InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gold Tinted Moon ❯ Long Awaited Lover ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gold Tinted Moon

**I don't own Inuyasha, if you sue me, all you'd get are my beenie babies. PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM FROM ME, THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!!!**

~Three asteriks (***) denotes a flashback.


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Hojo, don't get me wrong, you're a nice person, I just don't want to be here. It's like I've told mother, I'm already taken."

"By who Kagome? Why can't you just forget about this imaginary friend and accept real life?"

Kagome was a little taken aback, this was the first time Hojo was bold enough to talk back to her. None-the-less, this person wasn't made up, he was real, her heart told her that.

Kagome took the time to remember why she was here in the first place, on this date with one of her classmates. She had always liked Hojo, as a friend and nothing more. Unfortunately, he liked her much more, she could never tell why, she went to the extremes to make sure she ignored his advances and questions. Every asked-for date was a sad rejection in front of most of the school most of the time. She had to admit, Hojo was persistant, but annoying in some ways. Kagome just wanted to go back to being friends with him, but this date was enforcecd upon her by her mother.

Now Kagome appreciated her mother's worry, but no one would listen to the fact that she was taken. She knew that once she told people why she was acting strangely that they would do this to her.

'Stupid people, they don't understand.' Kagome scowled as she remembered the first time she told her mother of her 'weirdness'.


"Kagome Higuashi, I worry terribly for you. You keep staring at that moon everynight. You cry each night it's not there for you to see. What is wrong with you sweetie, you haven't had a date in so many months and I've heard you keep turning down that sweet young man Hojo. Please tell me what's wrong?"

"Mother, Hojo and I are friends, you know that, I just don't feel that way about him, or anyone else for that matter..."

"If I didn't have better sense, I'd swear you were in love with that moon....Kagome?" Her mother looked at her daughter with frightened curiousity as Kagome looked at the floor, moving her feet back and forth so that in one motion her toes touched then in another, her heels tapped.

Slowly looking up to face her moher with wistful, faraway eyes, Kagome responded, "It talks to me. Tells me that one day he will come to me. He tells me how beautiful I am, that he cannot stand the fact that I am not a star, or another moon. Mother, he is lonely, he loves me."


Her mother's eyse teared up and she looked at her daughter with a now completely frightened look, "Kagome Anne Higurashi, I will NOT have you talking like that in this house! You are not some freak! That moon does not talk to you, it is a ball of rock floating in space, it does not love you!!! When your father returns, he will hear of this, then we will decide what do to about you."

Kagome held her cheek in utter wonderment, unable to say anything.

Angry at her daughter's revelation and her lack of response, her mother stormed from the kitchen.


Kagome touched her cheek, a distant pain still lingered, granting that the incident happened a whole week before. 'She didn't even try to understand. How can people be so critical an believing in this life. How do they know this isn't actually real...or am I just insane as they say I am? Stupid people, he loves me.' She relished in the thought, just thinking of his presence warmed her inside. She had no idea what he looked like, but she knew he was coming for her, ready to take her away from this disbelieving life.


Kagome lay in her bed, eyes closed, but not quite sleeping. She thought of him, invisioning what he'd look like, beautiful long silver tresses, gorgeous silver eyes full of kindness and warmth. He would be garbed in the proper attire of the moon, a white robe made of the finest silks, tied off with a silver belt whish flowed like it was made from the wind itself. In his eyes would hold the constelations and every star in the infinite sky. She would get lost in those eyes, they'd take her away, to be the other half of the moon.

She invisioned them laying together, in eachother's arms, forever and for always. Her family, friends, would have to believe her when she was wisked away, dressed in the attire of the moon, much like him, only, hiding less, she giggled at this thought, but she wouldn't be afraid, for only he could see her, only he could touch her. And oh how his touch was be so soft in carressing her, she would melt in his arms. She would be his and his alone. It was a perfect truth, not fantasy, for the spirit of the moon had told her he was coming for her. Just before rising that day, she had a feeling, it was indescribable, but it pulled her to the outside, to gaze upon the rising of her beloved. Only, this feeling told her that soon, yes very soon, he was coming for her.


Without warning, Kagome walked out of the restaraunt where her date with Hojo was taking place. She strolled out onto the sidewalk and gazed up at the sky, guided home by her one true love.

He was coming for her.

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A/N: Hope you liked this, I put some emotion into this one so I hope it came out good. Reviews are welcome no matter what they are. Love u's guys and personal thanks to all those who have reviewed my other fics.