InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gamble ❯ Rendezvous on the Patio ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or the characters.
Chapter 7: Rendezvous on the Patio
Inuyasha woke up groggily and looked at his alarm clock. The red letters and numbers flashed hauntingly at him, 3:42 AM. Many days had passed by him like this, in a haze of toxic smoke and slumber. He climbed lazily from his bed wondering how many wasted hours he had spent on this bed asleep. With a few stumbles he made his way to his bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. Instead of his reflection a piece of notebook paper in neat feminine handwriting stared at him.
I know what you did.
The note though simple filled him with a sense of, Kami forbid, regret and guilt. He'd never seen the writing before, but the scent lingering on the note told him of the writer. Even if the scent of roses and winter wasn't there he still would have known and the guilt still beat lighting within him. The reason for it was too much and it was too soon to admit it. She was nothing to him. A body who passed through his life briefly. A conquest.
A new emotion ran through him, anger. Partially unjustifiable anger. How dare the wench invade his space, his private sanctuary from the scrutiny of his elitist socialite parents. How dare she judge him. The note though only one sentence spoke volumes. Pity and self-righteousness bled from the ink. How dare her, but she would get what was coming to her.
He tore the paper from his mirror and was horrified by his own reflection. The look of rage flashing in his eyes, the dark rings surrounding them, the small vein in his neck pulsing from his angered youkai blood. The anger faded quickly from his form and he carelessly released the paper, which fell from his clawed fingers. With a shake of his head he changed in a pair of sweatpants and left the confines of his lavishly decorated bedroom.
“ I see you've decided to grace the world with your presence.” A cool voice said from the dark kitchen. With Inuyasha's enhanced vision he had seen his half brother the moment he'd stepped into the kitchen. He flicked on the light, ignoring him for a few seconds.
“ The day went by quickly.” The older Takahashi sneered as he took a sip of his steaming black coffee, as a youkai coffee didn't affect him with a caffeine rush as it did humans, but he enjoyed the taste.
“ That it did. How goes it with your whore?” Sesshoumaru asked with a malicious grin on his lips, he knew that his younger half brother was getting nowhere with the miko. The hanyou had no chance with such a girl, she was saintly and there was no way a dirty hanyou would mix with something so pure.
“ I should ask you the same thing.” Inuyasha's golden eyes twinkled with arrogance at the now tense expression on the youkai's face. With a low growl Sesshoumaru responded.
“ We don't speak of that. We don't speak of her and her problem.” Inuyasha scoffed and shook his head with bitter disbelief. He know that speaking of her and their problem was a sore spot with Sesshoumaru even though the youkai would act otherwise.
“ It's her problem Sesshoumaru? It takes two to tango Fluffy.” Feeling he was victorious Inuyasha left the kitchen with his half brother seething in anger. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru had always had a bearable relationship, at times they were at one another's throats and at other times they were the best of friends. It all depended on the situation and the mood of the other. Both were irritated now and further conversation could end in mild bloodshed.
Inuyasha walked back into the general direction of his room but the gentle scent of Kagome washed over him as he passed by her bedroom door. He found himself quivering at the thought of tainting someone so pure, but he shook off the thoughts. He'd spent his life being cold to those kinds of emotions, it was impossible to change his ways now, he already knew he was going to hell. As he continued back towards his bedroom a dark scheme popped into his head. But he would need some serious preparation before actually setting his plan into action. It would be the pinnacle of his entire efforts with the miko.
As Kagome sat comfortably in the Takahashi library engrossed with a new novel. With absolutely nothing to do all day during the summer vacation Kagome had taken up reading. Reaching a slow part of the novel the miko's mind wandered from the novel to her new life in Tokyo. It'd been nearly a few days since she had first arrived in Tokyo and she wondered whether or not to call the girls she had met at Inuyasha's club. Despite the fact they were friends with Inuyasha they seemed like good people. With a melancholy sigh she tried to get her mind refocused on her book. Would she adjust well to Tokyo? Wouldn't everything change once again when school started again in fall? Before her mind could become overloaded with questions a voice broken her thoughts.
“ Whatcha doin'?” Kagome's sapphire eyes shot up quickly and caught Inuyasha's face, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, a look she had already become uneasy of. “ Sorry, did I scare you?” Kagome's face reddened as she stumbled with her tongue, which suddenly felt lazy and too swollen to move.
“ No, you just caught me off guard.” Her voice held a defiant tone as her eyes held his. “You could never scare me.” Inuyasha chuckled doubtfully as he took a seat on an old brown leather lounge chair. He brought his fingertips together tapping them as he wordlessly held Kagome's gaze in his own. “ Did you come here for something?” She asked suddenly with a little smirk.
“ No, not particularly.. I saw the note you left me in my bathroom.” Kagome's face fell and she looked down at the plush white carpeting. She didn't really know what possessed her to write it.. but by the time she thought better of it, it was too late. With Inuyasha passed out the day before it left Kagome with nothing to do but chat with her parents, which bored her to no end.
“ What makes you think that I would ever leave you a note?” She nervously laughed before looking back up at Inuyasha who was grinning darkly.
“ I smelled your intoxicating scent on the paper.” Inuyasha's keen hearing heard Kagome's small gulp of nervousness.
“ I'm sorry about going into your room without asking, I don't know what came over me.. I swear all I did was tape the note to your mirror. I figured whenever you got up you would see it and it'd be a little surprise, you know, for ditching me.” Kagome's sincere frown shook Inuyasha for some reason. The hanyou inwardly suppressed his instinct to pull her into his arms and hold her tightly, an instinct that was occurring more and more since Kagome had come to the Takahashi mansion.
“ No biggie.” Inuyasha said with a smile even though he felt guilty about his anger towards the miko the night before. “ How about later we have a late dinner out on the patio because I `ditched' you yesterday.” Inuyasha suggested his eyes brimming with hope. Kagome smiled to the hanyou and nodded her head.
“ That sounds nice.” Kagome was brought back to reality as her cell phone began to ring. Her smile turned quickly into a frown as she picked up the phone and walked out of the room, abandoning the book she was reading and the hanyou sitting in the library. Inuyasha quietly got up and got close to the dark mahogany door listening to the girl speak on the phone.
“ Hi Honey.” Kagome said somewhat cheerfully but quietly into the phone, she turned her head towards the library door to make sure Inuyasha wasn't close by. But Inuyasha could see her in the crack in between the double doors. He watched as the girl paced back and forth in the hall dragging her hand delicately along the white walls. “ Mhmm..” The miko's walking stopped for a moment and her shoulders drooped considerably before she resumed her pacing.
` Did I just hear a sniffle?' Inuyasha asked himself as he watched the girl carefully. She had stopped walking and her back was facing Inuyasha, her shoulders were trembling slightly as she carried on with her conversation.
“No, it's fine!.. Really, it's okay.” Kagome whispered but the smell of salt was floating into the library and to Inuyasha's sensitive nose. “ I told you it's okay.. No,n-no, I understand. I'll be fine, no I will be fine!.. Yea, I know. Mhmm…Bye.” With that Kagome shut her cell phone and placed a hand over her face, her dark tresses danced as she shook her head in disbelief. Inuyasha could smell the saltiness of her tears but saw none of them when she walked back into the room. “ Sorry about that.” Kagome smiled to Inuyasha as she resettled herself onto the couch. The girl picked up her book once again and let her eyes lay on it as though she were reading but Inuyasha knew in her far off look and knew she wasn't really reading. She was thinking about whoever that was on the phone.
“ Kagome?” Inuyasha called out to the girl softly and her eyes shot up to meet his own. Blue and gold were locked together only until Kagome turned her head away from him shamefully.
“ Inuyasha, I'm not feeling up to a late dinner. I think I'm just going to settle myself in here, I have some unpacking to do.” Kagome's voice was barely above a whisper as she let her eyes fall onto the heavy book.
“ But..” Kagome shook her head effectively cutting off whatever Inuyasha had to say.
“ I really need to unpack my things. Next time maybe.” Kagome smiled to Inuyasha sadly. Her stormy blue eyes were filled with moisture and it obscured her vision of the silver haired hanyou before her.
“ I'm sorry.” Inuyasha blurted out to Kagome whose eyes widened in shock and then she nodded. Somehow Kagome thought that this was the only time Inuyasha had ever been truly honest in front of her.
“ Thank you.”
Kagome's tears fell onto the glass table as she sat on the patio with her hands supporting her drooping head. After everyone else had retired to bed she went outside to think. She didn't have the heart to tell her family that Hojou had more or less dumped her, after he told her that he cheated on her with his smart, pretty and mature female mentor in Hong Kong. Kagome was positive that if she told her parents that Hojou had dumped her they would have a conniption. Using an index finger she drew circles on the clear glass table with a yawn.
“ Hey,” A deep voice called from a balcony above Kagome's head. The girl looked upwards and smiled faintly at the shirtless Inuyasha smirking down at her from the balcony of his bathroom. “ What are you doing up so late?” Inuyasha asked the girl who stood up and walked closer to his balcony.
“ Just thinking..” Kagome whispered loudly to Inuyasha who jumped up onto the railing of the balcony. “ Be careful!” The girl nearly shrieked as Inuyasha sat on his haunches then jumped down next to the girl.
“ Nothing can hurt me.” Inuyasha said arrogantly with a smirk on his face. Kagome only scoffed and got back into her seat on the patio chairs. She wondered briefly what beat beneath the rough exterior of Inuyasha, if he was just as superficial as he appeared or if an actual heart beat within his chest. She hoped it was the latter.
“ Did you still want to have that late dinner?' Kagome asked bashfully keeping her eyes from Inuyasha's face as she nervously straightened her satin hemlock pajama shirt. As she waited for a response her eyes traveled over the handsome figure before her, the tanned chest, the perfectly muscular arms and toned abs…
“ Abso-fuckin'-lutely.” Inuyasha smirked noticing Kagome staring at his bare chest. “ Ahem.” Inuyasha cleared his throat causing Kagome to jump in her chair and blush furiously.
“ Well, are we going to have that late dinner or not?” Kagome asked, trying to sound as impatient as she could. Inuyasha picked up Kagome's delicate hand and kissed it lightly.
“ Oh course Gorgeous. Come on.” He took the hand he had just kissed and led her into the kitchen. As they went back into the house Kagome was thankful that Inuyasha hadn't turned around once to face her, otherwise he would have seen how affected she was by his kiss. Once inside the kitchen Kagome hopped up onto the middle island as Inuyasha grabbed a few things to eat outside. He opened up a cabinet containing several bottles of wine and was about to grab one when Kagome's voice stopped him.
“ I don't like wine.” Inuyasha turned around and silently nodded with a small smile and went over to the fridge grabbing a 2-liter bottle of soda and two glass champagne flutes from a cabinet. “ That's more like it.” Inuyasha turned to face Kagome and smiled genuinely.
“ How hungry are you exactly?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow. Kagome jumped off the counter and slid across the floor to the fridge.
“ I'm starving actually.” She said with a blush as she stared inside of the fridge. “ How about I just make us a couple sandwiches.” Kagome suggested to Inuyasha who shrugged.
“ Woman's choice today.” Kagome smiled and began pulling out things from the fridge. A few minutes later Kagome assembled a turkey sandwich for the both of them. “ Somehow I don't think this is enough.” With that Kagome began to search through the cabinets looking for something.
“ What exactly are you looking for Gorgeous?” Inuyasha asked as Kagome grumbled slamming a few cabinets shut.
“ Ramen.” Kagome practically growled as she continued to search. Inuyasha came up behind her and placed a hand on hers to stop her from opening another cabinet. Kagome turned to Inuyasha who went to a random cabinet filled with different flavored ramen. He took one out and took out a pot to boil some water. “ I didn't know you could cook!” Kagome said sarcastically rolling her eyes.
“ As if making a sandwich makes you a chef.” Inuyasha snickered as Kagome squinted her eyes at Inuyasha menacingly. Kagome huffed and crossed her arms as she waited for Inuyasha to finish making the ramen.
After gathering up a few more things the couple went out onto the patio. They ate in comfortable silence and Kagome marveled at how Inuyasha resembled a wild animal when he ate.
“ You look like you've never eaten before.” Kagome snickered as Inuyasha slurped up the last of his ramen. Inuyasha stopped eating, his cheeks filled with ramen noodles.
“ You look like you've eaten way too much.” The second the words came out of his mouth Inuyasha wished he had never said that.
“ Are you calling me fat?!” Kagome practically screeched as she smacked an open palm against the back of the hanyou's head. Inuyasha shrunk back in his chair as Kagome's face turned crimson with anger.
“ No! No, you misunderstand! It was a joke.. But Kami you are hot when you're pissed!” Closing his eyes, Inuyasha braced himself for another smack to the back of the head. He obviously couldn't keep his mouth shut today. He opened up his eyes the moment he heard Kagome laughing, really laughing.
“ You're a real baka you know that?” Kagome giggled, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. Inuyasha sighed inwardly, somehow he thought he had just saved himself from a world of hurt.
“ Then why not toast to my idiocy.” Inuyasha said nervously refilling his their champagne flutes with more soda. He handed Kagome her glass and she thanked him with a small smile.
“ To you being an arrogant, pigheaded baka.” Kagome raised her glass and stifled a giggle when Inuyasha pouted.
“ I never agreed to the arrogant and pigheaded part.. But cheers anyway..” The two clinked their glasses together and each took a sip. Inuyasha set down his glass and looked at the girl before him, he really looked. Though he didn't want to admit it, she was different than the other girls he had. She was stubborn, fiery, smart and kind.
“ Inuyasha are you…” Kagome's query was cut off by the intense look in the hanyou's eyes. He stood up from his chair and leaned forward bringing a hand behind the girl's neck. Kagome shivered at the feel of Inuyasha's claws scraping lightly on the skin of her neck. The hanyou pulled her closer to him their foreheads nearly touching one another's. Kagome's mind was going wild inside with jumbled thoughts as Inuyasha leaned forward…
A/N: I figure I'd leave it at a little cliffhanger considering I probably update this story more than my others.