InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Graduation ❯ Graduation ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Edited 02/03/08: I went back and edited this a bit. It had a couple simple spelling mistakes that desperately needed to be taken care of. So here yeh go. I also have a picture that I'm working on for this story, so keep an eye out for it!
Disclaimer: Don't own any of the Inuyasha characters. Though, I'd love it if I did!
“What's a `grad-jew-ay-shion?'” the half-dog-demon asked, clearly perplexed.
“A graduation is the ceremony that the school gives the seniors where they give them this piece of paper that shows they've completed high school and allows the student to move on to higher education,” Kagome explained. Inuyasha cocked his head to the side, even more confused. She sighed and said simply, “It represents the end of school for me.” Inuyasha brightened up at that.
“Your `skool' ends? That means you can spend more time here where you belong,” he said excitedly. Kagome smiled. Their relationship in the past three years had deepened. A year ago, Naraku had been defeated and his chunk of the jewel was recovered.
Inuyasha had become more open and friendly when it was just the two of them. Probably because the weight of Naraku was off of his shoulders. “Kagome?”
Inuyasha's voice broke her out of the thoughts. “Yeah, so I need to go back for the day. You're welcome to come with me, if you want,” she offered, knowing he'd never be able to say no.
“Keh, if I left you alone, wench, who knows what sort of trouble you'd get into,” he scoffed, picking her and her bag up before jumping down the well.
The blue light surrounded them, transporting them forward five hundred years into the future, where the young priestess's family lived. They landed in the bottom of the well again, and looked up, only to be greeted with the wooden ceiling of the well house. Never having let go of Kagome's waist, Inuyasha jumped out of the well and up the stairs to the door.
He set her down and she pushed the door open. The bright noon sun flooded the small well house, momentarily blinding the teenage girl.
She felt a grip on her hand lead her out of the well house doors and down the stairs. Her eyes adjusted to the bright light and she opened them to smile gratefully at her half-dog-demon companion. He smiled back and didn't let go of her hand as they made their way to the house.
“Oh, Kagome, dear, your dress is up stairs along with your gown and cap, go and get ready, we need to leave in an hour!” Keiko Higurashi said once they'd stepped inside. She was bustling around the house, cleaning and making sure that everything for the party after the commencement was in place.
“And, Inuyasha,” she continued, startling the half-demon, for he had no idea that she knew that he was even there, “go up to Souta's room. He's already in there getting ready and will be able to help you get ready as well.”
The two teenagers looked at each other, shrugged, and made their way upstairs. Kagome made a b-line for the bathroom to take a quick shower. Inuyasha made his way to Souta's bedroom and pushed open the door. The thirteen-year-old was standing in front of a mirror on the door to his closet adjusting his tie.
“Mama anticipated you coming with us, so she pulled out one of Dad's old suits for you to wear,” the boy said as he smiled in sympathy at his idol, who was eyeing the clothes on the bed with disdain.
“How did she knew I was gunna wanna come?” Inuyasha asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms in front of him, tucking them into his sleeves.
“It's a mom thing, I guess. I'll never understand her…” he muttered.
While Souta was helping Inuyasha into the dreaded outfit, Kagome was contemplating what would happen after her graduation.
I don't think I'll be going to college, at least not right now. We still need to find the rest of the jewel shards…and the Feudal Era is more my home than this time anyway. I'll probably end up staying there and helping Keade around the village. Inuyasha's always trying to get me to stay there permanently. I wonder how he'd react if he knew I called it home? she thought as she wrapped a towel around herself and made her way to her room.
She dropped the towel then slipped on her undergarments, a black, lacy matching set, and then pulled the form fitting black dress on. It was sleeveless and had a low cut neckline that showed off a bit of her cleavage. She blew dry her hair and pulled it back into a neat bun, leaving some strands down to frame her face.
She applied a little bit of make-up to enhance her natural beauty. After pulling on her black strappy heels, she then pulled on her black gown and walked out of her room, cap in hand and descended the stairs.
“Oh, Kagome, honey, you look wonderful!” her mother told her once she saw her. Kagome smiled and came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. Her mother moved her, though, and placed her next to a smartly dressed Inuyasha. She fiddled with the digital camera in her hands, getting it ready to take pictures.
When Kagome had seen Inuyasha, she'd had a hard time fighting the urge to jump him. He looked (in her opinion) delicious in his black slacks and white dress shirt. The shirt's two top buttons were left undone, allowing the subduing necklace to peek through. While she was admiring her three-year-long companion, her mother and brother were trying to figure out the camera (“I told you Mama, just give it to me and let me figure it out!”).
I should really take the necklace off, Kagome thought as she looked at it. His hair had been pulled back into a pony tail at the nape of his neck and a black bandana was tied around his head to hide his ears.
As she stood next to (her) half demon, silently thinking and trying not to blush as she thought of his outfit, she felt a weight settle on her hip. She looked down to see a clawed hand resting against the cloth of her graduation gown.
She blushed across the bridge of her nose and smiled shyly up at her companion. He returned the gesture and pulled her closer to his side, molding her against him. Her mother had finally figured out the camera, ignoring the grumblings of a disgruntled Souta (“I so coulda figured it out five times faster than you Mama!”), and had started taking several pictures, rearranging them into different poses, setting Souta next to her (“Come on, arm around her waist Souta, and Kagome, your arm over his shoulders! Now!! Come on, we don't have much time! Show some sibling compassion!”). She also had her take pictures with her grandfather, and then (“Finally,”) gave the camera over to Souta, who took pictures of the mother and daughter.
Once her mother was done taking pictures, she hurried everyone out to the car. They quickly made their way to the school and from there, the gym. When it was time for Kagome to join her classmates, she reassured the half demon that everything was alright and that she would see him soon. She knew that he was nervous about being in such a big crowd without the Tetsusaiga, even though he would adamantly deny it (“KEH!”).
He let her go, albeit reluctantly, and followed after her family as they made their way up the stands. He watched as more and more of the seats were filled with more and more people. The smells were wreaking havoc with his nose and he had to fight the urge to cover his nose and sneeze.
He noted the rows upon rows of seats positioned in front of a stage that had another row of seats along the back and a podium in the front situated upon it. He fidgeted in his seat, the noise getting to him.
As more and more people filed in, the noise rose exponentially. His ears plastered against his head under the bandana.
He suddenly wanted, very badly, for Kagome to sooth them with her magic fingers. He quickly dismissed the thought with a violent shake of his head, earning him looks from the Higurashi family.
The noise started to die down as people, dressed in the same black gown as he'd seen Kagome in and the black square caps, started walking in and filling the rows of seats in front of the stage. He had trouble locating Kagome, too many people with too many smells. He finally did catch her scent, the calming scent of white cherry blossoms. She was situated towards the back of the rows of seats, chatting quietly with her neighbor.
Once all of the teens were seated, some `old farts' took over the podium and gave speeches and congratulations to the graduating class. But Inuyasha paid no heed to them, only having eyes, ears, and nose for Kagome. Her scent had a mixture of nervousness and excitement, as did most of the other students.
The students were then called up to the stage by their name, one at a time, to receive a piece of paper that he'd remembered Kagome telling him about. There was clapping and cheers for each student as they went up and then made their way back to their seats.
Inuyasha was getting really bored, really fast, as Souta also seemed to be. He felt as if he was going to go stir crazy just sitting there. He felt utterly naked without his Tetsusaiga. He finally heard Kagome's name called and watched as she made her way up to the stage and received her ever-so-important paper. Her mother, brother, and grandfather all cheered as she went up to the stage and got the paper. She bowed to the people in the chairs then turned back to return to her seat, smiling brightly. Inuyasha clapped and let out a howl. She looked up in his direction and her smile grew wider. Her classmates and the people around him jumped at the howl and looked at him (“Did he just howl?”).
It didn't take long for the rest of the students to get their paper. Everyone filed out of the big room, searching for their graduate. Inuyasha led the Higurashis through the crowd directly to Kagome.
She smiled brilliantly at him and jumped him, wrapping her arms around his neck and laughing, chanting over and over `I did it!' He blushed at the closeness and smiled, returning the hug.
Before she realized what she was doing, she leaned up and kissed him on the lips. His eyes widened and he blushed. When Kagome realized what she had done, she gasped and her eyes shot open as she started to pull away. Inuyasha didn't let her get very far, though, before he growled, closed his eyes, and pulled her back, crushing his lips to hers.
Her eyes grew even more wide and she gasped again. Inuyasha took that chance to deepen the kiss and tightened his hold on her waist. Kagome relaxed into the kiss and closed her eyes.
Everything melted away, and all that mattered was him and how he was making her feel. Her family stood by with varying degrees of shock and excitement (“I told you! You owe me twenty-five hundred yen, Grandpa!” “I'm finally getting grandbabies!”). Kagome clung to his neck, pressing herself tightly against him. They were deaf to the catcalls and whistles that rang out from the crowd around them.
They broke away and, suddenly, everything came rushing back to them. They blushed at the whistles, howls, and comments flowing from the crowd around them.
They looked to her family, Mama with a knowing smile on her face, Souta an excited grin that said `I'm twenty-five hundred yen richer!' and Grandpa an expression of feigned indifference, trying to hold back his own happiness.
Inuyasha and Kagome gave them sheepish smiles and stepped away from each other, though, Inuyasha kept a hand on her waist. They made their way through the crowd and to the parking lot. They drove quietly back to the shrine and finished getting ready for the party they were going to hold. Kagome went up to her room, followed closely by Inuyasha, who never relinquished his hold on her waist. She closed the door to her room behind them and took off the stifling graduation gown, revealing her black dress.
Inuyasha looked her up and down, appreciating her appearance. The column of her throat stood out and called out to him. He sauntered towards her and backed her up against her desk. He placed his hands on either side of her on the edge of the desk. He ran his nose up and down her neck reveling in the spicy spike in her scent.
“You should wear your hair up more often, Ka-go-me,” he growled, the way he said her name making her shiver.
“And, why's that?” she asked breathlessly.
“I like being able to see your neck,” he said, licking the pulse point under the corner of her jaw. She took a shuddering breath and brought her hands up to his neck, massaging the nape of it, and taking his hair out of the ponytail holder. She ran her hands through his silky tresses, trying to calm her breathing.
“G-guests will…be a-arriving…soon,” she murmured as he dragged his tongue down the column of her throat.
“So?” he asked, nibbling lightly on her collarbone.
“I n-neeeed…to…at le-least…greet them. Th-they are…my friends…after all…” she moaned as he pressed up against her.
Inuyasha sighed and pulled away from her, but not before running his claws along her arms. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and leaned down to whisper into her ear, “I've waited three years to claim you as mine…and I'm not going to wait any longer.” He leaned away and smirked down at her flushed and shocked face, before turning and leaving her room.
Kagome stood there for a minute, leaning against her desk, her heart pounding, and mind cloudy. “Damn him,” she muttered without really meaning it as her head cleared. She heard his barked laughter from downstairs and glowered at her door. She marched out of her room and down the stairs to see Inuyasha lounging sideways on the couch, having already removed his socks and shoes, his bare feet resting on the armrest. She glared at him and received a smirk and an eyebrow raise in return (“I can smell you, bitch,”). She blushed and stomped into the kitchen. There, she helped her mother prepare snacks and such for the party.
There was a knock at the door, accompanied by several loud voices. Soon, the house and yard were filled with people; relatives and friends enjoying the pleasant afternoon.
Inuyasha sat in the God Tree on the branch by Kagome's window, looking out over the party. He watched over Kagome as she chatted away with people, making sure that she stayed safe.
The smell of herbs and spices hit his nose and he looked around for the source, growling at the thought that that weakling was there.
He spotted the weak, human boy as he made his way towards Kagome, who was making her way to him, oblivious of her pursuer. When she'd made her way to stand under his branch, the weak, puny, human boy (“Was it Homo? Is that what she called him? Or was it Hobo? Hoho? Oh well,”) caught up with her.
Kagome was walking over to chat with Inuyasha, as talking with her `future friends' made her realize how different she had become, how immature they still were. Talking with Inuyasha was much more rewarding and she hoped (in the back of her mind) that he would help her escape and make good of his promise from earlier. Just as she was about to call out to her love of three years, she heard someone call out to her. She turned to see Hojo jogging towards her.
“Oh, Hojo, I didn't realize that you'd be here,” Kagome said, shocked and slightly angered. She knew that her `future friends' had invited him, in hopes that she would go on a date with him. She thought that after three years of missed `dates,' evasive answers, and quick excuses they'd all finally get the hint.
Hojo, so that's his name, Inuyasha thought, catching her annoyed and angered scent. She flicked her gaze up towards him for a moment before looking back towards Hojo, silently asking him to intervene.
“Hello, Kagome, how are you feeling today?” the boy asked, blushing slightly and scratching the back of his neck.
“I'm fine, Hojo, how are you?” she replied stiffly.
Inuyasha smirked. His bitch didn't like the weak, human boy. He growled darkly as he smelled the attraction the boy felt for (his) Kagome.
“I'm fine, but I wanted to ask you a question,” the human boy answered, his blush more prominent on his cheeks. Kagome nodded, indicating that he should ask. “I was just wondering if you were doing anything later today.”
Before she could answer with a `yes I am busy' her three `future friends' took it upon themselves to answer for her.
“No, she isn't!”
“She's completely free!”
“She'd love to go on a date with you!”
Kagome stood in shock, staring incredulously at her `future friends.' “What are you three?!” she yelled indignantly. “My calendar?! Do you run my life now?! After three years I'd think that maybe you'd finally get the fact that I don't want to go out with Hojo! And you!” She rounded on a shaking Hojo, much to Inuyasha's glee (“Haha, take that weak human!”). “Grow a back bone! Stop being completely naïve! The world will not stand for it like high school does! And my answer is yes! I am busy tonight, thank you very much!”
Inuyasha was close to guffawing. He had just been about to start cracking head when she'd burst. He jumped down from his branch, startling the boy and three girls Kagome was yelling at. “She'll be with me tonight, and will be busy every single night if I have any say about it,” he said, stepping closer to Kagome and wrapping an arm around her waist. Kagome blushed and elbowed him, causing him to chuckle lightly.
He led her away from her confused and slightly frightened `future friends.' He felt her sigh and lean into him as they made their way to the house. He squeezed her slightly before leading her up towards her room. He sat her down on her bed and kneeled in front of her.
“Don't listen to them, Kagome, they're just naïve and completely stupid,” he told her in a soft tone.
She sighed again and nodded. “I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I mean, it's been three years, you'd think they'd get a clue!” she said, exasperated.
“You scared them pretty good! I don't think I'll be able to forget the look of terror on Homo's face,” Inuyasha chuckled. Kagome giggled.
“I can't believe he was going to ask me out again!” she chuckled.
Inuyasha growled, “Boy needs to learn his place! You're mine!”
“Yours?” she asked, raising a brow.
“Mine!” Inuyasha growled, leaning into her neck and nipping it lightly with his teeth. “Will you be my mate?” he asked, licking where he'd just bitten her.
“Yes!” Kagome replied happily, tackling him to the floor and smothering him in kisses. He held her around the waist and laughed. He finally caught her lips in a passionate kiss.
“You'll be mien forever, Kagome. Your soul will bond with mine, causing you to gain some of my strength and healing ability. You'll also age like me and will probably live for a good couple of centuries. Are you sure?” he asked, wanting her to know exactly what she was getting into.
“About as sure as Hojo is naïve,” she replied, sitting up on his stomach. Inuyasha chuckled and pulled her back down to place a gentle kiss on her lips. He flipped their positions and moved his mouth from her lips to her jaw and neck. She moaned and moved her hands around the panels of his back, feeling his muscles shift under them. She moved them up to his head and pulled the bandana away, freeing his ears. She threw it across her room, not caring where it landed, and started massaging his ears. He groaned and buried his nose in the juncture between her neck and shoulder.
“You will be mine tonight,” he growled, pushing her dress up slightly. Kagome could only shiver in anticipation.

The next morning found the young lovers getting ready to head back through the well. Kagome hugged her mother and said her goodbyes. Once Souta and her father-in-law were out of the room, Keiko Higurashi rounded on her daughter and her daughter's companion.
“I want to know that by the next time that I see you two, I have grandchildren on the way,” she smiled at the shocked and blushing teens. She laughed as she made her way in the direction that her father-in-law and son went.
“Did she just say…what I think she said?” Inuyasha questioned, his face as red as his fire rat shirt.
“Yeah,” Kagome answered her mind a little cloudy and her face just as red.
“How'd she know?” he asked, more to himself and the room, than to his mate.
“Were we loud?” she inquired.
“I can't remember…”
“I think it might just be a mom thing…” Inuyasha nodded in agreement. He looked towards his mate and smirked.
“Well, we can't disappoint her, now can we?” he asked, growling lightly.
“Idiot,” Kagome admonished, hitting him in the shoulder lightly, chuckling none-the-less, as she made her way towards the well house. Inuyasha followed after her, chuckling lightly as well. They entered the well house and looked towards the well; it was the door to the past, but also the door to their future.

Please don't ream me out about how this isn't how Japanese graduations are. I based it more on an American graduation, and honestly don't know if there's even a difference. Please read and review! And don't flame, it's not nice and you'll just get an angry note back.