InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow ❯ Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
A shiver went through Kagome in her sleep, and an odd feeling pricked at her scalp, waking her up. Clutching her sleeping bag, she opened her eyes.
`Strange, my head feels cold,' Kagome thought, her hand reaching for her head to find…she was bald.
Kagome's shriek woke everyone in the camp up. InuYasha nearly fell out of his tree in his haste to get to her.
“Kagome, what happened?” InuYasha said, rushing to her side.
Jaw dropping in shock, InuYasha stared at weeping Kagome, who clutched her head and would not look at him. Before she could answer, they heard the sounds of kitsune laughter. A snarl curled his lip as he looked up at Shippo who was pointing at InuYasha and laughing. The snarl turned to a smirk as he noticed…Shippo's hair was gone as well. At the same time it dawned on InuYasha…
“God damn it, my hair is gone too!”
The hanyous ears flattened against his shorn head, as he said, “If you would stop laughing a moment runt, you'd notice you're also bald!”
The kitsune shut up suddenly, eyes wide, and his hands flew to his round bald head as he began to snivel.
“Don't look at me!” Sango snapped peevishly at Miroku, and hunched her shoulders, her hands on her head.
The houshi and the taija were shiny scalped as well.
“What happened to us,” Kagome whispered, wiping tears from her eyes.
“Some kind of youkai attack, I surmise,” Miroku replied. “And don't worry, you are lovely bald dear Sango.”
The taijya would not look up at Miroku, just grumbled. Miroku shrugged, and gave the others a look as if to say, `Well, I tried…' It even made a red eyed Kagome smile for a moment.
“What do you suggest we do?” Kagome said. “Will it come back - will poor Kirara be next?”
The neko had been dozing peacefully, just one ear cocked to listen to the conversation. For some reason its fur was intact…but at what Kagome said, Kirara rose up, arching her back and hissing. Then it changed to its youkai form and stalked into the forest. This appealed to InuYasha - he hated to not take action on something, even something as weird as this.
“We'll be back,” InuYasha said. “If this youkai is around, we'll find it. You baldies all stay here.”
“InuYasha!” Kagome said in a huff. “May I remind you that you are bald as well?”
“Keh, it will grow back by tomorrow,” InuYasha replied, disappearing after the neko..
A few hours later, they made their triumphant return. They'd found the gorged creature sleeping, and InuYasha made short work of it.
“That is great InuYasha,” Kagome said. “But... we are still bald.”
“We can always use InuYashas hair for wigs!” Shippo said.
InuYasha looked outraged and ready to pounce, but was stopped by Kagome's sad expression.
In a few days the whole InuTachi wore silver-haired wigs, which caused quite an uproar in the villages for a while as they traveled….