InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Genuine Fake ❯ Instant Noodles ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Genuine Fake
by Viitoria

Chapter Three: Instant Noodles

"Dog-turd, you're just jealous that I have a girlfriend and you don't," Kouga thrust smugly.

The hanyou smirked. "No, I'm just surprised you got one after what happened with the last one."

The wolf youkai's face clouded slightly, but quickly reverted to his arrogant expression. "What happened with the last one, huh?"

This had been going on for quite some time now; the two tossing insults back and forth, ready to jump at the other's throat at a moments notice. Kagome was getting irritated-attention was all good and fine, but it wasn't focused on her. That meant there was nothing to distract her from the guilty thoughts that bombarded her every time she didn't have something to focus on. One would think the fight would be a big distraction, but the teenager found it disturbing. She hadn't heard people arguing for a while now.

Unnoticed, she slipped out of the ring of preps and walked towards one of the big department stores imported from America. Leaning against the railing, she slipped into quiet remembrance.

"If you hadn't been so over-possessive we wouldn't have been in this mess!" Her father was yelling at her mother.

"Over-possessive!?" The woman threw up her hands. "You have no right to call me over-possessive-what about you? You won't even hand over the money for me to go the grocers. No, you insist you'll handle it yourself. You're just a greedy ex-lawyer. I wish I'd never married you."

The six-year-old Kagome had walked in on the scene after getting up for a drink of water. Now huddled in the corner, she was amazed at her mother, usually so placid and calm, yelling as if her life depended on it at her father. It was unfamiliar, and therefore, scary.

"Well, if you'd never married me, what would have happened to Kagome?"

"Don't you dare bring her into this! You know that she's your child and I never went behind your back-that was you. It was always you!" Peering out from her shelf, she caught sight of sparkling tears rolling down her mother's face.

He snorted. "That girl's more useful than you are. What about the boy then? You won't even let me near him anymore."

"You're drunk," her mother accused. "You're always drunk these days. I know you've started smoking again, too."

"What do you care, woman?" With that, her father turned and stomped out of the house.

It was that night that he left with Souta. It was the last night she'd see him for almost ten years. And it was then she would become the horrible monster that-

"Higurashi..." a smooth voice cut off her thoughts. Caught unawares, she took a step back, almost tripping on her heels in the process. Looking up, she stared into the eyes of her former abusers.

The girl who had spoken laughed. "Still as clumsy as ever, it seems." Around her stood the rest of the crowd that had bullied Kagome just a year ago at her former school. The girl, whom she recognized as Hari, was one of the ringleaders. Fear gripped her hear for a moment, but she forced herself to become calm.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, slowly rising and brushing her skirt off.

Hari snorted signaled for one of the others to knock her down again. For one of the few times in her newfound lifestyle, Kagome wished she had worn more sensible shoes oppose the the expensive spiked sandals.

The girl shook her finger at her. "Naughty girl; speaking to us like that." Raising her heel to step on the fallen girl, her sister stopped her. "Ruri?"

The darker haired of the sisters leaned down a pulled at Kagome's gold dress. "It seems as if our little beating sack managed to sprout some expensive tastes." Standing up, she motioned at the shoes. "I saw those in the Foreign Catalogues-they're not even on sale here yet. She must have sold her mother to buy it. Not," she added slyly, "that her mother would be worth enough for them."

If anything could blow on Kagome's temper, it was that. Pushing herself quickly up again, she advanced on the two. Raising her hand to slap them, she was amazed that no one stopped her.

"Go on," Ruri prodded. "Just try it."

Lifting her head a bit higher, she complied. Time seemed to slow as she heard the satisfying crack her her hand on the girl's face. But the moments after that went all to fast. A boy-who she distinctly remembered as Menomaru-grabbed her away and pulled her arm behind her, twisting it against the small of her back. "Girl, you seriously want to be hurt, don't you?"

Kagome shivered. It had been so long that she'd almost forgotten about all this... Closing her eyes, she waited expectantly for a blow to come. None did.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

She opened an eye, looking to see who had spoken. To her surprise, it wasn't Kouga, but her new 'companion'. She let out a small whimper, trying to gain some pity points.

He turned away from her gaze to Menomaru. "Do you want me to repeat myself?"

The other boy gave a short, barking laugh. "You're going tell me what to do? Who're you supposed to be, some want-to-be punk rocker?" He looked the hanyou's choice of attire scornfully.

Inuyasha shrugged. It wasn't his fault that Kagome hadn't given him time to breathe, nevertheless change into a better outfit. He had figured that trouble would be more hesitant at bothering him on the streets when he seemed a bit more rough and riled. "And yours is better?"

He let go of his 'boss'. "Why you-" Inuyasha saw the fist coming from a mile away, and easily blocked it. His guess had been dead on: the pretty boy really took comments on his dress apparel to heart.

"What? What am I?" He mocked. He hadn't had this much fun for a while now.

"Inuyasha!" Damn that Kouga fool. "You can't just run off and get into another fight. It's not polite, you know."

Dodging another swing from the Prep boy, Inuyasha threw a finger at his former adversary. "At least I'm polite enough to keep your little girlfriend out of trouble," he yelled.

"You little-wait. What did you say about my girlfriend?"

"It's true," Ayumi seconded him. "Those idiots were picking on Kagome." She threw a shielded glance at the said girl, who colored slightly and stared down at the ground. The whole group had come over. Stealing a glance at Ruri and Hari, she saw that they were openly staring. She felt a little better for it. Just a little.

By now, Inuyasha had pulled both of the other boy's arms behind him, in the style that he had held Kagome just a few minutes ago.

Taking a calming breath, Kagome raised her head. "Takagi, dispose of him for me, kay?" It was an order, not a question. Then, turning to face Hari and Ruri, she flashed them her best smile. "You got anything to say?"


She frowned. "No?" Whirling, she watched Inuyasha release his prisoner.

"That's what I said; you deaf, bitch?" He smirked as Menomaru cursed at him, rubbing his sore arms. For some reason, Kagome suspected the smirk on her bodyguard's face was really directed at her.

Someone snickered behind her-the sisters, obviously. She would deal with them later. "Excuse me, Takagi, but I thought I heard you say 'no' to a order I just gave you." She smiled her best again.

"You heard right. Though, of course, with your hearing..."

Kagome's temper flashed for a moment, before she reverted to her old self. Nodding she said, "Fine. We'll talk at home." Walking up to Kouga, she gave a small pout. "Kouga, can you help me?" she pleaded.

He melted instantly. "Of course. You're my woman after all." He didn't see his woman twitch slightly or her bodyguard scowl as he gave her a quick peck on the lips and headed for the trio. Signaling at his buddies, they cornered the three.

"You gonna leave, or what?"

Muttering curses under his breath, Menomaru pulled the two still staring girls off. The wolf youkai crossed arms over chest with a satisfied smile.


"Why did you do that?" She demanded on the ride back.

"Do what?" her companion asked in feigned ignorance.

She glared at him. "Why. Did. You. Let. Menomaru. Go? Do. I. Need. To. Spell. It. Out. For. You?"

"No. What you're doing right now is pretty funny."

She scowled. "Shut up before I tear those fuzzy ears to shreds."

"I'd like to see you try," he scoffed. "No one touches the ears."

We'll see about that. And as if hearing her thoughts, the hanyou's ears twitched. She giggled and turned away. "Okay, I'll let it go this time...but only because you look so damn cute like that."

On the other side of the car, a certain dog-boy was planning revenge for that line.

A Month or Two Later:

For the first time in almost a year, Kagome pushed open the door before the butler could. Or rather, she flung it open rather violently. Kicking off her sandals, she took the stairs two at a time. Maids winced as the sliding doors to her suite were slammed open, shaking the walls. "Takagi!"

Still outside, the said young man was walking at a deliberate slow pace, hands in his pocket, pretending to be without a care in the world. Needless to say, the butler stared. "Um, excuse me sir, but the miss-"

He waved the warning aside. "The 'miss' can yell herself hoarse before I go up there." Not bothering to remove his shoes, he strolled into the main hall. The yell came again. Glancing up nonchalantly towards the voice, he walked off in the other direction, which coincidentally happened to be the way to the kitchen.

Upon stumbling across the treasure trove, and in spite (or maybe because) of the cook's protests, he pulled open the large fridge, rummaging around for a good bite. "Cheesecake, wine, strawberries...Is there anything good around here?" he murmured to himself. Closing the fridge, he turned on the cupboards and commenced his search.

A few more murmuring, some broken dishes, and a lot more yells from his boss later, he finally found what he wanted. "Ah, here it is!" he exclaimed happily as he pulled two packs of Instant Noodles from the shelf. "Eh, you there," he said, meaning the cook. "Got any hot water around?"

Flustered and head spinning from the mess, the cook pointed at the hose. The hanyou snorted. "Not likely. Guess I'll have to make some myself," he shook the foam container in threat.

"No!" was the cook's instant reply. "Near the coffee maker, next to the fridge, you'll find it in the off-white thermal. Not the white one; that was has tea."

Flashing his most devious canine smile, Inuyasha nodded his thanks. "I knew you'd see it my way sooner or later." Humming quietly to himself, he filled the two containers of Ramen to the brim with water and covered them again.

Some banging outside alerted him of someone's approach. "Inuyasha Takagi, what the fuck are you doing?!"

Takagi clicked his tongue and wagged his finger. "Little girls shouldn't say bad words like that."

"To hell I won't," she snarled, egged on by his comment. "Now if you're not a total ass, and apologize on your knees, I might excuse you for not coming the up when you heard me!"

Inuyasha thought about it for a moment. "Nope," he finally responded. "I just remember that I am a total ass. Sorry; no apology today."

"Fuck you," the girl told him through clenched teeth.

"Nope, can't do that if I'm unwilling, can you now?" Years of trading insults with an older and more lethal brother came in handy now and then. "Oi, cook-person. My food ready yet?" He asked, ignoring the sputtering female.

Mumbling something or the other, the cook stormed out of the kitchen. "Girl, you want some Ramen?"

"No thank you," Kagome spat and walked out after the cook as elegantly as she could. She would never stoop as low as to trade insults with him again.

Back in the kitchen, now nosily slurping his nectar and honey of the mortal world, Inuyasha chuckled to himself. He considered them to break it.


The door slammed open again. This time it was Inuyasha who rushed in first, taking the steps as fast as he could. This time, though, no one winced at the slamming or noticed their furious mistress storming up after them. It was standard practice after the first week, the two of them always after each other like the dogs of hell. The butler didn't even bother approaching the door at the sound of them anymore. Instead, he chose to snack in the kitchen with the cook. Both men had gained a rather suspicious liking for a certain food called Ramen.

The maids only shook their heads, smiling. Since Inuyasha had come, Kagome had been decidedly nicer to them; though that might have been only because the girl spent all her energy yelling at the poor guy (if he could be considered poor; it was usually Kagome one had to give sympathy for. Sometimes.)

Kagome banged on the door of her own room, not noticing how pathetic it would seem to anyone watching. "Inuyasha, you can't keep me out of there forever," she angrily told the closed door.

"Of course I can," came the reply. A maid carrying a load of laundry walked by, turning her head so her mistress wouldn't see her amusement and redirect her anger.

"Okay then, I'll just go down and tell the cook not to restock Ramen this week," she threatened. There was no reply. She frowned, it usually worked...

"Inuyasha!" she called again. "This is pathetic. You're my employee! You can't look me up out of my own room!"

Still nothing. She tried again a couple more times, but to no avail. Finally, she gave up and kicked the door, stubbing her toe in the process. Glaring, she left with one more remark. "If I can't get prepared for school tomorrow, I'm blaming it all on you!"

A raspberry sounded. "School doesn't start until Wednesday!"

Rolling her eyes, the girl made a loud fuss about pretending to go downstairs. The door should be opening just about now...

The door clicked open. Or at least it was supposed to. With a dejected sigh, Kagome turned and headed off for the kitchen. She would save her breath for later, when she could really make those ears of his flinch.

Meanwhile, surrounded by a much too large selection of pink interior decorations, Inuyasha was staring moodily at the clock. It wouldn't be long until sundown, and with it would go his youkai side. Pouting, he draped himself carelessly on the big chair, leaning back against a large bookshelf, expecting to fall at any moment.

5...4...3...2...1...There. He could feel each tingling limb as all trace of the demon blood ebbed away. His claws disappeared, the twitching ears now dubbed as 'kawaii' by Kagome faded away, and his fangs shrank. He felt weak and exposed; which was all the more reason for him to be barricaded in this room. There was no way he would let anyone here see him like this.

With a sigh, he tilted even further back. This time, he really fell. Books tumbled down on top of him, Kagome's fake plastic trophies landing heavily on the small of his back. A long string of curses left his mouth instantly as he picked himself up.

One last book just had to fall on his head. With renewed annoyance, he kicked he side of the damnable shelf. To his surprise, it slid open, revealing a door. Why hadn't he known about that? Oh yes, he was a lowly bodyguard to an empty-headed freak and it was hidden behind a equally stupid shelf which liked dropping its contents on his heads. He wondered if his imagination had been tweaked with when all that stuff fell on his head.

It was iron-wrought, naturally, and had a combination trigger in the middle of it. It was really too bad that it was there. And here I was hoping she really was that stupid.

Footsteps were approaching the room-Kagome. Quickly, he pulled the bookshelf back to it's original place and started shoving books into the shelf. The door opened, and true to his expectations, and irate Kagome stood in it's wake. Inuyasha made a fast dash into the bordering room of the suite.

"What are you doing here, bitch?" He growled.

"I heard some crashes in here and I wanted to see if you had died yet," she atoned sardonically, surveying the mess and the chair. She couldn't resist. "I told you so."

"Aw, shut up."

"Well, you're not denying it. I did warn you about crashing like that if you did that with the chair, and see what happened?" She looked around for the hanyou. "Why the heck are you in there anyway; scared?"

Brushing her teasing aside, he steered the conversation (if one wanted to call it that) into a different direction. "How the hell did you get in here anyway?"

The girl waved a key around. "I was hoping you'd ask that. Spare key, no duh."

"Keh." He thought about an escape plan. " know that weekly break in the contract?"

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "No, but go on."

"I'm taking that now. Bye!" With that, he left out the convenient exit of the large window. He had stumbled his way down to the balcony below before he saw Kagome run over to look out.

"Idiot," she muttered after him. "He's hiding something; I know it." She regarded the mess in her bedroom with distaste and called for a maid.

After an hour of peace, Kagome had ran out of things to do. She'd forgotten how utterly boring it was at home without someone her age around. Before, she might have called one of her friends, but they were all off spending the last of their vacation days in Hawaii or something.

With her lips in a small pout, she settled in front of the wide screen set with a bowl of freshly made and buttered popcorn. With a touch of a button, she decided to watch good old digital-quality news.

Broadcasts about accidents, funerals, murders, and just about everything else that qualified under the category of 'boring' crossed the screen. It even included a piece about a governor's daughter fined for speeding on an unauthorized motorcycle. She was glad she detested the vehicles and her father was a good old lawyer. Okay, maybe not really good, but rich, and that suited her fine.

Changing the channel, she caught a familiar name: Takagi. She quickly flipped back. To her total amazement, it was covering the youngest son of Inutaisho Takagi's birth, something about it being illegitimate and conceived before marriage; if there ever was a one. Then she realized they were talking about Inuyasha.

After a few more minutes, she reached for the phone. "Can you repress everything from the media about an Inuyasha Takagi and get all you can on his background? -thanks."

Okay, that's the end of that chapter. I've planned everything out already, and the plot brings me to around 8 chapters, give or take a few paragraphs. It gets a bit more complicated starting next chapter and (I think) has a bit more emphasize on the drama department than the romance one...From what I've planned, I seriously doubt I can fit Sango and Miroku in here, but I might be wrong about that. Hope you like so far and remember to review!

In the meantime, please, please, visit my awards site? I need more judges.

Ruri, Hari, and Menomaru are from the 1st movie, by the way.