InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ForgetMeNot ❯ Who's The Pretty Lady? ( Chapter 3 )
By: Youkai Yume
Thanks to everyone that reviewed. Your suggestions and comments really helped. Though I have to be honest and say that now I'm quite torn. Some of you think I'm going too fast with the whole Sesshomaru falling in love thing, while most of you think that I'm going too slow and should just get to the lemon. Well, I'll try my best to go at a steady pace, but this story practically writes itself. So, sorry if I disappointed anyone!
Disclaimer: Well, you know.
Chapter 3: Who's The Pretty Lady?
Rays of the morning sun began to burn through his eyelids. He tried to roll onto his side to block it out, but to no avail. Sesshomaru hesitantly opened his eyes to see a sleeping Kagome propped up against a tree, facing him. She had a blanket drawn up to her chin, and her head hung limply, her hair falling over her shoulders. The morning rays illuminated her form giving him the impression that she was an angel.
The thought was shaken immediately from him. `Humans do not possess beauty,' he reminded himself. But every time that he looked at her, he found himself conflicting with that belief.
Ridding himself of such thoughts, he slowly sat up, careful to not reopen the wound. Sesshomaru glanced around the camp, and found that everyone else was still sleeping. Though he noticed that Inuyasha's ears were twitching slightly for any sign of movement. He could tell it was mainly focused on him, and he also knew that Inuyasha was awake, but chose to keep his own eyes closed.
Deciding to ignore his hanyou half-brother at the moment, he turned his attention back to the slumbering miko. `I never did get to see if her hair was as silky as it looked.' As if his hand had a mind of its own, he found himself reaching out to touch the cascading ebony locks. `It feels even better,' he thought idly to himself.
Sesshomaru tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and quickly pulled away when she showed signs of waking. Kagome slowly opened her eyes, revealing breathtakingly beautiful blue orbs. She looked dazed for about a moment before her blurry vision became clear, and the silver blob in front of her became Sesshomaru.
"Ohayo, Sesshomaru-sama," she smiled warmly at him, and he nodded in response. Kagome tried to get up, but found that her back ached terribly. "Ow, memo to self, never sleep sitting up against a tree again." Sesshomaru stared at her emotionlessly. He could have told her that, honestly, were humans that unlikely to use their common sense?
"Tell me, do you always sleep like that?"
"Oh, no! Just that one time, I stayed up all night watching over you, not that you need to be watched over!" She added quickly, "It's just that well, with you being all hurt and whatnot . . . and I'll shut up now . . ." Kagome fixed her attention to her hands, hoping that Sesshomaru didn't get the impression that she thought he was weak.
Sesshomaru continued to stare at her. Although his face remained indifferent, utter shock was coursing through him. `She stayed up all night, just for me? But why?' Yet another question to add to the list of his frustration.
Lost in his own thoughts, he didn't notice Kagome get up. He was brought back to reality when her hand lightly touched his shoulder.
"I'm going to have to check your wounds," She said shyly, as if almost afraid to ask. He grunted in annoyance, and undid his upper kimono. Kagome unwrapped the slightly stained bandages, and was glad to see that the wound was halfway done healing. She was also pretty sure that it wouldn't leave a scar either, which would be a shame if it did, seeing as he had such perfect skin.
She blushed at the thought. Again, `Bad, Kagome, Bad! Stay on task!' By the time she was done cleaning the wound and rewrapping it, everyone else had already woken up. Their grumbling stomachs indicated that they were all hungry, Inuyasha's being the loudest.
"Ohayo everyone!"
"Ohayo Kagome-chan." She moved away form Sesshomaru, and rummaged through her bag to find something for breakfast. He watched in a bored manner as they went about their tasks to prepare the morning meal. Everyone was pitching in except Inuyasha, who continued to watch his brother through narrowed eyes.
Sesshomaru returned the gaze, with equal hatred.
"What're you waiting for Sesshomaru?" Inuyasha spat out his name bitterly, "Biding your time? Attack us when we least expect it?" Sesshomaru scoffed.
"My, aren't you paranoid, little brother." Inuyasha growled, "I am not so quick as to, how you say, `Bite the hand that feeds me.' I do have honor, unlike you."
"Honor my ass!" Inuyasha's temper flared, and he was about to give into his urge last night of spilling Sesshomaru's blood right then and there. Sesshomaru saw this too, for he went into a defensive stance.
Luckily, Kagome saw what was happening, and stepped in between them.
"Stop it you two! While we're all here we're allies!" She threw an angry glance over at Inuyasha, "And you, you promised me, Inuyasha!"
His ears drooped, and flattened against his head in an apologetic manner. Her anger softened. She could never stay mad at him, and it wasn't entirely his fault. Afterall, she knew that he and his brother had never seen eye-to-eye.
"He provoked me," He muttered softly. Kagome turned to Sesshomaru.
"I want you to promise me too! Promise me you won't cause any trouble while you're here!" He looked at her, slightly amused at her request.
"Do you think that you can just tell me what to do? I, Sesshomaru, take orders from no one," He felt her anger rise again, and it excited him. It showed in her scent too, and he found it to be more addicting when tainted with her anger. Kagome's lips began to part slightly, ready to give him a piece of her mind when the sound of a rustling bush caught her attention.
Everyone turned to the said bush, and continued to stare at it's continuing movements. Suddenly, a red blur launched itself from the bush, and clung tightly to Sesshomaru's leg.
The blur turned out to be a little girl about the tender age of seven.
"Sesshomaru-sama!" She squealed, "Rin was so worried when Sesshomaru-sama didn't come back! Jaken-sama said that Sesshomaru-sama left because Rin smelled bad! Is that true?" Sesshomaru patted the girl's head, much to everyone's surprise, and gently pried her off of his leg.
"No Rin, it's not. As for not returning, I ran into," he mulled over the next word, "complications." He looked down at Rin. "Where is Jaken?"
As if on cue, the green toad emerged from the bush, out of breath and looking extremely exhausted.
"Forgive (pant) this Jaken! I tried (pant) to make her stay (wheeze) like you wanted to, but she wouldn't listen!" After finishing that sentence, he collapsed onto the forest floor, passed out from his exhaustion.
Kagome watched the scene with interest. That little girl, Sesshomaru treated her as if she was his own daughter! And she's a human child no less! She approached the two cautiously, and stopped when the girl turned to stare at her with adorable brown eyes.
"Sesshomaru-sama, who's the pretty lady?" Sesshomaru turned around to the miko. He had forgotten all about her for a moment. Kagome smiled warmly at the little girl.
"Hello, my name is Kagome!"
"Hi Kagome! Rin's name is Rin!" She giggled at the child's improper use of language, it was so cute!
"Nice to meet you! Would you like to stay for breakfast?" Rin's face broke out into a huge grin. But she turned to Sesshomaru, eyes pleading for permission. He nodded, and Rin squealed in delight.
"Yay! Rin gets to eat with Kagome-neesan!" Sesshomaru turned his gaze from his ward to Kagome. He sighed.
"Well, now that Rin is here, and I don't want her to see such violence, I suppose I will have to agree to the truce afterall," Kagome smiled from ear-to-ear at him, seeing that there was more than just the emotionless mask to the demon lord afterall.
End Chapter ^_^
Yay! Finished with the third chapter! I would like at this time to say that yes, Kagome will restore Sesshomaru's arm, I can't have him do lemony scenes with only one arm now, can I? LOL. Anyways, Koga will come in later too, as well as plenty of Kikyo bashing! Hate that bitch . . . Oh Yeah! And I don't have a beta reader! But I used to be one! ^_^ REVIEW! REVIEW! REVIEW!
Review Responses:
OceanBleu: I'll try to update as fast as I can! Thanx for the review!
Vicfan: Sesshy will probably join up with them in later chapters, thanks for reading!
Taiyoukai Lord Sesshoumaru: Well, I think that I pretty much answered all of your questions in my little paragraph. By the way, Inuyasha's just getting started! He'll be fuming mad in later chapters! Thank you soo much! I really enjoyed that review.
Mystic-Moondragon: Thanx for the compliment! I have to be a good writer with the scary English teachers I have!
AmoebaFive: Don't worry! This will have MANY more chapters to come! Thank you for liking my fic! ^_^
Lilfrozenfire: Thank you! (bows deep) Oh by the way, I don't mind at all of you sic your plushie on me! In fact I'd be honored to have a Sesshomaru plushie gnaw on my arm! ^_^
Alexiel11: Thanx for pointing that out, though in my opinion, they're going too slow. Much appreciated!
Spork of Foon: Thanx a bunch!
Shadow-Moons: I'll try to make the chapters longer, but only for you, because I enjoyed that review so much! ^_^
Ichiwa: Thanx! I'll update as soon as I have time!
White-Dragon-Goddess: Great suggestions, I'll think about it . . .
Sanosuke Hidane: Thank you! (bws deep)
KITSUNE-chan3: Thanx for comin' back and reading again! Sesshy will have 2 arms, guaranteed!
Lady love, kissy, and Lady_Dragoness: Thank you all! (sniffles)
Red Dragon9: Thank you! I think I will update ASAP!
Spirit element: I know! Sesshy and Kagome are sooo cool together! (Sigh) if only.
Liludet: Thanx for reviewing twice! I'm deeply touched!
Cassandra: Inuyasha's fuming! Radiating green from envy! ^_^
Dvine dreams: Thanks for the review!
Serena SilverMoon: All in due time my child, all in due time.
Caley: It might be a while, so get comfortable!
Nymph Demon: Thank you soooo much! Thanks for that compliment on my writing skills too! Much appreciated!
Dragon Rae: Thank you! I think its cool too. LOL. I'm so conceited.
Byjinder: Thanks a bunch! All thanks to those strange words from Harry Potter man.
The Fallen Angel of Death: OH MY GOD! It's THE Fallen Angel of Death! Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for reviewing! You're like one of my fanfic heroes! Your opinion means a lot to me! ^_^ Gaah! I'm ashamed of that little chuckle part too! I didn't think about it until now!
Nefra1: Wow! You're actually reviewing my story? I'm soo honored! Thank you for reading! And I hope to only be as good as you! ^_^
Aira: Yes! Plenty of fluff scenes straight ahead!
Phew! Done with all the responses. I honestly didn't expect so many! But I cherish each and every one! You all are a FANTASTICAL! By the way, all the review responses so far have all been from, I was just too lazy to erase them all. New review responses from will be on chapter 9 or 10.
Ja Ne! ^_~