InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Goodbye: A miko's wish. ❯ One-Shot

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Goodbye: A miko's wish.

Disclaimer: Kikyou owns this story. And Kagome owns Inuyasha, and Miroku.. owns the concussion he recieved from just trying to Grope Sango. All in All, once again i'm left with nothing! >.< scept a bunch of Inu DVD's and the pancakes I made this morning.

Authors Notes:


my first ever..
and let me tell you, I don't even remember where this came from.

But be warned...

It's short, and annoying.

If you ask me anyways..

Let's see if you know who it is (I'm thinking you should half way through the story..)



Stepping up to the edge of the cliff I stared at the world below, and watched from afar, as lives and homes were rebuilt. Fighting back the saddness that threatened to drown my every being, I engraved this impression in my memory, every sight and sound. I was truly amazed that I was still standing here, granted with the chance to look out, and watch as a gentle breeze chases the Autumn leaves through the air to some place otherwise unknown. Through the terrible wars of this time, through the dangers and destruction, this world still kept a serenity that would never be known, unless you were blessed to experience it yourself.

The cool wind caressed my skin causing a chill to flutter through me and a cool stream of crystalline tears to trickle down my face at the very sensation.

Casting a melancholic smile I sighed absently and brushed a strand of raven hair, which had fallen quietly at my shoulder, away from it's spot. Fingers stalling momentarily at the crook in my neck I felt them move up to the necklace resting on my neck and I clutched the incandescent orb tightly in my hand momentarily as my mind carefully etched everything I saw in the back of my mind.

This was truly the last time I would be here, amongst these people, in my facade of life. Soon I would be returning to the place in which I belonged, after so very long.

A fierce battle had been won not a week ago, yet even in the victory, something in this was bittersweet. The ruthless and shameless Naraku had been destroyed, he was gone, and seemed as if a pronounced emptiness hung in the air still to this day.

The fight had been terrible, the energy it took, the blood that had been shed and the hellish memories still seemed to haunt every person involved, even me...Four people had lost their lives, four very close people had fallen to the hands of Onigumo, ripped prematurely from a world that still seemed to need them. This was the feeling that permeated my senses, and made me wonder what sense of humor the gods were looking down upon us were feeling at the moment.

In the end, it had taken the every efforts of one very distraught person, his flesh and blood, and the very person he loathed to finally rid the earth of the vile demon disgracing this planet. But in the end, this victory, it seems, is as empty as my heart at the moment.

When I watched Inuyasha cradle that girl in his arms, watched the emotions play through his face as his brother stood watching him, and his remaining friends stood back silently...when I heard the agonizing scream that tore from his throat and echoed in the icy darkness, the tears that stained his bloodied face, I knew that, that there was nothing I could be to him, that would be as meaningful as I had hoped.

He loved her so much, this much was evident, and even in death his heart would still belong to her. There would never be room for competition, nor would I any longer hope to try. This conclusion had been reached as I saw her cast the last purifying arrow that saved his life, before losing her own in sacrifice.


There had once been a time when I would have wanted and tried to take you with me, I suppose, deep down I still considered it, but I know that it shall never happen, I have resigned myself to this fact. You are alive, and though you may not know it just yet, you have a life ahead of you, and something that you will inevidably be able to count on. This is something I could never wish or be able to provide to you...

This, dear Inuyasha, is where you belong, and no matter how hard I try to deny it, and am loathed to admit it, this is the truth, and I shall surrender what I once tried to take. I shall release you.

As soon as the completed shikon no tama was placed in my hands, I knew that my goal had changed, and I knew what I must do.

And now, it is with this last breath that I take, I make the wish that will, I hope, set everything back to the way it should truly be.

"Blessed Sacred Jewel, there is something wrong today that I pray can be erased, too much heartache, pain and loneliness, feelings I never thought I could recognize. My wish, my prayer for your use is to set everything straight, to give life to those that did not deserve the death they recieved, and for one heart broken hanyou to have the one he loves back in his arms, alive for all of eternity. Grant me this wish, oh sacred jewel of the four souls, one priestess who no longer belongs.

It is with this wish, that I offer my life, my powers, to you. Grant my wish...

Inuyasha. For you. I give you everything you tried to give me once. I give you a chance to live again.

Make good use of it, I will be watching, as I always have been..."

I smiled peacefully as the warmth of the jewel encircled me, graced me with it's fluidity and life. The shockwave of energy and light gave me the last push I needed to take the final step off the edge and into oblivian, back to where I belonged, to where I had once been. With this I knew, the feeling of peace that washed over me, that everything would be all right in the end.

With every ability that has been granted to me, in the short time I was with you in this life time, to smile, to love, to hate... I say to you only this.

Good bye Inuyasha...


My one shots suck.

Don't they?

*sweatdrops and fwaps kat for ever inspiring her to write this* it's horrible, I just know it. But if you made it this far you must not have been THAT uninterested, either that.. or you've got a strange interest in Authors notes: In which case.. well okay then.

Either way, take care!

I actually have another one shot I wrote, but.. i have to edit it first before I can put it up.
So yup.

*bows and walks out*

Ja ne!