InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Good Kami! What Did I Do To Deserve This? ❯ Meet Miroku ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome went downstairs to eat breakfast. "Hi honey!" Her mom said, eternally way too
cheerful for the morning "Excited about going to school?" "yeah, excited, somthing like that...."
Kagome replied.

"Well good! I have a suprise for you! go look outside!" Kagome followed her
mom to the door and her. jaw. dropped.

In front of the house was the car from heaven. Ok. not the car from heaven, but somthing close!

It was a cute little italian sports car, four seats, and it was THE perfect color.

Or at least to Kagome, it was crome, hematite, you know, liquid silver. Kagome sqeauled
and hugged her mom."ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou
ThankyouThankyouThankyouT hankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!"

"wait a minute," Kagome looked up at her mom suspiciously "how much did this cost?"
"This looks like a custom job, I don't think cars even come in this color!" Her mom smiled.

"Do you really want to know?"


"Ok. well, go get your stuff, it's a long drive!"
Kagome ran upstairs. "thank youuuuuuuuuuu!"
******************************************************* ******************************************
A half hour later Kagome was on the road, driving as fast as she could so she'd be on time.

"Shisa!" She had ten minutes, and she was already going 90 MPH. and she was STILL going to be late!

She pulled off the freeway and pulled into the parking lot with three minutes to go.

"Kuso!" Kagome was not the most gracefull of people and almost sprained her ankle running
up the stairs. BAM! She crashed VERY hard into someone VERY hard. "watch where you're going wench!"

"Shit!" Kagome took off towards the office, ignoring the indignent cries of the white haired jerk who,
in fact, had crashed into her. Somehow, even though she'd never been there before, she found the office just
in time.

"Aw, you must be Miss. Higurashi, you're a little late!" Kagome bowed to the principle.
"I'm sorry, I bumped into someone on my way to your office!" The principle smiled

"Since it is your first day, I will excuse you. Now since you are late we will have to skip the
formal introduction or you will be late for class. Mr. Houshi!" A boy walked into the office,
he had short black hair with a little ponytail in the back, and dark purple eyes."you called?"

"Yes, this is Miss. Higurashi, I want you to show her around, and no funny business!" The boy feigned
a hurt look. "Why Mr. Principle, I have no clue what you mean!" The principle rolled his eyes and
gestured fo them to leave. Kagome followed the Houshi guy out the door.

"My name is Miroku, and you?"
"I'm Kagome, nice to meet you!"

Kagome shook hands with Miroku, but when he tried to grab her butt, she smacked him. HARD.
"Hey!, what are you trying to pull pervert?!?!" Kagome was very annoyed. She hadn't planned on
that happening!
Miroku sat up slowly, and tried to regain his composure. "Ah, I'm sorry, it's a bad habit of mine."
Kagome huffed and grumbled. "Hmmph. Houshi my ass."(a/n:Doesn't that sound kinda ironic?)

Miroku showed her down the hall, explaining who everyone was.
"Those are the popular girls, you can't get in with them unless "Daddy" is CEO of something,"
The girls he was refering to looked Kagome up and down with the same
nasty look on their faces.
Kagome rolled her eyes. "Spoiled preppy snotwads."

"Those are the nerds, I don't mean to be labeling but they are seriously geeky and creepy...."
"They'll probably grow up and slaughter everyone who called them nerds in highschool."
Miroku looked at Kagome. "She probably hates everyone, I hope she doesn't act cheeky with Hanyou." He thought.

"Er, right, those people are ok to hang out with, those are my friends."
Kagome smiled inwardly and thought "well they look ok, maybe this wont be so bad."
But outloud she just said "Yeah, sure......."
Miroku passed a group of people standing in the doorway of some dark room.
"That's Naraku's gang, we mostly just avoid them."

And then they passed a large group of people who all looked very very rich.
Miroku waved at the guy in the center who was the same guy who ran into Kagome that morning.
The white haired jerk waved back, and Miroku said "That's Inuyasha's gang, if there's one rule here,
it's don't mess with him if you want to last long. Really, it'd be best if you just try to stay out of his way."

Kagome eyed him with mild interest "Oh yeah, that jerk who ran into me this
Whatever. Look Miroku, as fascinating as all this is, I've seen all these
stereo-types before, and I'd rather you show me where my room is.

Miroku sighed "All right" Then he grinned "I believe you are rooming with the
stunning beauty Sango, who glistens like a jewel in a tar-pit."
Kagome groaned at his bad poetry "Ugh, if anyone ever said that about me,
I'd probably heave."
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I can't write anymore, it's trying on my poor nerves.
Soon Kagome will really meet Inuyasha, and then she'll
spend almost every waking moment of her life trying to destroy him.
and vicey versey.

Please reveiw, not until I have 5 reviews will I continue.