InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen ❯ Chapter 8: When your hearts not open ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Frozen
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna

Chapter 8: When your hearts not open

It is one thing to make a decision but to carry it out…

I stared down at my almost two year old son who was toddling around in our old den under the abandoned shrine. He was oblivious to my thoughts and what the two of us were about to undergo and that was for the best. He would hopefully suffer no hardships and forgive me any troubles he happens upon during his life, whether it be long or short.

There would be no telling. He looked human to me and as his teeth had grown in he looked to be safe. His canines were a bit sharper than most humans and his eyes leaned more to a pale autumn leaf; caught somewhere between brown and golden yellow. The only things that really gave him away was his scent and that would only be noticed by demons and hanyous and the other were his ears which had grown slightly pointed.

I had decided that those would have to be fixed. It would pain him and it would hurt me to hurt him but if I was going to carry this plan out then it had to be done. I had found simple herbs that I knew would help dull pain and help with fever and set them aside.

As night fell on second year of Shoheiki's life I pulled him close to me in a hug and as carefully as I could nipped the very tip of his ear off. He pulled away from me crying and screaming and I could not stop the tears that fell from my eyes as I saw the betrayal in his. I spit out the torn flesh and brought him into my arms again as he cried and gently licked at the wound hoping my saliva would help it heal quickly. I turned his head and repeated the same action to his other ear.

When I finished I held him close and rocked him as I had a thousand times before. Once he calmed I laid him down and made a weak tea out of the pain dulling herbs and offered him some. He drank very little but enough it seemed to help dull the pain. I watched him for signs of fever and was more than glad to see none. I made a healing poultice and salve and very gently applied it to his now more rounded and healing ears. I couldn't be sure whether it was my salvia or his bodies own healing abilities but I was glad for it.

The next day it was as if all the pain I had caused was forgotten and my son was once again himself, minus pointed ears. We spent one last week together as I waited for the night of the new moon. We played and walked and talked his vocabulary getting larger and larger, my heart feeling heavier with each day.

As the last day approached I bathed him and then put him in a small set of clothing I had made out of yellow cloth I had pilfered and dressed myself in a raggedy kimono and furs. I wrote a note as best as I could on a thin piece of bark and slid it inside Shoheiki's clothes. I put my hair in a ponytail and strapped Shoheiki to my back and tied a hood over my head.

We started our journey into town as evening fell and as everyone was making their way home we had just made it into the town. It was easy to locate the town's new shrine, the very one I had watched Kyoshiro bless.

It had been so long since I had last seen him, I wondered if he was at this shrine or if he had wandered off to help elsewhere.

As night fell I felt my claws vanish and with them my fangs. Feeling safer approaching the shrine as a human I did just that. The gate had already been closed for the night, a lit torch on each side of the gates just bright enough to see any who approached was my only light as I knelt and carefully removed Shoheiki. He had fallen asleep on our walk and his hands were clenching the carrier. I wrapped it around him, careful not to jostle him and made sure the note remained in his clothing. I leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead leaving behind a teardrop as I did so. I stood and quickly banged on the gate before taking off. I ran far enough that I would not be seen, hidden behind nearby bushes and trees.

The loud knock had woken Shoheiki and he woke up wailing. That was all it took for the gates to be pulled open. Two young monks peeked out and then down at my crying son. One stayed while the other disappeared back behind the still open gate.

I watched as the other searched the darkness until his friend returned. He brought with him an older monk who had a shaved head. It took only a moment for me to realize who that monk was…. my dearest Kyoshiro. Now shaven and a few years older but it was him.

“No sign of the mother Hatsunuma Sama,” said the monk who had remained.

He knelt down and searched my son's clothes finding the note. I watched as he read it and then placed it in his sleeve before bending down and taking our son into his arms.

“Seems we have another brother to care for, the note says his name is Shoheiki. Guessing from the clothes and care the mother took to get him here he was well loved. Let us continue that love.”

The tears came and covered my face and neck in warm salty caresses as I sat there and watched the gates close.

I can't say how long I cried there, only that my legs were numb and unfeeling as I forced myself up and made my body move.

I didn't return to the shrine and I left the area all together. A broken heart is bad company for someone young and I needed trouble to forget and so that's what I went looking for.

I traveled and found trouble everywhere I went, whether in the form of humans or demons.

I purposely picked fights, some I lost and others I won. I earned scars and respect and made a small name for myself. It was physical pain to replace emotional and I was okay with that.

It was a year or more before I finally calmed enough to approach human villages again that was usually to hide my human stench among them so that I wouldn't be a target for demons or give away my human night. I had somehow found myself in a very small village that was for the most part quiet. They had small shrines and held to survival desperately but they had among them a young lady who seemed to ooze power and strength.

Rumor said that this priestess possessed a jewel that could make me a demon and so I decided to pursue this priestess.

She was beautiful with ebony eyes like obsidian and long flowing ebony hair that shined like the heavens. Her name was Kikyo and she was the villages Priestess. She was always there for the people and yet she seemed so alone…so unapproachable. I found myself drawn to her and so I spent a good amount of my time following her. I couldn't help myself at times, she seemed so much like myself and yet…not.

One day I followed her into the woods and as I jumped from tree limb to tree limb as quietly as a bird of prey she stopped and stood there in the middle of clearing as if gearing for battle and it was then she called out to me.

“If you attack me I shall end you.”

The cocky self-assured tone brought my own cockiness out and I responded by jumping from my hiding spot to land in front of her.

“You're not worth the effort,” I responded grinning to spite her as I placed my hands on my hips.

“Then why follow me so often,” she asked clearly not amused.

It was then I sensed the many low level demons around us. I grinned wider and jumped over her slicing a lesser demon in half behind her ending its life and its attack, “Because you seem to be a source of constant fun and battles.”

I watched as all the low level demons in the surrounding area descended on her and cut down many but she cut down just as many with her own powers. It was a sight to behold and I could see why the all wanted to devour her. Her power was a taste so unusual and strong that it seemed to call to us of that had demon blood. I can't say that her power was the only thing to call out to me but it certainly helped.

When they had all been vanquished I shook the blood from my claws and grinned over at her, “See…full of fun.”

And thus began our odd relationship.

I went from being her trailing dog and thinking about nothing but the jewel and its powers to soon becoming almost like a guardian and then to friend. We talked and she unburdened her soul to me and I did the same to her. I left out a lot of my life's woes but she knew the biggest, my hanyou blood. Stuck between two worlds and despised by both.

I began to think that our two lonely souls had called out to each other, like two souls separated or maybe I just wanted someone to love me and understand me so bad that I was willing sacrifice anything for it.

She had discussed using the jewel so I could become human and we decided that was what we would do. I would become human and she and I would wed.

She had become my world but so quickly that world my came tumbling down….

Kikyo attacked me and we fought, my fight ended with my body pinned to a tree, her arrow pinning me. My anger and heartache dulled into nothingness as I fell into a deep sleep.

To Be Continued…..

Sorry it took so long. Mom's working on using her prosthetic. Here's hoping she's walking again soon.
