InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Growing up ❯ Our first meeting ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha! I forget who does.
Inuyasha sat in the edge of a park letting the sand fall between his fingers. He sighed thinking of all the insults the other children said to him. I know I'm different, I know I'm half demon. Why do they have to remind me all the time? If it weren't for these ears I could blend in better. Inuyasha felt a tear run down his face as he rubbed a bruise he got from when a teenager threw a rock at him. I better not tell Sesshoumaru or he'll get mad and hunt the person down and get in trouble he thought again. He would have loved for that human to get in trouble by Sesshoumaru but he couldn't risk it, Sesshoumaru would have to leave and Inuyasha would have to live with his grandparents that hated him. Tears started to fall. The bruise hurt, the words the other children had spat at him hurt, and everything in him ached.
“You okay?” a girlish voice asked. Inuyasha looked up and saw a black haired girl standing over him with a concerned look on her face. She was wearing green shorts and a white shirt; in one hand she held her sandals. Inuyasha dumbly nodded. “You got dog ears. Are you a demon?” she asked.
“Sorta, I'm a half demon,” Inuyasha answered and winced ready for her to throw something at him or runaway screaming.
“Cool, I've never seen a half demon before,” she smiled, “my names Kagome. What's yours?”
“Inuyasha. So you're not going to throw something at me?” he asked, quite confused.
“Nope,” Kagome sat down beside him and looked at his outfit. A white shirt that was splotched with red paint, red pants and bare feet. “Where are your shoes?” kagome asked curiously.
“I don't like them and Sesshoumaru says I don't have to wear them if I don't want to,” Inuyasha answered looking at his feet, wiggling his toes.
“Who's that? Is this Sesshoumaru your daddy?” Kagome asked innocently.
“No, He's my older brother. My mommy and daddy are dead,” Inuyasha looked once more at the sand.
“Oh. Sorry,” Kagome looked at the sand as well, “how old is he?”
“In human or demons years?” Inuyasha looked at Kagome.
“There's a difference?” Kagome raised an eyebrow. Inuyasha nodded. “Okay demon and human years then,” Kagome answered,
“In demon years he's about twenty one or twenty two. In human years he's about a thousand,” Inuyasha said proudly.
“Wow. That's old. Is he a half demon too?” Kagome asked in awe.
“No he's a full demon and own all our fathers businesses,” Inuyasha answered. A ring could be heard. Inuyasha pulled a cell phone out of his back pocket. Kagome stared wide eyed. Inuyasha answered “okay Sesshoumaru, I'll be back soon. Bye,” Inuyasha turned off the cell phone.
“You have a cell phone?” Kagome was still wide eyed.
“Yea. Sesshoumaru's always so busy with everything that he couldn't take me anywhere, so he bought me a cell phone so I could go where I wanted to and call him if there was any trouble and he could call me to get me to come back,” Inuyasha smiled. Kagome gasped at the sight of his fangs then giggled. Inuyasha smiled again and barked like a dog and got on all fours just to make Kagome laugh.
A woman walked up to the park. A woman with the same black hair as Kagome wearing a pink dress skirt, a white dress shirt and held a pink dress jacket in her hand “time to come home Kagome!” she called.
“Mommy? Can I go over to Inuyasha's house?” Kagome called back. Her mother walked over there and saw Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked at the ground ready to hear her mother yell at him for being a demon.
“Maybe another day after I've talked to his parents,” her mother answered.
“I don't have any parents,” Inuyasha said.
“Who do you live with then?” Kagome's mother asked.
“Me,” a voice said. Kagome, Inuyasha, and Kagome's mom looked over at the source. A gentleman around the age of twenty one with long silver hair looked at them. Golden eyes drifting from each one of them. His stripes well hidden by him, using his demonic abilities.
“And you are” Kagome's mother asked politely.
“Mr. Rieko; better known as Sesshoumaru,” Sesshoumaru answered and gave a slight bow. He was dressed in a suit because he had just come from a very important meeting with some people who invested in his father's businesses. Kagome's mother nodded.
“Sesshoumaru, can Kagome come over I her mommy allows it?” Inuyasha asked running up to his brother. Sesshoumaru looked at Kagome's mother.
“It's alright with me,” she said.
“Very well, she may come over,” Sesshoumaru said.
“Yay!” Inuyasha and Kagome jumped up and down.
“What time should I have her home by?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“Hmm, whenever she's ready,” Kagome's mother answered. Sesshoumaru nodded and headed for home with Inuyasha and Kagome following close behind.
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That's it for chapter one! Tell me what you think!