InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Get Over It ❯ Bad News ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Get Over It

I don't own Inuyasha or "Get Over It" the movie.

Chapter Four

The Try Outs

and Shippou's Plan ^^

I waited at the restaurant outside the pool area for Shippou's little sister, Kagome, to help me with the play. To tell you the truth, I had no idea what the story was about. There were enough "Thou"'s and "Thee"'s and "Ye"'s in there to make even Kikyo's Old English speaking sister sick. Suddenly, there Kagome appeared, wearing a bright orange sundress (God, what is it with these girls and bright colors?!).

"Hi!" She said, perkily. Did I mention it was morning? No? Well, it was. How can anyone be as perky as she was at this time was beyond me.

"Hey," I said, groggy. Geez, it was her friggen idea to wake up this early. I usually wake up around noon, but... god, it was too early for me.

"So, what do you want to do first?" She asked. I shrugged. "Here, I'll just summarize the script for you.

"Okay, there's this guy named Lysander (? did I spell that right?) who's in love with this girl named Hermia. But, her father is trying to get her to marry Demetrius, who is also in love with Hermia. But, Helena is in love with Demetrius. Since Hermia's father respects Demetrius, basically, Lysander's screwed," She said. All I realized was that it sounded EXACTLY like my problem with Kikyo and the guy, Naraku.

"Yeah, I understand it perfectly," I said. She looked at me, confused.

"You sure? Do you? 'Cuz Midsummer Night's Dream isn't really a very easy script to follow," Kagome told me. "You sure you don't need my help?"

"I'll call you when I need help," I told her, gave her a quick smile, and walked out of the restaurant, slightly freaked out.


I barely got to the tryouts on time. Stupid script. Took me forever to understand. Had to have Sesshoumaru (::Shivers::) help me. When I walked in, I heard a beautiful voice singing something. I looked towards the stage, and noticed Kagome standing there, singing. What was she doing? When she finished, Hiten-sensei congratulated her.

"That was good," He admitted. "Who's the composer?"

"Actually, myself," She said, with a slight blush. I was surprised. I had no idea that she wrote music.

"What, were you expecting applause?" Hiten-sensei asked, annoyed, because Kagome hadn't left the stage. Suddenly, her face paled, and she ran off the stage. "Since that's the end of the try outs--"

"WAIT! I would like to try out," I said, standing up.

"Oh, mister Yasha. Go on up, then," He said, sarcastically. I ran up, with the script in my hand.

"I'll start with the monologue on page..." I was about to go on, when Hiten-sensei stopped me.

"No, no. We're doing singing try outs right now," He corrected me.

"S-s-singing?" I asked. He nodded, and I gulped. I looked in the audience, and saw Kikyo and Naraku looking at me intently, although Kikyo was staring daggers at me.

So, I decided to sing the only song that came to my head-- the Big Red theme song. (a/n- for those who don't know what Big Red is, it's a type of chewing gum ^^)

In the middle of the song, a few of the try outers sang with me, and I gained my confidence to sing the very end loudly, "WITH BIG RED!" Applause filled the air, and I looked pleased.

"Get off the stage, Mr. Yasha."


I probably made an idiot of myself, but after a week, I looked on the now posted list of who made the play, and I immediately was bumped into Kikyo and Naraku, who were pleased with their parts --- Kikyo was Hermia, and Naraku was Demetrius.

I looked at the paper, and was immediately caught by a scream.

"OH!!!" I looked at whoever was screaming--- Kagome. "Oh, I'm sorry, Inu! It's just that I got the part I wanted. See, I'm Helena!" I smiled, and looked at my part.

"Oh, look, servingman 1," I said, with no emotion. "One of the parts that has no singing parts whatsoever."

She smiled. "The offer still stands," She said, and ran off with Sango to spread the news.


"Just follow me," Shippou said, and the idiots dragged me into a dark room. I looked around and realized--- IT WAS A STRIP CLUB!! THE FRIGGEN IDIOTS BROUGHT ME HERE!

"What if we get caught?!" I said, in a hushed whisper.

"Well, if you'd sit back and enjoy the show, Inu, we won't," Miroku said. Yeah, I guessed he'd say that.

Suddenly, the lights turned on, and a seductive woman's voice was heard, "We have here a poor man jilted by his lady love..." Suddenly, three strippers pulled me onto the stage, and tied me to a bungee cord.

Some girl who resembled Carmen Electra (a/n- in the movie, the ACTUAL Carmen Electra came out... lol) in a corset came out with a whip.

"I reveal my corseted form---" She started, until you heard,

"POLICE, SHOW YOUR ID'S!" Damn, I was screwed. I looked at my friends, who said, "Bye!" and ran off.

"Help? Anybody?" I asked, still hanging on the bungee cord.


a/n- YAY! I got a review!! Anyway, if you liked this chapter (I liked it, the most. You'll see Inu's parents in the next chapter... lol.....!!!) please review!!


Alex Moon- You never saw the movie? Really? I've seen it twice! Anyway, thanks for being the first reviewer!! ^^ I'm glad you like it so far! It gets funnier!