InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ frozen ❯ frozen part fifteen ( Chapter 15 )
by kittie le sabre
"Shit!" Inuyasha cradled his phone. "Mell? Mell are you there?" There was a lot of static and then the hacker's voice came back on.
"I thought I lost you guys. Keep moving. There's one door on the 20th floor I can open for you. It leads to the roof. Try to make it up there while I call the police and the fire department!"
"How much time do we have?" Inuyasha and Kagome were running up the stairs as he talked.
"Fifteen minutes!"
"Kami! Kagome! Move your ass!"
She didn't have to be told twice.
Part Fifteen
The 20th Floor
"We're here, Mel!" Inuyasha exclaimed into the cell phone, completely out of breath.
"Hello? Hello?" He looked down at the phone, ignoring Kagome's worried look.
"What's wrong, Inuyasha?"
"Fuck! The phone just died! How are we going to get through this door?"
"What's that noise?" Kagome yelped. "It's coming from the other side of the door."
"Maybe this is not a door. It's not as solid as the others and it's more like a panel," Inuyasha observed running his hands across the assimilated steel. Just then his phone came back on.
"Mel! What in the fuck just happened, man?"
"Hold on, Yasha! There was a block, some kind of electromagnetic interference that kept me from reaching you. The door should be coming up. Right?"
"Hell-" Inuyasha paused as the door slid open and revealed a room that was littered with mangled and bullet riveted bodies everywhere. Kagome gasped and starting running across the room before he could stop her.
"It's about time you made it up here. What took you so long?" Moutan exclaimed walking up to him. "We had to wipe these bastards out after we got in here."
"We?" Inuyasha repeated and looked across the room to see his brother passionately kissing Kagome.
"Hey we don't have time for that shit! Kikyou is in danger!"
"Kikyou?" Inuyasha repeated. "She's in the car downstairs!"
"Inuyasha!" Sesshoumaru crossed the room with his arm around Kagome. "Naraku has Kikyou. He needs her to interpret the numbers in that file."
"Keh! How in the fuck do you know?"
"He disappeared behind one of these panels in the room. They have a copter waiting for them on the roof."
"Let's go!"
Sesshoumaru silently stood there staring at him for a couple of seconds. Kagome almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
"Mel!" Inuyasha screamed into his cell phone. "Find the right door leading to the roof!"
"Man, I'm way ahead of you! You are paying me some nice cheddar for this job!" Mel was typing furiously and then he yelped. "Whoo hoo! Get ready, my peeps! I can only override the system for seven seconds and that asshole is about to board his copter!"
One of the middle doors started rising upwards and Sesshoumaru picked up Kagome and rushed towards it with Inuyasha and Moutan hot on his heels. The door slammed with a metallic clink behind them. When their eyes adjusted, they could see the stairwell leading up towards the rooftop.
This was it.
Naraku struck Kikyou hard across the face. The blow sent her staggering backwards.
"Get inside the helicopter, you stupid bitch! It's bad enough I had to come back for your worthless hide!"
Kikyou continued to fight him. Her plan to stall for time had worked in the end since Naraku believed he needed her. In the middle of his threats and interrogation, Sesshoumaru and Moutan had infiltrated the room where she was being held, slaughtering the remainder of Naraku's men that had been posted to keep watch while he forced her to escape with him through another door.
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" Kikyou scratched him across the face, drawing blood. The wind from the blades of another helicopter above them separated them as Naraku's pilot yelled for them to hurry.
"C'mon! It's the police!"
Naraku snarled in rage. He did not have time to waste on Kikyou. The building was about to self-destruct and now the police where here! The file and the girl were a liability!
"Useless tramp! This is not over!" He walked toward Kikyou who faced him off with stoic defiance.
The police's bullhorn resounded over the rooftop.
"Freeze, Onigumo! Our bomb squad is now in the building! Surrender now!"
Naraku sneered at them and turned to make a run towards his helicopter. Later for the girl. He signaled for his men to fire at the police. If they lost their lives, it would buy him more time to make his get away.
The rooftop door swung open with a loud crash, and Sesshoumaru was charging towards him with a large black gun in his hand. Naraku was unsettled by the deadly gleam in his eyes. Behind the silver-haired man were his impudent brother, another male and Kagome.
Yes, it was time to be on his way. His men were nearly wiped out.
He began nimbly climbing up the ladder of the copter, when someone seized his legs to yank him down. Naraku found himself staring down into the face of Sesshoumaru. He lashed out, kicked at the man but could not get him to release him.
They tumbled to the ground and the helicopter took up as the police gave chase.
The two men fell to the ground hard, and rolled with Naraku attempting to shove Sesshoumaru off of him. Sess struck him across the face with the gun, knocking him into the wall. Naraku grimaced in agony but took the time to retrieve his knife.
He staggered to his feet, pretending to be more grievously injured than he was. With a deft and nimble move, he lunged towards Sesshoumaru, slicing him across the torso. Sesshoumaru doubled back, managing to avoid most of the attack due in part to his quick reflexes and speed. The cut wasn't deep but it stung and pissed him off even more.
Kagome watched in mounting terror from the sides as Moutan and Inuyasha engaged the remainder of Naraku's men. She stared in horror as Kikyou staggered back, a brilliant spot of red appearing on the front of her dress.
She raced out into the open to reach the other woman as she fell to the ground. Kagome had not thought to her own safety. She had to save Kikyou, but it would prove to be her undoing.
Naraku came behind her and snatched her, holding her with the knife at her throat.
"Call my helicopter back," he commanded, "we're leaving."
Sesshoumaru glared at him but said nothing. The knife edged dangerously close to Kagome's throat, leaving a thin mark there.
"I won't repeat my demands," Naraku murmured with a vicious smirk.
"The building is about to blow up in 45 seconds, you bastard. You will release her. Now." Sesshoumaru advanced towards him.
Behind them, Inuyasha had reached Kikyou after killing the remainder of Naraku's men in a rage when he saw that his fiancée had been shot. She opened her eyes and stared at him, reaching up to touch his face.
"Don't worry…"
"Kikyou," he groaned, clasping her and fighting to keep from screaming. He opened her dress to see if the bullet was lodged in her side. She was bleeding heavily and he prayed that she would survive because there was no way he'd want to be with her.
The bomb team charged onto the roof with Takeda leading the way and Sango and Miroku following close behind.
"Kagome!" Sango yelled seeing that Naraku was holding her with a knife to her throat.
"Call for an ambulance," Miroku instructed on of the bomb squad, "That woman has been shot!"
A woman with a radio hastily complied as Miroku and one of the men rushed over to assist Inuyasha and Kikyou while Naraku was distracted.
"Let her go, Onigumo!" Lt. Takeda shouted, his features fused with anger at the sight. His team had barely managed to dismantle the bomb system the fucker had set up. If it had gone off, it would have leveled the entire block and killed thousands of people. As far as he was concerned, Naraku Onigumo was a terrorist.
Naraku laughed, unaware that the bomb system he'd planted was not about to go off in twenty seconds-or at all. Behind him, someone yanked his long hair, causing him to topple and fall to the ground with Kagome who promptly rolled out of reach.
Moutan snickered at his trick and grinned at the gleam of thanks in Sesshoumaru's eyes as he made a lightening swift dive in Onigumo's directiong.
Before Naraku could move, Sesshoumaru was sitting on his chest and beating the shit out of him until he was unconscious. The silver-haired man leveled the barrel of the Jackal at the oblivious man's temple and was squeezing the trigger when two delicate hands reached out to grab his wrist.
"No, Sesshoumaru! Don't do this!" Kagome yelled with tears rushing down her face.
He did not hear her. Nor did he notice the police or his friends all crowding in and around him. All he could see was his prey, lying there at his mercy. The piece of shit was going to die.
Naraku tentatively opened his eyes, and it was almost arousing to see the terror in his eyes. Sesshoumaru's smile was the worst thing any of them had ever seen and he was focused on his intentions to shoot this scum who'd taken his woman. It didn't matter if they all died in the explosion, Naraku would go first.
He could hear Kagome's voice calling him from far, far away. Where was she? He could smell the sweetness of her, and he recalled when he had seen that she was safe with his brother and how his heart filled with blood and renewal at the sight of her. Before he'd been so cold and he regretted ever making her unhappy.
He loved her.
She called his name again and she watched his eyes shift from Naraku and towards her. He looked down at her hands on his wrist, and the humanity flooded back into his gaze.
"Kagome," he said her name, and she knew he loved her because it encompassed her name and his melodious voice throbbed with it. He lowered the gun, and seized her in a strong embrace.
Naraku stared up at them, attempting to move away, but Sesshoumaru momentarily pulled away from his lover and kneed him in the solar plexus and he blacked out again.
"Scrape this turd up off the ground," Takeda ordered his men. "Get him out of here!"
Sango ran over to Kagome and the women were both crying and embracing. Sesshoumaru silently looked on. He made his way over to Inuyasha and the injured Kikyou to inquire after the young woman. Miroku had not only located the bullet and determined the extent of damage, but he'd also managed to stop the bleeding and he reassured the couple that their baby was safe.
Inuyasha peered up at his brother briefly but said nothing. The paramedics arrived moments later and he, along with Miroku followed them out after they had attended to Kikyou.
Police and news media were en masse when they finally made it outside. Rin rushed up to Sesshoumaru and hugged him. He almost smiled when she whirled on her own crew and several others to demand that they not take any footage of him and the others. In fear of their lives, they surprisingly complied.
The remainder of the day and night was filled with being questioned by the police and calling in a few favors. By the time everyone made it home, it was in the wee hours.
A/N: Domo Arigataou Okaasan-7! You are correct! Truly appreciate you noticing! LOL! I think I was having visions of 2001 Space Odyssey! (Stan Kubrick RIP). It's fixed now.
Thanks again for the review from musheesuh and Aitu!
Please keep reviewing and thanks for reading-
It's getting close-