InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Guilty Conscience ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A Guilty Conscience Another Short-fic by FireStorm777

"Oh, no. Where'd it go?"

"Where'd what go, Kagome?"

"Hey, Sango. I left a bottle of willow bark oil out near my pack… it's gone now. Have you seen it?"

"Gomen, no. Why are you carrying willow bark oil for?"

"It's for Kaede's arthritis. I made some last week for my muscles cramps and I thought that it might work for Kaede's joints."

"Oh, that's nice of you. I'm sure it'll turn up. I have an idea, Shippou's always going through your backpack… maybe he's seen it?"

"Gomen! Great idea! I'll go find him."


"Hey! Shippou, what is this stuff?" ::sniff sniff::

"I dunno. But I wouldn't mess with it InuYasha. Kagome said not to mess with it. Maybe it's some sort of miko potion."

"Keh."It smells like Kagome. ::Sniff sniff::

"InuYashaaaaa! What are you doing?"

"None of your business, runt." ::smack::

::Run away:: "Kagomeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Keh, runt." ::picks up the bottle:: I wanna keep this smell. It's so… comforting. So much like my Kagome. Maybe just a few droplets on my inner kimono and nobody will notice?

::Shippou comes back and jumps up onto InuYasha with fury in his eyes while the dog demon still has the bottle opened:: "Ooooh, you are sooo lucky I couldn't kind Kagome. She's sit you for sure, Baka."

"I'm not the baka, Baka! You spilled this stuff all over my hakama!"

"Whoops!" ::run and hide::


"Shippou-chan? Have you seen my willow bark oil?"

"Uh, hi Kagome" :squirm::

"Hi. Have you seen it?"

"No, not lately… You might want to ask Dog-boy."

"InuYasha? Where is he?"

"By the well."

"Ok, thanks."

"Welcome!" ::chuckle::


"Hey, InuYasha?"

::freeze:: "What?"

::from across the clearing:: "Have you seen my willow bark oil? It WAS by my back pack."

Oh, so THAT'S what this is. "Um, no. I don't think so."Good thing she can't smell it…

::Kagome walks over to InuYasha and he naturally takes her small hand in his own::

"InuYasha, you smell really good."

"Uh, Arigato!" ::fidget::

::Sitting under tree, Kagome sits against InuYasha's chest as she has been for the past few weeks. InuYasha's hands clasp around her waist::

"I love you, you know."

"I do. I love you, you know."

"I do." ::girly giggle:: ::sniff sniff: You smell really good, InuYasha. Did you take a bath? There's a beautiful spring farther down in the woods with the most gorgeous willows around it and… WAIT" ::Touches his knee:: "Is your hakama WET?"



"Gomen- I didn't know- I- just- it- smelled like you and I-"



"Violent bitch. I said gomen."

"Why did you put my willow bark oil all over your legs?"

"I told you. It smelled like YOU. I only wanted to put a few drops on my inner kimono but Shippou knocked it over on me."


::sits against tree:: "Sorry Kagome."

"You wanted the oil because it smelled like me?"

"I said it, didn't I?"

"Oh, InuYasha! You're such a sweetheart!" ::showering him with tiny kisses::
