InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For the Love of a Miko ❯ Mussings of the Maniacle, Ill-tempered, Obsessed, and Naive ( Chapter 15 )
Howdy Ya'll??? ^_^ . Yes it is another chappie!!!
AN: Thank you Belle for telling me what Kouga's friends' names are. I feal like such a blonde! You get cookies for your help! ^_^
Disclaimer- Me no own....You no sue! : p
Ginta and Hakkaku would not have recognized her had it not been for the smell of sakura blossoms and rain that forever permeated her scent. They stood in awe at the proverbial sleeping beauty that lay in their wake. Their only thought was 'wouldn't Kouga be suprised.'
For the Love of a Miko
Chapter 15: Mussings of the Maniacle, Ill-Tempered, Obsessed, and Naive
Naraku soared through the skies, his long black tresses, and white baboon pelt flowing in the breeze, as he tried desperatly to outrun his eventual demise. A disgruntled frown marred his perfectly sculpted face. He was currently pondering how his meticulously machiavellian plan could have gone arye. It puzzled him to no end. His true folly, as he so reluctantly accepted, was the fact that he had greatly underestimated the delectible miko. (AN: yes I busted out the dictionary for this paragraph ^_^) Twice now he found his plans thwarted by the young woman known as Kagome.
"Kuso, she wasn't supposed to be THAT powerful." The memory of how her hair had suddenly began to whisp about her features by unseen winds, as her power levels shot through the roof. Just her aura alone threatened to slowly, and meticulously, purify his ass to hell. She left no room for doubt, Kagome wanted his blood.
He suddenly fealt a sharp influx of power a short distance behind him. She was gaining. "Kuso," Naraku cursed to himself once more. He had been trying desperately to outrun the vixen. To his dismay, he was unable to do so, even after she had stopped for the night. Kagome's power surge ended as abruptly as it had started. Naraku took this time to put some much needed distance between the miko and himself. He would also need to wash his hands of the blood that still clung to his fingers. Kagome's brother's heart had long been discarded. With the boy dead the vile organ was no longer of any use to him. His sister on the other that was a different story.
Yes, Kagome was of use to him. If only he could break her spirit. Both he and Onigumo saw her as a pure rare gem, fit for the stealing. He would enjoy corrupting her soul....and body, not to mention the Shikon no Tama she now possessed. First though, he had to find a way around her meddlesome powers.
"Hey Ginta, what do you think happened to Kagome?" Asked a very curious Hakkaku.
"I don't know. Do you think Kouga knows about this?"
"I don't think so. I don't think he ever found her. If he had then she would not have been in the middle of the woods in this weakened state."
"I don't like the looks of this. Kouga would have found her by now. What do you think might have happened to him?" Ginta did nothing to hide the worry in his voice. Kouga was his prince, and rolemodel. Ginta would never look down on his leader for choosing a human for a mate. She had been powerful even then. Kagome had saved their 'brother' and even Kouga, from the birds of paradise. Now that she was a youkai though, he could only speculate about how much her powers could have advanced.
The speeding duo reached their wolf caves with their 'sister'. The rest of the pack looked on with extreme curiosity. Obviously they didn't recognize Kagome in her new form, and briefly questioned their sanity for bringing a strange and powerful demon to the caves where pups were present. Kagome on the other hand missed the drama since she was still out cold. Turning into a youkai did not help her tired body any. If anything she was facing pure exhaustion. Maybe she shouldn't have ignored her body's demands for nourishment and rest?
It was while Kagome was in this new predicament that she recieved yet another spontaneous visit from her esteamed mentor known as Midoriko.
~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~@_ the dream_@~~~@~~~@~~~@~~~
"Where the hell am I?" A still very mad Kagome seethed.
She was back in the clearing with the well. She could not feal the magic coming from it, and became worried. A gentle breeze blew past Kagome making her hair frame her face. It was then that she smelled her friend and mentor.
"Midoriko, am I dreaming again?" Asked Kagome. She was annoyed that she sleeping instead of embelishing in her blood lust.
"Yes Kag-chan. It seems your in quite a situation here." Answered Midoriko. She hated to see her pupil in such a state as she was in presently.
"What do you mean Midi-sensei?" She was quickly becoming apprehensive under the intense stare Midoriko was sending her. Midoriko seemed to be strugling to find a way to explain something to Kagome, but was having a hard time coming up with words. It was the same look one would get when they had to tell you a family member, or close friend died. That same look of pity and uncertainty.
Midoriko just raised a slender eyebrow at the question, as she took in her friend's new 'look' as Kagome would put it. It seamed like ages to Kagome before Mikoriko answered her question, but to her dismay with another quesiton.
"You have no idea what you did do you?"
Kagome just looked at Midoriko with big round eyes as she tried to think back to everything she had done since her last visit with her teacher. What could she have done? Was it because she returned her brother from the dead? Chased after Naraku? Left her friends? Other than these circumstances, she was coming up with a blank.
Seeing her student's inner turnoil, she decided to take pity, bring Kagome's new appearance to her attencion. She waved the air at her side and a handmirror appeared. She took it in her hand and held it up so Kagome could look upon her reflection.
Kagome was torn from her musings when she noticed Midoriko produce a mirror. She was completely confused though when she saw her reflection.
"Wha...what happened?" Was all Kagome could say.
"You unconciously called upon the power of the jewel. Being how it is linked to your soul, it complied. You allowed your emotions to get the best of you. Did you even realize you were begining to taint the jewel with your need for revenge?"
"I...I'm sorry. I was just so mad at Naraku. He tried to make my little brother kill my family, then he killed Souta. I couldn't help it. I am sooo sorry Midoriko." Kagome was close to tears now. She was shocked at how easy it was for her to loose controll. She shuddered at how good revenge fealt. It was not the kind of pleasure she wanted to take part in again. It was a painful kind of euphoria.
"No real harm was done....well other than your change in species. Besides if you keep going the route you are on, you will be faced with guilt. You are no where near ready to controll that emotion yet, if you can't even controll your rage. Now are you ready?"
Kagome looked up at her friend. What did she mean 'am I ready?' Ready for what? Midoriko seeing the perplexed look she was recieving from the young child once again decided to take pity and answer the unvoiced question.
"You need to train your new youkai abilities."
The light went on in Kagome's brain as she comprehended what Midoriko meant.
"Hai." Kagome gave with a slight nod of her head.
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` `````
"Inuyasha we should rest soon. We've been traveling for hours. We should be coming upon her soon." Miroku's everpresent rationality irked Inuyasha to no end. He hated the houshi for always keeping a cool head....except for matters concerning the taijia.(sp?) The resounding 'smack' and 'thud' being proof of his shortcoming.
Miroku landed on a branch of a tree, which in turn snapped under his weight, bringing him the rest of the way to the hard ungiving ground. Once again he forgot that groping Sango while riding on kirara was not the best of ideas. He made a quick mental note before sliping into the bliss of unconciousness.
In unison both Sango and Inuyasha shook their heads at the monk's antics, as they settled into making the makeshift camp livable. Sango left to get some water while Inuyasha left to gather wood.
'Damn, even if she ran nonstop since last night, she shouldn't have made it this far. I would say wolf-boy found her and kidnapped her again, but his scent still hasn't mingled with her's yet.'
'What the hell did Naraku do to her to make her chase after him like this? Better yet, why would Kagome chase after him, she's too weak to fight him. Hell even I have a hard time with him!'
Inuyasha did not like where his musings were taking him, but couldn't stop the voices in his head.
'Maybe she isn't weak anymore.'
'What do you mean....and why are you in my head?'
'Hehehe, I am you.....and like you said before, no weak human could have gotten this far'
'You are right...... .... ...'
'That means that Kagome's stronger than Kikyo was.'
'Hey where are you going with this. I don't like you in here, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!'
'Kukuku....don't worry, I'll be back!'
Inuyasha did not notice the familiar laugh. He had by this time gathered the much needed firewood and had made his way back to camp.
Kouga look around at the passing blur that were trees and rocks. He recognized it as part of his territory. He smiled at himself for the first time that day since finding Kagome gone. She was in his lands, meaning she would have been picked up by his pack. They would never let their 'sister' run around without an escort. Hell they seamed to care about her almost as much as he did, especially after she saved one of their 'brothers' from a bird of paradise.
Kouga came to a halt as he noticed a slight change in Kagome's scent. It was sweater....more enticing. He also noticed that Hakkaku and Ginta had picked her up. He ran to the caves, missing his shards more and more with each passing moment.
'She's at the caves....does that mean that she has decided to become my mate?'
'Or has something happened to her? Oh kami...I hope she's alright!'
'You better hurry wolf!'
'You back again! Damn I thought I got rid of you?'
'No I just decided to take a quick siesta....besides I did say that I'd be back.'
'Kuso, that's right.'
'Now hurry up and see if she's alright!'
'I was until you showed up!'
'Oh yeah. Well I guess I'll be off.'
There ya go, another chappie! WOW! This is my longest chapter yet! ^_^;; I need help I know. I find myself saying that more and more lately. Well I have chips and dip to eat so I'll be off for now.
There you go, my review responses! Ok people, you know what to do.