InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Gold Tinted Moon ❯ Mourning Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Gold Tinted Moon

**I don't own Inuyasha, if you sue me, all you'd get are my beanie babies. PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM FROM ME, THEY'RE ALL I HAVE!!!**

~Three asterisks (***)denotes a scene or POV change.


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Sunlight peeked through the blinds of Kagome's windows, beckoning all that were inside the room, or just plain under the sun, awake. Groaning and grunting, Kagome reluctantly awoke, cursing all that was morning in the process

Suddenly, she remembered all the happenings of last night. Curiosity to see this new arrival took over Kagome's every sense and she decided to have a peek at this new man. `Let's see, ,they said he was in the room next to mine, hopefully he's still asleep, man that would be embarrassing just walking in on him.' Kagome blushed slightly. As she poked her head in to look around the room, she hoped beyond hope that karma wouldn't catch up with her, and she took back all the curses she had placed on morning. Peaking in further, her heart leaped slightly when she saw a human-like lump in the bed, and it was still sleeping.

Walking over, Kagome saw that the blankets, or sheet rather, for all the blankets were strewn about the floor, took the very muscular form of the man lying in the bed. She saw his bare arms and top of his chest showing from outside the sheets cover. For a moment, as she looked his body over, Kagome wondered if this man was wearing underwear. `Wait, oh my. . .did I just. . .stupid puberty.' She was keen to blame her rapidly forming blush on the acceleration of hormones inside her, no matter the fact that the man lying in the bed had the body that any body-builder would die for.

Suddenly, something white caught her eye, Kagome inhaled sharply. Reaching up slowly, she grasped a handful of pure, white tresses. Kagome's mind didn't quite measure what she was now holding, `It feels just like hair...Could it be?' Her eyes weld up with tears, her moon was here, sleeping like an angel, a very beautiful, sexy one at that.

Kagome stood up with a glazed expression in her eyes, `Any minute now he's gonna wake up, those beautiful silver eyes staring into mine. He'll immediately fall in love and whisk me away to his world, where we'll live happily forever! Ah, a fairy tale romance.' A sigh of pure ecstacy escaped her lips.

A twitch of something on his head removed Kagome from her daydream and caught her omnipresent curiosity. "What the?!"

Atop the man's head, two small, pointed, dog-like ears were perched, twitching involuntarily at Kagome's breathing.

"Well, he did say something about being a hanyou, is this what they all look like? What do demons look like then? Well, I was never informed what he would officially look like, but...oh well, he's still gorgeous.!" Kagome's hands meandered up through his silken hair to his left ear, ever-so-slightly, she touched the tip.

She leapt slightly and let out a small, muffled scream as a hand gripped her arm and squeezed painfully, digging sharply into her arm with their nails. `He must not know it's me...' Kagome was instantly struck with fear, however, when she heard his cold voice speaking to her, "Don't EVER touch my ears woman!" Kagome tried desperately to free herself of his vice grip. Suddenly, she was caught in his cold stare, his eyes flared a rebellious and merciless golden color.

Momentarily, Kagome stopped moving, `Gold, but his eyes were supposed to be silver! He was supposed to be happy to see me, knowing what I looked like, and what's with the ears?? They look so dopey now that I look at them. And what's with this attitude???' "Everything's all wrong!!!"

Momentarily shocked, the man loosened his grip on Kagome, but no so much as she could get free. "What are you talking about?" For just a minute, them an stared into Kagome's deep, brown eyes. It was as if looking into her soul, he saw loneliness and disappointment over something. A longing, that's what he could see, she wished he were someone different, but yet, apart of her was quite taken with who he was. `Wow, wait just a minute...where is all this coming from?? Who is this girl? I may have an idea but I won't be able to tell just yet. But, in a way, I feel kinda upset that I'm not who she wants me to be. Yasha man, you're just plain ol' flat out goin insane' However long the feeling stayed, it was quickly disappeared when he came back to reality and looked at Kagome again.

Kagome was now fully angered, how dare he look like her love? And just to add insult to injury, he had to be a jerk, treating her like this. And now, he wouldn't even let her go since it was obvious he didn't want her anywhere near him...but what about that look in his eyes, he looked upset with something. `Something I did. Great, now I'm goin insane, love at first sight, no chance here hunny, he's just a player. I'm gonna make him pay for this as long as he stays here, soon as I know who he is.'

Simultaneously, both shouted their question to each other, "Who are you?"

Also, as if there was a mysterious synchronization deep within the both of them, they both answered, "Kagome, Inuyasha

Kagome glanced at him a second and tried to swiftly remove her hand from his grip, "Well, it's nice to have met you Mister, uh, Inuyaha. . ."

Finding herself still gripped by Inuyasha, she bent over as he sat up, "It's Inuyasha you stupid girl!"

Kagome leered, "And mine's Kagome, Ka-go-me, got it?" She tried desperately to ignore the sheet which had fallen off his chest as a result of him sitting up, revealing his naked, muscular, chizzled chest. "Why don't you just let go of me, you obviously don't want me here!" She couldn't pull away, "What are you some kinda sick, perverted freak??"


Souta walked down the hall grumbling. He couldn't believe he had just gotten to the last level of his game, NO ONE in his class had ever gotten that far! And then, the storm and the power outage wiping all the memory off his computer was just about enough to make him cry, but he wouldn't do that, not if he ever wanted to be able to live. "Stupid, gerrrr...*grumble*" "Huh? What's Kagome doin in that guys room?" Souta was now standing just outside Inuyasha's room.

"What are you some sick, perverted freak???" He heard his older sister screech to the man holding onto her arm.

`I'm old enough to know what that means!' grinning, Souta stepped into the doorway grinning.


Kagome gasped when she saw her little brother.

"Awe, you're in trouuuuuuuuuuble!"

Panicked, Kagome finally broke Inuyasha's hold and chased after her brother. Her father nevr was like most other dads and never approved of any man Kagome talked to, and this...she'd get jailed up in room with just bread and water for weeks!

Finally, she was able to catch up to Souta and restrain him by grabbing him around the waist and cupping her hand over his mouth, hoping he wouldn't get cute and bite her like he did so many times before. "If you tell mom and dad about this, then I'll tell them all about those hentai magazines you have underneath your bed!"

"Oh no, don't!" Souta looked up at Kagome with pleading, puppy-dog eyes. She almost felt bad about the whole situation, Souta was very good at that. Rather than have to look at his face, Kagome strolled down the hall, before realization struck him.

"Those aren't hentai magazines you baka, THEY'RE SPORTS MAGS!!!"

Kagome twirled around winking and blowing a kiss at him, "Oops, silly me." She ran down the rest of the hall and down the stairs and into the dining room.

Inuyasha merely sat in his room, completely lost with the whole situation that had just transpired, "This could be a long couple of weeks.