InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Growing up ❯ First day ( Chapter 4 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I remembered again! I don't own Inuyasha! I own the character Suka though! Of that I am sure!
Inuyasha looked at Sesshoumaru. Inuyasha is ten now and going into grade five. Since Inuyasha was old enough to get schooled, he had been home schooled. This would be his first year with other kids his own age.
Since Inuyasha and Kagome met, they had been in separable, except when school started and they had to be separated. Kagome had finally talked Inuyasha into going to her school to be taught.
“Sesshoumaru, do I have to go today?” Inuyasha whined,
“Yes. School starts today and you're the one who wanted to give this a try now go. Your friend is waiting for you,” Sesshoumaru answered, leaning back in the driver's seat of the car. Sesshoumaru never called Kagome but her name. It was always Inuyasha's friend or something along those lines. Inuyasha nodded and reluctantly got out of the car. He walked up to the front door and looked around for Kagome. As he did people pushed him out of the way and called him `half-breed'. His eyes stung with tears at he refused to let out. Finally he saw Kagome.
“Kagome! Over here!” Inuyasha shouted and waved to Kagome. She smiled and came over. “Is school always this crowded?” Inuyasha asked. His ears were turning in every direction at all the noise. “I never knew so much sound could come from humans,” Inuyasha covered his ears at it all. Kagome pulled Inuyasha's hands away from his ears.
“You get used to it. It gets quieter after the bell rings,” Kagome explained. Inuyasha nodded and followed Kagome inside and to their classroom. Since it was the first day, everyone got to choose their seats. There were other demons there and there were humans and they sat on opposite side of the classroom. Kagome and Inuyasha had a row each all to themselves. All over there were murmurs,
“A demon and a human, together? Who has ever heard of such a thing?”
“Not me. Demons and humans should never be together. It's against the law of nature.”
“Wait. He's no demon! He's a half-breed!”
The words stung in Inuyasha's ears. Kagome held his hand tight, “don't let those words bother you. They just can't see you for you.” Inuyasha smiled. Kagome always knew what to say to make him feel better.
“Thanks Kagome,” Inuyasha whispered to her.
Sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted to post one so all you faithful readers would know I'm not deleting the story