InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ General Inuyasha Fanfic #1728 ❯ The Trouble Begins ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
RC: This is chapter 4; I'm doing this just to remind you that I'm alive…
In the Forest of Inuyasha
Inuyasha: I never knew until now that I'm a famous figure.
Shippou: … Have you ever seen the Lake of Shippou?
Inuyasha: … Stop trying to be like me.
Shippou: What, I'm really asking!
Inuyasha: … Yea, sure you are.
*Sango comes running up to Inuyasha and Shippou*
Sango: So you made it back?
Inuyasha: … Well we're all here aren't we?
Shippou: Not Kagome at least. She wanted to stay home and “study” for “exams”.
Sango: Right. ^_^ `
Inuyasha: Hey, where's Kirara?
Sango: Umm, I don't know. Maybe she's out with Miroku?
Inuyasha: What has he done now?
Sango: He said that he was going to train with her.
Shippou: … Isn't that bad?
Inuyasha: How so?
Shippou: Well Miroku isn't that good of a fighter… and he only uses his Wind
Inuyasha: … Well…
Sango + Inuyasha: … O_O
Shippou: I think you get it now.
Inuyasha + Sango: *gone*
Shippou: … Hehehe, that plan's working perfectly.
Miroku: *comes out a bush with Kirara* That was pretty funny, watching them run in the opposite direction. Shows how stupid they really are.
Shippou: I hate to alarm you, but there's a flaw to your little plan.
Miroku: Like what?
Shippou: … like, WHO'S GOING TO GET KAGOME!
Miroku: Inuyasha's going… to go… damn!
Shippou: … Fine, I'll go. *jumps into the well and hits the bottom with a thud*
Miroku: You ok Shippyou?
Shippou: Ow… X_x I can only go when Inuyasha's here…
Miroku: Do you need a lift?
Shippou: No, I'm fine… In agony… but fine none the less.
Miroku: The lumps pretty big, I bet it can support my weight.
Shippou: … Not now… later… after the headache…
Miroku: Fine, I'm going to meet up with Inuyasha and Sango.
Shippou: …
Miroku: … Bye! *runs away really fast to not be seen*
Shippou: … *sigh* *hurt* *pain*
At Kagome's house
Kagome: Hmm, I wonder what Inuyasha's doing?
Kagome: Come in!
Hojo: Hello.
Kagome: Oh, hello Hojo. What brings you here?
Hojo: Well, I'm on something I'd like to call, “Official Business”
Kagome: What?
Hojo: Could you come with me?
Kagome: Uhh… (Oh my god, he's hitting on me!) I have a lot of homework.
Hojo: We don't have any homework remember.
Kagome: Well, I have to study for exams! ^_^ `
Hojo: Our next exam is in a month. Come on, quit stalling. *grabs Kagome's arm*
Kagome: Hey!
Hojo: You'll have a great time with me! *evil grin*
Kagome: Hey! Let go of me!
Hojo: *opens a portal* Hehehe, master will be pleased! *enters the portal*
Kagome: Inuyasha!!!
At the Forest of Inuyasha
Inuyasha: *still running* Where is he! *ears twitch* Huh? *stops*
Sango: Why did you stop?
Inuyasha: I'm hearing Kagome?
Sango: Did she come back here?
Inuyasha: No, it sounds farther way for it to be from here.
Sango: Well, go find her.
Inuyasha: What about Kirara?
Sango: I'll get her, and murder that snake Miroku!
Inuyasha: Sango, he's our friend.
Sango: … Are you ok Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: It must've been the air in the future!
Sango: Probably, hurry back! *runs off into the distance*
Inuyasha: *running towards the well* (Let's just hope she's not in any trouble!)
An Abandoned Warehouse
Kagome: Uhh… Huh, where am I?
???: It's good to see you alive and well.
Kagome: I can't see… everything's all blurry.
???: Are you certain that she's the girl?
Hojo: Yes, master!
Kagome: (What!?)
???: Take her jewel shards.
Hojo: Yes, master! *takes Kagome's necklace*
Kagome: Hey! Give those back! *from her blurred eyes, she sees the shine from the jewel
shards disappear*
???: Hehehe! Now, I'll be more powerful than ever before!
Hojo: What should I do with the girl?
???: *evil grin* What ever you see fit!
Hojo: Yes, master!
???: *slowly walks away, disappearing into the darkness*
Kagome: Hojo, it's me! Kagome!
Hojo: I know nothing.
A Random Street
Inuyasha: *looking around* Grr… this is stupid, where could she be!
*A sharp blinding beam of light fires across the city*
Inuyasha: …That's where she is! *runs towards the light*
The Warehouse
Kagome: *vision coming to* Who are you!?
Hojo: *has an arm deformity made of a string of demon parts* Hmm, seems my master's exit seems to have restored your sight. But soon, you'll never see again.
*takes a blade out of one of the boxes*
Kagome: *screams* HELP ME INUYASHA!!!
Inuyasha: *does one of those dramatic things that he breaks down the wall and enters just
in time* Wow, that was a clichéd entrance.
Hojo: *getting ready to thrust the sword through her chest*
Inuyasha: Get off of her you bastard! Iron Reaver, Soul Stealer!
Hojo: *jumps back to avoid the attack and thrust the sword into Inuyasha's chest*
Inuyasha: Gaaa! *flies back into the wall*
Hojo: *drops the sword and changes his deformed hand into a spear and once again thrusts at Inuyasha*
Inuyasha: Hehehe, fool, I wanted you to hit me!
Hojo: O_O
Inuyasha: Blades of Blood! *They hit Hojo's deformed arm, cutting it off*
Hojo: … I must retreat. It was a pleasure to spar with you Inuyasha, now I know what you're capable of (I must inform Master…). *activates a flash bang and exits without a trace*
Inuyasha: Are you ok?
Kagome: Yea… I'm fine.
Inuyasha: Good…
*A little later*
Inuyasha: So really, what the deal with that Hojo guy anyways?
Kagome: I really don't know, he was fine earlier today.
Inuyasha: Does he have any… you know… problems?
Kagome: No.
Inuyasha: Well that was pretty fast!
Kagome: You can be so rude sometimes!
Inuyasha: I'm just looking out for you. I don't want some crazy lunatic to stalking you! You start saying “Protect me Help me, Oh why didn't I listen to Inuyasha,” and...
Kagome: *gone*
Inuyasha: Huh!? Where'd she go?
Kagome: *leaving through the hole Inuyasha made in the wall* I'm going home!
Inuyasha: Go ahead! I'm not stopping you!
Kagome: Fine! I will!
Inuyasha: Fine!