InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen ❯ You waste your time with hate and regret ( Chapter 6 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Frozen
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.
Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!
The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna
Chapter 6: You waste your time with hate and regret
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.
Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!
The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna
Chapter 6: You waste your time with hate and regret
Looking back was a terrible idea. I knew it and yet I couldn't help
myself. I perched high in a tree whose leaves were tinged orange
and brown and fought to hide myself as I watched Kyoshiro
overseeing repairs to the old temple we had made love in so many
It had been two months and I hadn't returned to our meeting place
during the new moon but I could always smell his scent which was
renewed by each and every one of his visits and I felt horrible for
leaving and not explaining myself to him. He had a right to know
that the life that was now five new moons old was one he had
I wasn't an idiot and old fairytales my mother had told me as a
child often had sad endings when a being revealed themselves to
their human counterparts, sad tales of death where one or the other
would die if not both.
I couldn't handle his rejection. It would tear my heart into
thousands of pieces. I had many dreams of how he would react to my
news and none were the happy ending that I so wanted.
Just seeing him had caused my chest to ache and the child within
seemed to sense its sire or perhaps my emotions at seeing him and
moved endlessly whenever we were in his presence, even from my
current distance.
Our temple was gorgeous as it was made new with lumber, care and
cleaning. I watched as he blessed it and I was surprised to see
that it was not with the usual blessings. I felt no ill will in his
blessing like I did at some of the other temples when they were
freshly blessed. It was as if he were leaving an open invitation. I
couldn't allow myself the hope; too often my hopes and dreams were
As the weather went from the cool breezes of spring to the
beginnings of a hot stifling Summer I grew larger and my seventh
month came upon me.
I was extra careful to avoid humans and youkai alike and due to my
depression I was late in locating a proper den. Something had led
me to one of Kyoshiro's old temples and it was there I had
discovered a secret passage beneath the temple itself. I had
decided it was as good a place as any and thus I began to once
again gather the things needed for a proper den when the birth of a
pup was nearing. The temple was seemingly abandoned and thus it
provided me with shelter and many of the supplies I needed.
I had made a bed of old tatami mats, curtains and cloths and the
temple was more than covered in soft moss. I had managed to
discover storage areas which contained candles and oils for light
and thanks to reverent townspeople who still brought offerings I
had a varied diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, pickles, the
occasional bottle of sake' and meat buns.
At night when I sensed no human or youkai presence I went hunting,
bringing back meat to be eaten and the rest dried and pelts to lie
on and wrap my pup in once it was born.
I was overly heated and exhausted as my eighth month came. I wanted
nothing more than to sleep and eat. I managed to find some respite
from the heat of the day in a nearby stream that was fed from the
nearby mountain making it almost cold. I seemed to distress the
nearby wildlife who had also come to the stream for that very
reason. I let them be, I was in no shape to hunt anyway and that
caused their discomfort level to drop some.
As I neared the end of my eight months I felt the occasional ache
in my belly and with it an occasional tightness but nothing close
to what I had felt when I had lost my first pup. I took it as a
good sign and lessened my trips out, keeping myself in the area of
the temple. My feet were swollen and my chest tender enough that
even wearing my hakama had become uncomfortable.
As the first week of my ninth month began so did what I suspected
to be the beginning actual pains of the incurring birth. The new
opening had once again developed and not a day afterward had I
discovered a blood tinted stain on my fundoshi. I stayed in my
hidden den and waited for things to progress and did they
I continued to have pains and they increased in volume as well as
timing. I went from almost ignoring them to pacing in my den which
was just a hair higher than me. I found myself stopping and rocking
into the pains as their intensity grew and when they ended and when
I could catch my breath I walked on hoping to speed the whole
ordeal. The pains soon overwhelmed me and I took to leaning against
pillars and the walls when they were near enough.
The pressure built and I could feel as my pup descended into place
putting added pressure on my new opening which seemed to almost
stretch in an attempt to give with the pressure.
There was no one around so I soon divested myself of my clothing
and found myself pacing back and forth in my den as nude as the day
I had been born. The thought amused me momentarily and then the
next pain came.
I gave up on pacing as the pressure grew and with it a sudden gush
of fluids poured down my thighs and legs and the pressure tripled.
I leaned against the wall on my soft bed of furs, moss and tatami
mats and with my free hand explored the spot of intense pain and
pressure and felt a rounding surface forcing its way out of my
stretched opening. It was damp and soft fuzz covered it.
The head! I was close. I slowly slid into a kneeling position and
rocked into the pain as it came causing my belly to tighten,
pushing as I did so. I felt the head shift forward and kept my free
hand there to judge my progress as I struggled to push. The pain
built and I struggled through the pain wailing and grunting through
the stinging pain and horrible contractions that threatened to
crush me.
I had a moment to catch my breath before it doubled and the pain
intensified and I pushed feeling that pressure abate for a moment
as the head slid out into my palm. I could feel the full round
shape of a head and the soft gooey hair that covered its head. I
wanted to sob but the sharp pain made that sob into a loud outcry
as I struggle through the onslaught of continuing pain and an even
stronger pain as the shoulders began to work their way through and
I bore down with everything I had left in me.
I was almost numb with pain below the waist and then it happened
the pressure lessened and I found myself single-handedly trying to
hold the slippery body of my pup as I struggled to support myself
on my knees alone so that I could use my other hand as well. Once I
had a good hold of my pup I brought it upwards to above my
I stared down at its back and rubbed it causing gargled intakes of
breath that then became coughing cries and wails. As soon as its
cries sounded less garbled I turned it carefully in my hands and
discovered that I had bore yet another son. He was slowly pinkening
up which could almost be seen through the goo that covered his
body. I reached for cloth I had set beside my bed and began to wipe
gently at his body while he wailed angrily at my actions. I wiped
him as gently as I could and watched his small limbs shake and whip
to and fro in anger. The little one certainly had my attitude. At
least he had his fathers ebony locks.
I felt pressure build and I pushed feeling the massive mess leave
my body with the help of my kneeling position and my still
contracting muscles. I had no idea what it was called and I could
only assume it had some purpose in being inside of me but I could
only hazard a guess as to what.
The cramping continued and the renewed wetness on my thighs told me
that I was bleeding just like I had with my first birthing. I
reached down and brought the cord attached to my son close to my
mouth and bit down separating him from the mess, making it easier
to move with him in my arms.
I stood shakily and made my way to a pile of furs and pelts and
found the softest on top, wrapping my son in it and then gently
laying him on our bed in a clean and clear spot while I removed the
soiled top layer and the grotesque pile of flesh that I had
expelled. For now I moved it into a corner and bundled it until the
odor was barely noticeable and then I found extra leather and a
clean fundoshi and made quick work of it making the leather an
absorbent pad and using my fundoshi to tie it into place. I threw
on the first layer of my hakama and lightly tied it in place.
My son had fallen asleep in a nest of fur so I carefully and
somewhat painfully lay next to him, pulling him in against me so
that I could feel his warmth and listen to his soft breathing. I
let it lull me to sleep.
I awoke to my sons wails and found my chest overly sensitive and
swollen. I knew why and I carefully sat up into a lounging
position. I lifted my mewling son as gently as I could until he lay
snuggled against my now dripping nipple. He needed no guidance as
he turned his head into my chest making smacking noises with his
lips until he connected with the source of my discomfort and began
to suckle hardily.
It was an unnerving feeling first and even slightly painful but the
pain abated as my chest was all but drained. I had watched
nursemaids in the court care for infants and knew that he had to
burp and I brought him to my shoulder and began to gently pat his
back, occasionally rubbing until I heard one tiny burp which was
followed by another. He seemed fussy still so I brought him to the
other nipple and allowed him to eat his fill and then I burped him
until he fell asleep. While he was napping I ate from my supplies
and then I too took a nap until he woke me with his mewling cries.
I smelled the odor of soiled blankets and so I changed him, taking
care to clean in-between crevices with a warm wet rag and
re-bundled him in a clean fur.
And that became my life…my world. I repeated the procedure
over and over again and I would until he no longer needed me
I healed and he ate, slept and grew.
To Be Continued….
Thanks for your patience~! Sorry it's been a while. I moved and
have already gone through two roommates and it hasn't even been a
year yet! I worked Otakon once again (20th
anniversary!), that makes 7 years staffing and 7 years before I
attended so 14 altogether. I had a little time off after Otakon so
I managed to work on a few fics. Some need complete overhauls but I
decided it would be best to update what I could. I'll try my best
to update soon.