InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half and Half ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Everybody reveiwed I was so happy when I looked I got 8 reveiws In one day. *tear*

So I had the story saved on my computer from the first time I read it and I'm almost done uploading all of the chapters. It will take a little more time to update after I finish the the ninth chapter because I have to type the rest. How many reveiws I get helps me decide how fast to type so keep reveiwing

Disclaimer* I don't own Inu Yasha and the gang. And even though I forgot to write a disclaimer in the last 5 or 6 chapters I didn't own them then either. Once again I didn't write the first 9 chapters, Naoko Cat Girl did. My part comes soon. It gets very exciting if I do say so myself.

Kagome's eyes were red and puffy as she escorted her friends to the door.

"Won't you come with us for a last trip to the ice cream shop?" they pleaded.

Kagome really wanted to, and considered Inuyasha's reaction to ice cream, but

decided against it. It was time she confronted her family.

"No, I'm sorry. I really need to start packing." she said quietly. They all gave

her farewell hugs and a few more tears were shed, and she said she would try to

visit. She really hated lying to her friends about the circumstances of her

departure, but it was necessary. They couldn't know about the truth.

Ari turned to Inuyasha, who had been silently observing all this.

"You take care of her. If she's unhappy, I'll never forgive you." she said, her

eyes serious. Inuyasha wondered at why he should be concerned about not being

forgiven by this insignificant human, but he wisely didn't pronounce these

thoughts. The more important thing was that he was going to take care of Kagome,

or else he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. He nodded, his eyes just as

serious as Ari's, and she smiled.

"I wish we had gotten to know you better," she said, "but I know Kagome loves

you, so that's enough. We've just been waiting for you guys to realize it."

Emmi and Ayumi agreed, and added their warnings to Inuyasha. He promised that he

wouldn't let Kagome get hurt, and unconciously reiforced his statement by

wrapping his arm around her. This let forth a series of sighs from the three

girls, and a mild blush on Kagome's face.

A few more tears, a few more hugs, a lot more promises, and they were gone.

Kagome watched her three best friends exit her life, probably forever, and

leaned against Inuyasha. He wrapped his arm tighter around her, as if trying to

protect her from the pain inside her own heart. A noise behind them made her

ears attempt to perk up, but they were too squashed under the horrid headband.

She turned, and saw her mother.

"Mom." she said quietly, her voice husky.

"Kagome." her mother brought her gently into a long embrace. Inuyasha stood

awkwardly, feeling out of place. Mrs. Higurashi pulled Kagome away gently, and

looked her in the face. She noticibly stiffened, and licked her thumb to rub

away the makeup on her cheeks, revealing the blue lines. She stared at them,

almost as if hypnotized, and at the slitted eyes. Kagome reached up and pulled

off the torturous headband, and her sore ears sprung up in relief. Her mother

gasped, and softly touched them, her eyes full of quetions, curiousity, and

love. Always love. Kagome had never looked into her mothers eyes without seeing

love, even in the occasional temper flare, or even when those eyes contained

disappointment Like a bright light, her unconditional love still shined through.

Kagome had never met another person as loving as her mother, and only hoped

someday she might inherit this quality.

Kagome took her mother by the hand and led her and sat her on the couch, to

begin the long tale. Inuyasha had had enough of womanly sentiment, emotion and

tears, it upset him to no amount. He slipped out of the room, and began

wandering through Kagome's house. He first came to the kitchen. It was a

promising place, with no end of interesting appliances and edibles, but last

time he had tried to explore the kitchen, Kagome had gotten quite angry at him,

and made him promise to only experiment with things with her supervision. He

looked to the living room guiltily, tempted to forgo this promise. He was bored.

He opened the fridge aand poked around in the contents. He remembered some of

this stuff from earlier visits, but a lot of it was unfamiliar to him. He

glanced again to the living room. Kagome would never know. He gleefully picked

up the first thing he saw. He held it in both hands and examined it carefully.

It was some kind of brownish liquid, trapped within a strange see through

container. He glanced the label of it, and read it out loud.

"Choc-oh-late milk." Chocolate? He remembered chocolate! Kagome had brought it

with her once, and grudgingly given them each a piece. He remembered it, because

out of all the things Kagome had brought with her, it was the only thing

Inuyasha could remember her being hesitant to share. And with good reason.

Chocolate was delicious. He absently swished the jug in his hands as he tried to

find a way to get it open. The cap on it didn't want to come loose, no matter

how hard he pulled. Frustrated, he gave another tug on it, and his hand slipped

around it. He felt the cap move slightly. He eagerly began twisting the cap

around until it was free. He raised the jug to drink from, when a memory of

Kagome flashed back into his mind. She had admonished him once for not using a

cup. He sighed, but not wanting to get into anymore trouble then he was sure

he'd probably get into, he grudgingly put the milk jug on the counter and began

searching the cabinets for the cups. He was soon distracted from his quest,

though, by a big shiny thing. He crept up to the enormous metal structure, with

interesting knobs and buttons that would do who knows what kind of things. There

were all sorts of strange objects in Kagome's time, and they fulfilled all sorts

of unusual tasks. He wanted to know what this one was for. He looked as one

entranced at the knobs, and reached out to one. He hesitated, and then turned

in. Nothing happened. He frowned, then turned another one, and another. There

seemed to be no effect. Puzzled, he inspected some other parts of the shiny

thingamajig. They were oddly shaped, like snakes curled up, ready to strike. He

tentatively touched the thing, and drew back his hand sharply. It was hot! He

hadn't actually burned himself, but the heat had surprised him nontheless. He

watched in wonder as the thing slowly turned red with heat. He then notced two

of the three other snake things heating up as well. He looked at the fourth, but

it didn't seem to be doing anything. He slowly, almost regretfully, put out his

hand. It darted to the burner, touched it a moment, and darted back. It wasn't

hot! But why not? He contemplated this. Something had to have happened that made

these things heat up. He looked back at the stove, and it clicked. The knobs he

had turned before, they activated these heating things! So, if he put the knobs

back like they had been, these heating things would turn of.. He turned two of

the knobs back, and sure enough, the heat radiating from the thing lessened. He

realized these were probably used to cook things on. He could see the advantages

to this. Unlike the wood fire he would have had to use to cook things in his

time, these things would go on and off at a touch, and didn't require wood. One

would never have to worry about finding dry wood in a thunderstorm, or having a

warm meal in the middle of a snowstorm. He marveled at the technology of this

thing, that it would rid so many problems and concerns with the turn of a knob.

Not to mention the concern of getting something to eat.... Suddenly Inuyasha

realized he was hungry. He looked back at the stove and grinned. Perhaps he

could make use of this metal wonder of Kagome's time.


Kagome and Mrs. Higurashi hadn't noticed Inuyasha's absence. They had their

little mother to daughter talk, catching up on the past couple of weeks. Kagome

told her story, and Mrs. Higurashi asked her about her friends, and what kind of

story she had fed them. Kagome told her, and the elser woman laughed. She said

with Emmi's sense of romance, Ayumi's imagination, and Ari's gullibility, it was

exactly the kind of story the three would fall for. She told how they had been

dropping by almost every day after school, and she had been hard worked to keep

them away from Grandfather, who still insisted creating the most aweful

diseases, and trying to make up excuses herself. Kagome laughed as her mother

rattled off the new list of diseases Kagome hadn't known she had aquired. They

talked then about how things were going on both sides of the well, and were so

caught up in catching up it was understandable that neither noticed that

Inuyasha had left. Finally, Kagome realized it in a rush, and immediately began

worrying about where he had wandered off to.

"Inuyasha?" she called, trying to locate him. "Now where did he go?"

"I don't remember when he left," Mrs. Higurashi honestly replied. Kagome stood

up, and headed to the kitchen. She hoped he hadn't made another dreadful mess

like last time. She grimaced as she recalled Inuyasha covered in flour, his

sensitive nose sneezing violently and the fridge open with an overturned carton

of juice, eggshells, and various vegetables spilled out on the floor. She

prepared herself for the worst as she opened up the door, and was surprised to

see Inuyasha sitting down quite civilly at the table, with the kitchen

completely intact. He turned to her as he heard the door open, and Kagome could

see he was perfectly alright, besides having a chocolate milk mustache. She

giggled as she made her way towards him. He smiled and held up something

proudly. It was a cup of steaming instant ramen.

It took a minute to register.

"Did Souta help you get something to eat?"

He shook his head, a chocolately smile still on his face.

"I did it by myself, boiled the water and everything, on that metal contraption

over there." he pointed to the stove. Kagome looked at the stove. It wasn't a

flaming ball, and it was even turned off!

"You figured out the stove?" she said, a little unbelievingly. Inuyasha looked

at her curiously.

"Is that what it's called?" She nodded, and he proudly explained how he had

discovered it's purpose and made the ramen all by himself. Kagome was a little

more than amazed. For him to reason out the purpose and ways to use the stove

required intelligence she hadn't known he had. For some reason, she had always

perceived Inuyasha as dense, even ignorant. It didn't bug her, she still loved

him, but now she saw she was wrong. She realized that his lack of knowledge had

come from spending a life time isolated and away from people and youkai alike,

never really communicating. So, when he had appeared stupid and ignorant,it had

really just been that he was nieve. She marveled at the new side of Inuyasha she

had found, and loved him all the more for it. She reached up and wiped away the

milk mustache that still stayed on his face, and followed it up with a kiss.

Inuyasha was startled at this spontaneous act of afection, but soon melted into


Kagome savored the feel on his lips aginst hers, and even the chocolately taste

the kiss had. In fact, from that day onward, whenever shedrank chocolate milk,

she was reminded of that kiss.

*****~~~~~------------------------------------------------------~~~~~*** **

two more chapters and my part starts*yeah*

Don't neglect the poor little review button. You know you want to tell me what you think give me some feedback I love it.