InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Glowing Remains of the New Moon ❯ Kiki ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
“InuYasha! InuYasha! INUYASHA!!!” Shippo clambered towards InuYasha, screeching as he did so. He had been trailing behind Sango and Miroku, but now he was way ahead of them. He had seen that woman. That woman who called herself Kagome, the one with familiar, warm brown eyes and smile. Ah! There he was! “InuYasha!” he called out once more. InuYasha turned to glare, having been interrupted from speculation with Totosai and Myoga.
“What―” InuYasha broke off, startled as Shippo flung himself at him. “H-hey― Get the hell off of me!” He growled, then tripped as he moved backward in an attempt to dislodge the hyperactive fox demon. He paused to glance up at Miroku and Sango, who had returned. “Hey, how are Sora and Mano?” He took in the disheveled image of the children. “Also, by the way, Kohaku went back to the village. He got kind of tired, apparently. I think you should send Sora and Mano back too.”
“InuYasha― oh, what? Oh, they're fine…ok…” Miroku broke off. He and Sango glanced at one another.
“InuYasha…” Sango started, then stopped. Contemplating, she thought, what should we tell him? We don't want to get his hopes up, she despaired. Both she and Miroku were indifferent to the fact that her brother had gone home. They had zero reaction.
“Alright, spit it out,” InuYasha glared. “I'm kind of busy here, what could be so amazing that you two have your tongues tied?” Glancing at Shippo once more, he realizes Shippo is shivering.
Suddenly, Shippo bursts out, “Kagome! There was a person― Sora and Mano got attacked and― th-this person who called herself Kagome saved them! She even looks like―” Shippo stopped, unable to continue with Miroku's hand covering his mouth.
“Urm, actually, we're pretty sure that it wasn't Kagome…” Miroku starts, then hesitates. He kept his hand firmly covering Shippo's mouth. He reasons to himself, reminding himself of how beautiful that woman was, and how much spiritual power he had sensed emanating from her. Also, Kagome was unable to use a sword or make leaps like that. Or at least, not since he had last seen her. This Kagome was practically a demon exterminator, except with even more spiritual power than Kikyo.
“Keh!” InuYasha turned away, and continued conversing. Miroku and the others stared at each other questioningly, then shrugged.
No one believes it…but that probably wasn't Kagome, and we will probably never see her again…but…Shippo began fidgeting. What if InuYasha saw her himself? What if, she really was their Kagome? Maybe, the reason why she didn't really respond to them was because she could barely recognize them, either. So what if they told her who they were? Shippo's fidgeting increased, and he became excited. “Wait…Miroku? Sango? What if….the next time we see her…I mean Kagome…or the next time we find her, could we have InuYasha talk to her? Maybe, we should introduce ourselves?” He inquired innocently.
Miroku and Sango, both understanding, nodded. They continued standing with InuYasha, as he conversed with Totosai near the grave of his mother. Yeah right…I will never see Kagome again, InuYasha's thoughts began drifting from his mother. The Shikon Jewel has sealed her forever in her own time, and it would never allow her to come back. Even if it doesn't exist anymore, its just impossible. But then again… a tiny fragment of hope appears before InuYasha and carefully he nurtured it. Perhaps, I should see her for myself. But I still kind of doubt it. The hope dimmed.
Scene change…after Sango and Miroku leave the kids back at the village.
Eh…darn it! Kiki desperately searched for her sister in the bushes. “Kaya! KAYA!!” she called. No response. The last time she had seen her was when that demon attacked them…while they had been in their human form. They'd been separated. Which reminded her, that she still was. Since they were one-fourth demons, not even half-demons, they had a strange cycle of transformations. Each one of the siblings had different forms at different times, but it always started on the night of the New moon. It was all due to the fact that, somehow their father was InuYasha…no idea how that works, but he is…and the fact that their mother was a sorceress who could transform into a dragon…No! Don't think about that! Think about how you're human because of the new moon…Which had been three four days ago… She stopped. Maybe, if I could find InuYasha…since Kaya is in her dragon form, which is actually better than my child human form right now…maybe, I should first save myself? Suddenly, in the midst of her brainstorming, a demon swooped in. “Kyaaa!!! Someone….HELLPPP!!!”
InuYasha paused. There's someone screaming, he realizes…Suddenly, something startles him, and he stops abruptly, causing Miroku to bump into him. “Hey― what's wrong InuYasha?” Shippo clings to Miroku's shoulder for dear life. From up above, Sango called down to them. “You guys…what's the matter?”
“There's someone…a kid I think, screaming. And I just caught the scent of blood,” InuYasha begins running towards the source of the scream. This scent…he thought to himself, startled. Reminds me of…no. He ran faster, trying to forget.
He certainly is in a hurry, Miroku thought to himself. I wonder if he…recognizes the scent?
Kiki's last thoughts…
I ran. Stumbled. I began screaming again. It felt like the pain would never stop ending. It felt like the demon had been grinning at me, its bulging, slimy eyes dancing with profuse and sickening enjoyment as I screamed in pain. But then, the pain disappeared. I can't remember much of anything, except warm red arms wrapping around me. And then I left the pain.
Scene change…
“Sheesh, what a pain,” InuYasha grumbled. They had just rescued a little girl from the clutches of a horrific demon. But she was still asleep, after three days! And the wounds hadn't even been all that deep. “Calm down, InuYasha. She's just a child, and she has been through quite a bit,” Kaede lectured gently, noticing his fidgeting. “Indeed, InuYasha,” Miroku agreed. “But you seemed to know something about her scent…is it familiar? Is it someone you know?”
Here, InuYasha paused. “I…think, that…when I caught the scent…her scent…it reminded me of Kikyo's…” he stopped. “But she looks nothing like her, and if she had any spiritual power she would have fought the demon off.”
“Uuuhhmmm…” the small child stirred. Then she blinked. “How are you feeling, dear?” Kaede asked, scurrying to her side. She continued blinking, while a look of awe spread across her face. “Kai….Kai-a-deh…” Everyone glanced at her, startled.
Kiki's awakening…
I had awoken in an extremely, surprisingly familiar environment. I had awoken, and saw both InuYasha and Kaede at the same time, and I tried to respond to Kaede's question but failed. I could barely even pronounce her name. I slowly sat up, and realized this was Kaede's hut. My old home village. I hadn't been here for years, and the homesickness I'd felt in this life for this place overwhelmed me. I burst into tears, and startled, they tried to comfort me.
“Stop crying dear.” “It's alright, what's wrong?” “She's just scared.” Sango, Miroku, and Kaede all tried to reassure one another. Kohaku and InuYasha just stared on. Then suddenly, “Why are you crying, and who are you, exactly?” InuYasha demanded. The little girl stared up at him despondently. Then, glaring at him, her sobs subsided. “I'm Kiki. I'm looking for my sister Kaya. And you are really rude.”