InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gemini ❯ Gemini ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
This is Lilly again. this fanfic is the same. but this time I added some characters in it. But instead of my pairings I decided to improvise. Sango and Kagome are identical twins. they are Geminis. Their enemy are Sesshoumaru and Miroku. No pairings sorry. I hope you Like this^_^

It all began on a beautiful saturday morning. The twins Kagome and Sango where busy doing girls thing like nail polish make-up. well only Sango. Kagome usually read. Anyways. all of a sudden a rock came crashing to the windows. "eeekkk" Kagome shreek. Sango went and retrieve the rock. It had a note attached to it. Sango opened up the paper and read.
Dear Gemini whoreswanted to challenge you to a fight. choose to except we'll meat you in the field in 4 hours. choose to decline then we will have to hurt your parents.(this is not an option) well see you in a bit.the taishou brothers.
"damn I think we have to except Sango" kagome said in a hushed tone. Obviously pissed at the letter. Sango could see her sis balled her fist and felt that she need to concentrate.can't let them do this, and we need to get some supplies for the taishou brothers. After all sister, we are geminis." Sango grinned at Kagome who smiled back. They went to the market to buy some weapons. Sango choose to buy a giant boomerang and kagome some arrows and a bow. "Sis we should practice since we are not good at fighting." Sango asked. kagome nodded and they satrted training in their backyard when they arrived home. Sango threw her boomerange at kagome, kagome would dodge and shoot her arrows at sango which she diflected by spinning her boomerang as a shield.5 hours into their training and they were allready panting and huffing. "that was a good practise" Kagome smiled. Sango nodded her head. we'll shall practise more after the fight.
2 hours later they were getting ready for they fight. Sango pocketing as many poison bomb as she can also readjusting her hikaratsu(sorry i can't spell) Kagome was channeling her miko powers into her bow n arrow. "I guess we are ready" Sango sighed. Kagome nodded grimly. "we'll teach them not to mess with us geminis" they two girl yelled. 1 hour later they were walking to the park with their weapons. They had left a note at home for their parents to know where they were. Upon arriving at the big field where they were suppose to meat. They all ready saw 2 figures. one was a tall teenage boy with white hair golden eye a white kimono he was wearing. and he had a sword. The other boy was dressed like a monk but he had a low pony tail and he had a staff. Sango growled. "Hikaratsu!!!!!" sango yelled and toss her boomerang spinning toward the brothers. They both smirk and stepped aside making the object missing and returning to the owners' hand.
"Pathetic" the taller brother said. "let me introduce myself, which i highly doubt you would need the presentation, but I am Sesshoumaru and this is my brother Miroku. The younger brother looked at the two girls with a smirk. "Hiya ladies".
"We are Sango and kagome". sango said to them. "And we want you two to leave us alone!!!" She threw her boomerang at them again. but sesshoumaru was the only one who stepped aside Miroku was to busy gazing at sango he didn't realize the weapon until it whacked him across the face. Miroku looked baffled. Then angry.
"Bro, how about i take sango alone and you against Kagome?" Sesshoumaru grinned. "Not a bad idea. Lets do that" Miroku charged at sango swinging his staff at her trying to whack her. Sesshoumaru looked back at Kagome and smirked "shall we begin?" kagome looked terrified. She gulped. pulling her bow and arrow out she aimed it at Sesshoumaru. he smirked and charged at kagome full speed. Sesshoumaru landed a strike that nearly tooken kagomes head off, but she dodged the blow.They were fighting for like about 2 hours. Everyone was getting tired . "Hikaratsu" sango yelled and tossed her weapon at Miroku. It struck Miroku in the face again and he went down unconscience.
"Pathetic" Sesshoumaru sneered at kagome.
"Shut up" growled kagome.knocked kagome to the ground. He smirked and said. "Lookd like I won" with that he striked kagome. Kagome chantted a spell and blasted Sesshoumaru before he can demolish her. Sesshoumaru looked so shock that when he landed on the ground. He stared at kagome before he fell unconscience.two girls cheered. "we won" they both shreaked(can't spell) and they danced all the way home leaving the two brother laying unconscience on the feild. When the two bro awaken it was allready dark.
"Damn those ladies" miroku cursed. Sesshoumaru wasen't paying heed to miroku, just thinking about kagome.
"I'll get you kagome if it is the last thing" he whispered to himself. with that said the taisho brother went home. As for the girls when they got ho,e they cellebrated all night. They were happy.
I have finally completed this lovely fanfic. It may be very ooc i don't know, but at least i tried. This was not my best work. I have others. I would love to say hello to Inugirl13 cause she was the one who helped me with my first 2 fanfics. thanks again, hope you enjoyed it. ^_^