InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Forgotten Is Only A Word ❯ Forgotten Is Only A Word: Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Forgotten Is Only A Word

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and co. Rumiko Takahashi owns it.


The lights blared at her figure as she approached; the cameras clicked as they caught her movement, the television broadcasters followed her moves with an experienced eye. She was going to sing, possibly even present an award for some more-than-lucky celebrity. Truly things were looking up for the young celebrity who had only come on the scene but a few months ago.

Her beautiful crow's colored hair shone under the intense lighting and sparkled with a thousand diamonds. The eyes that had captured the worlds' attention were darkened with makeup but instead of looking dark with contempt they looked alive with joyous love for all that was around her. Her gown, which was an original creation, flowed behind her in its luxurious deep green silk and it's softer than silk white velvet; it was an open back gown and V-neckline flirted her figure more then any regular pair of jeans and tank top could.

He watched her from his home television set. He had been trained to kidnap and kill any raising stars that got in his Master's way, and She certainly was. It truly was a pity that he had to kill her, he had gotten use to her beautiful flowing voice and the way she would close her eyes lightly when singing about heartache. It was just sad that his Master got temperamental about young raising stars. Sighing softly, he got out the file he had gathered, information of her birth; her life, her dreams and secrets were all in this one little folder even information of the very secret marriage that she had when she was a year younger. It just is such a pity that I have to kill such a beautiful creature, the man with blood red eyes thought silently to him self as he got ready for a long night of "studying".

"It is truly a honor to be here, surrounded by women and men that I have admired in my much younger years." The woman spoke in a soft flowing voice that seemed to have a rhythm that belonged to her alone. "I was told that I could sing to you all, but to be honest I would not want to trip over my own words in front of all the people that I have respected. So in other words, sorry but I am not going to sing now." She smiled sweetly when she heard a few groans of sadness from the audience, "But I am here tonight to give the award to a privileged person, who has made it from nothing to everything anyone could possibly want. I will let the slideshow explain everything."

The lights dimmed until they were barely there, the photos that were quickly being taken slowed because of the poor lightly and the cameras that were focused on the woman turned towards the enormous screen to the right of the enchanting creature. The screen showed brief pictures of a handsome boy; a steady golden stare, pure silver hair and features that looked like an old aristocrat might have. Slowly it showed the boy becoming a teenager, no pimples that were associated with teenage hood showed on the youthful face. Suddenly it showed a stunning picture of a gorgeous man, the same stunning golden orbs, long - possibly reaching the back of the knees - length hair, it was on front of GQ magazine. The annoying happy voice recording telling all ignorant people who this creature was, stopped as the lights grew in strength once more.

"I award the first annual Golden Moon-Man," the woman paused to breathe as the crowed awaited the persons' name. "To SesshoMaru. SesshoMaru is the first person ever to be awarded a Golden Moon-Man. A Golden Moon-Man is a "trophy" for a person that has surpassed that has been on the moviemaking field for longer than fifty years. But sadly SesshoMaru couldn't be here or accept this award he is currently in the makings of a new movie. So he will get his award after his schedule has cleared up a bit." The woman bowed her head a little before turning to enter back into the backstage area.

The lights followed her once again, the cameras clicked more often as they caught a beauty leaving their presence and the television broadcasters showed off her figure more closely as she disappeared behind the fake backdrop. The woman was suddenly pushed this way and that, smiling briefly to a few people she knew she made her way towards her room, her salvation and her quiet zone. But before she made it there the people she was dreading caught up with her, practically shoving the camera in her face, asking her questions not for the asking.

"Kagome!" the reporters' annoying high-pitched voice rang loud, slowly creating a dreadful headache. "Are we to expect anything new from you in the near future?" But that didn't steer her away from her duties as a celebrity. She always had to be polite, sweet and honorable; she didn't have a problem doing it but being forced to was making her famous patience wear thin.

"Well I cannot very well tell you now," the said Kagome spoke nicely and always with a cultured voice, "It would spoil the surprise. And I cannot very well do that."

"Are you going to be in any up coming movies due to come out this summer?" So this reporter was persistent at its finest. "Your fans would be devastated to not know anything that is going to be in your immediate future." They wouldn't be that devastated, the famous woman thought bitterly, they would be sad to not know everything that is gong on in my life but not devastated my dear man.

"I guess I can say that I am thinking of being in a certain movie but I will not name names. Now sorry but I must be on my way. Good day." Kagome walked away from the stuttering reporter. Her movements were once again stopped by a friend a famous friend, one that was so impressed with her looks and money that it almost sickened her to no end. But of course she put on a happy front to not alert anyone.

"Dear Kagome," The woman that was her friend drew her into a friendly hug, "You were great up there and totally took me by surprised that you didn't sing your heart out though. I guess even friends can surprise each other sometimes too, right?"

"Yes I guess so," Kagome spotted the one person she actually wanted to see going into her dressing room. "I am so sorry Hamasaki-Chan but I must be going, I am absolutely starved and a fruit that has been calling me is in my dressing room. So I will talk to you later?" Like Hamasaki would turn down the chance to smooch with a "good" friend. Not that Kagome was saying anything about her good friend; she just knew that every person in the business would never turn down the chance to get closer to one of the hottest acts and person this side of Japan.

"Well I guess, but you have to promise me that you won't get into trouble." But Hamasaki was the only person that knew a part of the normal Joe Blow that was Kagome. Nodding briefly she made her way into her special dressing room, not even knocking she closed the door softly barely making a sound. Two strong arms wrapped around her small waist, inclosing her within a circle of warmth.

"I thought you were never going to come back here," Her "captor" spoke huskily in her ear. "You know I don't like to wait----For anything." Kagome shudder at the message behind the simple words, turning around to be met with a honey gold stare she grinned.

"Ah, but you waited for one thing," She waited a beat before continuing. "You waited for me." The man smiled at her comment before picking her up to carry her over to the miniature couch there, sitting down with her in his lap he spoke.

"I loved the way you told and lied to the world about me not being available. It was sheer brilliance."

"Well I didn't like lying to the public SesshoMaru, but you didn't want to be on television so I guess I had no chance to tell the truth."

"That's true." The said SesshoMaru suddenly tickled Kagome, creating giggles that would make the Goddesses' cry with envy at the soft sweet sounds. Kagome attacked back with equal force of her own, tickling him in the one place he was ticklish, his under arms. "Okay I give!" Kagome stopped as soon as he spoke; smiling softly she cuddled up to his chest before speaking.

"You know SesshoMaru, we will have to tell the public sooner or later."

"I know I know," He used his elegantly slender fingers to comb through her long mane. "They are bound to find out. Even though the marriage was rushed there are still witnesses and documents." Kagome looked at her husband through half laden eyes.

"Do you regret your decision, Koibito?"

"Of course not," He looked at his wife resting in his lap, "I was going to talk to you about something that has been on my mind as of late."


"I am thinking of going into the Ministry of Justice."

"That---That's great!" Kagome squealed in happiness as she put her slender arms around her husband's neck. "That why you can help people, I have always wanted to have the opportunity to help people. But I just sing and act." Kagome ended sadly diverting her eyes somewhere her loves' golden stare wasn't. SesshoMaru would have none of that so he gently forced Kagome's face so that they were looking into each other's eyes.

"You help many of people just not in the way that you believe every body needs to be helped." He rubbed his thumb softly on her cheek. "Some people just need a beautiful voice to listen to or even something beautiful to look at. You help with both." Bringing her arms around his neck she smiled softly while speaking.

"You do always know the right things to say," Kagome's comments were interrupted however when a nameless person knocked on the door.

"Kyuuhanshu-Sama, you are going to be going on in five minutes," The nameless person noticed the position she was in and blushed while looking at the ground. "After the commercial break." The person left right after their message was delayed to the person on everyone's minds. Kagome exchanged glances with her husband before she giggled as she stretched after getting up.

"Guess our little secret is out." She went to go brush her long mane but stopped as she saw an elegant hand grab the brush and start coming through the dark locks. "You know you don't-----…."

"I know I don't have to but I want to." SesshoMaru paused during his brushing to turn Kagome around. "I don't think I deserve you sometimes." Kagome lightly traced imaginary lines on SesshoMaru's check bones.

"No Koibito it is I who does not deserve you."

"Well I very well don't want to get into a little fight about who does not deserve the other." He sighed as his wife traced lines on his full lips. "Now go sing your heart out and I will be here waiting for you. Promise."

"Okay Love," Kagome stood on her tiptoes laying a chaste kiss on SesshoMaru's lips. "See you soon."

Walking out into the throng of people had always disinterested the famous singer and actress; to her it always meant she was getting way to popular. Smiling lightly at her turn of thoughts she turned onto the stage; nodding briefly to the stage master that was the one that had seen her and her own husband in a compromising position, she walked on the stage to be viewed like a regular piece of meat.

The lights brightened, the tele-broadcasters zoomed in on the singers' famous figure and face and the photographers clicked more vigorously. `I love singing but why couldn't have I been a One Hit Wonder?' Kagome wondered sadly taking center stage. Grasping the cold metal her dainty hands, she sang one of the newest songs on her CD that was due to come out next month. The soft beats of the drums and the slow almost seductive sounds of the guitar made everyone stop their fast money driven life's to think of the simpler things in life. As the song drew to a near, Kagome slowly opened her eyes to be met with a standing ovation; smiling at their reaction she bowed and turned to leave but was stopped as Hamasaki and Mai Yamane. Hamasaki ran swiftly to the left side of the young star, while Yamane stood of the other side.

"Yamane-San, don't you just think that Kyuuhanshu-San would look absolutely divine on the arm of that hunk SesshoMaru?" Hamasaki giggled at the look Kagome was sending her Yamane one of the only ones who knew about the true SesshoMaru and Kagome, smiled.

"I would think that Kyuuhanshu-San would like to think about that for her self." She paused looking out at the audience. "Do you not think so?"

"Well----…"The young famous star's embarrassed protests were short lived as SesshoMaru was pushed on the stage.

"SesshoMaru-San just flew in, came right by to the Japanese Pop Awards to see the radiance of Kagome Kyuuhanshu!" Hamasaki laughed merrily at her little scheme. Yamane just hoped that she would still be considered Kagome's friend, Kami knew Yamane doted on the young woman.

"Hai, Audience the very famous SesshoMaru, who strangely has no last name!" Yamane spoke with fake cheerfulness.

"Yamane-San, Hamasaki-San please don't-----…" Kagome's soft voice was lost to the wild cheering of young and old woman screaming for SesshoMaru's attention; SesshoMaru gazed at Kagome and in that gaze it told her all.

`I am sorry Love but I believe we are going to be found out.' Kagome nodded before stepping forward to place a hand on her secret husband's forearm.

"Yamane-San and Hamasaki-San, you really are fruitless in your cause for SesshoMaru and I to become an item. For," Kagome looked at her once friends then the vast audience as everything calmed down. "We are already married."

The deafening silence was thunderous; no photos were taken, the only things that did change were the positions of the tele-broadcasters moving in to get a better view of the couple and the light brightened to show the famous arrogantly cold man, SesshoMaru, holding the famous young singer that had stolen the hearts of many of men, Kagome, hand. Kagome discreetly squeezed her husband's hand tighter as Hamasaki opened and closed her month seemingly at a loss for words; Yamane however was not.

"Well I am truly glad!" She walked up to give her friend a tight hug and whispered in her ear for only Kagome to hear. "If I were you, I would get out of here before the media comes after you."

Kagome nodded as she spoke, "I am sorry but SesshoMaru and I must leave." Tugging on SesshoMaru's hand she left, he followed suite sending a clear message to everyone.

`Don't follow us or else.'

The, now, exhilarated young woman grinned as she and SesshoMaru made it out of the chaos that was backstage. She grasped the material of her gown to her shaking form.

"So what now? The media is bound to come after us because of that little show."

"That's true so," He walked towards his now not so secret wife and smiled. "You should get going." He saw the confusion flash in his love's eyes. "I will deal with the media, just go to your house. I will be there in a few." Kagome nodded as she fled into her limo that had pulled up.

"Shippo-Kun head home, after that come back to pick up SesshoMaru." Kagome waving bye as the limo pulled away; the photographers, cameras, and reporters mobbed SesshoMaru.

A shrill blonde woman spoke in a rushed voice to SesshoMaru; "How long have you been married to Kagome Kyuuhanshu?"

A middle-aged man spoke in the same voice as all the others, annoyingly high-pitched; "How long have you been keeping this marriage a secret?"

SesshoMaur narrowed his eyes slightly before speaking, "Kagome and my marriage was done in private and will remain private. End of story." He saw his own limo pull up, quickly getting in without a second glance he felt a jolt of utter pain go through his heart. "Jaken, hurry up and go to Kagome's home."

Kagome pulled on her silk white nightgown after getting out of the shower and putting the television on; a major news show was on talking about the new enemy of Japan calling himself "The Bringer of Souls" and the `important' news of Kagome Kyuuhanshu's marriage.

"'The Bringer of Souls' has reportedly kidnapped five young woman, one young man, and a young girl (age twelve) and all persons have been found dead." The solemn Japanese woman spoke, "There has been one piece of evidence identified as a letter, the letter states how he is but a---quote---guy who is just following orders---unquote---. Individual is classified as extremely dangerous." The woman stopped to smile-she actually smiled while talking about a guy who murders people for a living-before speaking to her co-worker. "Shinto-San has some interesting news about the gossip that is sweeping across Japan as of now---…"

Kagome sighed as she heard the door of her bedroom quietly open. "Oh SesshoMaru can you believe that? That man is just killing people for a living?" Kagome was about to turn around but was held by a hand to her throat.

"Hai I can understand that because you know what? I am The Bringer of Souls!" After that all Kagome saw was a sea of black she also had the pain and feeling of being dragged on her grovel walk way.

SesshoMaru rushed in the manor, forgetting about his duty to take of his shoes upon entering the house. Making his way towards Kagome's and his bedroom he saw signs of someone being dragged. He saw his bedroom door opened and thought the worst thoughts.

`Kagome never leaves the bedroom door open.' Walking in the bedroom he saw a note laying on the bed he and Kagome shared. The note read:

SesshoMaru Kyuuhanshu---

You will do well to not call the police about this little "thing". It wouldn't do to have the media involved, now would it? But since I have followed you and your `dear' wife's career I know that you will notify them. What a pity because by the time you find any trace of Kyuuhanshu-Sama or me, she will be dead and I will most likely taking another pitiful excuse for a life. Oh and I send my highest regards to your new choice of career, maybe you will even find me.

~The Bringer of Souls~

"Jaken!" He heard the rapid footsteps of his loyal servant end at the beginning of the room. "Call the police and tell them that Kagome Kyuuhanshu has been kidnapped. Hurry!" As Jaken's footsteps become faint, SesshoMaru dropped to the floor and, for the first time in his whole life, silently cried.


Okay everybody, I think that this is going to be a two parter! But I hope that was good, and also about SesshoMaru being a little OOC, you have to take into mind that love makes people act differently. And the idea of having your only and true love being dead is a terrible thing to think about.

I would like to get reviews! Thanks and I hope this explains a little to some of the questions that were asked for Forgotten. I know that Striking Falcon had the question of "Why did Naraku get sentence Death Row?" well that question was---indirectly---answered. I hope everyone got it and everything, review.

~Mistress Fluffy

Someone who has a lot of problems but can write really real!