InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Go Home Kagome ❯ Revelations of the Soul ( Chapter 20 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Twenty
Revelations of the Soul
Kagome started Kaede on a bottle of penicillin and asked for her help one final time. Kaede took the pills but declined to help. This left Kagome was no other options. She meditated under the God Tree and prayed for guidance. But none came.
She heard Inuyasha move somewhere high up in the branches but he didn't disturb her. He was quiet lately but always watching. They ate lunch together everyday and he knew everyone in the Vet's office by name. This was quite a feat for a man who was suspicious of strangers.
Kagome stayed at work late the previous night and found Inuyasha in her room when she got home. He'd touched her but she sent him away. She didn't want to risk upsetting the delicate balance they'd fallen into.
Saturday afternoon finally arrived and she was free from the office. She arrived home only to have Ayumi present her with a list.
“What's this?” She asked her mother who was sweeping the kitchen floor.
“Grocery list, just because you are a career woman now doesn't mean you can shirk your chores around here.”
Kagome sighed. “Um thanks Mom! I'll do this later today…”
Ayumi looked up and her and shook her head. “No you do it right now. I need those things for dinner.”
Kagome glanced over the list. “Some of these things are expensive. Are we having company over for dinner?” I smell a rat.
Ayumi blinked innocently. “I don't even know what you are talking about.”
Kagome whined. “Mom!”
She leaned against the broom. “Okay I invited our accountant's new partner for dinner. He's smart, successful and single. I think he's cute too. He has gorgeous hair.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. These days she never knew what to expect from her mother. “I thought you were okay with Inuyasha.”
“I noticed he hasn't been around here in a few days and well, ya can't blame me for trying. This guy's an accountant! And he's very well off.”
Kagome picked up her car keys. “I'll go to the store but if this guy's so great than why don't you date him.”
To her surprised Ayumi laughed. “I just might.”
Kagome was down to the last item on the list, fillet of Yellow Fin. Their usual fish monger was out so she was walking across the market in search of another stand.
The other fish monger was on vacation and his stand was closed. Kagome groaned and headed back to the car. Guess I'll have to go to the one in the next neighborhood over. Too bad we haven't perfected fish vending machines yet.
She found the new market easily and began the fish search anew. Kagome was in a hurry and she almost ran into a small boy. He walked right into her leg and fell backwards landing on the rear end of his Osh Kosh Bgosh overalls.
Oh no! “Are you okay?” Please, oh please don't cry. The boy looked up and Kagome was struck by his deep mahogany skin tone. Not many black people in Tokyo.
His brown eyes were huge in his small face. He didn't cry but pulled on her shirt. “Are you lost?” she asked in Japanese.
“No but I can't find my mom.” He was too brave to be upset but he was worried.
Kagome smiled. “Okay let's see if we can find your family. What was your mom wearing?”
He shook his head. “I don't remember.”
Okay typical male response. “What's her name?”
“Is she shopping?”
He shook his head again.
“What's your name?”
He answered proudly. “Bartholomew it's from the Bible!”
“That's a wonderful name.” Kagome took his small hand in hers and went to find the market customer service desk. They passed by many brightly colored booths and this seemed to cheer Bartholomew up considerably. She hopped his mother would be waiting for them at the main desk.
They passed a booth that specialized in teas from all over the world. Bartholomew got excited and pointed.
Kagome stopped at the entrance of the tiny store. “Are you thirsty, I can buy you some tea?”
He called out. “Nana! Nana!”
A heavy sat woman came out from behind the counter. “Bartie! Where have you been? Your momma's been looking for you.”
He ran to her and she bent down and hugged him. “I've told you not to run off.”
“But Nana, there was a man with a dog. You said I could have a dog. I wanted to ask him about his dog and then I couldn't get back.”
The woman looked up and Kagome froze. “Maxine?”
“Yes I do believe that is my name.” she reached down and pulled up her glasses from the chain where they dangled from around her neck. “I remember you from the plane.”
Kagome's heart beat faster in her chest. “Yes, but where did you go? You completely disappeared.”
She laughed. “Goodness no, I had a first class ticket and they seated me in the wrong seat. While you were gone the stewardess from first class came back and helped me move up front.”
Kagome felt deeply stupid. There was nothing mystical about what happened. She hadn't even thought to check up front in First class.
“Oh, is Bartie your grandson?”
Maxine grinned showing off a mouthful of large, white perfect teeth. “Isn't he adorable? But a little too smart for his own good I'm afraid.” She gave him a look that all mothers seemed to instinctively know and he hung his head.
“You're Kagome right? Thanks for finding Bartie. Would you like some tea? I've got some good old fashioned Southern Sweet tea.”
And in the middle of Tokyo too, who knew! Kagome accepted and Maxine brought her a cold glass. They sat at the tiny black iron table by the counter. Kagome tasted the tea and was surprised.
“This isn't black tea, its jasmine!”
Maxine nodded, “China's jasmine tea done up like sweet tea. It's very popular.”
“I can see why it's great!” Normally Kagome didn't like sweet tea but the sweetness was subtle and not overpowering. She thought back to the plane. Wasn't Maxine a diabetic?
Maxine smiled with pride. “We only sell the finest loose teas.”
“I'll be sure to buy some before I leave.” Kagome leaned across the small table. “I'm glad I found you, there something I needed to ask you.”
Maxine picked up her unsweetened tea and leaned back. “Sure, ask away.”
Kagome twisted her thumb ring as she spoke. “You seemed to know me but we've never met…how is that?”
Maxine raised her brows. “While it's not my place to question God's plan but some times I am privy to sneak preview. I can't control what I see but I try to use it for good. For instance I can see you took my advice literally and wasted no time. But now you have a whole new set of problems don't you?”
Kagome blushed and looked away. Bartie was in the back of the store playing with the radio.
“I need you to tell me everything you `know' about me and Inuyasha.”
Maxine shook her head. “I'm sorry it doesn't work that way. You have to ask me a question.”
Kagome was puzzled. “But I never asked you a question on the plane, you just started talking.”
“That was different but now you seek my help and it only works if you ask a question. I'm not like Google you know.”
Kagome laughed, “I apologize if I was too forward. I guess you aren't a search engine. What can I do to compensate you for this?”
Maxine answered, “You found Bartie so that is one thing already in your favor. When you have found what you are looking for than you will do something for someone else.”
“Do you mean pay it forward?”
“Yes something to that extent. There is a soul who needs you. You'll realize what to do when the time comes.”
Kagome nodded. “Okay but I've no idea where to start.”
Maxine frowned. “You don't know the question? How can I have an answer then?”
Kagome laughed nervously, “That does complicate things doesn't it.”
“Girl relax and get your head straight. Haven't you spent the last week or so looking for me?”
“Yes okay.” Kagome took a deep breath. “What's wrong with Inuyasha? Why would he hurt me?”
Maxine folded her fingers and sat silently for a moment. “There is no easy way to put this. You are the problem.”
Kagome's eye widened. “That's not true. It's my fault he hurt me? I am the one causing him to lose control?” She was outraged. How can this be true? I should leave now. But she stayed firmly rooted to the chair.
Maxine nodded, “Yes that's it. His whole existence has always been about you and nothing has changed. It's just catching up to him.”
Kagome began to push the chair back. Maxine leaned forward and caught her hand in hers. “Please stay. Don't be so quick to judge. You've not heard everything.”
Tears formed behind Kagome's eyes. “What. There's something even worse?”
“No child nothing is worse than the truth. But it will set you both free.”
Kagome sniffed and Maxine refilled her tea glass. “Not everything is what it appears. And you already know what I am about to tell you, you just haven't realized it yet.”
Kagome pulled her hair back from her face. “Go on.”
“He loves this other miko with all of his soul. He is loyal to a fault and until recently has put her before you.”
“Yes that is true but I already know that.”
Maxine asked, “What is your connection to this other woman?”
Kagome answered quickly. “I am her reincarnation.”
“Good. Then what's the problem?”
Kagome's head began to hurt. “We share part of a soul but we aren't the same person.”
“That is true but the soul you share is the soul that he loves.”
Kagome nodded. “But this is about why he can't control his yokai blood, not about Kikyo.”
“You're wrong it's always been about you.”
Kagome thought for a moment then asked, “Was I not supposed to fall through the well? Has my traveling between eras caused all of this?”
“I don't think so because there is only one Inuyasha and if that were true he'd exist somewhere in this time but he doesn't. That can only mean he is where he is supposed to be.” Maxine's soft tone was confident.
Kagome cocked her head. “You get all of that from just sitting across from me?”
“Something like that.” She answered then said. “However you aren't where you're supposed to be. There is only one Inuyasha but there are three of you.”
“What?” Kagome mouth fell open. “What do you mean?”
Maxine took a deep breath. “Inuyasha has fallen in love once and found the same soul three times. Every time he loses you and you always find your way back to him. There has never been another woman for him. It's always been you. Whether you are a fish monger's bride, a miko or a 20th century school girl you will always love him and seek him out. It's been going on since the dawn of human language. Each time you lose. Except this lifetime he's had three of you and two of you are still conflicted. His other side is kept in check by that sword but part of his power comes from his love for you. That's split and he's losing control trying to choose.”
Kagome's eyes were wide. “But he told me he was going to tell Kikyo he was leaving her. And if she is me why is she so…different”
“Only part of the soul comes back. The other half is reborn and changes. But it is still essentially you.” She sipped her tea and gave her time to absorb it all.
Kagome was breathless. “So what do I do?”
Maxine smiled, “This time you win. You have to for his own sake. How much more can one man take?”
“How do I win? You think I should let him have his way and agree to marry?”
Maxine snorted. “You don't need a ceremony, you are connected on so many different levels it would a mere formality.” Then she wagged her finger at Kagome, “But mind you it's the right thing to do. You shouldn't live together without marriage.”
Okay mom, I think I got the point. “Well than what should I do?”
“The other miko she is an anomaly and isn't supposed to be here. She's…trapped in an unnatural life and draws her energy from you and the dead. You cannot be whole until she is on the other side where she belongs and you are in full possession of the other half of your soul.”
Kagome blinked. “I should kill Kikyo?”
Maxine frowned. “As a good Christian I do not advocate killing but you need to stop her and she is dead already. You must face her and let this come to its natural conclusion. I wouldn't use violence either, remember you are fighting yourself. I think there should be a way to free her and yourself from that false body. Maybe a cleansing ritual or even a powerful smudge might be helpful.”
“Inuyasha's not going to like this.”
Maxine agreed. “He will fight it but it's the only way. Else his heart is pulled in two different directions and he has to concentrate to keep his humanity. Besides if you don't break the cycle you are fated to suffer an untimely death. It's part of Tsubaki's curse.”
“Tsubaki? That's the miko who fought Kikyo for the Shikon no Tama…” Kagome wracked her brain trying to remember if she'd heard anything about a curse. Tsubaki was obsessed with youth, that she could never forget.
Maxine recited. “Tsubaki's cursed Kikyo so that if she fell in love with a man she'd lose her powers or die. The twist is that it might be at the hands of her lover. Tsubaki nearly had her way when Kikyo was killed by that other man in disguise but that was the best she could muster as while they loved, your Inuyasha and Kikyo weren't lovers. However in this life you Kagome are his lover. The curse is powerful and will play its self out over and over again unless you stop it.”
Smudging is cleansing by burning something usually a type of incense. It is believed to cleanse a space of any evil spirits that may be present. This power is said to be released from the plant by the burning of the leaves, which are typically bundled into a wand or stick. White sage was used in a similar fashion by the Celts….Wikiepdia.
I have Maxine in here because I though the concepts of reincarnation in Buddhism, Shinto and Voo-Doo were all slightly similar enough to be interesting. That and I've always wondered why Kagome and Kikyo were so different.
Kagome is selfish, not with Inuyasha but in the anime when she's at home she's wretched. Here she is more so because she'd have to be to be able to push everyone away and make it through school.