InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Grope Lest Ye Be Groped ❯ The Third Incident ( Chapter 3 )
Notes: Forgive me for the delay. I don't usually write shounen-ai or yaoi, as I'm not a big fan of it. Therefore, this chapter doesn't really contain any graphic instances of it. Even so, if you're one of those people who isn't a fan of such things, you can simply skip over the part, you won't miss much believe me. And about the plot hole, I'm well aware that the Tetsusaiga acts as an anchor for Inuyasha's youkai blood and that separation from it would cause him to become a mindless killing machine. But my story takes place before that information is revealed in the sixteenth volume collection of the manga. For the sake of the story, that information is still unknown. Enjoy the chapter.
Disclaimer: Inuyasha "Sengoku o-Togi Zoushi" is the property of Rumiko Takahashi.
The Third Incident or Hot Spring Shenanigans and Inuyasha, You Too?
Miroku was in pain. Usually getting hit with Sango's boomerang was a mere irritation, but after being nearly strangled by Inuyasha beforehand, the pain seemed even more intense. While any other person might have been discouraged, if being groped by Sango and dominated by Kagome (An episode Miroku wanted greatly to continue) had warranted such punishments, he had decided the events to be worth it.
When he regained his senses, Miroku rubbed his sore head and blinked rapidly. There had seemed to be a great deal of anger behind Sango's blow, though he couldn't understand why.
"Houshi-sama," Sango spoke impatiently. "Your explanation?"
Miroku glanced at her and realized that Kagome and Inuyasha had ceased their arguing and were listening intently. Or in Inuyasha's case, watching him murderously.
Charm isn't going to work this time, Miroku mused warily. And while it pains me to do so, it looks like I must reveal the unfortunate truth.
And so he did. From start to finish, Miroku divulged everything. He was only interrupted once when Inuyasha (who had recently regained the power to stand upright) moved forward, growling something about killing him.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before Kagome subdued him once again. Such matters were all too typical.
"What were you gonna do Miroku?" Inuyasha inquired from below once he had finished speaking. "Tell us about this after Kagome and Sango had slept with you?"
Both women colored slightly, while Miroku frowned.
"Surely not. I would have made them well aware of what was happening before they decided to bear my child. And if afterwards we decided to rest-"
Another blow to the head by Sango's boomerang silenced Miroku. Kagome was angry enough to want to do the same, but since she held the groggy Shippou, she had nothing blunt enough to use against the monk's hard head.
Standing over the dazed form of Miroku, Sango gave a sigh. "This makes things very difficult. How are we to continue searching for Shikon fragments and battling Naraku, when at any moment Kagome and I may lose our senses?"
"How should I know?" Inuyasha replied crossly. Being subdued twice on the sharp, rocky ground had done little to improve his temperament. "This curse deals only with Miroku, maybe if stay away from him, you won't be affected.
Kagome sweatdropped. "That's easier said than done."
Standing once again (and giving Kagome a cold look) Inuyasha snorted. "Feh. Well unless you want to end up the mother of his children, you better."
Blushing wildly, Kagome nodded. "Right…" Keeping Miroku away from us is another story entirely.
Perhaps sharing her thoughts, Inuyasha gave the fallen Miroku a dark glare. "He tries anything else before we get this curse fixed, he won't have to worry about the hellhole killing him, because I'll tear his damn head off."
"Hopefully it won't come to that." Sango remarked.
"Knowing Miroku," Kagome responded warily, "It just might."
A short distance away, Jaken, a toad youkai and (perhaps a little too) loyal retainer of Sesshoumaru, Lord of the Western Lands, full-blooded dog youkai and Inuyasha's half-brother, was brooding.
Jaken considered himself a creature of high intelligence (one would have to be to remain in Sesshoumaru's presence), yet he had not been able to perceive the reason for the most recent failures. His fair lord had lost his precious arm while trying to attain the Tetsusaiga, the Iron Pulverizing Fang that could fall a thousand youkai in one swoop.
Most demeaning of all, it was Inuyasha who had been able to able to wield Tetsusaiga's power, when he was nothing more than a lowbrow hanyou whose appearance was nearly as foul as his mouth.
Smirking slightly at the thought, Jaken didn't notice Sesshoumaru as he silently came up right behind him. Though his voice, calm and emotionless as always, caused the smaller youkai to jump, nearly dropping the Staff of Heads to the ground.
"He has been here." It was a simple statement, but then Sesshoumaru was the kind of youkai to engage in conversation and afternoon tea. Jaken didn't need to guess of whom his master was referring to.
"This area almost reeks of his scent." Sesshoumaru continued, a miniscule frown crossing his handsome, (who says only females wear make up) face.
"What are we to do now Sesshoumaru-sama?" Jaken asked, barely concealing his eagerness. He then gulped when his lord fixed him with an unreadable look.
While mentally entertaining ideas of disembowelment, Sesshoumaru turned away and began walking. Killing Jaken would be too quick, too painless and ultimately useless in the end. Good help was so hard to find.
Sesshoumaru continued on, ignoring Jaken's irksome pleas for him to slow down. He had far more important matters to consider, matters such as how he would procure the Tetsusaiga from his worthless brother and how slowly he would kill him…
"There's no way in hell I'm getting in there!"
"I don't see why you're getting all worked up."
"Whaduya mean 'worked up?"
"You are worked up! Who goes through all this over bathing?"
"And it isn't like you don't need to. I bet that dead rabbit smells better than you."
"What was that you little brat?!"
From a smart distance, Sango watched the developing melee with a sliver of amusement and a great amount of exasperation. For the last ten minutes, Kagome had been trying to convince Inuyasha to take advantage of the hot springs they had been lucky enough to stumble across. And for ten minutes, Inuyasha had blatantly refused her.
Normally, Sango would have shared an understanding look with Miroku, but though her anger with him had slightly ebbed, he was standing ten feet away from her, thereby rendering 'the look' useless.
"I still don't understand the big problem." Kagome continued, annoyance in her voice and bemusement on her face. "It's just a bath."
Inuyasha made a sound of frustration. "That's not the point!"
"Then what is the point?"
What indeed? Inuyasha's dislike of water was well known. But for him to carry on about it (especially when he really needed it) was most unusual. But it was finally Shippou who provided the greatly wanted answer.
"You may be full of courage when it comes to battles, but you sure are acting like a coward. It's because you're scared of Miroku's curse, isn't it?
"I am not scared!" Inuyasha retorted indignantly. He didn't try and attack Shippou as he normally would, Kagome had been extremely easygoing with the use of the word "Osuwari" lately and the hanyou didn't feel like bruising his ribs for the third time that day.
And from his position scant feet away, Miroku couldn't resist a jibe.
"As flattered as I am Inuyasha, please forgive me if I do not return your advances." He spoke eloquently, giving the furious hanyou his most scintillating of smiles.
Inuyasha scowled, but the memory of pain kept him from maiming the smart-aleck monk. "You're really askin' for it Miroku."
"When isn't he?" Kagome muttered exasperatedly. Having heard her, Sango gave a light laugh, causing Kagome to smile slightly in return. Still, the moment of ease didn't resolve the original problems, those being Miroku's new curse and Inuyasha's unpleasant aroma.
But Kagome still had one more card to play, one that would change everything…
Inuyasha was mad. Or to be quite frank, he was livid. Anger, fury, and irritation…any such emotions save for happiness or sorrow coursed through him, making him want to hurt something. Or more precisely, someone.
Without warning, a splash of water of water hit Inuyasha in the back of his head, causing him to turn and glower at the guilty party. Shippou grinned back at him triumphantly from the edge of the spring.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Inuyasha inquired furiously, resisting the instinctive urge to shake the water off.
"You missed a spot." Shippou replied with mock-helpfulness. "I thought I would help you."
"You wanna help me? Then get your ass over here so I can-"
"Need I remind you of Kagome-sama's threat, were you to hurt Shippou in her absence?" Miroku interrupted dryly, a small distance away. Unlike his companion, he was enjoying the effects of the warm water.
Inuyasha snorted. He remembered well enough what Kagome had said to 'convince' him to go through with it. Something about using Osuwari to subdue him into next Tuesday. Inuyasha hadn't believed her at the time, but after she subdued him five times straight, he quickly changed his mind. And possibly broken numerous bones in the process.
Sango, Kagome and Kirara had then gone to bathe in a separate part of the spring and left Inuyasha, Miroku and Shippou to do the same. So far, water unpleasantness aside; things had been going unusually well. How quickly that was about to change.
"I wish only this unsightly wall wasn't here." Miroku spoke forlornly, gesturing to the barrier that separated Inuyasha, Shippou and himself from their female companions.
Shippou gave him a curious look. "Really? How come?"
"This wall provides a terrible obstruction of Sango and Kagome-sama's luscious br-"
One minute Miroku was speaking, the next he was gurgling. He should have expected something to happen, Inuyasha was bathing with him after all. But being wildly optimistic as well as hormonally driven, Miroku was caught off guard nonetheless. Such is the effect of someone trying to drown you.
Yet, as quickly as he had been pushed under water, Miroku was roughly pulled out of it. Relief washed over him, as the waterlogged monk began coughing. He thought he heard Shippou shouting something over the sound, but was unable to say anything in return.
Then it happened. Faster than Miroku could process, he was shoved against the rough, stone wall. He was about to protest, when he noticed something that froze him. Inuyasha's eyes were glassy, a very familiar and very disturbing blank. And when he put his clawed hands on either side of Miroku's shoulders…
Sweet Buddha. Inuyasha was looking at him like, like…Miroku didn't want to continue that thought process. Rather, he took stock of his situation. He was pressed against a jagged wall by a lust-crazed hanyou who was inches away from…
And they were both nude.
The situation had become terrifying. But just when Miroku assumed things couldn't get any worse and that Inuyasha's lips would be the last thing he saw, for once he regained his senses, Miroku was positive the hanyou would kill him, things did grow worse.
For a low, emotionless voice suddenly came from above "Inuyasha…only you would be so foolish to carry out your mating affairs with a human male," The speaker paused, frowning for a moment. "Unguarded." Still holding onto Miroku, Inuyasha glanced upward and growled. Miroku followed his gaze and felt his blood run cold.
Standing coolly upon a branch of a nearby tree, his white hair flailing slightly in a light wind, was none other than…
In our next chapter, "The Fourth Incident or Miroku Gets a Feeling and Sesshoumaru has a Soft Side?"