InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Halloween Treats ❯ Behind the Mask ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Guess what? I still don't own Inuyasha. Ms. Takahashi does!
“Behind the Mask”
by Licentia poetica
“Demon child, no questions ask.
You must perform this final task:
A mirror beast to kill my foe.
Destroy the fang; the hanyou though
Should see his love become my toy.
The slayer, too, will see the boy
Destroyed before the day is through
And anguish sweet will taint anew
The shards I hold within my grasp.”
She fought the battle, her wounds a rasp
Of pain that tore her silence through
Her soul. The doubts that came anew:
“Will I be next? I'm just his toy.
Kagura, the others, and now the boy.
Perhaps I'll fight a different foe.”
The mirror turned, and even though
Naraku screamed he died. The task
Complete, she smiled behind her mask.