InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ frozen ❯ frozen pt13 ( Chapter 13 )
Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah, blah-
by kittie le sabre
Part Thirteen
The walls of the room were all stainless steel, including the doors. There were no windows. In contrast, the furniture was all white leather, with plush white rugs covering the dark varnished wood floors. There was even a television and entertainment center.
Several armed men hovered around the room; some talking on cell phones, a few watching the monitors that were still working and the remaining four or five taking turns playing with PS2 or Xbox.
One of the panels opened, and the tall dark-haired man dressed in a 3,000 dollar suit sauntered in, trailed by four men. A sneer crossed his thin mouth as he took note of the woman sitting alone on a chaise on the opposite side of the room. She was studying the salt water fish in the 500 hundred gallon tank that was mounted into the wall.
Naraku slammed the folder down in front of Kikyou. She did not blink or budge at the sudden motion or his voice.
"You will translate these figures for me. They don't make any sense and they are not adding up."
Kikyou sat with a stoic expression on her doll-like features, unmoving. Nor did her eyes shift as she observed the fish swimming and playing. If only she had the freedom to swim out of this hell hole.
She tuned him and the others out. It was as if she was a mannequin.
There was no way she would inform Naraku that the numbers were bogus. He would kill her and the others.
"Kikyou, it's not going to be that easy for you." Naraku smirked. "Your brother owes us a great deal of money with interest that you have not paid in full. You owe me."
She tried not to let his words about her brother sink in. Kohaku had gone straight and gotten help for his gambling but the debt he owed posed a threat over them. What could she do? Everything was different now. She was engaged and pregnant. It was no longer just about her and her younger brother anymore.
Kikyou decided to stall for time. An idea popped in her head.
She snatched to folder from Naraku. Pretending to peruse it for several moments, she glanced up and informed him of a few facts.
"The accountant used a coding system for the figures. This file must have been for their own personal use instead of for the accounting department." She could feel his deep sinister gaze burning into her. "It might take me about an hour to decode this."
"Thirty minutes," Naraku ordered, walking away, calling an order over his shoulder. "She has thirty minutes; if she's not done by then, kill her."
One of the men on the cell phone called out, "Boss, the other girl got away."
Naraku narrowed his eyes and almost growled. "Who was guarding her?"
"I think it was Goshinki."
"Kill him."
"Already done. The "cleaning crew" took care of him." He waited for Naraku to continue and moved away from him when he did not after a cautioning glance from one of his cronies.
Absorbing all of this information, Naraku paused, and one of his men rushed up with a hand-rolled cheroot and a lighter. Once he'd taken a few puffs, he announced, "Begin Project B. We're leaving. The rats are getting to closer to the center of the maze. Make sure everyone is out of the building in fifteen minutes. Then lock it up. No mistakes." He continued walking towards the panel, directly addressing another one of his henchman.
"Get the copter ready."
Kikyou was alarmed. "Project B' "? Did that mean? What she suspected? He was evacuating the building in less than half an hour? A cold chill went through her entire body but she managed to contain her composure.
Then it clicked.
Naraku was planning on destroying the entire warehouse. He had bombs set to go off!
What could she do? How could she warn Inuyasha? And everyone that she cared about?
But she could try and buy time with her lie about decoding the bogus numbers. It was the best she could come up with. For now.
Sesshoumaru dropped the bloodied and heavy corpse in a heap. The body fell to the floor like wet solid meat striking the ground. He stepped over the refuse and gestured for Moutan to follow.
They were in a narrow hallway when he had encountered the guard on one of the landings. It had been easy to make short work of him.
Sesshoumaru paused, noticing a distinct sound from a distance.
"Let's go, Moutan! I hear a helicopter on the roof!"
They raced to the top, skipping countless stairs. Aware that Naraku was making his escape and that Kagome could be with him-
Or worse.
"Inuyasha, why are all the halls empty? Where did everyone disappear to?" Kagome was stunned that they were now walking in the open and had not encountered anyone for the last ten minutes.
Inuyasha frowned. "Don't know, Kagome. Something tells me this ain't good though."
Suddenly, a loud ear shattering siren started going off. A computerized female voice announced with lifeless calm,("Evacuation sequence started. Countdown beginning in five minutes.")
"Does that mean what I think it does?" Kagome asked, a look of anxiousness etched into her eyes.
Inuyasha let out a "keh" and then his phone rang. He frowned down at the number. It was Hal.
"What's up?" He asked answering it and trying to sound lighthearted in the face of his dread.
"Man! Hurry up and get the fuck up out of there! Try to make it to the ground level! Now!"
Inuyasha scoffed. "Hal! There's no way out to the ground level! What in the fuck are you yelling about?"
Kagome screamed behind him. He turned to tell her to shut the fuck up when he noticed that a bit steel door came slamming down to hit the floor, blocking them from going out behind them.
"Shit!" Inuyasha cursed. "Hal! What the fuck is going on? Where did that door come from?"
"Yash! The building has a self destructing mechanism somewhere! Everything is being automatically closed off and shut down!"
"Can you get us out of here?"
He could hear Hal typing frantically away on his keyboard. "Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Inuyasha! Move now before that door closes!"
"What motherfucking door?" Inuyasha exclaimed. And then he saw it, on the other side of the hall, closing down to cut them off and keep them trapped.
Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and began racing towards the opposite end of the hall before another door locked them in. She didn't ask what was happening but went with him, glad that she had worn her sneakers to class.
Together they dived and rolled under the door and it slammed shut behind them.
"Shit!" Inuyasha cradled his phone. "Hal? Hal are you there?" There was a lot of static and then the hacker's voice came back on.
"I thought I lost you guys. Keep moving. There's one door on the 20th floor I can open for you. It leads to the roof. Try to make it up there while I call the police and the fire department!"
"How much time do we have?" Inuyasha and Kagome were running up the stairs as he talked.
"Fifteen minutes!"
"Kami! Kagome! Move your ass!"
She didn't have to be told twice.