InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ From A Dream To A Reality ❯ Twisted Agony ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Twisted Agony
Kagome look back into the room to make sure that Kouga was sleeping before quietly creeping down the stair case and out the back door. When she got outside she found InuYasha there still looking up at her window before he looked down into the ground and shook his head. A flashback of her dream came flooding into her memories as she ogled his silver locks and his tanned skin tone, intensified under the moonlight gaze. He snapped out of his reverie to realize that her gaze was on him. He snapped his head in his quick attempt to look at her. He wore a black leather jacket with a white muscle t-shirt and black jeans that matched his boots, as his silver mane was slick back and hiding his little ears underneath a black bandana. The sight before him made his breath hitch. Kagome wore only a sheer, scantly clad pink nightgown that showed that she only wore pink thong underneath while hanging off her shoulders and finished off with fuzzy pink slippers. The look was simply innocent and showed that he caught her with her defenses down but the sight made him hard as her long darkened redden hair was left out and slightly blowing in the wind. She gazes back at him and into his deep golden orbs. She sees the exact same lust as he held in the dream.
Kagome gasps and immediately faints wanting to feel the hardness of the ground but instead came in contact of something soft yet firm. When she opened her eyes again, she found InuYasha putting her back to her feet before tucking a misplaced hair behind her ear, kissing her forehead. “Kags, we need to talk”, he said breaking the awkward silence between the two. Kagome turned away from his gaze and led him to the private garden she had in tribute of her past, located behind her house. “So you said that you wanted to talk…so talk”, she said once she took a seat on the edge of a veranda. “I've been thinking about us…a lot… remembering the old days and whatnot. I think it was sorta childish of me to want your full uninvited attention and forcing you to choose between me and your career…it was unfair. I want us again”, he finally spitted out. “It took almost five years for you to say that. Why the sudden change of heart Yash?” “I can't replace what we had no matter how hard I tried and I can't replace time to take back what I did and said…I'm a stupid hanyou, Kags…just forgive me and take me back…please”, he begged taking a seat next to her and holding her hands. “But I don't know if I can…Yash you broke my heart and toyed with it more than once… I'm just not even sure if I can take you back. I'm not sure if the damage is too much… plus I'm in love with someone else”, she lied letting go of his hands.
She got up and was about to leave him when InuYasha shot up, grabbed her hands, and spun around to face him before holding her chin to look into his eyes. Before he can speak, Kagome starts to sing her favorite song.
(Kagome places a finger on his lips as she begins)
Loving me
It gets so complicated,
All the things you gotta be
Everything's changing,
But you're the truth
I'm amazed by all your patience,
Everything I put you through.
(Kagome removes her finger as she let a tear fall from her eyes. InuYasha quickly but tenderly wipes it away with the pad of his thumbs)
And when-I'm-a-bout-to-fall
Some-how you're always waiting with,
Your o-pen arms to catch me
From myself…yes
You're-gon-na-saveme -from myself
(Kagome turns away from his touch before she continues)
My love is tainted
by your touch
Well some guys have shown me aces,
But you've got that royal flush.
I know its crazy
Well tomorrow may be shaky,
But you nev-er turn away
(Before InuYasha can hold her she walks away from him and holds herself)
Don't-ask-mewhy -I'm -cry-ing
'Cause-when I start to crumble,
You know how to keep me smiling
From myself, myself
You're-gon-na-saveme-from myself
(She turns to him and lets him hold her)
I know it's hard…it's hard
But you've broken allmy walls
You've been my strength…so strong
And don't-ask-mewhy-I-loveyou
(She plants a soft tender kiss on his lips before pulling away slowly)
It's obviousyour tenderness
Is what I need
to make me
To myself…
(She pushes him away and stood on shaking knees as he approaches her)
“Can you honestly say that you love him when you're standing here with me? Is it possible to repeat those sacred words back to someone who doesn't know their meaning… someone who can't feel the strength of them as I do”, he muttered before leaning in and leaving a kiss on her lips. Kagome quickly melted into his arms and let his words linger in her mind. “Yash I love you… but you can't continue to keep hurting me like this”, she thought before pushing him away and running back to the walls of her mansion. InuYasha was left standing outside, watching her form disappear between the large bushes of roses, orchids, and tulips. “I lost her…for good”, he thought before walking back to his car and driving off to his empty condo.
Weeks went by before InuYasha and Kagome saw each other again. Both agreeing to just be friends and to seal the deal, InuYasha invited Kouga and Kagome over to have lunch with him and his date. Unfortunately, however, Kagome and InuYasha's date had to cancel at the last minute so instead InuYasha invited Kouga into his studio room to have lunch there. The entire point was to make amends and show Kagome that he can be friends with whoever she chooses.
“Thanks for actually coming over”, InuYasha said after emptying his lunch remains into a garbage bin. “Hey, I shouldn't hold a grudge against my girl's ex… especially when he's trying to show that he's moved on”, Kouga replied following InuYasha in suit. Both men were dressed casually, wearing blue jeans and different color muscle shirts. InuYasha's being black and Kouga's being white. “Thanks for the compliment…”, InuYasha said before his thoughts over came him. “Yeah…I wish I can move on… that bastard better make sure he take good care of my Kags”, he thought before showing Kouga his studio. “This is where I alter or tweak my audio interviews while I write them up”, InuYasha said showing Kouga into his personal recording session. “Nice… this looks like the latest edition of technology… this must of cost you a fortune”, Kouga noted out loud. “Yeah but it's a small sum when you're as good as a writer as I…”, InuYasha began before getting cut off with his cell phone vibrating. He quickly looks at the number and saw it was his fundraiser organizer. “I gotta take this but feel free to play with anything in here, just don't break it”, he said not waiting for Kouga's reply as he close the door to the room.
Kouga went over to the simplest looking technology he can find and began to press buttons; he thought something was wrong as he heard no sound until the machine beeped and starting playing two very familiar voices. “Okay, Kags what's with the attitude?” “Attitude? What attitude? I don't have an attitude.” “Yes you do. Did I offend you?” “Yes… you came in here, so different, so high class, with no memory of our past… as if it never happened.” “Kags…I don't want to dwell on old emotions.” (A gasp and then some silence before movement) “I'm not feeling well Yash.” “So now I'm not Mr. Takahashi?” “Yash, I think we should complete or start this interview later.”(A soft click is heard before some rumbling) “Just admit it, Kags.” “Admit what?” “Admit that you're still in love with me.” “Yash…” (Quietness is heard before another soft click, and then more silence before kissing noises are heard… then a moan and another kissing noise. Then keys jingling sound, and rumbling. Quietness, foot steps, and a soft click are heard before more steps and a soft jingle.) “Is the interview this intense?” “No it really haven't started, we chose to wait for you. Now if you will take your seat Mr. Wolfai.” (A gulp is heard before some rattling and then soft thud sound). The tape clicked and finally started playing the interview from the country house.
Everything that Kouga heard on that recording had made him very infuriated. “They were going behind my back all this time. She lied about her feelings for me… she lied when she said that her heart was recovering…she was using me and ignoring me because there was another man. They were both playing me… well tonight it will stop”, he thought as his face quickly hid his anger as InuYasha came back into the room. “Hey, sorry about that but I gotta go…”, InuYasha began before Kouga cut him off. “Its okay I was about to leave anyway”, Kouga said before leaving without saying a goodbye to the man now behind him. When he got outside he called an old friend that he hasn't spoken with in years. “Hey man… remember when I said that you can stop torturing her…well I take that back. Revenge is in order and I want what I deserve… after that you can continue with what you were going to do years ago”, he said before clicking his phone off.
The man on the other side of the line gave a broad smile as he took out a picture of a 17 year old Kagome. It was him who always put her into a hospital bed whenever he thought that she was close to spilling secrets about the government. Once he found out that she actually had told her secret to not one but two people, he began devising plans to kill her without getting caught. His last plan would've taken place at her graduation but the man on the phone just now had paid him off to hold off his tactics until he can get into her heart and more into her wallet before claiming her as his.
Kouga saw Kagome, five years ago and began his obsession with her before he became famous and actually had a chance to meet her. Fate was on his side as they made a duet album together under her old stage name of Deborah. He gotten her to fall for him and live with him, sharing her success with him but not get into her pants. He got into her account and transfer out thousands of dollars to pay off the hit man. But he did not know that the hit man was just buying time until he can make his plan fool-proof. He would just let Kouga get what he wanted before killing off them both.
A/N: Anyone still reading this thing- if so leave some comments already!