InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half is Whole ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Miroku looked down at his hand, he had barely been able to look away from it since it had become whole. His entire life he had been sure that his kazaana would consume him and end his life. Now that it was gone he could scarcely believe it, so far he'd been unable to let himself remove the prayer beads he had always kept wrapped around his hand. He was still a little nervous that it might open up again the minute he got rid of the beads. He knew he'd have to get over his fear which was why he'd asked Inuyasha to accompany him to the graves of his father and grandfather. He hoped that he could lay the beads at their resting places and have the strength to leave them there and move on in his new life with Sango.
Sango the treasure that she was noticed his musings and took his hand, “It’ll be alright you know.” She stated calmly and surely, her fingers running over the place that had for so long not been there.
“I know koishii,” he said softly bringing the hand holding his to his lips, Sango blushed prettily still shy of open affection and he smiled at that. “I just need to go to the temple, it feels like the right place to leave the beads so that I may leave the pain and sorrow behind that we may live happily.”
She smiled and layed her head on his shoulder “Are you sure you don’t want me to come along?” She asked.
He smiled broadly and put his arm around her shoulder “Ah my dear sweet Sango I wish you to be with me always,” he said jovially and she couldn’t help but laugh “however this should be a quick visit no more than a few days time and I think Inuyasha and I should bond one last time before we are both married men with duties to our new wives.” He explained.
She looked up at him “Do you think they’ll marry so soon? I don’t know if they’ve even shared their feelings yet,” she said surprised.
Miroku lifted his head and glanced towards the sacred tree, the feeling of youki and reiki melding between the two had gotten even stronger over the last hour and he was sure they had at the very least shared feelings.
Sango saw which way he was looking and looked too, she could clearly sense Inuyasha’s youki and Kagome’s reiki. She had of course been trained since childhood to recognize unfriendly aura’s and even though Inuyasha was one of her closest friends he still had a demonic aura. She had been in the process of learning to sense reiki when Naraku had attacked their village so that sense wasn’t as honed as it could have been. She was however hyper aware of her adopted sister’s reiki even if she did have some trouble sensing others. She focused as best she could and could feel that something in their auras had changed a bit, she turned to Miroku and judging by his lecherous grin this meant that the couple was indeed sharing feelings at the very least. She shook her head and pulled back from him.
Miroku had been too busy trying to focus on Inuyasha and Kagome and see what they were up to that he failed to realize Songo had pulled away from him. Before he knew what was happening he found himself flat in the dirt his head pounding with the impact of hiraikotsu.
Sango growled, why did she have to fall in love with such a lecher and a snoop! “Honestly Houshi-sama do you have to put your nose in everywhere?! And we were having such a nice moment,” she groused setting the large weapon next to the hut.
He rubbed the sore spot on his had and did his best to look innocent “Koibito, I was merely checking in with our friends I wanted to see if they were as happy as we are!”
Sango sighed “I want that too,” she admitted “Kagome is like my sister I want her to be happy more than anything, Inuyasha deserves it too, he’s saved me not only from countless enemies but from myself as well.” She had a distant look on her face as she finished her thought.
Miroku took her hand, and she looked at him “All of that is behind us now, that is another reason I want to visit the temple. I can leave the beads and all negativity associated with them behind and when we return you and I can start our lives right,” she smiled at him and he kissed her hand again.
“Just hurry back I want to start building our house as soon as possible, I'm really looking forward to having a home again,” she said softly.
“I will fly back to your side as soon as my task is completed.”
Sango the treasure that she was noticed his musings and took his hand, “It’ll be alright you know.” She stated calmly and surely, her fingers running over the place that had for so long not been there.
“I know koishii,” he said softly bringing the hand holding his to his lips, Sango blushed prettily still shy of open affection and he smiled at that. “I just need to go to the temple, it feels like the right place to leave the beads so that I may leave the pain and sorrow behind that we may live happily.”
She smiled and layed her head on his shoulder “Are you sure you don’t want me to come along?” She asked.
He smiled broadly and put his arm around her shoulder “Ah my dear sweet Sango I wish you to be with me always,” he said jovially and she couldn’t help but laugh “however this should be a quick visit no more than a few days time and I think Inuyasha and I should bond one last time before we are both married men with duties to our new wives.” He explained.
She looked up at him “Do you think they’ll marry so soon? I don’t know if they’ve even shared their feelings yet,” she said surprised.
Miroku lifted his head and glanced towards the sacred tree, the feeling of youki and reiki melding between the two had gotten even stronger over the last hour and he was sure they had at the very least shared feelings.
Sango saw which way he was looking and looked too, she could clearly sense Inuyasha’s youki and Kagome’s reiki. She had of course been trained since childhood to recognize unfriendly aura’s and even though Inuyasha was one of her closest friends he still had a demonic aura. She had been in the process of learning to sense reiki when Naraku had attacked their village so that sense wasn’t as honed as it could have been. She was however hyper aware of her adopted sister’s reiki even if she did have some trouble sensing others. She focused as best she could and could feel that something in their auras had changed a bit, she turned to Miroku and judging by his lecherous grin this meant that the couple was indeed sharing feelings at the very least. She shook her head and pulled back from him.
Miroku had been too busy trying to focus on Inuyasha and Kagome and see what they were up to that he failed to realize Songo had pulled away from him. Before he knew what was happening he found himself flat in the dirt his head pounding with the impact of hiraikotsu.
Sango growled, why did she have to fall in love with such a lecher and a snoop! “Honestly Houshi-sama do you have to put your nose in everywhere?! And we were having such a nice moment,” she groused setting the large weapon next to the hut.
He rubbed the sore spot on his had and did his best to look innocent “Koibito, I was merely checking in with our friends I wanted to see if they were as happy as we are!”
Sango sighed “I want that too,” she admitted “Kagome is like my sister I want her to be happy more than anything, Inuyasha deserves it too, he’s saved me not only from countless enemies but from myself as well.” She had a distant look on her face as she finished her thought.
Miroku took her hand, and she looked at him “All of that is behind us now, that is another reason I want to visit the temple. I can leave the beads and all negativity associated with them behind and when we return you and I can start our lives right,” she smiled at him and he kissed her hand again.
“Just hurry back I want to start building our house as soon as possible, I'm really looking forward to having a home again,” she said softly.
“I will fly back to your side as soon as my task is completed.”