InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Flipped: A Different Inuyasha Story - Part One ❯ Episode 21: Decisions, Decisions ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: Thank you inyo, Princess_of_fire, Inuyasha-loves-Kagome(x20), and Towaneko! I really appreciate it!

Japanese Volcabulary:

taijiya: demon slayer

Itai: Ouch or It hurts

Chapter 21

The clearing was completely silent, all except for the occasional forest sounds. A purple clothed taijiya was sitting on the same log he had earlier that day but was now accompanied by a certain boy of the future.

Miroku sighed, as he looked at Inuyasha. He was sitting with his elbows resting on his legs, hands hanging between, and his head bent, his bangs shadowing his eyes.

Miroku produced another sigh. It seemed that he had hit the nail on the head.

'Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut,' Miroku thought, glancing once more at the silent boy of the future,' He probably would have figured it out eventually but.... maybe I could have saved him from this for a little longer... '

The taijiya shrugged. 'Ah well. What's done is done. Can't change that fact....' He glanced at Inuyasha. 'So I might as well...' Miroku then proceeded to break the silence.

"So what do you plan on doing now?"

Inuyasha lifted his head up in surprise at the silence being broken. "What?"

"Now that you know your feelings," Miroku repeated," What do you plan on doing now?"

Inuyasha turned his head away, looking straight ahead. "I'm not really sure." He shook his head. "But I don't think I can go back there and pretend that everything's all fine and dandy." He shrugged. "So what is there that I can do?"

"Well," Miroku replied," what most would do after realizing their feelings in this time and age, would be to go and try to court the one they have come to love."

"Court?" Inuyasha asked, lifting an eyebrow as he turned his head to the taijiya. "Is that like dating or something?"

Miroku blinked. "What's dating?"

"Well," Inuyasha said, lifting his eyes upwards in thought," when a guy likes a girl, or even the other way around, they'll ask the other on a date. Dating is when the guy and girl, go some place together, by themselves, or in some cases, they could have a double date and have another pair go with them. But anyways, If they both enjoyed themselves on the first date then they will probably go on another one. If they really enjoy themselves after a few dates they might end up becoming boyfriend and girlfriend."

"What does it mean if they become boyfriend and girlfriend?" Miroku asked.

"That means that they like each other enough to want to be together. If things don't work out, they can break up and they won't be together anymore, but if things do work out, then the guy may end up giving the girl a promise ring, which means they will get married at some point in the future."

"As in, they are engaged?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah but they're only really engaged if they get an engagement ring which means they're sure they want to get married."

"So, if you get an engagement ring, you can't turn back?" said Miroku.

"You can break the engagement," Inuyasha replied," if it turns out they don't want to be together after all."

"Hmm," said Miroku," So, I guess dating really isn't that much different from courting after all..."

"So, what exactly is courting?" Inuyasha asked.

"Just like dating," the taijiya replied," if a man has fallen in love with a woman, he will go after her in the act of courtship. I don't think i've ever seen a woman go after a man in the act of this, though. So, anyways, what this entails is that the man will give the woman a gift. Maybe a flower, some chopsticks for her hair, or anything like that. Though most start small. If she rejects the gift, it's not reccomended that he continues. But if she accepts the gift, she's giving him permission to continue courting her. At that point, he will continue giving her gifts, each one a little better than the last until finally you come to the final gift."

"What's the final gift?" Inuyasha asked, curiously.

Miroku smiled at him. "That... is the gift asking for the woman's hand in marriage."

Inuyasha's eyes widened, a blush consuming his cheeks. "How-How long until they reach that gift?"

Miroku chuckled. "It depends. It could be a few days, weeks, months, or maybe even years. Whenever the man feels he is ready to give that gift he will, so no need to look so worried. So, now, are you going to court Kagome?"

"Uh..." said Inuyasha, turning his head to look straight ahead," Well..."

'You know it doesn't sound like it's that bad of an idea,' the figure said, returning. 'It actually sounds kind of fun.'

'I don't know...' Inuyasha replied, uncertaintly,' Kagome's still in love with Sesshoumaru, remember? She'd never let me court her.'

'I think you could get her to love you back,' the figure replied. 'I mean, he did try to kill her and if you think about, even if he does have a living bleeding body, he is practically dead. Hisoka after all had to use some other dude's body so Sesshoumaru could have one.'

'Eh?' Inuyasha. 'He did? How do you know that?'

'I was once Sesshoumaru's soul and even though I wasn't in his body anymore, I was still with him in a ways,' the figure said. 'That way, I know these kind of things.'

'Huh,' said Inuyasha,' So you can always tell what he's doing and what's happening to him?'

'Kinda, but let's get back to subject,' the figure replied. 'You love Kagome. I think you could get her to love you back. So, I think you should court her.'

'Well...' Inuyasha said, unsure.

'Oh, come on,' the figure replied. 'It worth a shot at least... besides... remember that kiss you gave her on the cheek? If this works out... we can get a lot more than a little kiss on the cheek...'

Inuyasha blushed. 'You're a huge pervert, you know that?'

The figure blinked. 'Actually, I meant you could give her a real kiss.' He grinned. 'What kind of dirty thoughts were you thinking?'

Inuyasha blushed deeper. 'Shut up!'

'I will. I will,' the figure said. 'But first, will you court her?'

Inuyasha thought for a moment and sighed. 'I'm still not so sure. I mean, even if I did, Sesshoumaru could probably go after her too when he realizes Kagome didn't kill him...'

"Oh!" Miroku said," I forgot to mention something else about Courtship. Another man can't court a woman if she's already being courted by another."

Inuyasha was silent, eyes widened.

'...That good enough for you?'

'....Shut up....'


Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

Sango's eye twitched, agitatedly, at the continous tapping noise Kagome's fingers had been making against her leg for the past twenty minutes.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

"Kagome..."said Sango, fighting her temper.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap

"Kagome..." she gritted out, eyebrow twitching.

Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap ta-

"Kagome!" she finally shouted, grabbing the hanyou's wrist to stop the noise.

"What?!" Kagome growled at the glaring female monk.

"Stop. Tapping. Your. Fingers. It. Is. Getting. On. My. Nerves," Sango gritted out.

"Well, I. Can't. Help. It," Kagome replied. "What the hell could they be doing out there that takes a damn half hour?!"

"I don't know," Sango replied," but getting on my nerves isn't going to make them come back any sooner."

Kagome opened her mouth to reply when she noticed something.

"Hey, where's the brat?"


Kira ra walked through the forest, sighing angrily. 'Geez. If they want to know what's taking Inuyasha and Miroku, why didn't they just come and check themselves?'

Kirara snorted. 'Whatever. I don't care. At least, I'M going to find out.'

Eventually, Kirara started to hear two familiar voices. She grinned. 'There we go.'

She caught a few words at first, some thing called 'dating', things about feelings, courtship...

Her eyes widened at the last one. 'Courtship? Why are they talking about that?'

She walked until she made it to the clearing and hid behind a tree, just peering around the edge.

"Oh!" she heard Miroku say. "I forgot to mention something else about Courtship. Another man can't court a woman if she's already being courted by another."

She heard Inuyasha sit silently for a few moments. "So... If I court her... nobody else can?"

"That is correct," said Miroku," So will you court her?"

'Who could they be talking about?' Kirara thought, brows furrowed. 'Who's her?'

She heard a sigh come from Inuyasha. "I've made up my mind."

"And what would that be?"

She sniffed the air and caught determination in Inuyasha's scent.

"I'll court Kagome."

Kirara's eyes widened in shock. 'NANI?! Inuyasha's going to court THE MUTT?!!!!!!!!'

She narrowed her eyes in anger and jealousy as she slipped away back towards camp. 'She must have done something to him. He can't court her! He'd never do that if he was in his right mind! Inuyasha's MINE! He's going to be MY MATE! NOT HERS!'

She stomped angrily. 'She is going to pay for this! I'll make sure of it!'


"Now where could Kirara have run off to?" Sango said, confused.

"Don't know. Don't care," said Kagome, shrugging.

Sango sighed. "How come you and Kirara have such a dislike towards each other?"

"She's a brat," Kagome said, simply.

"It seems like it's deeper than just her being a brat," said Sango.

"It's not. Get over it," Kagome turned away.

"If I didn't know any better, i'd say..." Sango was cut off.

"What the-?!"

An angry yowl like a cat pouncing.


Sango turned quickly to see a very suprising sight.

Kirara was on Kagome's head, glaring angrily, a dog ear in her fangs, the other in her claws while Kagome stood, angrily as well, one eye closed in pain, teeth gritted, Kirara's tails held in her hands as she struggled to pull the cat demon off her head.

Sango watched as Kagome continued to struggle with this, until she finally managed to pry Kirara off and held her by the scruff of the neck so light brown and scarlet could glare at eachother.

Kirara let out an angry hiss as she swiped at her. Kagome shook her once, making her stop.

"What the hell is your problem?!" the female inuhanyou roared.

Kirara hissed again taking another swipe.

"Knock it off!" Kagome shook her again.

"What'd you do to Inuyasha?!" Kirara shouted.

"What are you talking about?" Kagome growled. "I didn't do a damn thing to him!"

"LIAR!" Kirara shouted, managing to free herself and leaping at Kagome so that all that was left of the two of them was a blur of claws and fur.

"What the hell is going on here?!!!!!!!!"

Kagome and Kirara froze at the VERY angry voice, and turned to look at the fuming Inuyasha and the surprised, confused, Miroku.

"I'm only gone for half an hour and I come back to THIS?" he gritted out," Kirara stop biting Kagome's ear and Kagome let go of Kirara."

Kirara released Kagome's ear and got down, Kagome loosening her grip on her tails. Then, Kirara stood beside Kagome, looking at her feet while Kagome looked off somewhere to her right.

Inuyasha glanced between the two of them, glaring. "Now anybody want to tell me what happened?"

Neither one seemed to want to speak. He glanced up at the still stunned Sango. "You mind telling me what happened?"

She looked at him surprised. "Ah..Well, Kagome and I were waiting when she realized Kirara had dissapeared. We started to wonder where she went off to when I heard Kagome cry out. I turned to see Kirara and Kagome in a position similiar to what you saw now. Kagome managed to pry Kirara off and ask her the reason for her actions but Kirara would only hiss in reply but... she finally metioned Kagome having done something to you. Of course, neither Kagome or I understood what she meant and when Kagome denied it, Kirara proceeded to call her a liar and leapt at her. They started to fight until you came and... well, you know the rest from here."

Inuyasha raised a brow and turned to Kirara. "What makes you think Kagome did something to me?"

Kirara looked up, angrily. "Because she did! I heard you and Miroku talking and I knew that Kagome had to have done something to you or you'd never want to-"

She was cut off when Miroku clapped his hand over her mouth. "Um... I think that's enough Kirara. Why don't you come with me so we can have a quick chat?"

Inuyasha was looking at Miroku in relief and gratitude, realizing what Kirara had been about to reveal.

"Excuse us for a moment," the taijiya said, walking towards the forest, Kirara in tow, unable to make more than a few muffled sounds.

Sango looked after in confusion. 'I wonder what Kirara was going to say...'


Eventually, Miroku reached the same clearing he had just left and released Kirara. She spun around, glaring. "Why'd you do that?!"

"How much of our conversation did you hear, Kirara?" Miroku asked.

"Basically, that Inuyasha said he's going to court Kagome," she said, envy evident in her voice," But he'd never say that if he was in his right mind. Kagome had to have done something to him."

Miroku didn't miss the emotion in her voice. "Why do you believe that Kirara? Why isn't it possible that Inuyasha would want to court Kagome?"

She glanced at him, sharply. "Because he's mine! He's going to be MY mate, not hers!"

Miroku raised his eyebrows in relization. "Ah. Now I see. You have a crush on Inuyasha."

Kirara's cheeks turned pink as she looked away. "So! What if I like him? He's gonna be my mate when I get big, anyways."

Miroku sighed. "Kirara... Did Inuyasha ever agree to this?"

"Well," Kirara stopped," No... but I haven't asked him yet! I've still got to grow up first."

He sighed again. "Kirara, I don't think that's going to happen."

"Yes, it will!" Kirara growled," He's going to be my mate when I grow up!"

"Alright," said Miroku," but what if he loves someone else?"

"Well," said Kirara," He doesn't!"

Miroku sighed, once more. "Kirara that's what Inuyasha came to me to talk about. Inuyasha's fallen in love with Kagome."

"Oh! So you're taking her side?!" Kirara growled, spinning around.

"Kirara," he said," I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just trying to tell you the truth before your crush can grow farther than it needs to go."

He put a hand on her shoulder. "Please, i'm trying to help you."

Kirara stared at him for a few moments, silently, before sighing. "So, he really loves her, huh? What's he think of me then?"

"Yes," Miroku said," and i'm not sure what he thinks of you, but I think he thinks of you more as.... a little sister than anything else."

"Does she know how he feels?" Kirara said, looking up him.

"No," Miroku shook his head," Inuyasha just realized his feelings today so i'm pretty sure Kagome hasn't realized it yet."

Kirara bent her head, eyes shadowed. Miroku stared at her for a few moments until he saw a tear roll down her cheek.

"Kirara, I'm sorry, I had to tell you this but..." he stopped as he saw her look up at him, tears in her eyes but smiling, sadly.

She shook her head. "I'm not crying for me." She looked back up at him, sadly. "I'm crying for Inuyasha. You didn't see his face the time before or after Sesshoumaru was brought back. It hurt him to know how she felt. If he ends up not being able to make her love him back by courting her...."

Kirara looked off into the forest. "'ll really hurt him Miroku. And if she ever goes to see Sesshoumaru again like it's obvious she did when we returned to the village... it'll hurt him, probably worse now that he knows he loves her...."

Miroku stared at her surprised. Here Kirara had learned that Inuyasha loved Kagome and she was crying for him, rather than herself. "Will you be okay?"

Kirara smiled up at him. "You know, I don't think I ever really liked him like that as much as I thought I did. Maybe at first, I did, but now..."

She shook her head. "I'd thought it would hurt but it doesn't. I'm actually happy. I've spent so much time trying to break them apart when I should have tried to push them togeather."

Miroku smiled. "You think you can make up for that now?"

The young cat demon smiled back up at him. "Yep! I'll do whatever it takes to help Inuyasha! I don't want him to be sad anymore...."

"Just one thing," Miroku said," Don't tell Kagome about anything Inuyasha and I or you and I have talked about. I don't think Inuyasha would want that to be known yet."

She nodded. "I won't!"

Kirara turned with Miroku to walk out of the clearing.

"By the way," she said as they walked," Thanks. If you hadn't talked to me, i'd still be trying to push them apart and making Inuyasha sad."

He just smiled at her before looking up at the sky.

'Intreasting how much can happen in a span of time.' He grinned. 'And it hasn't even been an hour yet...'