InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Frozen ❯ Chapter 16: I suffer the same ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Frozen
Author: DeityOfDeath
Archive: Yes please...
Pairings: Inu Yasha/ various, Inu Yasha/Sesshomaru, Inu Yasha/Kouga mentions of Inu Yasha/Kagome and Inu Yasha/ Kikyo
Category: Drama, romance, slash, Mpreg, yaoi
rating: NC-17/R
Spoilers: Most likely.
Warnings: Yaoi, Lemon, Non-con, Mpreg, Incest, SPOILERS!
Disclaimers: I never have nor will I ever own Inu Yasha or its chars. They are property of Rumiko Takashi and major companies.

Note from Author: Thank You for reading and supporting fan fiction! Enjoy and please review!

The chapter titles are lyrics from the song "Frozen” by Madonna

Chapter 16: I suffer the same

My first night in the western lands and inside a lavish castle was different from everything I had ever known. I had slept in longer than I usually did and so did Myorika, whether it was the plush bed which seemed to swallow one in the comfort of its fabric and stuffing or the very fact that I was exhausted from the many restless nights before I made my decision or perhaps even the stress of revealing my daughter to my friends that lead to my exhaustion and over sleeping. It was probably all of the above.

As I stirred I woke Myorika who began kicking and fussing letting me know that her cloths were dirtied and that she was also hungry. I looked around the room until I found the bound satchel Sesshomaru had carried for me. I untied the contents finding extra changing cloths as well as clean swaddling and small furs I had cut for Myorika. I removed her soiled clothes and had to use rags dipped in the cold water from the basin which I warmed using my hands to wipe her bottom. At this she cried louder voicing her displeasure. I dried her bottom and wrapped it in a new cloth. I was searching for something to dress her in when a knock sounded at the door.

“Come in,” I shouted as I lifted Myorika into my arms rocking her to calm her unhappiness.

In came the small Rabbit Youkai followed by another who was the color opposite of the pink eyed girl. She had black ears and long flowing black hair also kept in braided pigtails. Her eyes were a deep violet with black irises. She wore a violet serving kimono also with a white ruffled apron. Where her pink friend seemed nervous and quiet this one held confidence and smiled brightly.

“We bring gifts from Sesshomaru-Sama, InuYasha-Sama,” she said brightly as she held out a large paper wrapped package in her hands followed in suit by her nervous partner who held out a smaller paper wrapped package.

“Thank you, can you set them on the bed,” I asked as I rocked a now calming Myorika.

“Yes, InuYasha-sama,” she said cheerfully and energetically as she placed the package on the bed and came to stand by me as she eagerly glanced at Myorika in my arms.

“Is this the young princess that Sesshomaru-sama told us about,” she asked as her eyes roamed over my daughter.

“Yes, this is Myorika. And you are…”

“Oh! Many apologies InuYasha-sama! I am Murasaki and this is my cousin Bara,” she said as she pointed back at the shyer pink clad girl who had come closer with her cousin to catch a glance at Myorika.

“We are your personal maids and servants. Sesshomaru-sama says I talk too much to be of much service to him and my cousin too little. He hopes that the two of us will be enough for you and Princess Myorika, InuYasha-sama,” she said giving and bow with her hands together and hidden in her sleeves, Murasaki followed suit.

“He apologizes sincerely for his not being able to introduce us but it seems affairs of state and local youkai politics have to take precedence,” she recited with a small frown.

Myorika shivered and I searched the room for something to dress her in and then the small package Bara held was presented once again to me.

Bara blushed as she softly spoke, “It's an outfit for the young princess. Sesshomaru-sama had us pick it out for you.”

I grinned and laid Myorika back on the bed as I reached for it, “Thank you Bara. You two can drop the sama, just InuYasha is fine.”

I took the package and opened it finding a small pale pink kimono robe used for newborns and infants. I could feel a tingle in my chest at seeing such a thoughtful gift and my cheeks warmed just a bit as I picked it and held it up for closer inspection.

“Isn't it adorable!? There are a few the seamstress had begun working on for the little princess but this was Bara's favorite so we took this one first, plus the others still needed work. As soon as the others are finished we will bring them,” said Murasaki energetically.

“May I open yours InuYasha-sama,” asked Bara shyly.

“Yes, go ahead,” I said with a smile.

She opened the larger package revealing a three piece kimono set in shades of red, white and deep blue that were neatly folded.

“The seamstress made it with you in mind InuYasha-sama. She said this will match your coloring very well. She and her assistants are still working on other sets for you.”

I grinned widely at Bara, “Those are the most words I've heard you say since I've met you.”

She blushed and nervously wrung her hands, “I apologi….”

“No apologies needed Bara; I was just amused is all. Like I said, you can drop the sama I'm just InuYasha but if you truly feel more comfortable using sama then who am I to judge.”

“We have a tub sitting outside. We were asked by Sesshomaru-sama to bring it and fill it with warm water so that you and the little princess can bathe,” said Murasaki who was almost bouncing in place.

I blinked and shrugged deciding I wouldn't say no to being cleaned in a way that didn't involve another persons help, “Sure bring it in. Is there any food outside my door too? I'm kind of hungry.”

“It's in your sitting area,” said Murasaki as she turned and lead the way.

At the small table sat a small tray that held a bowl of rice, sardines, a raw egg and tea. I sat holding Myorika one handed and ate a few sardines until Bara saw my plight and brought me a long sash so that I could make a sling out of it. I handed Bara Myorika and quickly made the sling. As I went to take her back I noted Bara's large smile and noted how gently she held Myorika and filed it away for future use. It would be nice to have a babysitter when my hands were full or I needed a break as Myorika got older.

I opened my robe and placed Myorika to my chest so she could have her breakfast while I had my own. While I ate I watched as Murasaki entered followed by two male youkai servants dressed in white robes carried a large wooden tub into my bedroom. I had finished my sardines and had just cracked my egg into my white rice when Bara entered carrying two steaming buckets of water and Murasaki and the two youkai left and returned carrying two buckets each. It became a back and forth pattern as I ate my rice and drank my tea. When I had finished I moved Myorika to my other nipple as Murasaki stood in front of me grinning with two large drying cloths in her small hands.

“The tub is filled InuYasha, Bara left a basket of oils and soaps and I shall leave your drying cloths. Please enjoy your bath,” with that she left the room with the quiet Bara following behind.

I stood and as I did so my little daughter fussed letting me know she was done eating so I lifted her up and patted her back allowing the trapped air to escape. I undid the little bundling cloths around her small body and cloths around her bottom and knelt in front of the tub and found it had already had some scented oils poured into it. I sniffed and took in the calming scent of lavender and smiled as I dipped a rag into the fragrant water and wrung it so it was damp but not dripping and proceeded to gently wash my squirming daughter who seemed a bit more enthused at the warm water than she had this mornings quick cold wash.

I cleaned her from head to toe and dried her with one of the cloths before I smiled and leaned over and began to dress Myorika in her tiny pink outfit and when I was done I couldn't help but grin as I lifted her and got the full view of her in her new pink kimono. I snuggled her close and took in her scent and feel once more.

I made a nest out of pillows and blankets so that she would safely lie in the center of the bed and undressed myself, stepping into the warm water sighing happily as I felt any tension and stress left dissipate.

I stretched out as much as I could as and closed my eyes, just relaxing and enjoying my brief moment of peace. I did that until the water went down a few degrees and then I sat up fully and scrubbed myself with a clean rag and one of the citrus scented soaps provided me. I rinsed the lather off and then soaped up my hair and gave it a good scrub. Once my hair was rinsed I found my drying cloth and stood wrapping it around my body noting one or two stretch marks as my belly once again flattened and my abs reappeared, I am amazed at how my body seemed to heal itself after each birth.

I patted myself dry as I approached the bed and saw that Myorika lay staring at the ceiling kicking and moving her small arms and legs excitedly. I grinned down at her and removed my drying cloth and quickly dressed myself in my new hakama and haori. I looked at my dirty fire-rat robe as I picked it up and folded it. I placed it in a safe place in the closet near my bed. Now that I was dressed I checked the fully stocked dressing table and found a new brush. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror and drug the brush through my hair as best I could. Soon my locks were tamed and I had just grabbed my sling cloth and wrapped it around my body when a knock sounded and Murasaki came bounding in followed by a more subdued Bara.

“Lord Sesshomaru-sama has asked us to show you the way to the downstairs library. It's where he does most of his work,” she whispered the last bit as if it were a big secret.

I grinned and picked up Myorika and placed her in her sling before motioning to the door, “Well let's not keep him waiting.”

I followed them noting each hallway, doorway, staircase and the things that surrounded them. It was always good to note ones surroundings. Water color paintings adorned some of the walls with an occasional piece of old armor, polished so it almost looked new but the smell said otherwise. Some hallways had polished wooden tables that had vases which held what seasonal plants and flowers could be found giving the whole place a wildflower field type of smell.

We came to a large set of doors which seemed to leak the smell of paper old and new as well as ink and a dusty scent that not even thorough cleaning would get rid of. In the middle of those scents was that of Sesshomaru. His scent was that of a deep musk of cedar and pine with an almost lemon or citrus scent mixed in.

Murasaki knocked loudly on the door and cleared her throat calling out, “I have brought InuYasha-sama and his daughter Myorika-hime.”

Hime, princess…it seemed as though her title would stick with her which gave me hope for her I don't know why I seemed so surprised. She was the daughter of a Wolf Prince and niece to the Lord of Western Lands.

I probably would have gotten lost in my thoughts but one of the large doors opened revealing a cavernous room with wall to wall books and scrolls and there at the door stood a large muscled youkai who smelled of something wild but dog-like that I could not place.

His skin was a deep tan and his eyes were a hazel bordering more on deep ochre. He had large canines and his black hair was shaved close around his face and sides but left long in the back where it flowed past his broad shoulders.

“It's rude to stare little lord,” he said in a deep baritone with a grin that showed off those large fangs.

I blinked up at him and took a deep sniff just to show his words hadn't phased me as I walked past him and into the library and towards the brightest part which is where Sesshomaru sat, behind a large cedar desk surrounded by scrolls and fresh paper as well as brushes and ink.

“Good afternoon InuYasha-sama. Good to see you still live,” said Kurokami in a jovial tone as he grinned down at me.

I wasn't the shortest in the room thanks to Jaken, Murasaki and Bara but I sure felt it when surrounded by all these tall intimidating youkai. I felt like I had made a mistake in entering this room without knowing what I was getting myself into but I trusted the girls and Sesshomaru, I just hoped it was trust well placed.

I held my head high and looked around me showing very little emotion as I did so, making sure I kept arrogance wrapped around me in case anyone thought I was anything but able bodied and capable of more than what my small body showed.

“So this is the brother who battled Naraku and won? I expected more from the hero of Japan,” said the arrogant youkai who had been guarding the door as he approached us.

Sesshomaru said nothing, and he was wise not to. I could tell that he was testing me, that he wanted me to prove my worth or maybe he was just an ass. I wasn't about to let him get to me either way. I had dealt with bigger and tougher youkai than him and he wasn't putting off any extreme danger signs.

“As we all know, size doesn't matter,” I said as I looked over the strange smelling male again, “and you might want to take a bath your odor is fowling up the air.”

I watched his eyes and they still held that mischievous glint to them not even hinting at being insulted. I heard coughs and clearing of throats and looked over noting three more men, two were similar height and had long bright silver hair with black ends hanging over their shoulders in many hair ties keeping it bound and out of the way and large gray eyes which were filled with laughter and surprise. They bother wore black and gray hakama and haori with silver armor a shade or two darker than their hair. They smelled dog-like as well and I struggled to figure out what they were.

The third man was a few inches taller than myself and had cream colored and black hair which was spiked and stood up and out like the fur on an angry cat whose overly large brown eyes were almond shaped and set in plump effeminate cheeks. He wore no armor but stood there in a crisp and clean white and faded sky blue hakama set with varying degrees of blue fading in and out among the snow pattern at the right shoulder and bottom hem of his robe.

“Let me start the introductions,” said Sesshomaru as he finally stood interrupting any further awkward interactions between us all.

“You've already met Kurokami; he is captain of my guards.”

Kurokami bowed, and gave me a smile which seemed reflected in his deep ebony eyes.

“I am Hibine of the Jackal tribe,” said the annoying youkai from the door who came up beside me.

“Hibine is a friend from my youth who stops in every now and then to deliver news from his many travels,” and as Sesshomaru said it I understood why his smell was so unnerving to me now, it was foreign. I also hoped he would go traveling again soon.

Sesshomaru then lifted his hand in the direction of the two silver locked males, “Gindaiichi and Gindaini are in charge of treasury and accounting. They are distant cousins on my mother's side.”

They bowed at the same time and I realized telling the two of them apart was going to be very trying and tiring.

I sighed and felt a hand on my forehead. I startled and looked up into those big brown almond eyes. He looked into my eyes and then down into the sling.

“May I see her,” he asked in a very soft and clinical voice that ended on a purr.

I looked up at Sesshomaru who nodded while the others watched on either amused or curious as I lifted Myorika from her sling and held her in my arms so that he could look her over.

He pressed his hand to her forehead like he had mine and then looked at her eyes and gently caressed her plump cheeks and checked her small pointed ears. She put up with it well even allowing him to check her arms and hands but drew the line when he brought her legs and feet out into the cold so he could check them over and even gently prodded her tail. She went from soft frustrated whines to full on crying. He nodded and looked up at me letting me know he was done and I quickly brought Rikka close to my chest and rocked her soothing her cries, making sure she was rewrapped and warm as I did so. Her cries slowed and then ended altogether.

“All is well with the pup, though I would suggest you keep an eye on your new mate. He has a mild fever though it could be stress induced,” he concluded once again ending with a small purr.

“Thank you Hayaime,” my brother's stare settled on me for a few moments of silence.

“Hayaime is our healer and from the wildcat tribe. He has been with our family for a few years now and has done well caring for everyone within the castle walls,” Sesshomaru said as he came out from behind his desk and pushed in his chair.

He approached me and the others who had been close to his desk followed behind.

“You all are dismissed for today,” and as he said it I watched as the annoying jackal waved bye and left out the door followed by the brothers who bowed in my direction and left.

“Do take care of yourself InuYasha-sama, I do hate unnecessary work,” said Hayaime looking me in the eye and then turning to look up at Sesshomaru, “And please make sure to not overstress him Sesshomaru-sama. He is still recovering and stress does no good for him or the young princess.”

With that he left the room and oddly enough I watched as Kurokami followed behind with his eyes pinned to Hayaime's twitching tail.

“You seem to attract and employ some odd characters,” I said as I returned Myorika to her sling against my chest.

“You have no room to talk brother, I do believe to you traveled with a priestess, a demon slayer and her pet, a cursed monk and a kitsune.”

I shrugged, “Must be a family trait. I wonder what weird friends Dad had.”

At that he shrugged and led me down the hall. We walked down halls and passed many doorways. He pointed out the dining room and we did a walk through the kitchens passing many youkai staff fast at work in them preparing tonight's meal and then showed me some of the storage areas where we kept dried goods such as rice and grains, pickles and jerky and to the area where many fine wines and sake stayed until used.

He took me to the back portion of the castle and showed me porches that led outside and into gardens covered in melting snow and thawing koi ponds with small sculpted trees. We walked and I listened to him talk taking peace in his words as he kindly showed me around.

Just as our tour had ended my stomach began to growl loudly and we went into the dining room. No sooner had he shown me my seat and sat down at his own next to mine at the head of the table that the food was brought out. We dined on soup and then fresh meat. Mine was cooked just enough that blood was mixed in with juices while others in attendance such as Hayaime, the brothers and Kurokami all ate theirs raw. All of them partook of the sake heartily while I only had a small cup full.

As night came and dinner ended we socialized for a bit with everyone around the large oak dining table until I grew tired and Myorika grew fussy, ready for her own dinner. Sesshomaru escorted us back to our room and oddly enough wished us sweet dreams as he left.

I fed Myorika and made sure her cloths were changed and changed her into a sleeping robe that Murasaki or Bara had set out for her. Once she was changed I changed into my own set of sleeping robes and lay down in bed with Myorika snuggled against me. I listened as her soft breathing evened out in slumber and then closed my eyes.

This became habit and it became the usual as Sesshomaru's home became ours.

To Be Continued….

More to come! I'm trying to really finish this story so I can start on the next story to be finished.

Thank you for all the reviews. Now I can rest a bit and continue with Season 4 of Walking Dead….. yup…. My fandoms are that random.
