InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Give Me a Chance ❯ Under The Weeping Willow ( Chapter 6 )

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I don't think I've said this in a while so I don't own Inuyasha.
Chapter Six: Under The Weeping Willow.
“So where exactly is that yearbook located?” Asked Miroku.
“Not telling,” answered Kagome. “That book is our secret weapon for when we decide to get payback on that scheming twit.” She stood and gathered her books. “The bells about to ring.” Sango stood and gathered her things too.
“See you guys later.” She said and they walked out as the bell rang then split up to go to their respective third period classes. As always after third period Kagome and Sango met up at lunch. Since they'd forgotten to bring their lunches that day they had to choose from the school lunch of mystery meat with the secret chunky gravy, rubber chicken, cold undercooked fries, or junk food from the snack machine. Naturally they chose the junk food. Pooling their money they got a couple of bags of chips, some sodas, a Cheese Danish, a Cinnamon Roll, a pack of Starburst and some Skittles.
On day's when the weather was fair students were aloud to eat outside at picnic tables on the school lawn. Kagome and Sango however always sat curtained off from the world by the leaves of a giant weeping willow. Kagome was eating her Danish piece by piece while Sango ate the Cinnamon Roll when they heard the leaves swishing and looked up to see Miroku and Inuyasha entering their private domain. “So this is where you guys hide during lunch.” Said Miroku settling down beside Sango and stealing a piece of her cinnamon roll.
“Not a very healthy lunch,” commented Inuyasha snagging a bag of chips. “Do you mind?”
“Yes I do.” Kagome snatched the chips back. “Go away, both of you. I prefer to eat my lunch in peace.”
“Aww, come on Kagome.” Said Inuyasha sitting down next to her and fluttering his eyelashes. “I'll let you rub my ears again.”
“I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole.” Kagome clenched his hands in her lap. Inuyasha sighed. Why does she keep pushing me away? Thought Inuyasha. Well If I can't find out why she hates me so I'll just have to find another way past her defenses. That whole you're the height of popularity thing was just a piece of shit excuse.
“Kagome would you please just admit that you like me and let us live happily ever after already?”
“Kiss my butt.” Said Kagome arbitrarily.
“We'll save that for later for now I'll be satisfied with kissing your lips.” With that Inuyasha grabbed Kagome onto his lap and crushed his lips to hers. It wasn't a hard punishing kiss like Kagome expected it to be. After the first initial meeting of the lips it was a gentle lingering kiss. The kind that promised there was more where that came from. The kind that made her crave more. Inuyasha pulled away some and looked deep into her eyes then kissed her again. “God Kagome can't you feel what's between us, why won't you just give in to it?”
His words seemed to snap Kagome out of the trance that held her willing and pliant in his arms and she jumped up. “Because there's nothing to give in too. Don't ever touch me without my permission again.” She stormed away. Inuyasha slumped back against the trunk of the tree.
“Why does she do this?” he said to no one in particular. “What have I done so wrong that she denies the obvious so diligently?” He turned to look at Sango. “Enlighten me?” he asked with a pleading note in his voice.
“I really don't know what to say Inuyasha.” Sango told him. “But I do need to go after her. You guys can have the rest of this junk.” She left. Inuyasha slid down until he was lying on the ground.
“Inuyasha, your hair's gonna get dirty.” Miroku told him.
“I don't care.” Said Inuyasha listlessly surprising Miroku. He was always complaining about how easily his hair got dirty and what a nuisance it is to wash.
“Class will be starting soon, lets go in.”
“I'm staying out here. Tell teacher I went home sick or something.” Another surprise. Inuyasha was very serious about his schoolwork.
“You really care about her don't you?” asked Miroku. “I thought you just saw her as a challenge something to occupy yourself with.”
“I've never felt this way before Miroku, not with anyone. Go ahead to class I'll catch up with you later.” Miroku stood and left silently. Inuyasha closed his eyes and rolled over onto his side. “Kagome,” he whispered. “You will be mine.”
Later that day Kagome was in her room listening to her CD player and reading. When her favorite song came on she started singing along. When it went of she sat up and took the head phones off. “Hey,”
Startled she turned around to see Inuyasha standing in her doorway. “How long have you been there?” she asked.
“I got up here just when you started singing.”
“And how did you get in?”
“I told your mom you were supposed to meet me to study and you stood me up. Apparently you're very absent minded Kagome.” Inuyasha came further into her room looking around. He stopped to inspect her bookshelves. “God all you read is romance books and Manga.”
“That's not true,” said Kagome defensively. Inuyasha moved onto the next little bookcase and saw it contained a myriad of different reading genres.
“Okay so you do read other stuff. What are you reading now?” He sat down on the corner of her bed.
“Not that it's any of your business, but I'm reading Alanna, The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce.” (a/n which is a really good book by an awesome author) “Would you mind leaving now?”
“But Kagome we haven't studied yet.” Protested Inuyasha.
“And just what are we supposed to be studying?”
“How about the art of love,” said Inuyasha moving closer to her.
“Not gonna happen.” Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's arm and dragged him from the room and towards the steps.
“Hey sis,” Her little brother Souta stepped out of his room. “Have you seen the box for my new airplane model?”
“Okay, who are you?” he asked Inuyasha.
“I'm your sister's unacknowledged not so secret admirer.” He answered.
“Shut up.” Kagome told him, then resumed dragging him downstairs. When she saw her mother she stopped to say: “Mom, don't let him in again he's a crazy stalker who's out to get me.”
“Of course Kagome dear.” Said Mrs. Higurashi not really paying attention.
“Kagome, you wound me,” said Inuyasha clutching his heart. “How could you say such a thing?”
“Leave.” Kagome shoved Inuyasha out the door and closed it behind him.
“See you tomorrow!” He yelled through the door before walking away whistling.
Hey you guys I've been updating pretty quick huh? Got some time on my hands at the moment. About the book I mentioned earlier it's the first book in a quartet series and it's a great book. Tamora Pierce writes quartets and I actually have three of them and three books from another you guys should check her out. Speaking of checking out books I looked at some of the fics my reviewers have written the other day. You guys are awesome writers; I especially liked Demon Daycare by AngelsRebellion and The Shikon Surf Angels by Cherryblossombabe. And I read this one called Snow by Slywolf9. It was beautiful made me cry, you guys should check it out. And if your looking for really good fan fiction check out some of my other fics and go to and look up the author Rozefire she writes great fics I've read Dead Famous like three times. Well catch you guys later.