InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fortuitous Awakenings ❯ Lord Sesshoumaru in the stone! (Interlude) ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. If I did why would I be typing fanfics?
Warnings: None for this chapter, sorry
Shippo held on to his beloved as the western lord paced angrily. It had been years since the fall of Naraku and the group, minus Kagome, were deemed worthy enough to set foot in the western castle. Ever since then they moved in to the castle, they saw that Sesshoumaru wasn't an ice prince. He was very much the opposite, at least around them. Shippo had found someone to love already and Sango and Miroku were well into their fifties. They had five children to take care of them. Inuyasha was still alone though. He watched as Sesshoumaru paced.
“Calm down. It was bound to happen anyway Sesshoumaru,” he said gruffly. He was referring to the blood moon. It was the moon in which most demons lose themselves to their blood beasts. Inuyasha was happy he wasn't prone to that kind of thing.
“If your stupid fox kit hadn't touched my only anchor to not go through such an inane experience perhaps it wouldn't have happened.” His eyes swung over to said fox, “You will see just how angry I am about this,” he growled.
“Back off! If he would've known this was going to happen he wouldn't have touched it. It isn't fair to place the blame on Shippo,” said the vixen that stood by Shippo.
“Don't Hitomi!” said Shippo.
“You will do well to keep your intended in check fox,” said Sesshoumaru. He sighed deeply, “I don't wish to go through this though so you will make sure I don't.”
“How the hell is he going to do that?” asked Inuyasha.
Shippo didn't like how Sesshoumaru was behaving so spiteful measures had to be taken.
`I liked him better when he was labled ice prince.' He thought. That thought gave him an idea. A really crooked idea. He held back a snicker, “I've got a way but you will not like it,” he said softly.
“I wish to know just what you have planned fox,” said Sesshoumaru.
“I will turn you into stone. That could help,” he said.
“You will also turn me back after the week is out right?”
Shippo nodded, “Of course,” he said. His fingers were crossed in his haori sleeves though. `Sucker,' he thought.
“Then do it,” said Sesshoumaru.
Hitomi blinked, “Shippo,” she said nervously.
“Shh,” said the devious fox. He summoned his newly developed powers, “By the way Sesshoumaru-sama, I can't really undo the spell,” he said when the rocky substance climbed up the western lords body.
Before Sesshoumaru could reply, he was encased in stone.
Inuyasha growled, “Shippo! Why would you do that?”
“Er, spite?”
Hitomi shook her head, “Now who will rule the western lands?” she asked.
The two foxes looked at Inuyasha.
“Oh no,” said Inuyasha.
“But you are Lord Touga's son. You're just as important as Sesshoumaru was,” said Hitomi.
Inuyasha sighed, “Fine but don't come crying to me when things go horribly wrong,” he said. `I've got a bad feeling about this,' thought Inuyasha.
There ya go! R&R