InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forever Yours ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Please review.
Forever Yours
Chapter One
“Hi Inuyasha,” Kagome said, her voice trembling slightly as she knelt by his grave. “It's been awhile hasn't it? A whole year…” Her tears started to build up. “No, I will not cry, you always did hate seeing me cry.”
“I really miss you…so much, forgive me for not coming more often. I was so surprised that the well let me through, even without the sacred jewel”
Kagome remembered giving Kikyo the jewel to take to Inuyasha.
“You know, I always wondered…why does everybody always talking about going to hell after death? Even Kikyo…I mean she was a priestess; you'd think she'd go to heaven. I know that's where you are Inuyasha” she smiled. “Although, knowing you, you'd say only weaklings go to heaven if you were here.”
Kagome looked over her shoulder and gasped.
“Kagome it's been a long time.” His face was free of its cocky smirk but it had a small smile and he looked glad to see her. “The old woman…Kaede, I think…she told me about the deaths of your friends.”
Kagome furiously looked away, willing herself not to cry. She felt Koga touch her shoulder gently. “I understand Kagome, remember, I lost many comrades to Kagura.” He looked at the graves. “Your friends were good people, even Inuyasha. Though some may say otherwise, I considered him a great fighter and person, he carried himself like a full youkai.”
She nodded, giving him a small smile.
“Where have you been all this time?” Koga asked. “Kaede said you didn't die but she wouldn't tell me where you went, she said it was better I didn't know.”
“She wasn't wrong,” Kagome replied.
“Are you sure you don't want to tell me?” Koga asked. He seemed really curious.
“Do you really want to know?” she said, smiling at his eagerness
“Yes!” he said, happy to have made her smile.
“In a nutshell, the future.”
Whatever he had been expecting it hadn't been that. He gave a laugh.
“Normally, I'd say `Yeah, right' but Kagome, normal could never really describe you.”
“Don't I know it.”
“Well, I better get going,” he said, standing up. “Please visit sometimes, it would be good to see you.”
She chuckled softly, “You don't exactly live next door Koga, you wouldn't be able to tell if I was here.”
“You might be surprised, Me, Ayame and the little one are closer than you think.” He said, giving her his traditional smirk.
“Ayame? Little one?”
“Yup, we mated not long after Naraku was defeated and now Ayame is-”
“Yup. We'll have a pup in about two months.”
“Koga, that's wonderful! I'll definitely be coming back then, you'll be able to tell when I'm here?”
“Definitely, I'll come and get you when I catch your scent, oh, Ayame told me to say hi for her.”
“Tell her hi and congratulations!”
“Will do. Bye Kagome.”
“Bye Koga.” He sped off.
Kagome knelt down at Inuyasha's grave again.
“I gotta go now Inuyasha, but I'll visit you again soon,” she picked a nearby blue flower, kissed it and laid it on Inuyasha's grave.
“I love you.”
“So Koga and Ayame are going to have a baby?” Ms. Higurashi asked.
“Yeah, I'm so happy for them.”
“Me too.”
“I'm glad Koga isn't still in love with me.”
Her mother laughed. “Me too dear, or you might never have come home.”
I probably wouldn't have come home if Inuyasha were still alive, she thought.
“Are you alright Kagome? You look a little pale.”
“I'm fine...I…I'm going to go for a short walk, okay?”
“Of course dear, stay close by.”
“I will,” she promised as she stepped outside.
She headed down the sidewalk, walking without any destination in mind.
Sango, Miroku, Shippo, Inuyasha…you have no idea how much I miss you.
Kagome was jerked out of her thoughts by colliding with something solid.
“Ow…” she said rubbing her head.
“Watch where you're going, girl” said a male voice.
Kagome's heart nearly stopped. She raised her eyes to meet his face and nearly gasped.
His hair was long and black and his eyes were violet, he looked just like Inuyasha in human form. But that wasn't what had Kagome's heart racing, it was the rosary around his neck, exactly the same as the one Inuyasha had been buried with.
“Sorry,” she said. “Have I seen you before?” she asked him, almost kicking herself as soon as the words were out. Could she sound any stupider?
He snorted, “No chance, just moved here.”
“What's your name?”
He gave her a look, “People call me Yasha.”
Now Kagome's heart was thumping so hard it was painful.
“What school are you going to go to?”
“Keh, do you ever stop asking questions?”
Without another word, he strode past her and walked away.
It can't be…is it really you Inuyasha?