InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgetting Yesterday ❯ A New Day ( Chapter 1 )

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Forgetting Yesterday  

Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.

Chapter One: A New Life

The chilly, early morning air nipped Kagome's nose as she stepped gingerly over a large crack in the sidewalk. It was her first day at the prestigious high school, Shikon Academy, and she was ready.

Good thing Kaede made me wear this jacket, it really is cold...she thought to herself and she picked up her pace. For the past six months Kagome had been at an FBI safe house located in some part of northern Florida, where she had been forced to change her physical and mental self. Upon arriving at the huge network of buildings, Agent Morgan had immediately been assigned to the raven-haired girl, because she was apparently a high profile case. Kagome could still remember the horror that she had been reeling from the night before when FBI agents had arrived at the family shrine to put her into a witness protection program.

Tears streamed down Kagome's face as the situation in front of continued getting worse. Naraku, her gang-leading ex-boyfriend had pulled out a black handgun and was waving it hostilely in her mother's face.

"Ms. Higurashi, do you know what your precious daughter has done? Hmmm?" he asked in a deceivingly calm voice. He didn't let her respond "She idiotically went to the FBI and decided to become a tattle-tell-"

"Leave my family alone you monster!" Kagome shrilly said from her position across the room, where her hands were bound behind her back. Naraku had done the same to her family, but had pushed them into the middle of the living room, forcing Kagome to watch him as he began his form of 'punishment' on her.

He ignored her as he continued, "Do you want to know what happens now Ms. Higurashi?" Kagome's mother continued to glare at him as she replied, "You can have me if you let my family go, just leave them be!"

Naraku chuckled, "I see that you are as ignorant as Kagome, you must be the reason why she is so strong headed. No you see, Kagome won't learn anything from this unless she is punished for her insolent actions." Kagome convulsed as it dawned on her what was about to happen; she did the only thing that she thought would save them all.

"No Naraku! Baby don't do anything to them, you can have me! I swear I learned my lesson, I'm sorry! You can take me and do whatever you want, I swear, you don’t need them, you want me right?” She paused as he walked toward her. He pulled out a monogrammed handkerchief and squatted so they were eye level.

“Kagome, of course I‘ll take you back.” He said as he slapped her hard across the face, and shoved the handkerchief in her mouth acting as a gag. “As soon as I’m done with them, you’re going to have so much fun with me.” he patted her on the head as she struggled against her bonds, “Now, now darling, no need to get so excited! Just wait your turn.” he smirked at her and turned to his victims in the middle of the living room. Kagome couldn’t hear anything but the thrashing of her heart in her chest, she had to get out to save her family somehow! They couldn’t die because of her stupid mistakes… they didn’t deserve her fate. The ropes binding her hands were tight, but were beginning to loosen as she began pulling her hands apart.

“So, its Souta right? We never had the pleasure of meeting, but Kagome did tell me plenty about you.” Naraku began as he toyed with his gun. “So I think, that since she loves you so much, you should be a big boy and go first.”

Souta stared at the black hearted hanyou with disdain, and turned to lock eyes with his older sister, “Big sister don’t cry, I forgive you.” knowing his fate he threw himself over his mother and grandfather, “Leave them alone!” Those were the last words that left his mouth as Naraku shot the 13-year old once, straight through the heart. The remaining Higurashis screamed in terror, anguish, and sadness. With her wrists bleeding, Kagome frantically pulled harder until finally, one of them loosened just enough so she could slip her hand out and pulled out the gag.

“I don’t think so my darling.” Naraku appeared behind her muttered into her ear as he blew her knee out. “Now enjoy the show.”

She screamed in pain as he then turned to her grandfather, “I think you’re next in line old man, you and I never did see eye to eye.” Kagome struggled to breath as she pushed herself up, “Kagome don’t be afraid!” her grandfather shouted, “You are--” he was cut off by Naraku’s bullet that had hit him in the heart.

“NO!” both she and her mother screamed, by now Kagome couldn’t feel the throbbing pain in her knee, instead she felt a gaping hole in her own heart as she saw her family diminish one by one. The raven-hair girl threw herself on top of the surprised murderer just as he was aiming to kill her mother. “No, no, no, no!” Kagome screeched as she began scratching at his face in a weak attempt to save the only family member left.

The skilled killer silently cursed himself for not being aware of her movements as he grabbed her hair and tossed her over his shoulder, and onto the floor.

“What did I say about interrupting me while I’m taking care of business Kagome?”

“Shut the hell up you murderer!”

“Wrong-- be quiet until I’m done, then I’m all yours babe.” he said as he pulled the trigger, letting a bullet sink into her stomach. Kagome couldn’t breath anymore. She couldn’t feel anything anymore, but she had landed right next to her mom, who somehow managed to grasp one of Kagome’s hands as she was beginning to black out, the last thing that she would ever hear from her mom were the words, “I love you”. Then, she heard the dim gunshot that ended her tenderhearted mother’s life. In that moment, Kagome felt her heart die too.

Someone was picking her up, “As I promised before my love, you and I will have so much fun tonight.” It was her sick ex, “Remember when you didn’t care about them, and you just wanted to be with me all the time? Well, know you don’t even have to worry about them, and you can be happy doing as I tell you.”

At this point Kagome could care less about what happened to her, with the only people in the world who loved her deeply enough to forgive her, life seemed pointless. But, at that very moment, as Naraku kicked opened the door to take her to his new headquarters, she faintly heard, “Put the girl down, then surrender yourself Naraku!” she managed to crack open her eyes and red and blue lights twirling in the inky night.

“Never, she is mine, as she will always be.” He shouted back to the police and FBI.

From that point she lost focus, unable to stay conscious to find out what happened next, she did recall that instead of being warm, everything was ice cold.


Kagome snapped out of her reminiscence as she heard the bell rind about a half a block away, Crap, she thought to herself as she began to sprint toward the school, I can’t be late the first day! Five minutes later, she tried calming herself as she stood in front of the majestic school. It was a gothic styled building, that was at least four stories high and even had separate buildings flanking its outskirts. This ought to be interesting

Without any further thought she took the stairs two at a time and finally reached the entrance, ran through the front doors and immediately smacked into someone’s back. “Sorry!” she muttered as she stepped around them and began fast walking away, following signs that told her where the main office was.

Well, she sure was in hurry, thought Miroku, as he checked out her long legs, I’m so glad that we are required to wear uniforms.

After walking for what seemed like ages, Kagome finally reached the main office. She smiled as pleasantly as she could to the secretary behind the desk, “Sorry I’m late, I just transferred here, my name is Asuka Yamamoto.” The frumpy secretary smiled brightly, “We’ve been expecting you Ms. Yamamoto! Principal Satou will be right with you, usually we don’t do this but apparently you are a special case so we’ll have to go through some rules with you, and then you’ll have a guide to show you around.”

“Thank you.” Kagome replied with a soft smile as she sat down. She was so relieved that nothing had gone wrong there, the new identity that she had recently been issued by Agent Morgan had given Kagome, had been memorized within an hour. Asuka Yamamoto, age 17, a genius in math and science in addition to being able to play the piano exceptionally well. A perfect candidate for the academy. She had been an orphan all her life, until her godmother, Kaede had found her whereabouts and had become her legal guardian. Kagome mused about the conditions that Agent Morgan had given her on a sticky note at the bottom of the file. Blend in, and enjoy high school, you’re getting a second chance! Good Luck! She sighed inwardly Easier said than done Morgan.

“Asuka? I’m principal Satou, it’s very nice to meet you!” an elegantly suited man said with a dazzling smile, and held out his hand for a handshake.

“S-Sorry about being late Principal, I was a little lost on the way here.” she lied as she shook his hand quickly

“No worries, come into my office and you can fill out some forms, your guide will be here in just a moment.” with that he stepped aside and let her into his grand office first.

“Wow, this is your office?” Kagome said awestruck it was the size of a small library with a mahogany desk in the center and three or four lounge chairs scattered here in different areas of the room.

“Well, its more like a study, here are the papers that I just need you to sign.” he said as he ushered her into a comfy desk chair and handed her a heavy pen.

“Just sign at the bottom of each page and we’ll get you settled in.” Kagome nodded as she went to work, her hand never faltered as she signed Asuko Yamamoto, thanks to all the practice that she had been doing along with catching up in her studies at the safe house. All of a sudden, she heard loud voices outside and a white-haired guy bursted through the door. “Well, Rose I’m here aren’t I? Jeez.” he threw over his shoulder at the secretary as he shut the door abruptly behind him and sauntered over to the desk.

“Satou, you have got to tell that woman to--” he stopped as he saw Kagome sitting with her pen lifted about to sign the last page. “What the hell are you looking at?” he glowered at her. She blushed, she had been looking the ears on top of his head, instead she replied, “Nothing,” and turned around to sign the last page.

Ignoring Inuyasha’s rude entrance, he cleared his throat, “Well, Asuko this is going to be your guide for the day, Inuyasha.”

“But Satou, I don’t have time to tour this wench around all day!” Kagome was getting fed up with this jerk, who did he think he was? Before she could say anything the principal intervened, “Inuyasha, that is no way to speak about your fellow classmate. Besides as part of your punishment, you are to follow my instructions and do whatever is required of you.” Inuyasha scoffed, but just stomped to the door, “Hurry up wench I don’t have all day!” and slammed it shut.

“Please excuse Inuyasha’s rude behavior, Asuka. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me, alright?” he asked her as he nodded toward the door, “Have a nice day!” Kagome just nodded and left. “That wasn’t pushy at all,” she muttered as the shut the door quietly, and walked toward her arrogant classmate.

“Took you long enough wench, I don‘t have all day.”

“You know what? I don’t need your help baka, so go do whatever you think is so important, and get out of my face.” Kagome said while staring straight into his amber eyes. With that she brushed past the gaping teenager and walked briskly down the hall.

“Hey wait up!”



Well, this concludes chapter one! Let me know what you think,
