InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Graduation ❯ The Reprieve ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hmkai, well, yes, this is the fifth chapter (again), no you are not insane. I am. I noticed some inconsistencies between the first chapter and this one so I had to go and redo the end of this. 'Cause apparently, I had already killed off Naraku.
And no one bothered to point this out to me. Wow, what wonderful reviewers. Anyway, if you don't reread the end of this, you will be very confused when I get the sixth chapter up.
Don't own Inuyasha
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Chapter 5
Inuyasha hopped himself and his mate out of the ancient well and into Feudal Japan. He set his mate down onto her own feet from where she was bridal style in his arms and then adjusted the strap of the big yellow pack on his back.
“I can't wait to show Sango the ultra sound pictures!” Kagome squealed as she took Inuyasha's hand and started off towards the village. They were about to enter the path when they both stopped and a shiver ran up and down their spines. Kagome looked up and saw two soul stealers floating about in the direction of the God Tree. She looked up at her mate questioningly. “Are you going to go see her?”
“I probably should,” Inuyasha sighed and looked down at the ground, squeezing her hand. “It has been a while.” He looked up at his mate and smiled. “But you're going to come with me.” Kagome looked startled, but didn't argue and followed loyally when he started to tug her towards the ancient tree.
They soon came upon it and saw the older priestess sitting at the base of the tree among the many gnarled roots. She didn't acknowledge the two as she continued a silent conversation with a soul stealer. When it flew off, only then did Kikyou finally look up at the half-demon and his mate.
“Inuyasha, Kagome,” she greeted, standing from her seated position.
“Kikyou,” Inuyasha said with a nod of his head. “Are you well?”
“Yes, relatively speaking,” Kikyou commented, looking between the two. “You two have mated.”
Inuyasha looked at his mate beside him before looking back up at Kikyou. “Yes, we have,” he confirmed quietly.
“And you are happy?” she inquired curiously.
“Yes,” Inuyasha answered strongly.
“Good,” Kikyou nodded. “I wish for your happiness.” She turned her soft gaze on Kagome.
“You are also with child.”
Kagome smiled and placed a hand on top of her stomach. “I am,” she corroborated with a smile. She let go of her mate's hand and walked towards the older priestess. “We don't know what the gender is yet, but if it is a girl, may we name it after you?” Kagome asked on a whim.
Kikyou's eyes widened and Kagome heard a small gasp from her mate behind her. Kikyou's expression softened and she smiled slightly. “I would be honored.”
Kagome closed the rest of the distance between them and hugged the undead priestess. “Thank you,” she whispered.
Kikyou stiffened slightly at the contact before relaxing and returning the gesture. “Take care of him for me?” she asked the younger girl.
“Of course,” Kagome replied.
“Thank you.” That was the last things that she said before she disintegrated, the souls held within her body flying free. The part of Kagome's soul that she held returned to her, filling her with a new warmth. Kagome stood looking down at the ground where Kikyou's priestess robes lay. She looked up at her mate when she felt his clawed hand on her shoulder. She smiled sadly at him before kneeling down, collecting and folding the robes. Hugging them to her chest, she allowed Inuyasha to lead her back to the village by a hand on her waist.
They first stopped by their home to drop off the yellow bag and collect Shippou before continuing to Kaede's hut. They entered and were immediately greeted by a loud smacking sound. Inuyasha rolled his eyes when he saw the blushing face of Sango and the red handprint on Miroku's face.
“We're back,” Kagome said as she sat down opposite the monk and slayer at the fire pit.
“Welcome back,” Miroku greeted. He opened his mouth to say more, but stopped when he saw the robes clutched to Kagome's chest. “Are those…?”
“Yeah,” Kagome admitted quietly, looking down at the red and white robes before presenting them to Kaede. “Your sister's robes.”
“Yeh keep them, child. It is just a relief to this old woman that my sister Kikyou is finally resting in peace,” Kaede said.
There was a moment of silence before Sango broke it by asking, “Kagome, you said that you would have pictures from your ultra sound to show us?”
Kagome instantly brightened and nodded vigorously. “Yeah! Its so cute and it'll even have Inuyasha's ears!” she squealed.
“Really?! You could see that?” Sango asked just as equally excited.
“Yeah, the pictures are in my bag back home,” Kagome cheered, standing.
“Well then, let us travel there,” Miroku said, standing as well.
“Yeh all go on without me, I have some things to take care of in the village,” Kaede told the young people.
Kagome and Inuyasha led Miroku and Sango through the forest and to their home. Shippou jumped off of Inuyasha's shoulder and Kirara off of Sango's as they entered the home. Kagome made a B-line for the yellow pack and quickly rummaged through it for the ultra sound pictures.
“Ah ha!” she yelled in triumph when she located them. She sat on the floor next to Inuyasha at their small table and handed the pictures to Sango.
Sango gasped. “Look at that! You can see the head and there's the hand!” she squealed. Miroku leaned towards her and Shippou crawled into her lap to look at the pictures.
“These are truly extraordinary, Kagome,” Miroku told her. “Your time's technology is truly an amazing sight to behold.”
“And you can see the start of the puppy ears on the other picture,” Kagome pointed out.
Sango quickly flipped to the picture mentioned and let out a gasp. “Oh wow, you can,” she whispered. She looked up at her friend and asked. “When are you due?”
“In the middle of February,” Kagome answered.
“Ah, in the thick of winter, eh?” Miroku asked, remembering what Kagome had taught them of the calendar system in her time.
“Maybe even on Valentine's day,” Kagome giggled.
“That would be appropriate,” Miroku commented with a lecherous grin, causing Sango to whack him upside the head.
“We should get going, its getting late,” Sango sighed, handing the pictures back to Kagome and allowing Shippou to jump out of her lap before she stood. Everyone said their goodbyes and then all was quiet. Kagome let out a sigh as she went to sit back down by her mate after seeing her friends out.
“What's wrong?” Inuyasha asked, pulling her into his lap and resting his chin on her shoulder.
“How are we going to collect the rest of the shards? There are only, like, five left. Two of which Kouga has, one is with Kohaku. Where are the other two?” she asked him, petting Shippou's tail when he crawled into her lap. “I just feel sort of restless.”
“I can't help but feel the same way,” Inuyasha mumbled into her neck. “But I can promise you that nothing will happen to you or our pups. We'll deal with the shards later, right now we concentrate on the pup.”
“Nothing better happen to you too,” Kagome growled.
Inuyasha chuckled and nipped her neck. “Of course. What kind of mate would I be if I left you alone?”
“Good,” Kagome responded sternly. “But now its time for dinner.”
Inuyasha stood after giving her neck a quick lick and started towards the door. “Come on runt, lets go catch the wench some grub,” he called. Shippou jumped enthusiastically out of Kagome's lap and scurried after the half-demon. Kagome smiled and stood up, moving to ready the fire pit. She paused as a shiver ran down her back and the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. A shadow moved behind her and she gasped before screaming as she was grabbed. She yelled out her mate's name before darkness claimed her.
Inuyasha was watching Shippou stalk a rabbit from up on a branch. He felt pride swell in him as he watched his pup move to keep downwind of the rodent. Though, when the wind shifted, he was suddenly bombarded with Kagome's fearful scent and the scent of Kouga.
He heard her scream and then yell his name. Fear rose up in him and he jumped out of the tree, grabbed Shippou and sprinted back to his home and, hopefully, his unharmed mate. Shippou squeaked in protest as he was grabbed up by his surrogate father, but kept quiet on their way back to the house.
Inuyasha flung the front doors aside and burst into the home to seeKouga hunched over Kagome's prone figure.
“Get away from her!” Inuyasha yelled, pulling out the Tetsusaiga and leveling it at the offender. Kouga looked up at Inuyasha and growled at him.
"What did you do to my woman?!" he roared.
"She ain't your woman you flea bitten mongrel! She's MY MATE!" Inuyasha roared.
"Not if I can help it," Kouga growled. He picked up Kagome and before Inuyasha could react, he was gone in a cloud of dust, utilizing the two shards that they had yet to reclaim.
The room was plunged into a tense quiet haze, save for the labored breathing of the half-demon. Inuyasha roared just as Miroku and Sango barreled into the house.
“What happened?!” Sango asked hurriedly as she hefted the Hiraikotsu.
“He took her! That fuckerKouga took her!” Inuyasha yelled. He tossed Shippou none too gently to Miroku, who caught him, and sheathed the Tetsusaiga while saying, “Watch the runt. I'm going to find that bastard.” Before anyone could dispute him, Inuyasha was gone, sprinting faster than he ever had through his forest.
He searched and searched for any scent that even resembled Kouga's. He leapt from tree to tree, barely touching the branches that he landed on. A powerful surge of demonic energy stopped him in his tracks. He jumped to the forest floor and was soon joined by Sesshomaru.
“To what does this Sesshomaru owe the pleasure of you being here, little brother?” asked the powerful demon lord.
“Kouga stole my mate,” Inuyasha growled, sick and tired of everyone getting in his way of finding his mate.
“The priestess?” Sesshomaru asked, slight shock seeping into his voice.
“Yeah, now if you don't get outta my way, there's not going to be anything left of you for that toad of yours to clean up!” Inuyasha answered in a growl.
“Calm yourself, Inuyasha,” Sesshomaru spoke, surprising said half-demon with the use of his name. “This Sesshomaru will be able to provide assistance.”
“How so?” Inuyasha asked, his voice calming slightly.
“This Sesshomaru has lands boardering the wolf's. This Sesshomaru knows for a fact that the wolf has not been near his normal den in quite some time, but his scent drifts more from the Northwest mountain range. If we travel that way, we may find her.”
“Indeed. This Sesshomaru will accompany you.”
“What? Why?”
“This Sesshomaru would rather not make an enemy of his ruling partner of the west and his priestess mate, who is quite the adversary in and of herself.”
“Keh, whatever, just don't get in my way,” Inuyasha growled as he changed his direction and prepared to take off.
“So long as you do not get in this Sesshomaru's way.” The two brothers and unlikely allies took off towards the Northwest mountain range and hopefully towards Kagome.
When Kagome awoke, the first thing that she noticed was that she was cold and that she was laying on something that was also cold and hard. She slowly opened her eyes to see that she was in a minimally lit cave; the only source of light coming from a small hole near the ceiling. She groaned and gingerly touched the knot at the base at her head. Where am I?
The light steadily grew as a figure walked towards her with a torch. When her eyes adjusted to the minimal light, she noticed that the figure was Kouga. His countenance was very gray and a frown marred his face.
"Why did you bring me here, Kouga?" Kagome asked, glaring at her one time friend.
"You betrayed me, Kagome," Kouga growled at her. "You were supposed to be my mate, carry my pups!"
"I never betrayed you!" Kagome yelled indignantly. "I don't love you! I didn't want to be your mate!"
"We'll see about that," Kouga said in a deadly voice. "Once I rid you of that spawn taking up room in your belly."
Kagome grew pale at his words and placed her hand protectively over her stomach. "You wouldn't," she whispered, her eyes tearing slightly at the thought of losing Inuyasha's child.
"You're going to be my mate, Kagome, and to do that, you can't be carrying around that dead weight," Kouga explained. He started walking towards her, but ran into a barrier of priestess energy. He backed up and looked down at the priestess who was sitting on the ground, glaring up at him.
"I will not allow you to harm this child, Kouga," Kagome hissed. "And don't think that Inuyasha won't find me, because he will, and you will probably end up being one dead wolf. You could just let me go now and save yourself. Go find Ayame and mate her. She'll bare strong full wolf pups for you."
"I don't want Ayame," Kouga growled. "And don't think so much of your precious half demon. He'll be dead before he can even find you." Kouga turned and left, leaving Kagome encased in her barrier. 'Oh, please hurry Inuyasha,' she thought.
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I edited the fifth chapter, because there were some major inconsistencies between this and the first chapter, which I just realized now. Why didn't anyone mention it to me? You read it as well! Anyway, there it was, reposted. Review again please!