InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Graduation ❯ The Doctor's Office ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's the fourth chapter! I hope that you enjoy reading it! Oh, and leave a review voting on whether or not you want the pup to be a boy or girl, `kay?
I still don't own `em!
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“Kagome Higurashi?” a nurse called into the quiet and mostly empty waiting room. Kagome smiled and stood up from the couch that she was currently seated on, took her mate's hand and followed the nurse through the door and to a patient room. “The doctor will be right with you,” the nurse said before placing the clipboard that she'd been carrying into the holder on the door and closed it.
“This place smells like crap,” Inuyasha mumbled and then proceeded to sneeze.
“It does smell pretty bad, doesn't it?” Kagome asked, sympathizing with her half-demon mate as his sense of smell was much stronger than her own. “Don't worry; we'll be out of here soon.” Inuyasha responded with a `keh' and plopped down in one of the chairs that was opposite of a very strange bed thing. Kagome sat down next to him and took his hand into hers, interlacing their fingers just as the door opened.
In stepped a middle aged woman with dark brown hair in a bob cut and kind brown eyes. “Hello Kagome,” she greeted, smiling and looking down at the clipboard in her hand, “I'm Dr. Nishigaki. I see that you're in here for your first check up and that you're about two weeks along into your pregnancy.”
“That's correct,” Kagome told her.
“And you're the father, I presume?” Dr. Nishigaki addressed Inuyasha.
“Keh, of course!” Inuyasha scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Well, you must be very excited then,” the doctor smiled. “Let's start off with some questions, alright?” At Kagome's nod she continued. “Have there been any heart problems in your family? Any forms of uterine cancer? Any hysterectomies1?” Kagome shook her head no to all of the questions. “Well that's good. What's your diet like?”
“It's pretty good, this guy and my mother make sure of that,” Kagome giggled and squeezed her mate's hand.
“Keh! Like I'd let you poison our pup with all that crap you normally eat!” Inuyasha growled, rolling his eyes skyward.
“Well that's good then,” the nurse chuckled. “You'll need to make sure that you eat plenty of proteins and minerals and balance your diet. I'll give you the names of some good prenatal vitamins that you can pick up at the apothecary before you go home.” Dr. Nishigaki took out a small blank piece of paper and quickly scribbled down a couple names onto it.
“Are all of these vitamins? Or do some cover minerals as well?” Kagome asked as she took the paper from the doctor and scanned the names of the pills.
“These two cover vitamins only and these two have some minerals in them as well, such as iron,” the doctor explained.
“Okay, thank you,” Kagome said sincerely.
“I'll schedule you for another visit in a month on June 24th, say, at three?” the doctor asked, taking out a small schedule book from her coat pocket and flipping through the pages.
“That sounds great, we'll be here,” Kagome smiled.
The doctor stood and smiled as well, holding her hand out to Kagome. “If you feel concerned about anything at all, don't hesitate to call the front desk. Just ask for me, tell them your name and I'll be sure to answer any and all questions that you may have,” she told the young priestess.
Kagome smiled and shook the woman's proffered hand. “Thank you so much!” she said as she shook the doctor's hand. “This is Inuyasha, my fiancé.”
“It's nice to meet you, sir,” the doctor smiled, shaking the half-demon's hand. “Feel free to call me as well if you're concerned about Kagome or your baby.”
Inuyasha nodded and surprised his mate when he thanked the doctor sincerely.
Kagome smiled and walked with her mate out of the doctor's office and to the closest bus stop. “I like Dr. Nishigaki, she seems nice.” Inuyasha grunted in agreement, secretly happy with how helpful the doctor was.
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Kagome and Inuyasha were back at the doctor's office for her twelfth week check up, her last week in her first trimester. She was scheduled for her first ultrasound and she couldn't be more excited, while her mate couldn't be more confused.
Over the past couple of weeks, they had made a couple calls to Dr. Nishigaki. Inuyasha had even made one of his own when he'd been concerned over the heartbeat of his mate; it had risen to an abnormal rate and wasn't decreasing. He'd called the doctor in a panic, hiding it with impatience and anger, but was placated when she had told him that it was completely normal for pregnant women to have a faster heart rate, as they produced more blood and the heart had to pump more to distribute it.
Kagome, on an earlier visit to the doctor's office, had brought up the concern that her stomach was still flat and she wasn't showing.
Dr. Nishigaki had chuckled and told her that that was normal as well, especially for first time mothers and women as fit and healthy as she was. She assured her that once her body was used to the idea of being pregnant and the baby started to grow more, she would show and be able to feel it more easily.
The two walked into the office, greeting the nurses that they'd come to recognize from their previous visits and made their way to the waiting room. They sat in their usual spot on the couch, but didn't' have to wait long before they were called back. They were led to a different room this time. A big machine with a blank screen on the front above a keyboard sat next to a reclining bed.
Kagome moved to lie on the bed and Inuyasha sat on the chair that was placed next to the bed. The female technician soon entered along with Dr. Nishigaki.
“You're looking well today, Kagome,” the doctor commented as the technician moved around the bed to sit on a stool next to the machine.
“Thank you. Inuyasha and Mama have been watching everything that I eat,” she giggled.
“If we didn't, you certainly wouldn't, wench,” Inuyasha growled playfully as he took her hand in his and interlaced their fingers.
The doctor laughed, thoroughly enjoying the couple's easy banter. “Could you lift up your shirt and pull your skirt down a bit?” the technician asked as she popped open the cap on the gel bottle.
“WHAT?!” Inuyasha roared, appalled at the question.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome soothed, squeezing the hand that she was holding, “its fine. They need to have direct contact with my skin in order to see the pup. And besides, they're both women, so what's the problem?”
Inuyasha sighed and relaxed his tense muscles, returning the squeeze to her hand. Kagome smiled and pulled her shirt up to rest a bit over her belly button before scooting her skirt down to rest where it still preserved her modesty, but showed enough of her stomach for the procedure. The technician squirted the cold goo onto her stomach and then placed the scanner on top of the gel before moving it around. The screen blinked to life on the machine and showed a black and fuzzy pie piece shaped image.
“And…” the technician said, drawing out the word as she moved the scanner over Kagome's stomach, “there it is!” She stopped when the screen showed a lighter blob surrounded by black fuzziness.
Kagome gasped. “Can you tell what the gender is?” she whispered, looking at what could only be her pup's little head.
“No, it's too soon to find out,” the technician answered. “We can usually tell between sixteen and twenty weeks, so make another appointment sometime between there.”
Inuyasha gaped at the picture on the screen. He could clearly see his pup's head and arm. It was incredible the technology that his mate's time held. Sure he could smell the pup, but to be able to see it so soon was incredible.
“What's this?” the technician murmured, squinting at the picture.
“What's wrong? Is there something wrong?” Kagome asked worriedly. Was there something wrong with her pup? She held on tightly to Inuyasha's hand as she continued to look at the screen.
The Technician moved the scanner around to a different side on Kagome's stomach to view a different part of the pup's head. “There seems to be some extra skin on the child's head.”
Kagome blinked and released a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She turned to her mate and smiled. The extra skin could only be one thing: puppy ears. She could clearly see the forming ears on the pup's head. Containing a squeal of joy, she smiled brilliantly and couldn't wait to show her mother the pictures.
“That's easy enough to take care of it they don't disappear between now and the delivery,” Dr. Nishigaki said as she studied the screen.
Inuyasha let out a quiet growl, but stopped when Kagome squeezed his hand. “That's alright, but I'm not going to be delivering here,” Kagome told the doctor.
Dr. Nishigaki raised her eyebrows as she looked back at the young soon-to-be mother and asked in a shocked voice, “You're not?”
“No, I'm going to go all natural and besides, we'll be moving away before my delivery date,” Kagome told her.
“You're serious?” Both technician and doctor looked shocked now. “That's very dangerous. Are you sure?”
“I'm sure. We've got a very practiced midwife and I won't be totally without medicine.”
The doctor let out a breath and said, “Alright, don't' say I didn't warn you.”
“Kagome's strong,” Inuyasha said. “If anyone can do it, she can.” Kagome smiled at her mate, happy that he thought of her as strong.
“Okay, well, I'll get some pictures and print them so that you can take them home,” the technician said, snapping a couple of pictures with the machine and then taking the scanner off of Kagome's stomach before handing her a towel. Kagome used the towel to wipe the goo off, pushed her shirt down, and then pulled her skirt back up to its rightful place.
Inuyasha helped her off of the bed and to right her clothes when she stood. “If you'd just wait out in the waiting room for a couple of minutes I'll be right out with the pictures,” the technician said as she cleaned off the scanner.
“And I'll see you guys in another couple of weeks,” Dr. Nishigaki said smiling as she led them back to the waiting room.
“We'll be here,” Kagome smiled. The doctor left to get back to her other patients as Kagome and Inuyasha sat down on a couch to wait for the technician to come out with the pictures.
She came out fairly quickly and handed them the pictures. She wished them luck, smiled, and then went back to her job. Kagome smiled and left the office with her mate. On the bus on their way back to the shrine, they were surrounded by women of all ages as word got around the public transportation vehicle that she had ultrasound pictures. There was a lot of cooing and gushing over the pictures. Inuyasha grumbled as it was too crowded and he kept getting thumped on the back by the men that had followed their females to the pictures.
Finally their stop came and the half dog demon breathed a sigh of relief when he got away from the crowd. Kagome wrapped an arm around his waist and squeezed him, sending a smile his way. He smiled back and returned her one armed hug before he led her to eh many, many steps that led up to the shrine.
They reached the top and made their way to the house, where they took their shoes off and walked to the kitchen, sure that Mama Higurashi would be there.
“We're home, Mama,” Kagome said as she entered the kitchen to find her mother in front of the stove cooking dinner.
“Oh, you're back!” Mama Higurashi cheered as she set her spoon aside and rushed over to her daughter and son-in-law. “Did you get the pictures?”
Kagome smiled and handed her mother the pictures. Mama Higurashi squealed and grabbed them. She gasped when she saw the picture of the pup's head. “Are these…?”
“Puppy ears!” Kagome answered in a squeal.
Mother and daughter both squealed, causing Inuyasha to flatten his ears, but to grin nonetheless in pure male pride. Both his mate and his mate's mother were excited about the prospect of the pup having his ears and he couldn't ask for anything more.
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1: A hysterectomy is where the uterus is removed through surgery, either from cancer, cysts, or any other medical reason.
Hmkai, there's the fourth chapter! I hoped that you liked it! No, I've never been pregnant, but I have had an ultrasound before because my periods were abnormally long and they thought that I might have had cysts. Turns out I didn't. Woo!
And remember to vote on whether or not you want the pup to be a boy or a girl!
Anyway, read and review please!