InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ The Date ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

Nope, still don't own 'em!

Review Replies:


Moon_kitsune- Nope! In this story, it gets even worse for Inu... ::makes evil face::

Duo no Tsuin- I agree, the movie is worth losing sleep. ^^ Thanks for reviewing again, and so quickly, too!


tsunami-chan- Both, I think. All of these things happened in the movie, but I think picturing Inuyasha doing it makes it funnier!

CorruptedAngel- Your fics are good! They're better than mine!

Kiki-chan- Yep, it's a Kag/Inu fic! I could never make it Kik/Inu... ::shivers::

And special thanks to:

LilAnimeLuva04, lindy*girl, Ame Tenshi

Thank you all for reviewing!!


Chapter 6

The Date

I was humiliated. Do you know exactly HOW MANY kids at school were there?! Well, I didn't, obviously. Until the next day. Half of the friggen school was there!! Now that it was after school, me and Shippou went over to his house to play basketball, and for me, hopefully, to get some practice in for the play.

After a few hours of playing, we both sat on the driveway, and watched the ball being... *ahem*'ed by Shippou's aunt's hormonal-crazed dog, Skip.

"Get the ball," I ordered.

"I'm not getting the ball. YOU get the ball."

(It went on like that for five minutes.)

"Is that dog done with that?" I asked.

"Nope..." Shippou said, still watching the Jack Russell terrier continue. "Hey, Inu?"

"What?" I asked.

"You know something? You need to go out with some different girls now. You kept Kagome out until eleven last night," Shippou said.

"We were just practicing for the play," I told him.

"I know that. It's just, you need to go out with girls your own age, ne?" Shippou said. "Like... hmm.... AH! Ayame!!"

"You mean, the chick with the bad luck?!" I asked.


"You know, wherever she goes, bad stuff happens. Like, when she was on the beach last summer, her bikini top popped off, and a driver was distracted by it and hit HER," I reminded him. "She was in a coma for six months."

"Oh... but still, I can set you two up on a date," Shippou said, with an evil glint in his eyes.

"Shippou." I warned, my normal violet eyes changing to golden (a/n- Like Kenshin turning into Battousai!!! ^^)


Author's POV


"Hey, Ayame!" Miroku yelled. They were in automotive class. The girl in question, a busty brunette, raised her head from underneath a car they were working on. She had a torch that she "accidentally" didn't turn off.

"Yeah?" She asked, her voice having a slight Australian accent. "What is it, Miroku?"

"Inu Yasha wants to go out with you some time," He yelled over the saws.

"Oh! Sure!" She said. Miroku heard a girl's scream, and he looked at the guys who were stop, dropping, and rolling, because they somehow got flames on their uniforms...

Miroku's eyebrows raised, and he looked at Ayame, who was giggling, and shrugging.


Back to Inu's POV


Those idiots did it. I was sitting in the Japanese Tea Restaurant (a/n- made up the name ^^;;;) with Bad-Luck-Ayame as my date. I was feeling really uncomfortable.

"So, Inu, we really haven't gotten to know each other a lot have we?" Ayame asked.

"Uh... I was kinda busy with Kikyo... and you were busy with..." I stopped.

"The coma thing?" She finished. "Well, I'm sick of everyone saying I'm bad luck. Rubbish, I think. That's why I'm moving on with my life, and so are you!" I was kinda scared of her, because she was swishing a knife in her hands. She looked at where my gaze was-- her hands-- and gave me a sheepish grin. "Oops."

"Uh, excuse me, I have to go..."

"Pee?" Ayame asked. "Okay!"

I ran as quickly as I could to the bathrooms.


Author's POV


As soon as Inu left the table, Ayame noticed that their teapot was empty. She held it out to show the waitress that they needed more, when she heard the music.

"Oh, I love that!!" She screamed, dropping the teapot, which hit a kid in the head, which made them drop their drink (a/n- I'm trying to piece it together...), a man slipped on that while eating something. He fell, and spit out the food, which dropped into a REALLY hot pan, which spilled HOT grease onto the paper walls, and started a fire.

And now out comes Inu from the bathrooms.


Inu's POV

God, I was right. SHE STARTED A FIRE!

Seeing everyone running out, I just said the first thing on my mind, "CHECK PLEASE!"


a/n- The fic's not gonna be too long, I'm afraid. Just two + chapters to go! BUT they're really funny ones!

Oh, and thanks to all the reviewers again! I opened my email this morning and saw SEVEN emails. (well, some were for my other fic, "Betrayal", but hey, who's counting? ^^;;;;)