InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ frozen ❯ frozen pt8 ( Chapter 8 )
Disclaimer: I own nil. All rights reserved for Rumiko Takahashi. All characters (except for any original ones) are from "Inuyasha" and belong to Takahashi-sensei.
by kittie le sabre
Part Eight
The heated spray of warm water caressed her skin and hair, as a muscular arm grabbed her around the waist to steady her. She was drowsy with sleep and passion as he tilted her head back to kiss her.
Kagome opened her eyes to stare into molten gold ones as his mouth claimed hers in a branding caress of lips. Her arms snaked around his neck as he placed her hands against the shower wall, urging her to lean forward. He took his time, running his hands over her wet soapy skin, the long strands of his silver locks mingling with her dark sodden ones.
He lifted her leg up slightly to one side, his hand stroking her core as she gasped into his mouth.
~~~End of Flashback~~~
Thank Kami it was no dream but a searing hot reality that she could not wait to repeat. She could not stop thinking about him.
A well-manicured hand waved up and down in front of her. She blinked and focused, staring up into Sango's worried eyes.
Kagome blushed and stammered. "Oh, I am so sorry, Sango! How long have you been standing there?"
Sango was concerned about her friend. Ever since she had arrived that morning, Kagome had appeared to be somewhat distracted. If that wasn't bad enough, she'd seen her getting out of Sesshoumaru's white Aston Martin. Go figure. What had the wicked son of a bitch done to her now? She was fighting mad and ready to rip his balls off.
"Hey, I saw you getting out of Sesshoumaru's car this morning. You wanna talk about it?"
Kagome flushed redder. "Oh Sango! It's not what you think!"
"And what am I thinking, girly?" Sango dryly quipped. "I haven't heard from you for two days! The last time I saw you, you were an emotional wreck! Talk to me, Kagome. Let me help you."
She cringed at Sango's hurt and worried expression. Dammit, this was not fair. She'd been daydreaming about her night with Sesshoumaru and her friend was upset for her. Shit! How to explain that she had reconciled with him?
"I'm fine, Sango. Please don't worry about me. I-I've worked things out with Sess. We'll talk about it later. Okay."
Sango studied her long and hard for several moments before nodding. "Fine. But promise me we will leave here after work together today. You are not getting away that easy."
"I can't. Sesshoumaru is picking me when I get off. I have class tonight."
"Kagome," Sango said, narrowing her eyes at her best friend.
Kagome recognized that tone. Sango was in huntress mode and would not be deterred. "Okay, okay. I'll fix dinner for you tomorrow and we can talk then."
Sango slightly frowned. "No, I can't. Miroku's taking me out to dinner then. Look just call me when you get in from school tonight. I'll still be up, say around about 9ish?"
"I promise, Sango." She stood up and hugged the other girl. Kagome paused for a moment wanting to shift the focus of the conversation from her for a change. She felt selfish for bombarding Sango with her issues with Sesshoumaru.
"So you and Miroku are getting pretty serious these days. Letting your use his credit card…driving his car…what gives? Uh oh, are you blushing?"
Sango sat down in a nearby chair. "I think he's going to ask me to marry him, Kagome."
"Oh wow! Sango! This is great!" Kagome halted noting her girlfriend's less than enthusiastic response. "It's not what you want?"
Sango placed her hand across her eyes for a moment. She suppressed the burning sensation in her throat and chest. When she looked up, her eyes were glassy. "It shouldn't be hard, Kagome. I know he is the one. But Mr. Gleason just offered me a position as an admin director at an outpatient facility overseas!" She pivoted away when the tears threatened to flow. "I don't know what to do! This is my dream, and now I've met the perfect man! Kami, Kagome! Why now?"
Kagome stood up and walked over to her friend to hug her. After several minutes she asked, "Have you told him about the promotion?"
Sango fiercely shook her head. "I can't. Miroku would tell me to go. He is just that wonderful. Where am I ever gonna find another man like that? It should not be so hard for me to decide!"
"Sango, it's going to work out. I know it will. He's the perfect guy and you are more than that." Kagome continued to comfort her friend until Sango was able to compose herself. She was so absorbed in getting her friend through this rough time that she did not hear the door open.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for Miss Higurashi. Are you she?"
Frowning, Kagome stood up and addressed the expensively attired male standing at the threshold of her office door. His hair was wavy and dark, brushed away from his forehead. The way his eyes bore into her, Kagome had the impression that she was being thoroughly examined. He flashed a badge at her and promptly put it away.
"I am Detective Nishido. I need to ask you a few questions."
"Yes, I am Higurashi Kagome. What is this about?"
Detective Nishido peered over in Sango's direction. "Is there someplace we can talk?"
Sango stood up murmuring to Kagome, "I'll see you later, okay?"
Kagome touched her arm. "Will you be alright?"
Her friend nodded briskly and then acknowledged the detective with a curt "hello" as she passed him. She took a quick peek back with an uneasy feeling but shrugged it off as she made her way back to her own office. Kagome would call her later, no doubt.
"Detective, can I get you anything?"
The man's lips quirked up at the corners. "No thank you, Miss Higurashi. I just needed to ask you a few questions."
Kagome nodded, barely able to contain her unease in his presence. There was something not quite right about him but she could not place it.
"Do you know a man named Futamura Kouga?"
She curtly nodded in reply, steeling herself for his next works.
"Mr. Futamura has been missing for over 24 hours. His wife filed a report. When was the last time you saw him?"
Kagome opened her mouth to speak shocked at this new but before she could say a word, a new and quite familiar voice cut in.
"Don't answer him. You don't have a lawyer present, Kagome."
Kagome's face lit up as she turned to see Sesshoumaru standing in the doorway. He was casually dressed in a long white duster, white Egyptian cotton T-shirt and tailored white trousers and dark taupe shoes. A matching taupe belt accentuated his lean waist and the excellent fit of the slacks. His long silver hair was loose and flowing; he looked regal and striking standing there in the doorway.
Her heart raced at the sight if him, as her cheeks grew flushed. His eyes flashed and a tiny smirk crossed his lips. Damn, he knew what she was thinking about-their moment together morning in the shower and the endless night of uninhibited lovemaking.
She had to snap out of it. Now.
"Sess, this is Detective Nishido," Kagome explained rising to her feet. She noted that the policeman did not turn around. "He was asking me a few questions about Kouga."
Sesshoumaru walked into the room to address the other man. "Detective, you are aware that you are violating her rights."
"Not at all," Detective Nishido stated, still not turning around.
"Detective, is there a reason you can't-or won't- turn around to address me?" Sesshoumaru made it a sneering challenge of utter derision.
Very, very slowly, Nishido pivoted around with a wry smirk on his lips. He stood there folding his arms with his expression openly defiant.
Sesshoumaru's eyes widened the briefest instant. He half snarled, partly growled, "You!" He charged towards the detective who merely stood there smirking. "What in the hell are you doing here?"
Kagome was shocked at her lover's reactions to Detective Nishido. What was going on?
Nishido noticing her reaction, shrugged and told her, "I have not been completely honest, Miss Higurashi."
Kagome opened her in mouth to reply but was interrupted by Sess again.
"Enough! Don't say another word you pathetic bastard!" Sesshoumaru snapped, ready to seize the other man. "That bastard is Onigumo Naraku, Kagome!" He glided over to Naraku until they were both standing face to face, his entire being exuding menace and barely leashed violence.
Onigumo Naraku! Kagome eyes widened. What was this about? Why was Sess' business rival here pretending to be a detective?
"I am going to call security," Kagome announced walking over to her desk. Before she could pick up the phone, Naraku knocked it out of her hand with a swift motion, pushing her shoulder as he moved past her. She spun across the room off balance and heard Sesshoumaru bellowed in fury as he punched Naraku who staggered in the opposite direction. He moved to go after his nemesis but noticed that the woman he loved had fallen down hard enough to knock the wind from her.
Kami was she hurt?
Kagome tumbled to the floor, totally stunned. In his concern for her well-being, Sesshoumaru rushed across the room to see to her. By the time he helped her up, his nemesis had escaped from the office.
"Kagome, are you all right?" Sesshoumaru demanded his honey-colored eyes intense with emotion.
She nodded, shocked at everything that had occurred. "I don't understand what's going on!"
Sesshoumaru did not reply, picking her up and carrying her to the sofa. He sat down with her in his lap saying nothing for several moments while he brooded. Kagome patiently waited for him to speak. When he finally did, she was glad to know that he wanted to share some of his thoughts with her.
"I'm concerned for your safety, Kagome. If Naraku was here and Kouga is missing, he might be behind it all. He came here impersonating the law!"
She studied him for a moment. "Is there something you need to tell me?"
Sesshoumaru stubbornly returned her gaze and remained silent. He grasped her around the waist to lift her off his lap and helped her to her feet, straightening his clothing.
"Perhaps for now the less you know the better. But I want you to be careful. I'm going to nail this bastard now for good." The look in his golden eyes sent a chill through her body.
"Sorry, love," he kissed her softly on the mouth, "I have to cancel our plans for tonight. I'll have a car come pick you up later and take you to class."
"Sesshoumaru! I can take a cab!" Kagome didn't appreciate his high-handedness sometimes. She wanted him to tell her more. "Besides, you haven't told me what you suspect about Kouga."
Sesshoumaru studied her for several minutes. Just when she thought he was about to say something, he caressed her face and walked toward the door calling over his shoulder, "Call me when you get in, Kagome."
She stood there in mute disbelief for several moments. He just left without telling her anything! Grr! She loved him but sometimes he pissed her off!
Onigumo pretending to be a detective! Kouga's disappearance! Sango's love troubles! And now Sesshoumaru being so secretive! And to think this all started over a missing folding and an argument between Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru!
Kagome slumped down into her seat. Damn, she thought, I hope the rest of the day is less crazy!
The phone rang and she picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey, what's up bitch!"
"Inuyasha? Where are you?" Kagome rolled her eyes, happy to hear from her best friend.
`Keh! I'm at work, of course!" He paused briefly before going on. "You are never gonna believe this shit! I just got a phone call from the police!"
"The police?"
"Yeah, they say that asshole Futamura is missing. Wanted to ask me a few questions."
Kagome was alarmed. `Are you sure it was the police?"
"What in the fuck is that supposed to mean, Kagome? Who else would it be? Didn't I just say it was the police? "
Kagome sighed. Sometimes talking to Inuyasha was worse than Sesshoumaru's silences.
She quickly explained what had happened at her office.
"What the fuck??" Inuyasha exclaimed. "I bet that bastard is behind this shit. He's try to set up my Kikyou! His ass is mine!"
What had she done? "Inuyasha! Inuyasha wait a moment!" But he promptly hung up the phone. Before she could call him back, her boss was calling her to attend a meeting.
Kagome groaned to herself, gathering her things as she rushed out the door. She could only cross her fingers and pray that Inuyasha would not make things worse. Or get in Naraku's, or worse yet, his brother's way.
Sesshoumaru leaned back against the leather seat of his car. He was leisurely smoking a cigarette as his mind raced. He'd just gotten the most interesting phone call from Kagura, asking him to meet her later.
She still had his car phone number and had felt free to use it. But there was no way that Kagura could know that Kikyou had revealed her devious plans and involvement with Kouga. She had sounded so self-assured.
"Sesshou! I thought I would reach you in the car!" She audibly pouted. "You changed your cell phone number so-"
"What do you want, Kagura?"
"Is that any way to sweet talk me, Sesshoumaru?" She cooed.
He was nauseated by the sound. If she had not been so inventive in the sack, and decorative at times when he needed a date for functions, not to mention persistent and willing to take whatever she got from him, he doubted she would have lasted as long as she did.
"Don't waste my time," he curtly advised.
"Please don't treat me like some whore for hire! I deserve more from you than that after you dumped me for that little girl you've been screwing."
He released an impatient stream of smoke into the air. Shit. He did not have time for this drivel. But he needed to contain himself long enough to find out what she about. If Kagome was the object of Naraku's attention now because of that damned file, then Kagura could possibly shed some light in this dark debacle.
"Okay. What's wrong, Kagura?"
If it had been anyone else, he would have believed she was scared but this was Kagura. He could not afford to give her the benefit of the doubt, which was fine by him since he never did for anyone any way.
"I-it's…look can you come by later tonight? I don't know if my phoned is tapped and-"
"You know this is becoming truly tiresome, Kagura. If you want me to come by, then I will." He stabbed his cigarette into the tray with an impatient feeling energizing his movements. He was furious that she would call him and try to play Naraku's victim. Did she think he would fall for that lame-ass shit?
"What time?"
"I'll be there around 9."
"Okay, I-"
He hung up before she could complete the sentence. One way or another, he needed to find out where she planted that file. Kagome's life depended on it. He did not doubt that Naraku would send one of his "security" guards to stalk his woman. And he was not about to allow that to happen.
Sesshoumaru opened his briefcase. He shifted a few documents and files, running his hands across the black metal of the large gun that was situated inside a custom made case.
Toukijin was a *Jackal model that he had commissioned years ago after his father had given him an antique katana called Tensaiga that was quite valuable (and well preserved) but useless as a weapon. Right now Tensaiga was touring as part of a Japanese weapons exhibit.
There were ways of dealing with scum like Naraku. Kagome was his and by showing up at her job pretending to be the law, the bastard had crossed that line.
Sesshoumaru took the Jackal out and held it up, letting the afternoon light shine on the long wide barrel. He tested the weight, his mind racing back to practice session earlier that day. He had not missed and had fired point blank each time. Every time he unloaded a round into the target he had visualized Naraku.
His fingers stroked the edge of the Jackal, marveling at the craftsmanship. The gunsmith, Toutou-sai was expensive and a pain in the ass, but he was the best when it came to making guns.
"Naraku, if you come near my woman, if you even breath the same air space where she is, your ass is mine," he muttered, the husky baritone of his voice vibrated with chilling promise.
(A/N The *Jackal is not a "real" gun per se, it is the gun "created" by Kouta Hirano, the artist and writer of "Hellsing". Hirano-sensei "made up" the gun for Alucard (a.k.a.Dracula), the total badass vampire in the manga/anime series. The gun was good enough for a blood drinking demon, so I thought it would be a cool gun for Sesshoumaru, too even if he is human in this story).
Kix thanks again for reviewing!!