InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For richer or poorer ❯ High Life ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER- Give me one good reason, why I should say that I don't own him, when you already know that I don't own him. But then again you don't know that. I could be Rumiko Takahashi dressed up in a little girl costume pretending to write these stories… you don't know that, now do you? …that's what I thought. So I guess I should write this crap anyways…. want a disclaimer? Go look for it somewhere else… maybe next chapter.

Okay well I see that a lot of you liked the story so far, so I decided I will keep writing! I am thinking of adding a lot of the characters that weren't in my other story or aren't there yet. Such as: Kikyo, Hojo, Kirara (just plain kitty ^^) and Shippou. I am also adding characters that already are in my other story like: Sesshoumaru, Rin, Naraku, and Kaede. I can't wait to get to writing all of this, but I must warn you all. I have another story being written at the same time so it will be hard to post the chapters absolutely immediately. I am thinking of updating hm… once a week, you know like a schedule. I will probably write the day or date that I will update next every week for both stories, you can check that out every so often to see when the next update will come. Believe me, I need a system. Knowing me, I am the most unorganized and forgetful person. SO if you don't like it. Too bad.

Also… I want some feedback on this chapter. You see, I am for now on every time I start a new story I am going to ask everyone to tell me if I should keep going with this story. And well when I did that a while ago before, when I got to the 2nd chapter, it was like no one wanted to read it! …ugh, well anyways, I am going to do it for *2* chapters instead of 1 so I can be sure I want to put all my time and effort into writing this and know that it is going to good use…


Talking- " "

Thinking- ' '

Actions (rarely I do this) * *


Title: For richer or poorer

Chapter 2: High life

"Oh I just love that outfit over there!" Kagome called to her best friend from across the store. They were both running around giggling in girlish delight and were having the best time of their lives.

"Oh, I like that one too!" Sango responded picking it up. She flipped over the tag and stared at the price curiously. "Hmm… 150 dollars? Oh well!" she said throwing it in her basket. It was already filled to the rim in overpriced clothing from Gucci, Prate, and Versace. Right now, the two teenage girls were at the mall in one of the most expensive clothing stores. This was the first time that either of the girls had been to the mall, and were thrilled about shopping like there was no tomorrow.

Kagome held up her basket against Sango's. Both of the baskets were stuffed with clothing and each one had about the same amount in it. "Do you think this enough to tie us over?" she asked, picking up a nice silver watch and matching ring. She stared at it in awe, and tossed it into her basket along with the other things.

Sango struggled to pick up her basket. "Yeah, for now I guess" she responded. She hauled the basket over to the cash register and heaved it onto the marble counter. It was so polished Sango could see herself in it. "Omgosh, I love this! How about we get marble counters in our kitchen?" she suggested, dumping the basket out on the long counter as 3 clerks started ringing up the things.

Kagome nodded in response, and too lifted her basket onto the counter and emptying it of its contents. She reached into her newly bought purse and whipped out her newly bought wallet that was filled with cash and various credit cards, which were also, new.

(Oh do I love that word…. new…) Kagome handed the card to the cashier and swiped it through the machine.

"You girls look like you just won the lottery or something. Either that, or you have one rich daddy" the cashier said to Sango. Sango just laughed and looked down at her feet. She was wearing a new pair of flip flops that had cost about 200 dollars from Gucci.

"You would be surprised…" she mumbled under her breath. It was quiet enough that the cashier couldn't hear it over the cash register ringing up her items, but loud enough for Kagome to take notice. After all of their things were paid for, the two decided to go to the food court and grab a bite to eat. They had paid a saleswoman at the customer service desk to bring their limo up front and load all of their belongings into it. The woman had happily obeyed the order and ran off to start loading the limo with dozens of bags of clothing as Kagome and Sango finished exploring. They had paid the woman about 1000 dollars to do it, so who wouldn't be happy?

"Hey Kagome" Sango whispered into Kagome's ear. They sat down at a table in the food court and sipped their slushies that they had just recently bought. "Look over there" she said pointing out a pair of guys that were eyeing them from across the food court. Kagome pulled out her pocket mirror and opened it up. She shined it behind her to see the guys so that she wouldn't have to turn around and be caught. When she got it just right she almost melted. One of the two guys were absolutely gorgeous. His friend that was sitting with him wasn't too bad looking himself, but he could never match the other one. Kagome leaned over toward Sango and covered the side of her mouth so they couldn't lip read. If they could anyways.

"Oh my gods, the one with the long white hair is so bishie!" she pointed out. Her face was flushed and oddly love struck. Sango giggled and snatched Kagome's pocket mirror for a look herself. She aimed it on the guy with long white hair's friend. He had black hair that was pulled back into a ponytail, and he was wearing blue jeans, and a black T-shirt.

"Gorgeous is an understatement" she said struck by awe. Sango slipped the pocket mirror back up and searched around for them again. They were gone. "Kagome, they left" Sango whined. Kagome stole back her mirror and tried herself. Having no luck herself, she simply turned around but could find them no where in sight.

"They must have had to leave" she explained sitting back down. Kagome decided to give up on the guys, and changed the topic to something else. "Sango, what do you think of going to Tachisaka?" she questioned. She sat patiently for Sango to answer.

Sango's face lit up with anticipation. "OMG, you don't mean the highly expensive dream boarding school, do you?!" she said suddenly. Kagome flew back from the shock wave that Sango had sent through her with her high pitched voice.

Kagome laughed and hushed Sango. "Yes, I do mean that one" she said smiling. "Do you want to go?" Sango was on the edge of her seat with a large grin on her face, and she was bouncing slightly up and down.

"Oh my god… WOULD I?!"

"I take that as a yes?"


The two teenage girls rushed out of the food court into the main part of the mall, and found the exit out. They hopped into the waiting limo and sped off into Tokyo. The limo driver turned around in his seat slightly at a red light and lowered the window.

"Where to, ladies?" he asked in a professional tone. The girls squealed in unison.

"Tachisaka boarding school!" Kagome replied proudly. "And step on it!" she commanded. She slammed back into her seat and spilled her slushie on the floor. The car had roared to life and sent Kagome flying against her seat the moment she said step on it.

"This guy is good!" Sango yelled excitedly. Kagome pouted, now that she didn't have anything to drink. Sango suck out her tongue and laughed at her best friend.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

**5 hours earlier

The manager of the Tokyo lottery shook each of Kagome and Sango's hands and took a seat in front of them.

"Good afternoon ladies" The manager welcomed them, sipping his piping coffee. "May I please see the winning ticket, so I may verify it?" he asked, holding out a hand to take the ticket. He mumbled a few mhm's and ohh....'s before handing it back. "Well now ladies, it seems that you have won. Congratulations" he said, taking his seat.

The two girls hugged each other and screamed at the top of their lungs.

"You and your mother must be very happy, Miss Sango. I wish the best of luck to you both. Now don't go spending it all at one time" she said pointing a finger to Sango. "Now, if you would like to deposit the money into a new banking account we would be glad to do that for you if you wish" he said showing them out of the room. Kagome nodded and stuck her hand out to shake it.

"Thank you so much" Sango thanked him, too shaking his hand to be polite. "We must be leaving now" she said, waving a goodbye and dragging Kagome out the door behind her. When they were out of viewing distance, maybe a few blocks down, Kagome pulled off her wig and sunglasses that she had been wearing, and wiped the makeup off of her face.

"I can't believe he actually thought you were my mom!" Sango screamed wrapping her arms around Kagome's neck and twirling around. Kagome laughed and threw the useless items into a nearby dumpster and joined back up with Sango.

"Let's go get a credit card so we can do some major shopping" Kagome suggested immediately. Sango nodded and followed her down the sidewalk to god knows where.

**End of flashback

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"We have arrived" the chauffer announced to the very hyper teenage girls who were practically bouncing off the walls.

"YAY!" they yelled like little girls. They both jumped out of the limo in a hurry and trudged up the steps to the main office building. They entered the office and were greeted by a young lady sitting at a large desk.

"How may I help you?"

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Kagome and Sango skipped out of the main office happily and loaded into the limo. Neither of them could believe that they were actually going to the Tachisaka boarding school! The most sought after, highly prestigious and of course, far most expensive boarding school in the world! But then again, they had the doe to do it.

"Where to now, ladies?" the chauffer asked politely.

Kagome held up the keys that were given to her and read one of them closely. "Umm, take us to… Paradise square. Hmm, that must be the name of the dorm building we will be staying in" Kagome said aloud. She shoved the keys back into her pocket, as the car sped up and zoomed down the road to Paradise square. When the car had slowed to a stop, Kagome and Sango got out of the car and took the elevator to the 5th floor. Kagome found the room and pushed the door open.

"OMG" the both uttered in unison

The room was gigantic. When you came in, there was a large living room already furnished with the most expensive and nicest furniture you could get your hands on. There was a large screen thin screen television hanging on the wall above the fireplace, and vases of flowers were everywhere. The floor was soft and carpeted with a super soft Persian rug, and beautiful pictures were hanging from the wall. As you turned left into the next room- it was the kitchen. It had every single kitchen appliance, utensil, and any other cooking tool imaginable. The kitchen was too quite big and even had a long wooden and polished table in there with 2 chairs on each side. In the middle of the table was a gorgeous centerpiece consisting of flowers, acorns, pine, and popery. (Okay so I can't spell it too bad) Kagome snuck down the hallway toward the bedroom. But instead of 1 bedroom that was cramped and small; there were *2* bedrooms that were bigger than either teen had expected. Kagome flopped onto a bed in one of the rooms and claimed it as hers. It too was carpeted with a Persian rug and had its own television. The sheets were 1000 count thread and the bed spread was lovely lavender and rose color. Sango's room was identical to Kagome's, but had a different colored bed spread. Each of the rooms had their own walk-in closet that could fit about 50 people inside, and they had their own bathrooms. Both had a large circular tub already furnished with highly expensive soaps and shampoos from across the world. Kagome sat down on the side of the tub and picked up a bottle of shampoo. Everything was written in French and the soap smelled of vanilla and cinnamon buns.

"Oh my god, this stuff cost a fortune!" Kagome squealed, taking another smell to satisfy her nose.

Sango entered Kagome's room and plopped down onto her bed. "Kagome, this is the best day of my life!" she yelled at the top of her lungs. She acted as though she were on top of the world. Kagome stayed in the bathroom and examined the standing glass, see-through shower that also stood in the luxurious bathroom.

"Me too, Sango!" she called back. After no response, probably because she couldn't hear her, Kagome descended from the bathroom and joined her best friend on the queen sized bed. "Do you think we should go get our clothes, they're still in the car" Kagome pointed out. She turned over onto her back and stretched. "I am too tired" she yawned.

Sango too did the same and scrunched up under the covers. "Let's let the chauffer do that"

"Yeah, right now alls I want to do is…" she trailed off to let her best friend finish the sentence for her. Sango knew Kagome well enough to know what she was thinking.



Sango had called the chauffer to bring up their bags, and when they arrived, they both started rummaging through the pile of things. Kagome had picked out a pair of 75 dollar jeans from Prate, and a green T-shirt that had written across of it "Bad Girl". Sango on the other hand, pulled on a pair of gray sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. The sweatshirt had a magenta stripe running down the side of each sleeve, and had a Hawaiian flower on the front. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and put on a silver friendship charm bracelet that Kagome and she had gotten.

"Ready to go tour the huge campus?" Kagome asked, popping her head into Sango's room.

"Yeah, let's go" she said skipping out of the room. She latched onto Kagome's wrist and pulled her out of the room behind her. Just as they were coming through the door, the door straight across the hall opened slowly as well. Kagome stopped to watch who was leaving also, as did Sango. Out came 2 boys, one with black hair pulled into a ponytail, and the other with long silver hair. Kagome's eyes went wide in surprise. Not that one of the boy's hair color was unusual, but that she had seen them before. The two turned around and saw Kagome and Sango. They smiled innocently at them and left. After they were out of sight, Sango turned to Kagome.

"Why didn't you go after him?" she asked.

"I… froze"

"Well isn't the reason we even left was to look for hot guys?"


"Well then what was wrong?"

"He wasn't hot… he was gorgeous"


Okay, another chapter. Please tell me what you think so I can decide if I want to continue or not. Thanks!!

Oh, and while I was looking around, my friend Kim, gave me this link to a site that you may like if you went to it!

It has a lot of Japanese songs from like every single person you can imagine:

Click the purple button

Because then you will be happy

That I was happy

Because I was happy

To update the story

To make you happy

Because I wanted you to be happy

So you would review

And make me happy

Lets all be happy! *does little dance*
