InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For the Love of a Child ❯ Kouga's Revenge ( Chapter 8 )
A tall young man walks outside into the dark crowded parking lot with one lonely yellow light offering a minimal amount of light and security. There is a slight chill in the air and the man rubs his arms for warmth. (Kind of cold for it to be, spring, isn’t it,) thought Rishu? “Hey Kouga?” he yells walking and looking around. “You out here?” When there is no reply Rishu again calls out. “Kouga? Where the hell are you?” He gives a slight shrug. (Guess he could have gone back inside already.) He turns to go back into the building when he notices someone leaning against a car with a lit cigarette in his hand.
“Hey! Is that you, Kouga?”
The wolf demon blows smoke into the air. “Looking for me, are ya?”
“Yeah I am,” says Rishu walking up to the demon. “Yash told me you were out here. Thought you’d want to know it’s almost time for our next set.”
“Hmph! I got a watch, ya know.”
“Why are you still out here Kouga? Usually you’re helping Yash with the equipment by now.”
“Heh, he doesn’t need me in there!” replies the wolf disgustingly. “Yash can handle that shit himself.
“But you’re always saying he can’t get it right without you helping him.”
“He can’t Ri. But I don’t wanna go back in just yet. It’s quiet out here, peaceful, calms my mind. Don’t have to listen to all that damn annoying bullshit in there.”
“It is kind of quiet out here.”
“Damn right. I can just take my time, sit while enjoying a good smoke. It helps me think, ya know?”
“I guess so. So what are you thinking about…the next performance?
“Nope!” Kouga nods toward the building. “Thinking about our big boss man in there.”
“Why? You’re not still angry with him, are you?”
“Don’t think I have reason to be angry?”
“Not really, Kouga. Yasha didn’t do anything. He was just having fun that’s all.
“Fun?” says the demon surprised. “That bastard really pissed me off in there tonight Ri. And I’m planning on getting him back for it.”
“By doing something Yash would never expect. Something that will piss him off but good.” Kouga proceeds telling his friend his plan for revenge against InuYasha and Rishu slightly pales.
“WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Rishu says anxiously. “That’s just plain bullshit Kouga. You know you can’t do that.”
“Why the hell not?” asks Kouga angrily. “That bastard deserves it, don’t he?”
“Not really. And you’d only end up getting your ass killed if you try that. Damn it, Kouga! The man paces in front of the demon. Of all the...” A short moment passes and Rishu looks at his friend giving a nervous laugh. “Oh, I get it. You’re just messing with me, aren’t cha? I have to admit, Kouga, you really had me going there, buddy.” He leans back and sighs.
The wolf demon lazily exhales smoke from his lungs, drops the cigarette to the ground and pulls another from the pack. “How long have we known each other Ri?”
“Don’t know. Seven, eight years maybe.”
“Do I look like I’m just messing with ya?”
“Well yeah…kind of.”
“Don’t bet on it.” Kouga lights his cigarette and blows the smoke up in the air. “That bastard’s got this coming. Or maybe you think I should just let bygones be bygones and all that shit, huh?”
“Well sure, Kouga. It was just a silly little prank after all. Yash didn’t mean anything by it. And everyone knows messing with Yash can mean big trouble.”
“I’m not everyone, now, am I?”
“But it makes no sense. You’ve already teased Yash enough tonight, haven’t ya? You pissed him so that should be revenge enough. You don’t need to go no further with it.”
“That’s where you’re wrong Ri. That bastard’s gonna to pay big time for what he’s done. And I’m making damn sure he does.”
“To use his friends though. Yash sure as hell ain’t gonna like that.”
“So?” replies the demon with a shrug of his shoulders. “Who, the fuck, cares?”
“I care for one. This damn plan of yours it’s…,” says Rishu with a shake of his head. “It’s too risky. Yash can be unpredictable Kouga, and both you and I know that. And everyone knows you don’t want to get on his bad side.”
“Good side, bad side. What the hell does it matter?”
“His temper that’s what?” replies Rishu “Yash was just angry with ya when ya went messing with that woman Kouga. Think of what he’ll do if you go if you messing with his friends again? Yash ain’t gonna like it and he might even turn on ya for it.”
“You think I’m afraid of his ass?” The demon taps his friend’s shoulder. “In case you’ve forgotten my friend, that bastard almost got me into a fight tonight.”
“Almost is the operative word here though,” replies Rishu. “It never happened.”
“So?!” replies the demon poking his friend’s chest. “It could have. There’s no way I can call myself a demon Ri if I let that poor excuse of a half demon get away with something like that. I do have my pride, ya know.”
“Pride ain’t gonna protect your ass Kouga. Pissing Yash off like that. It’s too dangerous. Dangerous for you and dangerous for the rest of us.”
“How so? It’ll just be Yash and I going at it.”
“Are you stupid Kouga? Jakotsu, me and his friends had nothing to do with it. But we’ll get pulled into it just the same, and just maybe some of us will get killed because of your fucking pride. No Kouga, none of it was our fault so we don’t deserve to have to participate in your kind fights.”
“Yash shouldn’t have stirred up the customers like that. If he’d just kept his damn mouth shut the whole thing would have blown over. But did he? No! Yash just had to keep egging the bastard on.”
“But Yash didn’t start that Kouga. You did by pissing off that one customer in there.”
“I didn’t do anything, but sing a damn song for his stupid girlfriend. It’s not my fault the bastard didn’t like it. And I did try to soothe the bitch’s feelings afterwards, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. And that should be the end of it. Only you won’t let it be. Ya ask me, you’re the one who started all that shit. Yash only tried to get some fun out of the situation.”
“Yash should have kept his damn nose out of it. I could have handled the whole think if he had. Who the hell knows what will happen when we walk back in there Ri. That human could be waiting, ready to jump my ass. That will be when the big fight begins Ri. And Yash is to blame for all of it.”
“Listen Kouga. Nothing’s gonna happen, alright? That guy and his girlfriend has already left for the night and everyone else in there has finally calmed down. It can still be a good night for us if nothing else happens. But if you and Yash start fighting… You know as well as I do, Kouga how the other demons will react. They’ll want to fight as well and no matter what the reason, it will turn into a damn free for all. There’ll won’t be any stopping it, not until the last man goes down.”
“Sounds like fun, don’t it?”
“Not when there’s humans involved. Damn it Kouga stop and think for a minute will ya? Humans, demons, everyone in there will get pulled into your fight and will probably be killed. Do you really want that on your conscious? And what about your job?”
“What’s my job got to do with it?”
“You think Yash’ll keep you on after you do that? He’s extremely protective of his friends. Go messing with them tonight, let even one of them get hurt, your ass is done for sure.”
“So, what,” the demon shrugs his shoulders, “It’s not as if there’s a shortage of jobs out there.”
“That’s not the point. There’s all those humans. Weak humans that don’t know how to fight. How to protect themselves. Hell even some of those demons in there don’t know how to fight.”
“If some fucking human gets his ass killed in there, tonight, it’ll be their own damn fault. Everybody knows friend or enemy, when you fuck with me, you’re messing with the wrong demon.”
Rishu drops his head and sighs. “You’re just not getting it Kouga. “Ok. What about your friendship with Yash then? You and he have been through a lot of shit together right? Surely you don’t want to ruin that friendship because of some silly ass prank, do you?”
“You don’t think he ruined it by doing that shit to me earlier? A friend wouldn’t have tried to start a fight in the first place. He would have kept his mouth shut so I can handle it.”
“And that’s true. But using his friends Kouga…friends who know nothing about you? And that woman, Kagome. You seemed to like her. What if she’s hurt or killed? How do you think Yash will handle that?”
“Her name’s Kagome, huh?”
“That’s right. Met her just a few minutes ago.”
“You did? Did she ask about me?”
“No. But Yash seemed very protective of her Kouga. More so than that other woman he’s been seen with. Kagome’s special to him, so, I wouldn’t chance starting a fight tonight. Not with her in the room.”
“Yash is just a weak ass half demon Ri. Not at all worth his salt.”
“If you ask me,” continues the wolf, “that woman’s way too good for him and would be much better off with a real demon like me.”
“Ok, ok. So let say you and Yash get into a fight, and that woman gets hurt? Yash won’t care about your friendship either. He won’t go easy on you and you know it. Yash will tear into you. Rip your ass apart like you were nothing but an old broken-down engine needing scrapped. He’ll annihilate your ass without giving it a second thought.”
“Don’t know why the hell you’re getting yourself all worked up over this Ri? Think I can’t take him or something?”
“No. I think you’re being petty and malicious Kouga. What happened in there tonight, was all Yash. He was just joking around and meant no harm to anyone. You? You won’t be doing this for fun, will you? You’ll be doing it out of plain spite and fuck the consequences. Someone gets hurt? It will be just fine with you, won’t it? Just fine as long as you get your damn revenge.”
“You’re wrong, Rishu,” replies the wolf irritated. “Nothing’s gonna happen in there besides a little head butting, ok. This shit has nothing to do with you, his friends or anyone else for that matter. This is just between me and Yash.”
“Then let it stay between you and Yash. Take your fight somewhere else where you can maim each other to your hearts content. Just keep everyone else out of it.”
“Are you worried about everyone Ri or just you?”
“Then you’re nothing but chickenshit.”
“Chickenshit…chickenshit?! Kouga when Yash gets pissed it’s like he’s a full-blooded demon just thirsting for blood. I’ve seen it fucking happen. When he gets like that there’s just no stopping him. He’ll go after you, his friends and anyone else in his path until either, everyone is dead, he wears himself out, or someone kills him. It’s just not worth taking the chance.”
“Dumbass. You think I give a damn what form that bastard takes? No matter what he is Yash will always be a half demon Ri, with only half the strength and power as me. I’ll be able to take him down, no sweat.”
“And all the humans, the demons…hell even the building won’t be standing once the two of you are through. It’s just not worth pissing Yash off like that Kouga.
“But I like, pissing that half demon off Ri… it’s fun. It’s what I do best!”
“You’re gonna royally piss him off this time if you go through with this damn plan of yours,” says Rishu anxiously.
“Yeah, ain’t it great?!” says Kouga with a smirk. “He won’t be pulling that shit on me again, that’s for damn sure. What’s with all the worry anyway? Think Yash’ll kill me or something? Don’t ya have any faith in me at all?”
“Well umm,” replies the human rubbing the back of his head. “Yash…”
“Yash has been pissed at me before, Ri. Lots of times, and there’s nothing he’s ever thrown at me I couldn’t handle.”
“There’s always a first time, ya know?”
“Nah, I doubt it.”
“Come on, Kouga,” says Rishu anxiously. “Please for once in your unnatural life, just listen to me!” The demon looks at his friend curiously. “Don’t…do it. Or at least do it somewhere away from everyone. Nothing’s worth going to jail, losing your job, or getting your head, torn, clean off your shoulders for.”
“Don’t be such a worrywart my friend. So maybe Yash will get the better of me tonight, maybe he won’t. It’s all good.”
“Awe, quit your bitchin, will ya? Grow some damn balls for once and live a little. Life’s way too short for you, humans to be worrying about me anyway. It will all be just good, clean fun between us.”
“Fun, huh?”
“Yep. Fun amongst friends. It’s like you’ve said Ri, Yash and I have known each other a long ass time. He won’t let something like a…a little skirmish between us, ruin our perfect friendship. He’s way too smart for that.”
“This time might be different though. Because you’re using his friends to get to him. Especially that woman. You can’t do it Kouga. Not with her.”
“Will you get off it already?”
“No, I won’t get off it. What you’re planning is fucking stupid Kouga. Sure, you’ve gotten away with shit like this before. But only because the two of you are so close. But the rest of us…no way in hell could we ever pull that shit and expect to get away with it. Yash would cream our asses good for it.”
“Yash ain’t the sort to hurt his friends Ri. Not over some bitch at least. He’ll probably just laugh it off when it’s all over with.”
“That ain’t the point though. Kouga… pushing Yash too far is too damn dangerous. For everyone. There’s just no telling who will end up paying for your damn stupidity.”
“Ya know, Ris.” Kouga again exhales the smoke from his lungs. “Ya really got to calm yourself down a bit. Stop worrying so much. After all, from what I hear humans die a lot earlier when they worry.”
“Yeah, well…I did find some gray hairs this morning while shaving. And I don’t want to find anymore, ok?”
“And you’re not going to.” Rishu continues to look anxious. “Oh come on …nothing’s gonna to happen to those humans in there! And it’ll be good for Ole Yash to get some of that pent up anger out of him.” The demon throws another cigarette on the ground, and steps on them. “And I’m just the demon to do it. Think of it as therapy for the big boss man.” Kouga turns and punches his friend in the arm. “So, come on! Let’s get our asses in there and show those folks what we’re really made of. And stop your worrying will ya? You’re gonna cause me to have gray hairs if you keep that shit up and I’m too damn young to have them.”
“I don’t know, Kouga. It’s not you or Yash I’m so worried about. It’s everyone else in there. You sure no one else will get hurt tonight? Everything’s gonna be ok, right?”
“Of course. Everything’s gonna be just fine, I promise. So stop looking like you’re gonna pass out on me or something. I’m not gonna let anything happen to ya.”
Rishu takes a deep breath. “Ok. If you can swear to me everyone’s going to be safe in there…well I’m ready when you are.”
“That’s the spirit,” says Kouga, slapping Rishu on the back. “I just might make a fighter out of you yet.”
“Yeah, yeah.” (Not if I’m dead, you won’t,) thought Rishu miserably.
Kouga looks back and smiles. “What are you standing around for Ri? Let’s get our asses in there and show those bastards what we’re really made of.”
The demon and nervous human make their way into the building, pushing their way through the large crowd, and jumping up onto the stage, to check their instruments. Kouga looks over at InuYasha, and finds the hanyou still glaring at him. He smiles mischievously.
(Still pissed are ya,) the wolf thought? (Well just you wait Yash old buddy. You thought what happened earlier was something… I’ve planned something really special for you this set!)
The hanyou narrows his eyes. (That bastard’s up to something,) he thought suspiciously.? (Well, whatever it is, he’d better leave Kagome out of it this time!)
(It’s show time!) The young wolf gives the hanyou a quick salute and grabs the mic. “Best be ready my friend.”
“Kouga!” barks InuYasha. “I’m tell…”
“Hey folks, enjoy the short interlude?” yells Kouga happily, ignoring the upset hanyou. “Ya didn’t fall asleep on us, did ya?” There is a short applause from the waiting crowd. “Ok then, if you’re all ready for us to get down with our crazy selves, let’s get the fun started, shall we? Now tonight, we’re gonna do something a little different for ya. Our first song, will require the assistance of one of you lovely young ladies here in our audience tonight. Sort of an audition of sorts. So who shall the lucking one be, eh?”
The women all sit up straight in their seats and smile, waiting expectantly and thinking she won’t be picked, Kagome smiles while looking around her.
“Sure looks like the women are all willing, don’t they, Sango?” says Kagome. “Just look at them sitting so straight in their seats.”
“Yeah,” replies Sango also looking around. “Any straighter they might end up breaking their backs.”
Kagome nods. “Can’t blame them. He did say it was an audition. I wonder who he’ll choose.”
“Whoever it is Kagome, I sure hope they can sing.”
“So do I. It sounds like a great opportunity for whomever he chooses. They’ll have to be really brave to go up there though. Sure wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.”
“Yeah,” agrees Sango with a nod. “Me neither.
(All these lovely young ladies just begging to be picked. That wolf sure is lucky,) thought Miroku shaking his head and he sighs. “What I wouldn’t give to be in his shoes tonight.”
“What was that husband?” asks Sango angrily pinching his arm. “Did you say something?”
“No, no, wife,” says Miroku rubbing his arm. “I didn’t say a word.”
“Good.” Sango looks at Kagome. “Why don’t you audition Kagome?”
“Me?” Kagome replies looking surprised.
“Sure. You have a great voice. You could become a recording artist in no time.”
“Oh no, not me Sango. I can’t possibly go up there,” replies Kagome blushing and shaking of her head.
“Why not?”
“I’d be way too nervous to stand in front of all these people. And my voice isn’t really all that good.”
“Sure, it is. The best I’ve ever heard at least. And just think. You can become someone famous. You’d have your name up in lights, sold out concerts and people clamoring for your autograph and attention.”
“That’s not for me Sango. I like who I am. Just plain old me, living my plain old life.”
“We like you as you are, as well Kagome,” says Miroku.
“Thanks, Miroku.”
“Oh, what do you know Miroku?” says Sango looking a little perturbed.
The wolf smiles at InuYasha. (Hope you’re ready my friend. Cause this will be all for you.)
(Damn it, if I wasn’t sure before,) thought the hanyou angrily watching the wolf. (Whatever that bastard’s up to, I know I’m not going to fucking like it.)
The wolf jumps down from the stage, and looks around him at all the expectant faces. “My, my, aren’t I the lucky one?” says Kouga smiling. “You’re all like a beautiful field of flowers just waiting to be picked. I’m just beside myself with indecision.” Kouga smirks as he looks back toward the stage, mainly at InuYasha. “What’s a guy to do, eh?”
“Kouga,” the hanyou slightly growls in warning.
“Perhaps you’d like to help me out here guys. Rishu? Jakotsu?” Rishu slightly shakes his head while Jakotsu remains quiet, confused with what’s happening. “Well, what about you InuYasha? Surely you have some suggestions on which of these lovely flowers I should choose.” The hanyou angrily stares at the wolf, slightly baring his fangs. “No? Guess it’s all up to me, then. Now let’s see.” The demon casually walks from one table to another. “So many beautiful flowers. Wish I could just pick you all.” The wolf continues walking around all the tables. “Yet sadly I can only choose one. So, which lovely flower, shall it be?” Kouga, gently lifts the chin of one woman. “Should it be you?” he asks and turns toward another table. “What about you, young lady?” The young woman blushes a deep red. The demon turns to walk among the tables. “Decisions, decisions. What’s a guy to do?” He walks from one table to another until he comes to the front table near the stage, where he places a gentle hand on Kagome’s shoulder. “Who shall the lucky flower be, eh?”
InuYasha tightens his grip on the stem of his guitar. (Don’t do it Kouga.) When Kouga leans down and whispers in Kagome’s ear InuYasha softly growls. (Don’t piss me off bastard. I will kick your ass if you start something tonight!) The young woman suddenly looks up, blushing and shaking her head. The hanyou breathes a deep sigh of relief and relaxes. (That’s good. Now Kouga’s got no choice but to pick some other bitch.)
“Come, come my little flower, no need to be shy,” smiles the wolf.
(Little flower?) The hanyou again stiffens. (How dare he?)
“I’d bet you have a lovely voice.” The wolf looks around him. “Wouldn’t you folks all love to have this lovely flower sing for us?”
“Well…I don’t really think I should,” says Kagome uncomfortably looking around her. “I’ve never sung before this many people before. And…”
“Ah, please?” replies the wolf. “Just sing one song with me. It’ll be fun.”
(Are you fucking deaf wolf,) thought InuYasha with another soft growl? (Kagome said no! Now get over it already, and pick someone else.)
“Hey… Rishu,” whispers Jakotsu, tapping the man’s shoulder while leaning over his drums.
“Huh?” replies Rishu turning to look at the man. “What cha want Jakotsu?”
“What’s with Kouga tonight? We’ve never done shit like this before.”
“I’m sure I don’t know,” whispers Rishu uncomfortably. “Maybe he just wants to do something different.”
“But shouldn’t we have at least rehearsed this first? It’s gonna suck big time if it turns out she can’t sing.”
“Ya know Kouga, Jakotsu. He does what he wants.” Looking over at InuYasha, Rishu finds the hanyou tightening his grip on his instrument, almost breaking it. (Awe man. This shit ain’t good! Yash looks really agitated over there. If Kouga doesn’t stop it now, he’ll be dead for sure. And maybe the rest of us along with him.)
Sango nudges her friend. “Oh, come on, Kagome! Go on up there and show them what cha got.”
“I can’t, Sango,” says Kagome uneasily. “There are too many people in here. I might screw the whole thing up and ruin his song.”
“You’ll do fine. Miroku and me will step in if something goes wrong. Just go up there and give it a try.”
“But…still…” says Kagome with an uncertain look.
“What’s your name, my lovely flower?” asks Kouga showing great interest.
(She’s not your flower, damn it,) thought the hanyou angrily, again tightening is grip on his guitar.
“Kagome?” replies the woman timidly.
“Kagome, huh? Well Kagome, seems your friends, here, all think you should come up onstage with me.” The wolf looks up at the audience. “What, do the rest of you guys think?! You’d all like to hear her sing, now wouldn’t ya?”
(Damn him,) thought the hanyou, listening to the applause from the crowd. (He’s gonna make Kagome come up here, whether she wants to or not.)
Kagome nervously stands and gives a timid smile as Kouga, much to the hanyou’s dismay, takes her hand and leads her to the stage. Once Kagome steps up onto the platform, she nervously looks over at InuYasha, who slowly nods, watching closely as Kouga hands a piece of sheet music to her.
When passing InuYasha, the hanyou tries and fails to grab Kouga, becoming even angrier when the wolf smiles and dances away from him. (Damn it! Kouga’s never pulled this shit before no matter how pissed off he was. And why Kagome of all people?) The hanyou attempts to get the young wolf’s attention. “Hey uh…Kou…”
“You know, Kagome,” says the wolf placing the small microphone on the young woman’s blouse, “this particular song is a favorite of mine.”
(Is that bastard purposely ignoring me,) thought InuYasha surprised?
“It…it is?” asks Kagome, her voice slightly shaking, uncomfortable with the wolf’s touch.
“Yeah I sing it all the time.” The wolf demon leans in and kisses Kagome cheek, breathing in her scent. “It really says it all, don’t you think?”
The sight of the wolf kissing the young woman and touching her chest angers the young hanyou greatly so again he attempts to gain the wolf’s attention, by loudly coughing and clearing his throat.
The wolf looks back and smirks. “You’d better have that looked after, Yash. Sounds like you’re coming down with something.”
“I’ve never really heard this song before,” replies Kagome quietly. “Not enough for me to know what it’s about.” She tries handing the music back to the demon. “Perhaps it would be best if you chose someone else for this.”
(Get away from her you…you damn bastard,) thought the hanyou dangerously his fangs slightly bared! (Kagome’s not yours to play with, here.)
“Oh, you’ll do fine Kagome,” says Kouga putting his mic in place. “Trust me. Just follow my,” the wolf looks up into Kagome’s questioning eyes, “my lead.”
(He’d better not touch her again,) thought the hanyou breathing heavily. (Or I swear I’ll make him wish he hadn’t!)
“Besides, this version of the song was done as a…” Kouga’s speech falters for he’s finding it quite difficult to concentrate on what he’s doing. So, to remedy the situation, he gives a slight cough while taking a step back from the woman. “As a duet, so it should be sung by two people. It’s performed by Teri DeSario and K.C. Ever heard of ‘em?”
“No.” She again tries to give the sheet music back. “I’m really not cut out for something like this, so…”
“Don’t worry,” says the demon pushing the page back. “If you get into trouble, you’ll have me and the band here to back you up. Now the song’s title is ‘Yes, I’m Ready’. So um…Kagome?”
The wolf gives a mischievous smile while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “Are you ready?”
(What the fuck? Does he honestly think I’m ok with this shit, or what?) InuYasha again attempts to gain the demon’s attention by loudly clearing his throat, only to have the wolf again ignore him. (I know he’s pissed, but this?)
“I guess so,” replies Kagome and clears her throat. (What am I so worried about? InuYasha’s here so if anything should happen, I’m sure he’ll step in and keep me safe. And if I ignore everyone else just maybe I’ll get through it without any mishaps.) She takes a deep breath and gives a short uncertain nod. The intro begins; the bass just barely heard.
(Here we go,) thought Miroku worriedly. (Hope Kagome can handle this alright.)
The young woman looks down at the paper, in her trembling hand, and begins singing with a voice, shaky and timid.
“I don’t even know how to you
Just the way you want me to
But I’m ready”
“Ready?”-sings Kouga quickly leaning in and sniffing Kagome.
Kagome slightly jumps. “To learn.”
Kouga steps closer. “To learn?”
Kagome quickly takes a step back. “Yes, I’m ready.”
The demon walks behind her. “Ready?”
“To…” Kagome looks back and forth, wondering where the wolf had gone when suddenly Kouga wraps his arms around her waist, causing her to slightly jump. “To learn,” She squeaks.
InuYasha’s eyes widen, amazed at the wolf’s audacity. When the young wolf begins swaying back and forth as if the two of them were dancing, the hanyou feels his temper slowly rising.
“To fall in love…” Kagome, uncomfortable with the wolf, tries to gently pull his arms away only to feel them tighten.
“To fall in love...”
“To fall in love… with you.”
(What’s going on,) thought Kagome anxiously? (Does he really have to be so close to me like this?) The young woman finally manages to free herself from the wolf’s embrace, and takes a few quick steps back. “What are you doing?” she whispers.
“Just trying to loosen you up a little,” whispers Kouga and takes her trembling hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss it. “You’re way too uptight.”
“Well I wouldn’t be if…” whispers Kagome trying to pull her hand back only for the wolf to tighten his grip. “If you’ll just back off a little.”
InuYasha eyes narrow as his frown deepens more. (What the fuck does that bastard think he’s doing, holding Kagome against him like that? She’s not his woman! Well, if he doesn’t cut that shit out, I’ll damn well rip that bastard a new asshole.)
Kouga, knowing he’s pissing the hanyou off, sing’s the next part while continuing to tightly hold Kagome’s hand.
InuYasha quietly snarls. (Bastard.)
“Oh baby,” sings the wolf. “I don’t even know how to hold your hand.
Just to make you understand.
But I’m ready,”
“Ready?” Kagome quickly jerks her hand free from his grasp.”
“To learn,”-sings Kouga with a smile.
“To learn?” Kagome gives a questioning look. (Is he trying to tell me something? Maybe I’m not doing something right here.)
“Yes, I’m ready,” the wolf nods.
“Ready?” Seeing the strange look in the wolf’s eyes Kagome becomes even more concerned with the situation.
Kouga takes a step toward Kagome reaching out. “To learn.”
Kagome takes another quick step back, attempting to stay far out of his reach “To learn?”
“To hold your hand,
…make you understand,
To hold your hand, right now!”
The young woman frowns while slightly shaking her head, hoping to get the wolf demon to back off but not wanting to seem foolish, in front of InuYasha, continues with the song, showing bravado she is far from feeling.
“I don’t even kn…know how to kiss your lips,” sings Kagome, “at a moment like this, oh yeah.”
“Ummm.”‘ Kouga again gets uncomfortably close to Kagome. So close, she can feel his warm breath on her lips as he lightly rubs his nose against her skin.
“Yeah,” yells a demon in the audience. “That’s the way Kouga! Take her! Show that human who’s boss!”
(That bastard,) thought InuYasha angrily, growling a little louder, readying himself to attack the wolf. (How dare he involve Kagome in this? Kouga’s fight is with me, damn it! He’s pissed at me not her!)
Watching the hanyou’s actions Rishu becomes even more concerned. (Kouga had better cut it out,) he thought, (if Yash gets anymore worked up, he’ll not be able to hold himself back much longer.)
(This female’s awfully timid,) thought the demon smiling. (Never been with a demon, I’ll bet. She’s gonna need some breaking in. And tonight just may be my time to do it, too.) He runs his hand into Kagome’s long thick hair while singing the next verse, still teasing the now dangerously upset hanyou. However, his teasing becomes less important than the words he’s singing to the young woman. “Relax,” he whispers.
“Huh?” asks Kagome.
“I’m not going to bite you. Not yet at least.”
“But I’m going to learn how to do,” sings Kouga with a nod.
“All the things you want me to.””
(What did he mean not yet?” Kagome, still trying to continue the song. She, slightly, backs away, finding, Kouga still persistently following her.
“Are… you ready?” sings Kagome her voice shaky.
“Yes, I’m ready,” sings Kouga with an even sexier voice while putting a little swagger in his walk.
“Are you ready?”
“Yes, I’m…I’m ready.” Kagome tries to look back at InuYasha for support. The wolf refuses to allow it.
“To fall in love,
To fall in love,
To fall in love… with you.”
(Help me InuYasha,) Kagome thought anxiously. (Please help me!)
InuYasha can sense more than see Kagome’s fear, causing his anger to grow even more intense. So much so, his demonic urge to protect tries to rise to the surface. His eyes glow a slight shade of red and his knuckles are stiff and white from holding tightly onto the stem of his guitar. Afraid his demonic urges may take over, the hanyou takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. (Come on boy,) he thought, with hands shaking. (Calm down…think. Kagome’s not in any danger… at least not yet. The song’s about over anyway so keep cool and everything will be just fine. For Kagome’s sake, I must keep calm.)
Kagome continues walking away from the wolf, but the demon continues staying close to her. InuYasha opens his eyes and finding he can’t see the young woman anymore, ceases playing altogether. (That bastard!) He gives a dangerous growl! (He’s purposely keeping me from seeing Kagome. And I’ll just bet she can’t see me either. Well just keep it up Kouga and I promise you’ll be leaving here tonight in a fucking body bag!)
Miroku, watching the encounter on stage becomes even more concerned. (Kagome’s won’t be able to keep up at that pace much longer. She must be at her limit. Not to mention scared out of her wits. Her head must be hurting as well. Perhaps I should go up and put a stop to this…before she gets hurt or worse?) He looks over at InuYasha. Seeing the incensed anger in the hanyou’s eyes he becomes even more concerned for Kagome’s welfare. (Although, if I got between them now I’d only end up getting killed. So I’ll just wait a while and see what InuYasha does to handle this. The song should be ending soon, so hopefully Kagome will be safe till then.)
“Aren’t they great, together, Miroku?” asks Sango smiling, oblivious to the tension on stage.
Her husband ignores his wife’s comment, continuing to watch the young woman onstage along with the encounter between the demon and half demon.
“Kagome really should consider going into this business,” continues Sango with a nod. “She’s a natural.”
(What’s he doing, chasing me around like this,) thought Kagome, her heart rate increasing? (This can’t be part of the show, can it?)
Kagome is doing her best to stay away from the demon but he still doesn’t seem to be allowing it. The two constantly walk from one end of the stage to the other, as if performing a strange dance. It looks rather comical to the audience but not to the young hanyou, nor to Sango’s husband.
“Come on Kouga!” yells another demon, “Stop messing around, will ya?!!
“Yeah. We want to see you take that bitch down!”
(Damn you, Kouga,) thought InuYasha angrily, (Leave her the hell alone!!)
Kagome is really wishing the song was over. In fact, she wishes she had thought twice before coming up onstage. Trying her best to keep the wolf at bay, she again attempts to look back at InuYasha only to find the wolf is still staying in her line of vision.
(Kouga) “Oh, I’m ready!”
Kagome quickly looks down at the paper in her trembling hand. “Oh, I’m...I’m ready!”
(Kouga)-“Yes, I’m ready!”
(Kagome)-“Oh, I’m ready!”
InuYasha is beyond the end of his rope. (I’ve just about had it with you wolf,) he thought cracking his knuckles. (I’m not letting you get away with this shit. You hurt Kagome? Your ass deals with me!)
(Kouga)-“Love you!”
(Kagome)-“Want you!”
(Kouga)-“Kiss you!”
(Kagome)-“Need you!”
(Kouga)-“Squeeze you!”
(Kagome)-“Hold you!” (Thank the gods it’s finally over,) the young woman thought, her heart beating dangerously fast in her chest. (I don’t think I can run from him anymore.) A painful stabbing sensation occurs in Kagome’s head. She reaches to soothe it when Kouga grabs her hand pulling her into a tight embrace.
“Ahh!!” screams Kagome, her eyes growing wide with fear.
(I thought so,) thought Miroku worriedly. (Kagome’s headaches are getting worse and she’s frightened.)
“Yeah!” yells a spectator.
“Give it to her, Kouga! Fuck her good!”
(Why don’t those bastards just shut the fuck up already,) thought InuYasha feeling his temper and intense anger burning, like a raging fire, inside him? (Can’t they see they’re just making things worse here?) His control finally snaps with Kagome’s cry of terror, and explodes when the wolf demon seductively whispers into the microphone.
“Ahhhh, I’m ready!”
“All right, damn it!” yells InuYasha ripping his guitar from him, and throwing it across the stage. Kagome suddenly jumps, becoming more frightened with the hanyou’s outburst. “That is IT!”
“Something wrong there Yash?” asks Kouga with a devilish smirk.
“Take your filthy hands off her, ya damn wolf!” growls the hanyou pointing at the demon. “Now!”
The band members slowly back away from the two as the audience quickly grows silent; watching the unexpected confrontation, with great anticipation. It’s as if they’re eagerly waiting for one of the combatants to throw the first punch.
(Kagome’s suffering.) Miroku’s frown deepens and he quickly stands pushing his chair back. (I’d better go get her now before her head gets any worse and she gets stuck in the middle of all that.) “I’ll be back, Sango,” he says walking off toward the stage.
“Where are you going?” she replies curiously only to be ignored.
“What will ya do if I don’t? Huh?” asks Kouga with a smirk, pulling a terrified Kagome closer. The demon bares his fangs and leans over to sniff and lick her neck. “Just look at her Yash so young and innocent. Don’t you think she’s just perfect for me?”
“Huh?” squeals Kagome, terrified. “Who… me?”
“I’m warning you bastard, if you value your life,” The hanyou takes another step toward the wolf. “Don’t you dare do it!”
“Oh, come on,” says the demon confidently. “What’s with all this bravado huh? You can’t start a fight in here, and you know it.”
“You can um,” says Kagome slightly pushing against the wolf in an effort to get away from him, “um… you can let… go of me now. Please, just let go.”
“I’ll fucking drag your sorry ass outside, wolf shit!” replies the hanyou growling angrily showing his claws and fangs. He takes another step toward the wolf. “So what’s it gonna be bastard? You, gonna to let Kagome go now or do you want me to fucking rip both your arms off first?! And don’t you think, for one second, because we’re friends, I won’t do it! Now let her go!!”
Kouga senses something dangerous is about to happen, a feeling coming over him he hasn’t felt in a long time. Fear…terrible gut-wrenching fear. Seeing the fire forming in InuYasha’s slightly reddened eyes, as well as smelling the scent of combat worries him immensely. (Shit,) he thought. (Yash knows I wouldn’t hurt the woman. Yet his eyes, his scent they’re… changing! It’s like he’s… Damn it, Rishu was right after all. I shouldn’t have started this. Never thought Yash would go this far but he’s seriously thinking of ripping my ass apart. And he’ll do it if I don’t do something quick.)
“Alright!” yells Kouga quickly raising his hands in the air, releasing Kagome, causing her to stumble forward, into the hanyou’s arms. There is a sound of disappointment heard from the audience.
The hanyou quickly turns and angrily growls. “What?! You bastards want a piece of me?! WELL DO YA??!” The audience slightly backs away while becoming deathly silent. “I didn’t think so!” He returns his dangerous gaze back to the wolf.
“What?” says Kouga worriedly. “I let her go like you wanted, Yash. No harm done. So, calm down will ya? That human’s safe so there’s no need for you to get your youkai all in a bunch over this, now is there?”
“Give me one good reason wolf why I shouldn’t rip your fucking ass apart right here,” growls the hanyou slowly placing Kagome behind him.
“You’re not serious,” the demon asks with a nervous laugh. “There’re too many humans in here. You don’t want to hurt them just to take me on, now do you?”
“Try me wolf. I guarantee you won’t like the results.”
“Oh, come on, where’s your sense of humor? It was a joke! A joke.”
“A joke you say?”
“That’s right. Just good clean fun...amongst… friends?”
“You call what you just did to Kagome, fun?” snarls InuYasha, slowly taking a step forward.
“Well yeah,” replies the demon nervously taking a step back. “Just having a bit of fun that’s all.”
“Fun huh? Funny. I don’t remember hearing her laugh, do you? She didn’t look like she was having fun when you were stalking her up here on stage either. In fact, to me she looked scared to death. And that’s what you call fun? Well is it?”
“No, but um…”
(What’s going on,) she thought, looking around the hanyou? (Why is InuYasha still angry? The demon let me go, didn’t he?)
“Still… Yash…I didn’t…”
“Better get away from me Kouga,” threatens InuYasha raising his claw. “Now! Or else I just may start having…fun…with your ass.”
“All right, all right. Just try to stay calm ok?” The wolf walks away but not too far.
InuYasha turns his attention to the nervous young woman, behind him. “You ok Kagome?”
“I think so,” replies Kagome quietly.
“Sure? He didn’t hurt you or anything?” Kagome lightheaded from the experience falls forward, against the hanyou and he grabs her. “Hey!” He raises her chin to look into her dazed eyes. “Look at me Kagome! Kagome? Come on now, speak to me. Kagome!”
“Huh?” replies Kagome, startled. “Oh, um…” She pushes against InuYasha and tries to stand. “Sorry about that. I guess this was too much for me, after all.”
“No I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let that bastard take things as far as he did. But I will make him pay for it, I promise.”
“Oh no InuYasha, please don’t. None of this was his fault. I just wasn’t expecting it to be so…intense that’s all. I really shouldn’t have come up here, in the first place. I…” She slightly sways to the side and the hanyou again catches her. “Oh forgive me. I’m fine now. Really.”
“I’ve got her, InuYasha,” says Miroku suddenly appearing at Kagome’s side. Reluctantly, the hanyou hands the young woman over to the man but doesn’t release her hand. “Are you alright now Kagome?” asks Miroku. Kagome gives a slight nod. “It’s getting late. We should be getting you home now.
“Yes…home,” Kagome says uneasily, and turns toward the hanyou giving a slight bow. “Thanks for inviting us here tonight, InuYasha. It was… really … interesting?”
“Anytime Kagome.” The hanyou leans over and kisses her forehead while, listening to the rapid beating of her heart. The wolf gives a slight growl of jealousy. “You’re sure you’ll be ok now?” asks InuYasha worriedly. “Maybe I should walk out with you.”
“That won’t be necessary, InuYasha,” says Miroku. “My wife and I will be taking her home so she’ll be just fine.” Kagome bites her lip. Her slightly pale face has the look of uncertainty as she looks up at the hanyou.
The hanyou, frowns. (Damn you, Kouga. Why the hell did you have to go and do this to her?!)
“I really will be alright InuYasha,” says Kagome quietly. “But it’s time I should be going home.”
“But I…”
“Oh don’t worry. Just stay here,” says Kagome, “and enjoy your party alright?”
“I um…ok,” replies InuYasha uneasily.
“Are you ready to leave now Kagome?” asks Miroku and the young woman slightly nods.
“We’ll be going now InuYasha,” says Kagome who doesn’t seem to know what she’s waiting for.
“Alright. You guys be careful going home. The roads can be quite hazardous this time of night.”
“We’ll be careful.” Miroku places a hand to the young woman’s side and gives a slight push. “Let’s go home, Kagome.” Before leaving, the young man feels a hand touch his shoulder and looks back, finding the hanyou looking at him with worry in his eyes.
“She will be ok, won’t she?”
“She will be once we give her, her medicine.”
“Yeah. Kagome suffers from strange headaches from time to time. Usually when she’s stressed or upset.”
“Oh, I didn’t know.”
Miroku looks down at the hanyou’s hand. “You might want to let go of her hand now InuYasha,” says Miroku placing a hand at the small of Kagome’s back.
“Her hand?” InuYasha realizing he’s still holding Kagome’s hand reluctantly releases her. “I’ll um…I’ll see you later, Kagome, ok?” The young woman gives a silent nod.”
“See you around InuYasha,” says Miroku with a slight wave.
“Yeah…around.” With a strong feeling of loss, InuYasha watches Kagome and Miroku walk offstage to Sango, who together, leave the premises. (If she still wants to see me, that is.)
Excitement over, InuYasha and Kouga return to their instruments on stage.
“Well that sure was interesting,” comments Jakotsu, covering his drums. “Other than lose the beat a few times, she didn’t suck at all! And it looked as if the audience was really getting into it.”
“I guess so,” replies Rishu hesitantly.
“Maybe we should try this again next week. What do you think?”
“I don’t know, Jakotsu. That’s Kouga’s call.”
Rishu, looks over at the hanyou who’s, looking hurt and pissed as he retrieves and examines his guitar, and then at the wolf demon, who bears a rather strange look on his face as well. He walks over to the demon.
“I warned you, didn’t I?” whispers Rishu. “I told you Yash wouldn’t like it. But no, you just had to push your luck tonight. Why you’d be lucky if Yash doesn’t fire your ass right here on the spot.”
“Will you shut the fuck up Ri?!” replies Kouga, angrily. “Damn! No one likes a fucking know-it-all.” The wolf looks toward the exit and slightly smiles. (Kagome huh? She sure is something alright. No wonder Yash wants to protect her so badly. I feel the same way about her.) The wolf sniffs and licks his hand then looks down at them. (I can still taste that female and smell her scent. It’s sort of intoxicating.) The demon smiles again looking at the door. (Yeah. I finally found my female alright. She’s just perfect for me. Why I can just see it. Me with my tribe gathered around the fire...Kagome at my side bearing my pups. Oh yeah, if that’s not the perfect life I don’t know what is. So, Yash had better watch it. Next time he comes between us like that, I just might have to get serious and kill his ass. First though I’d better make sure I still have my job. After all I can’t support my mate without any money in my pockets.)
The Houshi’s and Kagome leave the Demon’s Encounter and are returning home from their night on the town. Miroku is smiling while driving and holding his wife’s hand as she quietly sings one of the songs she’d heard earlier. Kagome, trying to ease the pain in her head, solemnly sits in the back, staring out the window at the darkness, trying to make some sense of the night’s events. Sango turns to look at her.
“You sounded really good tonight, Kagome,” says Sango cheerfully.
“You think so Sango?” says Kagome uneasily.
“Sure…I’ve always said you have a great voice.”
“I hope so. I tried my best not to disappoint anyone.” (Especially InuYasha,) she thought sadly. “But it was just a little too much for me. I’m surprised I actually got through it without falling flat on my face back there.”
“Well, I for one, thought you did great, and wasn’t it fun?” asks Sango with a smile. “For one brief moment you were the star; shining brightly for all to see. And that wolf wasn’t bad either. He may be a conceited prick but he sure knows how to put a lot into his songs.”
“Yes he does,” replies Kagome quietly. “He’s really quite clever. Though…”
“What’s wrong?” asks Sango becoming concerned with her friend’s lack of enthusiasm. “You sound sort of disappointed. You did have a good time, tonight, didn’t you?” Kagome slightly shakes her head. “Why not?”
“I don’t know. Everything was fine until I went up onstage. Then that Kouga…he made me feel really uncomfortable chasing me, around like he was. He frightened me Sango.”
“Oh, that wasn’t Kouga’s fault Kagome,” explains Sango with a slight wave.
“No. You just had a bad case of stage fright that all.”
“I see.”
“It was your very first, time onstage. Not knowing what to expect, or if you’d be good enough, you just weren’t prepared for it and got frightened. I wouldn’t let it bother me though. Even professional singers get a case of it now and again.”
“Maybe. But whatever that feeling was Sango I really didn’t like it.”
“It didn’t look like InuYasha liked it either, Kagome,” says Miroku.
“Really?” asks Kagome with an unexpected feeling of happiness. “He didn’t?”
“No he didn’t. I was watching him tonight and it looked as if he didn’t care who was in the audience. He was going to kill that demon if he didn’t let go of you.”
“Oh, come on Miroku. That was just an act, …entertainment for the crowd,” says Sango dismissively, bursting Kagome’s bubble. “You know, to keep the mood going. Lots of bands are doing it, nowadays, so their audiences will come back.”
“Oh,” Kagome says sadly. “An act, huh?”
“Of course!” replies Sango informatively. “It’s all scripted really. InuYasha was supposed to make that demon angry tonight, and the demon was supposed to retaliate in some way. It’s just one big show.”
“I don’t understand. Their performance was doing fine, so why involve the audience at all?” asks Kagome.
“For effect,” replies Sango informatively. “To leave the customers wanting more. You see, Kagome, as long as bands like the Time Travelers keep attracting customers, they’ll always have a place to perform. After all if you can’t entertain, you’re out.”
“I see,” replies Kagome sadly. “So it really was just an act?”
“Of course it was,” replies Sango. “A pretty good one if you ask me.”
“It still doesn’t make much sense. What did they want to accomplish involving the customers like that?”
“Like I said Kagome. To make sure those customers come back. A place like the Demon’s Encounter can’t rely on just their reputation alone. They have to have the right entertainment too. Their livelihood, as well as the bands, depends on all those customers who go there to drink, dance and have fun. The patrons have to stay interested in the performances so they will come back to see what the band will do next. Much like the wrestlers do on TV. The band will always have a place to perform as long as The Demon’s Encounter continues to make money off them.”
“But all those demons and… humans?” says Kagome. “What if they were to start fighting? Someone could have gotten seriously hurt, in the process.”
“No one would have been hurt,” says Sango. “They probably rehearsed the whole thing a dozen times or more, just to make sure their act would be safe no matter what. And you heard what Kouga said didn’t you? He told InuYasha they couldn’t fight in there.”
“Yeah but…”
“Well, I had fun,” says Miroku trying to change the subject.
“Yeah, me too,” replies Sango, turning, taking her husband’s hand and laying her head back against the seat. “Maybe we can go back there again sometime. What do you think, Kagome?” The young woman, in the back, remains pensive as she returns her gaze to the van window.
(So it was just an act…huh? They sure did fool me.)
“Say, I’m hungry guys,” says Sango, breaking the awkward silence. “Why don’t we stop somewhere and grab a bite to eat before going home? We can call it a night after that.”
“Excellent idea, my dear,” replies Miroku and kisses his wife’s hand. “What about you, Kagome? Hungry?”
“Mmm,” replies Kagome in a non-committed tone. (Still…it would have been nice to know if InuYasha…) She lays her head back against the seat and closes her eyes. (But it was all just an act.)
Midnight. The club is closing and everyone has gone home except the members of the small band and owner of the club, who is still locking up for the night. The young wolf worriedly follows the hanyou around on stage.
“Damn it, Yash, what the hell’s your problem?” asks Kouga anxiously. “No one got hurt tonight and I said I was sorry. So cut me some fucking slack will ya?”
“Kouga?” InuYasha gently places his guitar into its case, quickly turns and punches the wolf, sending him flying across the room.
The wolf wiping the blood from his mouth, slowly stands. “What the hell was that for?”
“That was for Kagome.” The hanyou walks over, grabbing Kouga by the scruff of his neck. “I would have fired your damn ass tonight wolf except Kagome wouldn’t have liked it. But!” InuYasha raises Kouga to eye level. “I’m warning you now, you, mangy waste of fur, if you ever frighten Kagome like that again... it won’t be just a punch next time. I’ll finish what I started here tonight. In fact wolf, once I’m through with your damn ass, no one will be able to find all your fucking pieces! You got me?”
“Uh yeah, Yash! I got ya!” replies the wolf nervously. “It won’t happen again, I promise!”
“Good!” The hanyou drops the wolf, walks back to pick up his case and starts for the door while waving his hand. “Later guys, I’m outta here.”
“Hey, what about our party Yash?” asks Rishu. “You’re going to join us ain’t ya?
“Yeah, I brought the good stuff tonight,” says Jakotsu smiling and swinging his hips back and forth. “It’ll be a blast!”
“Nah no party for me,” replies the hanyou.
“Why the hell not?” whines Jakotsu. “You were looking forward to it before.”
“That was before Kagome had to leave, Jakotsu. And you can blame Kouga for that shit. Besides, KiKyo’s coming back from her business trip tonight. If I’m not waiting at the airport when her plane arrives, I’ll catch hell.”
“Hmph! Henpecked before the wedding, huh?” sneers Kouga still rubbing his jaw. “Typical half demon!”
“Nope,” replies InuYasha with slight shake of his head. “Nothing henpecked about it. Just want to keep my head about me, is all. So don’t call too early, boys. KiKyo is going to be in rare form tonight!”
“Awe, come on, Yash,” whines Jakotsu. “Can’t ya just call your bitch and tell her you want to stay and party with the guys tonight? She would understand that, wouldn’t she?!”
“Jakotsu,” smiles the hanyou, “as much as I like hanging out with you guys, I’ll take a good fuck over you all, any time.” InuYasha looks over at Kouga and smirks. “Hey, wolf!”
“Yeah?” replies Kouga grumpily. “What is it?”
“Guess that’s a little more than what you get, eh?”
“Ha, ha, Yash, laugh it up!” replies Kouga angrily, crossing his arms. “Just remember what the humans say. Every mutt has his day.”
“Then I guess your day’s coming, huh?!” replies InuYasha, smiling and giving the angry wolf a salute.
“Why you…” growls the wolf angrily then feels a hand grab his arm. He looks back and finds Rishu shaking his head.
InuYasha walks toward the door. “See you guys, bright and early, Monday morning. You’ve got to finish some of those cars so I can get paid. Remember, if I don’t get paid, you don’t get paid.”
“Yeah? Well, you can just sho…” begins the wolf before feeling a hand clamp over his mouth.
“Huh? Say something Kouga?” asks InuYasha looking back. “I don’t think I heard you.”
“He said yeah, Yash, we’ll be there!” yells Rishu covering the struggling wolf’s mouth, while preventing him from attacking his employer. “Bright and early like you said! Ain’t that right Kouga?”
“Uh huh. That’s what I thought he said,” says the hanyou with a nod before walking out the door.
Kouga jerks Rishu’s hand from his mouth. “Damn it Ri that fucking hurt. Why the hell did you do that anyway?”
“Cause I don’t like cleaning your damn ass off the floor, that’s why,” replies Rishu.