InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ The perfect Couple ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

I don't own Inuyasha, and probably never will. I also do not own the rights to the movie, "Get Over It".

Chapter One

The Perfect Couple

Note- The entire fic is in Inuyasha's point of view, unless otherwise noted.

My life is so boring. No girlfriends, barely any friends (except for that pervert, Miroku, and the ever-so-annoying, Shippou). That is, until Kikyo returned to my life. She was my first girlfriend from first grade. We used to live next door to each other, and had been boyfriend and girlfriend until third grade, when she and her family moved to Kyoto.

On that day she returned to Tokyo, she already made a stir with all of the guys in Shikon High School. Every guy wanted her as his girlfriend, but she already had her sights set on someone.

"Excuse me? Are you Inu Yasha?" Kikyo asked. I looked up, and nearly fainted. She was no longer the little girl I once played "Doctor" with. Luckily, it was lunch, or else I would've lost concentration in whatever class I was in.

"K-k-kikyo?!" I stammered. God, was I a baka. Yet, she smiled.

"You recognize me?" She asked, and sat down at my table.

"Of course, Kikyo," I answered.

After that, we decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend again. We were called the absolute perfect couple at Shikon High. Even the lech thought we were perfect for each other. (Who would've guessed?)

That is, until we reached our junior year.

Now that it's two years since she returned, I decided to bring her a gift. I'm really devoted to her, I admit. I knocked on her front door, and her little sister, Kaede, opened it.

"Hiya, Inu-oniichan!" She said. I blushed. The kid seriously thought me and Kikyo was gonna get married.

"Hey, Kaede-chan. Is Kikyo there?" I asked. I try to be polite with the kid and Kikyo's mom, so that I can actually go out on dates with Kikyo (^_~).

"Hai! Kikyo-niichan is here, and she wants to talk with you," Kaede answered. She grinned, and let me in the house.

Okay, about Kikyo's house. God, who was the freak who decorated it?! Red carpet, and LIME GREEN wallpaper! Geez, and Kikyo thought it was very coordinated. I hate to say it, but is she color blind?!!

"Kikyo-niichan! Inu-oniichan is here!" Kaede called. Kikyo came down after a few minutes in a very very short black dress (not that I'm minding!). She smiled at Kaede.

"Kaede-chan, could you go upstairs for a minute? I'll call you back down," Kikyo said. Kaede nodded, and ran upstairs. "Hello, Inu."

"Hi, Kikyo, how are you?" I asked. "I got you a present."

"Oh, you shouldn't have..." She said, and I think she barely said, "Really... you shouldn't..."

"Nah, I wanted to give it to you, Kikyo," I said. "I love you." She smiled, freezing, as I look back on it...

"That's what I wanted to talk with you about. Could you sit down?" Kikyo asked. I sat down on the bright pink arm chair in the room (god, I'm dizzy already...) and looked up at her. "I think we should see other people."

"What?" I asked.

"I mean, we're starting to lose interest in each other... all we do on dates anymore is make out," Kikyo said. I looked at her stunned. Was there anything else we could do? "I... it won't be permanent, Inu, just.... I don't want to go out with just one boy the four years I go to high school."

I was stunned. I didn't want to believe any thing she said.

"Here's all the gifts you've given me. Bye," She said, and pushed me out of the front door.

My shoulders slumped, as I walked the five streets to my house, and locked the front door.


Welcome to Chat Room #4524231232456589999

Lost_my_voice924 has entered the room.

Lover_boy424- Hey, Inu, what's up?

Lost_my_voice924- kikyo broke up with me

foxfire_kit- I knew it would end soon

foxfire_kit- kikyo's such a slut

Lost_my_voice924- shut up, shippou!

Lover_boy424- stop jeez. why'd she break up with ya?

Lost_my_voice924- she said we should see other people and all we did was make out

Lover_boy424- aaa.... kikyo's not thinking straight

Lover_boy424- *aa

foxfire_kit- eh, guys? i'll see ya at school. souten's here for our date. sry bout kikyo, inu!

foxfire_kit has left the room.

Lover_boy424- *makes a sound like a whip* souten's got shippou on a short leash

Lover_boy424- you there

Lost_my_voice924- yea i'm here

Lost_my_voice924- i have to go. see ya

Lost_my_voice924 has left the room.

Lover_boy424 has left the room.


Hope you liked that chapter. ^^ If you've seen the movie, its a lot funnier than this chapter.REVIEW, please!