There was one certain slayer who walked ahead. He was no more than 18, maybe 19, with black hair pulled into a tiny ponytail at the base of his neck and violet eyes. He wore the usual black demon slayer outfit with a slight tint of purple. He wore purple armor on his shoulders and elbows, bound with cloth of a lighter purple. Around his waist was a sort of apron that was purple bordered around a light purple on his front and back, held on with a purple sash tied on his right hip. Also, in the sash, was a simple sword, tucked away. At his knees, were purple bands, holding on shin guards of the same color, the tips tucked into black boots, violet at the heel.
He pulled down the mask that had recently been covering his nose and mouth as his violet eyes scanned the crowd, searching. . .
A young girl emerged from somewhere in the crowded village, and the slayer soon found her clinging too him. The girl was around the age of 7, with straight ebony hair, and square cut bangs. Her ears were hidden behind the straight locks of hair framing her face and a broad grin was on her face as she clung tightly to him. She wore a dark kimono, almost black, that reached mid-shin, with a black tie around her waist, feet bare.
"You're back!" she cried again, happily.
The slayer smiled down at the dark head of his little sister and he placed a hand on her head. "It's good to see you too, Kanna."
Kanna looked up at him, revealing the cloudy white orbs she'd had since birth, as she smiled. "I'm really glad you're back, Miroku nii-san."
Miroku smiled again, but a little sadder, as he looked down into her unseeing orbs, knowing that all her life all she had seen was darkness, never once being able to enjoy the colors and sights, not even knowing what her own brother looked like.
Miroku looked down at the girl who was looking up at him, confused by his sudden silence. "I'm glad to be back too, Kanna."
"So, did you get the demon?" Kanna asked, anxiously," What's it look like? What happened?"
He smiled down at her warmly as he replied," I'll tell you back in the hut, okay?"
"Hai!" she nodded.
He turned towards the hut, as Kanna followed having learned how to find the distinct vibrations his feet made apart from others. Also since she couldn't see, her other senses had heightened so she could walk much like a normal person, not usually bumping into anything or anyone.
Miroku would glance back every once in a while, being sure she was still behind him, being the protective big brother he was, knowing how she always insisted that she could walk on her own.
They reached the hut and stepped inside, heading towards the main room, so Miroku could recall the demon slaying experience.
"Okay, we're here so what happened?" asked Kanna.
"I'll tell you in a moment," Miroku chuckled," I just need to pull on my robes over my uniform."
Kanna crossed her arms, her bottem lip sticking out but set herself down on the floor to wait.
After, he had donned a simple violet robe, he recounted how they had come across a village with a demon terrorizing them. It had been suprisingly powerful but they had eventually taken down. Afterwards, they had returned to the village.
"But not before I found something in the body of the demon," Miroku said.
"What was it?" asked Kanna.
"This," he replied, holding up the a night blue shard.
"What is it?" she asked, unseeing.
Miroku immediately felt bad. Sometimes it was easy to forget she was blind.
"It's a blue shard. It looks like it might be part of some kind of jewel," he replied.
"Can I hold it?" Kanna asked.
Miroku dropped it into her open hands as she ran her fingers over its smooth surface.
Kanna smiled. "Is it pretty?"
Miroku stared at the shard in her fingers. "I don't really know but. . . I guess you could call it pretty in an eerie kind of way."
Kanna stared intently at her hands where she knew the shard was. She stayed like this for a moment.
"Nii-san?" Kanna asked.
"Hai?" he replied.
"Can I. . ." she started," Can I have it?"
Miroku furrowed his eyebrows.
"I don't know. . ." he said, uncertaintly," Something tells me its. . . dangerous."
'It also seems kind of familiar. . . '
"Please?" Kanna pleaded," How could a little shard be dangerous?"
"Mm," Miroku wavered.
Kanna looked up with pleading cloudy orbs. "Pleeeease?"
He finally gave in and Kanna smiled happily at him. "Thank you, nii-san! I'll keep it with me always!"
Miroku nodded, unsure as he eyed the small shard.
'I've got a bad feeling about this but. . . one little shard can't do all that much harm. . . right?'
He didn't know how wrong he was.
Inuyasha, Kagome, and Kirara were still walking down the road, Kagome grumbling in the front, not speaking to Inuyasha, who walked puzzled and confused.
'What is up with Kagome?' thought Inuyasha,' She's acting like she's mad at me but. . . I didn't do anything wrong! I don't get it,' he sighed,' Women are sooooo confusing.'
Suddenly, Inuyasha bumped into Kagome who had stopped. Kagome fell forewards but caught herself.
She whirled herself around, glaring. "Hey! Watch it!"
"Well, it's not my fault that you just suddenly stopped in the middle of the road!" Inuyasha retorted.
"Well," Kagome said," You should of been paying attention!"
Inuyasha was about to reply when Kirara said," Why did you stop anyways, Kagome?"
Kagome gave one last 'hmph' before replying. "For your information, I thought I smelled something strange. . . "
Kagome looked thoughtful. "...Yet, it seemed kind of familiar."
"What was it?" asked Inuyasha.
"I don't know!" Kagome said," I can't smell it anymore!"
"Well, you don't have to yell at me!" he said.
"Then, don't ask such obvious questions!" she growled," Don't you think I would have told you if I had known?"
Kirara just rolled her eyes as they continued to argue. 'They argue too much. It's kind of annoying. Though it IS kind of entertaining.'
With that, she continued to watch her new source of entertainment.
Sango, meanwhile, was exploring a town she came across. She was examining some earrings that had caught her eye when a sharp pain went through her arm. She gave a small cry, pulling it to her chest.
"Are you okay, miss?" the man selling the jewelry asked.
"Y-yeah," Sango replied, letting her arm return to her side," I'm fine."
The man nodded, uncertaintly, as Sango lifted her hand into her vision staring at it.
'What was that all about?' she thought.
She stared at the limb, waiting to see if anything else would happen. When nothing did, she lowered her arm, turning to walk away from the stand.
"Nii -san!"
Miroku blinked as Kanna came into view. "Hm?"
"What kind of flowers are these?" she asked, showing some blossoms she had picked.
He looked at the cluster of light blue flowers she held in her hands.
"Mm. . ." he thought, brow furrowed," I think that's called forget-me-not."
"Oh!" she said, smiling brightly," I know that flower! Okaa-san told me what it meant a long time ago. I think it stands for do not forget and memories."
"Hm," Miroku said, remininscing.
"Nii-san?" Kanna said, breaking the silence.
"If something ever happens to me, do you promise never to forget me?"
Miroku lifted his eyebrows in suprise as he looked up at the young girl, staring silently at the flowers she held.
"Why do you ask such a question?" he asked," Nothing's going to happen to you."
Kanna cocked her head to the side. "You don't know that."
"What brought this on?" he asked," I'll be here to protect you. If someone wants to harm you, they'll have to get through me first."
Kanna looked up at him, smiling softly. "Will you still promise me?"
Miroku stared at her for a moment but nodded. "Hai, I will but. . . you don't have to worry about something like that."
She nodded. "Thanks, nii-san."
"Hm," he nodded.
The demon slayer turned his head from where he was looking out at the just fully risen sun, to see another man standing behind him.
The man was older than Miroku, but not enough for his black hair to fade to gray except for a strand here or there. His right eye had a scar running over it, leaving the orb slightly lighter than the other while his left was a dark blue. Suprisingly, he was dressed in his demon slayer uniform of black and blue, his hair tied up in a short ponytail.
"Yes, father?" Miroku asked, eyeing the choice of clothing," Does another village need a demon to be slain?"
"Hai," his father replied," A villager came sometime ago. We will be heading out soon."
"Should I change?" he asked.
"Yes. It seems that this demon is large and powerful."
He didn't know how it happened. It just did.
Dead. They were dead. The demon had killed them. He was the only one standing. He was the only one that survived.
Miroku stood in the middle of his fallen comrades, scythes still in his hands, the demon's blood convering them.
It had happened so fast. They had left the village that morning and come to the village where the demon needed to be slain. They had started to fight it and it had indeed been larger and stronger than normal. Things had seemed to be going so well. They had fought long and hard and just as it seemed they were going to kill it. . . .
. . . they were dead. All of them were dead. The demon had killed them. How? He didn't know but next thing he knew the demon was dead and he was standing with demon blood on his blades.
He let his eyes wander around the site as he felt sorrow run through him. His comrades were dead and so was his father. Now, both of his parents were gone. But the thing was, not only did he feel sorrow, he felt. . . . acceptance. It was strange but living the life of a slayer was a difficult one and comrades were lost. He had been faced with one or two deaths so he knew what it was like but he still felt sorrow at the deaths.
He picked himself up, replacing his weapons on his back and turned to his comrades. Burying them would be the honorable thing so he set to work.
Kanna sat on the porch of the hut, staring at the gate. She sighed.
This morning she had awaken to find that her Nii-san and father had left to slay yet ANOTHER demon while she was left at home. She frowned slightly.
Sometimes, it just wasn't fair. She wanted to be a demon slayer but there were two issues in her way. One, she was a girl and girls don't become demon slayers. Two, though, was the main problem. She was blind. They didn't think that a blind girl could become a demon slayer and maybe they were right.
She stared hard at the gate, as if willing her brother and the other slayers to walk through. It didn't come as any suprise when they didn't.
She was about to let out another sigh when there was a cry in the village.
"Hm?" She perked up as she heard the start of a commotion in the village.
Crys and shouts were starting to be emerge from the village growing louder.
She stood up and walked to where the crys and shouts were growing. She suddenly stopped. She smelled smoke. She ran towards the crys and shouts now filling the whole village. She caught some of the crys.
"Look out!"
"A demon!"
Kanna stopped. This wasn't good. A demon plus the slayers' absence equalled. . . . VERY BAD.
She ran feeling the vibrations of people running, as the scent of smoke got stronger, when she caught another scent that made her pale.
Miroku walked through the forest in the direction of the village. Grateful to be able to return to the village, where he could see the villagers and have his mind taken off the deaths of his comrades.
He smiled as he thought about his little sister waiting for him to return. Probably sitting on the porch, pouting that little pout of her but smiling when he was back.
He was suddenly jolted back to reality but the sounds of shouts and occasional screams. He felt himself grow cold.
'Oh no. Please no,' he thought as he ran around the bend of the road to the village and stopped.
'Oh kami. . .'
There were flames licking the sky, rising from the village and the scent of blood was heavy in the air. He could clearly hear a scream every now and then and a few crys. Smoke darkened the sky.
Another scream pierced the air and he regained the ability to move his legs. He ran through the gates, and saw fallen villagers, their bodies bloodied and torn.
He quickly looked around, hoping to spy a villager that was moving or someone that was alive but he didn't see anyone. . .
She suddenly, ran through his mind as he ran into the village, hoping to catch a glimpse of her. He no longer noticed that the crys and screams had died down.
"Kanna!" he cried out," Kanna!"
He heard movement behind him and quickly bocked a clawed hand with his scythe.
He caught a glimpse of black hair and green clothing before the demon dissapeared again.
He stood as he just managed to block another attack, this time catching a glimpse of dog ears when he suddenly heard a cry.
Miroku turned his head, giving the demon a chance to wound him. His eyes widened as he felt the demon claw him across the chest but he luckily leapt back quick enough for it not to be fatal. He suddenly realized the demon had dissapeared again.
He turned his head again to see Kanna running towards him when suddenly, a shadow appeared behind her.
'No.' His eyes widened. "Kanna, look ou-"
He was cut off as the demon suddenly slashed her across the back.
Kanna's eyes widened, as she faltered.
Things seemed to go in slow motion in Miroku's eyes. He saw her slowly falling as she looked shocked, her wounds spilling blood. She fell to the ground, laying there, her widened white orbs, staring.
Miroku's heart stopped as he stared at her.
"Kanna..." he said, softly, eyes wide.
Suddenly, he cried," KANNA!!!!!!!!!"
"Nii-san..." she said, weakly, tears pooling in her cloudy orbs.
"Kanna!" he cried again, lifting himself up as he ran to her, collapsing before her, scooping her into his arms, careful of her wound.
"Oh, Kanna", he said," I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Nii-san?" Kanna said.
"Hai?" he replied.
"Am I dying?" she asked.
Miroku was silent, finding himself unable to answer.
"Nii-san," she said," Do you remember yesterday?"
He swallowed. "Hai."
"Do you remember what I asked?"
He swallowed harder.
"Will you keep your promise?" she asked," Do you promise to not forget me?"
He closed his eyes, holding her tighter but not enough to harm her more.
"Hai," he said, no more than a whisper," You are my little sister, my imoto. I could never forget you. Ever."
She smiled softly. "Thank you."
Her eyes started to get droopy. "Nii-san... I'm so tired."
Miroku was silent.
". . .Hai?"
"Is it okay?"
Miroku was silent, trying to understand what she was asking when he suddenly understood.
Trembling slightly, he said, softly," Yes, Kanna. You can close your eyes."
With that, Kanna smiled and closed her eyes, for an everlasting sleep.
A/N: I have nothing to say at the moment. I'm trying to get over the fact that I was able to write something so sad. Before I forget, please review.