InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Four years later ❯ Waiting and Chocolate ( Chapter 2 )

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Four Years Later

Chapter 2: Waiting and Chocolate

Thanks for Every one who reviewed! I'm so happy that people reviewed.

Sesshomaru looked at the village before him, it had changed very little over the last four years. He's only seen it a few times, but it was enough to etch it in his memory.

Smelling the air, he could pick up the scent of his brother and that woman, Kagome. Over the years his hatred had diminished to dislike. But that didn't mean he come just because he tolerated them more.

He found himself, in a way, liking that woman, Kagome. She was strong and did not take lightly to things most women did. After Naraku, at times of danger, not for him of course, but for Rin, he had asked if she could stay with them. Of course they wouldn't turn away the small human.

Rin benefited from this and learned some things that he couldn't possibly teach. He was surprised, to say the least, when he had learned that the Kagome girl had been from the Future. Even though she still technically lived there, she came to visit a lot and Inu-yasha did the same.

Snapping out of his thoughts he set off to find his half-breed brother. Coming into the village the villagers tensed. They had gotten used to him randomly appearing but usually with Rin. He set off to his Inu-Yasha's home.

Stopping, in front of the home, he saw the mutt asleep in a tree. Not being able to resist he walked quietly to the base of the tree and took a big breath.

"INU YASHA!" He yelled at the top of his voice. He got the result he wanted, his brother turned from the branch in a sudden movement to get up he fell of the branch and landed on his face. He smirked.

"What the-Sesshomaru!" he got up and growled. "What the hell do you want?"

"I request to see Kagome."

"Why? Does Rin need to be looked after again?" He said rubbing his face from where he fell.

"No, there is something that must be discussed with her. I am unable, no should I say not properly qualified to tell her." His brother looked at him doubtfully.

"What is it? Why can't you get someone else?" He was surprised when Sesshomaru looked a bit embarrassed.

"Rin…she is coming of age and uh although I have explained to her the basics of...intercourse she is…curious and female." He stopped suddenly finding the sky more interesting.

Inu Yasha laughed, "Ah, can't tell Rin `that'? Sheesh, that is something not even I would be able to do with my pups." He grinned. "You do have a point she is coming of age and needing explainin' right?" He snickered. His brother glared at him.

"Don't worry I won't say a word about it to anyone else. Kagome will be back here today in the evening." Not helping but want to get payback he invited Sesshomaru in.

"……" Sitting in the seat in the corner he fell silent. He smelled a wonderful array of foods; he often traded with Inu Yasha to get `future food'.

"Do you want some pokey?" Inu Yasha suddenly asked.

"Po-kii?" He looked at the box that was held by Inu Yasha. He took a `stick' out and bit into it. It didn't taste bad and ate all of it, he knew he should have asked what the brown stuff was though. He felt his stomach churn a bit. He saw his brother smirking.

"What the hell was that anyways?" He said growling.

His smirk grew. "A chocolate pokey." He glared at him and then registered the word Chocolate.

"Bas-Dang it! Curse you!" He had nearly said a curse word. Inu Yasha laughed, but ran out side as Sesshomaru lunged at him. Sesshomaru easily caught up to him and punched Inu Yasha in the face. Though that did not wipe the smirk off.

"That's for waking up like that." He said glaring and grinning at him.

"Ah you couldn't do something else?" he said now regretting running that fast after his brother. Walking in he quickly found some chocolate and walked up to his brother and forced him to eat it. "Now we are even."

The sat in silence glaring at each other. "This is all your fault," Inu Yasha suddenly proclaimed. His stomach was killing him.

"How is it my fault? You gave me the chocolate first. You know we are not suppose to eat it. It is not my fault that some of our properties similar to normal dogs is that of chocolate being unhealthy for us."

"Ugg, and it taste good too. Why couldn't that be something that wasn't in us? I still remember the first time I found out I shouldn't have eaten it…You?"

Sesshomaru nodded.


Sesshomaru looked at the sweet in front of him, it was dark brown and smelled very enticing. Rin had said it was: "It's great! Just like a very sweet yet a little bitter, you should try it…"

Picking a small piece up he placed it in his mouth, it was…different. He found himself quite liking it. He ate the small bar. He cleaned the small area, today Rin would be returning from one of her lessons from the `future'. He had learned she could get a better education there and had thought she might not be able to go because the well only allowed Kagome and Inu Yasha through but found she could as well.

After several months tutoring, `antiques' from his home being sold in the modern times, and some false papers, she got an education. But that aside, he was quite pleased with the taste of it and would ask Kagome if she had any more when she came with Rin.

About an hour later he wasn't feeling very well, at least from his usual condition. When Rin and Kagome had arrived he asked Kagome:

"Does this `chocolate' have any negative affects? Rin insisted I eat some. And though I found it pleasing, it had made me feel slightly ill." Kagome looked at him with an arched I brow.

"Sesshomaru, you really shouldn't eat that…Inu Yasha gets sick every time and can only eat it during his time of the month. Um…how should I say this…"


"Um Do..Do-do…Dogs shouldn't eat chocolate! It's bad for them." She said and promptly left.

Leaving a ill feeling Sesshomaru and A curious Rin.

End of Memory

"Dogs shouldn't eat chocolate…Wise words, wise words." Sesshomaru said. Feeling uncomfortable.

They sat in silence an occasion groan or grunt of discomfort for several hours.

Kagome walked in to her home to find Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha silent and holding their stomachs, she silently chuckled.

"Let me guess, chocolate?"

End of this chapter.